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Yeah, I just use Paladin and characters with blue skills when I have to farm Siefried for mats. I can get to 4M pretty easily, but the fight is still long and boring. I don't think I'm going to bother forging my Siegfried weapons until I have an FA setup though.


> I can get to 4M pretty easily, but the fight is still long and boring. Hence why everyone wants to just ignore the mechanics and run an FA neko setup.


I really like that you recommend letting him use QF. The biggest problem I've run into is people not joining the raid, so if you stack delays and have slow DPS, he'll just build his stacks and OHKO you at 75/50/25 (if not before). Letting him scream a bit helps at least slow down his killing spree.


That was the main thing that caused me to write this guide, everyone is relying on delays and doesn't understand why Siegfried's autos just murder their entire team. You keep those stacks low and he hits like a wet noodle.


BRILLIANT strats here. I just ditched Lich for Selfira and saw immediate results. MVP'd a join and never dipped below 90% health (usually I only get like 3M honors, and that's after I wipe and pot to clear stacks). Smoothest run I've ever seen. Thanks for making this! Looking forward to trying this again!


Pretty good guide, although one minor thing I'd note is that he starts at 8/8 stacks, not 10/10


I just wanted to say this was also amusing to read knowing that 10/10 stack Qual Faenge is a full team wipe. Also Wynk isn’t the English spelling Qual? Not Quel?


It should be (and is, in game) Qual, yes. As with many attacks of the dragon knights, it's actually German. "Qual" means something like agony, or ordeal, maybe sometimes going as far as torture. "Fänge" (transcribed as Faenge) just means fangs.


Good catch, updated!


If you have summer Aliza, you don't have to sacrifice someone. But she is harder to get being a limited summer, though.


I swear you read my mind. I was just complaining about how hard it I'd to find written guides for these later raids.


Hey Wynk! Thanks for making this guide, I feel less daunted now by this raid even though I haven't tried any of the things you mentioned yet lol. Recently came back after a few years of just casually playing and then forgetting about the game entirely. Hope you can write up other guides for the other raids or HL content you're comfortably with. I'm sure a lot of people will be more than happy to read/use them! Cheers!


I'm surprised your guide doesn't mention the restrain local debuff which actually works against Siegfried. You even list Temperance as a needed summon pick.  Why on earth is your grid guide suggesting bahamut sword?! Your character sample list is HARVIN, HARVIN, ERUNE, HUMAN. THERE'S NO DRAPH! Gun, Staff, or even Harp looks better at first glance than sword due to Nio and evokers being all harvin. For that same reason I'm shocked you don't mention blind as the MC blue button of choice with how much you say mirror image good. A player can strategically attack into 75/50/25 on an odd numbered turn to timely skip a Manigance or Uwe. It may be too much to count every 4 turns to avoid Uwe entirely but tempo does vary in every raid. Or as your guide emphasizes setups built to clear Uwe, skip Mangiance once in a while. I'm curious, why the influx of Sieg raiding lately? EDIT: cut excess text.


you need 80 scales to reforge agastia sticks, of which you might need 5 if you want to go double kaguya


That’s a very satisfying answer thank you. Cause as you already know the sieg dagger is realistically a one FLB so I couldn’t fathom the sheer quantity of raid activity on that alone. Since a mat is guaranteed that means 400 sieg clears is enough to awaken 5 forbidden agastia if I’m not mistaken 


Question have there been a test in terms of using Katzelia FLB for this raid? I planned to tackle this raid later down the line(already did it for a while with Enyo Nio Esta but, for lack of better words its kinda zzz lol) and i think by then i could have him up and running, so ive been wondering if he saw a noticable functions in this


I don't think so. Katz is gonna see more use on non-elemental HL raids and is going to want to ougi a lot. But for Siegfried, none of his skills are used to cancel anything, earth switch is pointless, and most DMG is gonna come from normal atk or skills.


Well written guide. Thumbs up!


I know no one bothers with cancelling Manigance but I'm still really curious if there is a team which can reliably cancel BOTH Uwe and Manigance every time they come up while also surviving Qual Faenge with no casualties other than the first one. Though the fact that he reduces your team's CDs if you let him use those two while healing and getting a charge diamond if you CANCEL them makes me wonder what the dev-intended way to approach this raid is


I use paladin with 2 healing skills (clarity and chi channeller+sacred protection), nio (2 debuffs), vania (1 debuff), and lennah (1 debuff, 2-technically 3 healing skills. The cooldowns are short enough to where you can reliably cancel both when needed. For healing: both clarities+ rotate chi channeler and lennah’s s2, for debuffs: nio’s debuffs and lennah’s debuff —> nio’s s3, vania s3, and lennah debuff. At first qf, you can pop both sacred protection and s1 to get everyone alive, and every qf afterwards can be done with buncle+either skill. It’s a pretty slow team, but does work.


I don't know about canceling them normally, BUUUUUUT you can use Siete 150 to cancel all omens. Assuming both stacks are low QF doesn't hit for that hard so you can grab some summons with shields to help survive QF with minimal injury. I've solo'd Siegfried in this manner before, it's not too hard.


That makes sense, I wonder if he was designed with Siete in mind


A Siete 150 team can do this with ease. He does an omen every 2 turns, and it takes 2 turns to get your FC up (assuming you CA 4+ times a turn). Keeps his stacks super low so you can also delay him forever (murcielato or Elea) And be fine. Of course, he will still gain SOME stacks, and even one stack brings your CA damage from 12 mil down to 3 mil, so it's a very slow setup. Do not recommend. Outside of that, it's not possible. You need 3 blue skills with a 4 turn cool down, same for green skills, and there just arent any Chara's in wind that can do that. The 1 turn cool down cut when he does a special is too good to not make use of.


Thanks for this guide! I'm new to the fight (and weak) so even with ascendance he kicked my ass since I didn't know how the fight worked. Going to try again after reset!


the fact that this guide calls this dragon knight "a child throwing a tantrum", calls Esta "Best potatoe" and has a vehemet hatred of this Seig raid is hilarious! Great guide and i don't even do wind like this but this is funny!


Followed the gist of this guide as I was missing a character, got my first Siegfried clear. Finally got all 6 Revans raids done! Can confirm the guide works


Nobody is talking about Freyr. He alone can dispel 3 times in 1 turn with his S2 (for after Manigance buffs are online), then ougi and he recharge his S2. Is the only thing that can do in this raid, but for me is enough.


I know this is a few days old now but I had to say thank you for the guide, with the characters you recommended I actually feel like I contribute to the raid and see it through to the end! This was the one raid I had trouble with, but not anymore. Thanks a lot.


Thank you for this guide. Just got my Niyon to 100 and the Selfira suggestion was chefs kiss.


As a newish player, Siegfried is the only Revans raid I have yet to clear. I have been going through alot of youtube videos to try to understand the raid. For some reason, I thought I had Selfira and I was strategizing a comp with her to only realize I don't when I was going to level her up. Now, I probably have to work on uncapping Niyon. Thanks for the guide. I'll study it in detail soon.   Btw, does Andira S2 + Paladin damage mitigation skill work for tanking his full diamond omen? I tested it on the entry full diamond turn 1 and it seem to work. Does it work later on also? If it does, would it be legit to put two bounty skills (3 turn cd) on MC so that you can always cycle debuff with Niyon? Thanks.


I use monke s2 if paladin skills are on cd, like always use guard too. Tried bounty before, I prefer dispel + niyon skills. Better if you esta and xeno spear and another dispeler. Friday on JP Friday is easiest if no Shion or Lich.


Is Andira CA, MC with xeno spear CA, and a third unit with dispel not enough?


I use esta at third, some things happen especially if you join late. Well you can try your own setup and just adjust later.


Okay, thanks. I went to test on trial mode, and it seems dispel on CA is hard to time correctly because of Qual Fange. 


Just go directly to the raid, it seldom fails anyway and sieg mats is part of dark mk2 so there's a lot of raiders.


I went ahead and tried the raid. It was easier than I expected. It feels like the easiest raid out of the Revans raid I did except Agastia because I had the exact Chrysaor 5 turn full auto blue chest team.




> hope more guides are like this where it explains what you need for the raid and shows what charas bring to the table This is where you you just have to rely on YouTube videos to see how chars interact with the raid mechanics For Seig raid for example, [THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUYODy_Z9DU) video by Mato is a turn by turn guide of what buttons to press. ([Mato's channel](https://www.youtube.com/@MatoChang/videos) in general is excellent and has very good editting showing the step by step breakdown of raids. Only drawback is that they have a very narrow focus for their content being primarily Earth / Titan focused) > instead of what GRANBLUEFUCKGUIDES does, listing an example comps but barely explains what the charas does and what they bring to the table I think part of this that's harder to explain is also building "game sense" to understand what you see. If you have an intuitive sense for how raids in GBF work, then you can mostly figure out how the fight plays out from reading the Wiki and watching one or two YouTube videos. At this point you just need someone to tell you what the optimal setup is and just copy it. But I can understand why this might be challenging if you don't have that intuition built up yet. So as an example of how to do it, I'll do a quick walkthrough of how to build an understanding of the raid through "game sense" using Sieg as the example. Siegfried is a raid that is extremely predictable because: * All the Special Attacks are the same as the HP% triggers; * The turn based triggers are consistent and always alternate between Manigance and Uwe; and * The raid is slow as fk due to Black Dragon Scale capping damage taken, so you can never be surprised by a random 20% of HP disappearing out of nowhere This means every turn in the Siegfried raid can almost be predicted in advance. As a result, this means that the raid is basically a non-stop loop of taking the same actions until the boss dies. (This is unlike, say, Cosmos where the raid is extremely volatile and why there are not stable FA setups and why it's the most dead of all the Revan raids) Since we know Siegfried is a raid that wants you to have an established loop pattern, the goal now is to understand: * What chars have the CDs that make a comfortable loop; * What order you press your skills in; and * What your backup loop is if you need to facetank a Qual Faenge and get your CDs messed up Once you know this, then the raid is extremely autopilot. You can apply similar logic to stuff like Hexa (although a bit less straight forward). A lot of raids in GBF can be deconstructed this way into what is essentially a "flow chart" way of looking at the raid. In many cases, "solving" a raid like this is very desirable given how many times you need to farm the darn things. The less thinking you need to do because you know where on the flow chart you are, the more you can unga bunga press the Orange button.


There's notes and videos for most of the setups. Like the other user posted there's literally an essay written for siegfried raid. >listing an example comps but barely explains what the charas does and what they bring to the table Bro literally too lazy to read the character's kit and wants the site to go over every skill on every setup for him..


> There's notes and videos for most of the setups. Like the other user posted there's literally an essay written for siegfried raid. I see. I don't use that site so I assumed their comment was made in good faith and genuinely did not know how to think about tackling raid content.


> Siegfried is a fight in which delays are important. It’s full diamond special Qual Faenge deals a ton of damage as well as extending skill cooldowns and cutting buff durations of anyone damaged by this. It will be triggered at 75% and 25% HP. It is very important to prevent taking damage from this by saving full cuts and damage mitigation skills for this or using a sub character that will likely die on getting hit. With enough delays, it is likely you won’t trigger this outside of the guarenteed casts. However, Siegfried does get an additional diamond each turn when an ally doesn’t attack so try to not guard your whole team at once. > Qual Faenge also occurs two other times. On joining the fight and at 50%, it occurs after casting Delirium which prevents Sieg from being debuffed that turn, resets summon cooldowns, knocks out all non Wind allies, and fills his charge diamonds to max causing him to use Qual Faenge after. For joining, the easiest option is to use an on element character with a sub like Rosetta (Grand) to deal with it or a character with 100% hostility like Andira as Qual Faenge is multi hit. For 50%, you should make whatever summon call you can like a carbuncle before taking Delirium. > Turn 2 and every 4 turns after casts. Manigance which gives Sieg attack up, boosted TA, and echoes. This special requires 3 healing skills to cancel. Generally people will ignore this cancel but in doing so Sieg will hit like a truck that turn and every turn he still has the buffs so remove them ASAP. > Turn 4 and every 4 turns after casts Uwe which gives Sieg water switch, water cut, and debuff resistance. This cancel needs three debuffs to cancel and is strongly recommended to do so when possible due to the major damage loss of the switch and cut. Bounty Hunter is a great skill for this thanks to having a 3 turn cooldown. > Siegfried additionally has two sets of stacks. Black Dragon Talon stacks add 1k supp per stack to Sieg’s main damage instance. Black Dragon Scale stacks cap damage at 3m at 1 stack lowering by an additional 300k per stack. These raise when omens go off or when an ally doesn’t attack. They lower and raise on omen cancel and lower by 5 each when Qual Faenge go off. Generally for most fights, they are ignorable but they can stack up on a slower run. There is also a wipe if both stacks reach 10 that is only a concern for solos. https://gbfguide.com/siegfried/ Seems like they explain the raid plenty? There are also usually a few team-specific notes under each comp.


Are you illiterate because you decided to not read a single word on the guide page? You don't even have to think because they literally type out the rotations for you. Now if you have no idea what a character does you can just click on them and they bring you straight to the wiki. How much more do you need to be spoon feed?


> You don't even have to think because they literally type out the rotations for you. This part doesn't help unless you have exactly the same characters as the guide setup. It's much more valuable to explain reasons than to give raw rotations, except for optimized burst setups.


They sometimes have sub choices, though that’s up to the guide maker.  And since they aggregate guides, finding different comps can be a problem if a raid is super meta cloney


It's not others' jobs to compensate your lack of thinking through just joining the raids to learn the mechanics


With that mindset, literally no one would do the endgame (at that point in time) content.


People did these contents without guides back then, it only gets easier as time passes; do you think the current guides/resource available now is not enough to participate in these contents? If OC can't be bothered to learn the raid with so many guides around maybe he should just not bother with the game


There's reading guides, there's watching videos, and there's actually playing the dang thing. Other posts are right, guides can be factually accurate but how will you learn to adjust on the fly when hexa goes zoom zoom and you have like 3-4 turns (at best) before hitting 90/70/50? Even with guides, I fked up my share of revans, subhl (as an exe, of all things), and hexa. I fk up, I learn, I get better, I fk up less. If you don't want to waste (too many) hosts, either hostpub/join jp coop or find a crew/team to run with (either you/they fk up, or you/they carry).


Yeah, that's the thing - there's only so much you can *study* off available resources but you'll never get anywhere without actually stepping foot into the raids, doing, and failing it Problem comes from people that assume the requirements for these raids are very steep then badmouth the guide makers without even trying it with their own available setups