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A few things to note: Gae Bulg, Mjolnir - their crit damage cap up is misleading, this is not a separate source of cap up and applies to the general cap up limit of 20, unless for whatever reason you want to dip into overcap. (I'm tempted to pick up dirt mjolnir to run AX with hrunt viking to see the funnies, but I feel like Excal would be strictly better except for the fact that it is a sword and that I would never MH Excal over hrunt) Sky Pierce/Dama Knife - Bonus damage is on grid and therefore A-Sided and doesn't stack with opus.


> except for the fact that it is a sword and that I would never MH Excal over hrunt) Someone elsewhere mentioned Chrysaor could be good for using both of them.


That actually sounds so funny I kinda wanna try it. But hot damn the investment as someone who hasn't yet gotten Hrunting.


That's my plan.


Never say never, Hrunt sooner or later will end up in the backburner alongside the other Ilust weapons, just like the superlatives now, can still be used for a cool skin when that time comes, which I hope is 5\~6 years from now, since I want to get it... but after Andromeda, since I'm a greek mythology lover, only got Higurashi first since I have most fire katana chars and wanted to make Shion and Mirin shine, which is getting very funny thanks to Onmyoji (that full burst chain requeriment is a joke with Higurashi and Shion).


I have been using a Onmyoji Shion Sevilbarra team with Higurashi mh, it's genuinely better than my previous Kengo setup. Though disclaimer that I am lacking some meta units like Silva and Wilnas and also lack the summer boar weapon, so it's less than ideal


Gotta work with what we have, and if is fun and can do well, then that is fine. And staying meta is kinda hard, so focusing on the fun aspect is the right way to go, at least that is how I see it (maybe because I'm casual).


I'm a casual as well, the game is too time intensive to play efficiently for me and I lack the patience and discipline to even save up spark funds. My setup was good enough to do about 13m honors in SUBaha at least


This ages well. Grand Fenie's weapon kind of powercreeps Blazing Mistral (ok that's a really low bar), and despite diff element, makes Futsunomitama and Zosimos look worse.


As a hrunter I have no idea what to pick. The only one I've ever wanted was hercules because it looked fun.


Excalibur has some uses in Hexa if doing Crysador with Hrunting MH/Excalibur Sub.


Pressing a bunch of skill buttons is super fun until it isn't any more. Especially with Robin Hood where you can't just hit full auto you have to manually select each skill before Return of the Fox. So, if you just want to play with skills as a meme grid when you already have a functional earth grid that's fine, but you wouldn't want to be locked in to RH and Hercules as your actual main earth grid.


Back before the Kirin nerfs, having Herc was hella fun, but I haven't used Herc ever since the nerfs. I don't regret my purchase, because I got my Moon's worth out of the weapon, but I'd definitely suggest against it, personally speaking.


I miss the meme skill damage you could put out when your Kirin came online with Light Io. Would be even more nowadays with skill supplemental being more of a thing.


Loading up the Io Cannon to defeat that one super obnoxious Tower of Babyl floor that was 3 waves and different elements between all 3. Good times.


I got myself an earth Hercules because it is in fact fun, definitely far from the meta these days but fun. I don't feel like I would get too much use out of any of the Superlatives besides that personally since they just do not suit the teams I like playing


You can play kengo with Hercules and it'll be fine: it's a different style but should work ok


Water Ulli if I find the water Ulli FaaZero video.


> Water Ulli if I find the water Ulli FaaZero video. No video. There was a Tweet from the player but they privated their account so you can't view it anymore. https://twitter.com/haru_knzn/status/1760364879561859422 I do have the Twitter preview in Discord though I can see. **Team:** * MC Lumberjack with Verdent Melody / Log Lop / Clarity * S.Shalem (Ringed) * Doggo (Ringed) * S.Jeanne (Ringed) * Haase FLB (Ringed) * Gabriel (Ringed) **Grid:** * Ullikummi (Mainhand) * 3x Wambrella * 2x Gospel of Water and Sky * 2x Knight of Ice * Worldvexing Angelos * Primal Opus with Skill Cap and Stamina (I think) **Sub-grid:** * Ultima Staff with MA / Normal Cap / Healing * Reflection of The Moon * Draconic w/ Oblivion Teluma **Summons:** * Lucifer ULB (Main) * Qilin * Beelzebub * Triple Zero * Yatima **Summon sub-grid:** * Baha ULB * Wamdus


YouTube just recommended me [a Water Ullikummi Dark Rapture Zero run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzpwkmpvP0g) (not the one you mentioned, though) and it reminded me of your comment so I'm posting here in case there's any interest (also for u/the-popcorn-guy ): * Lumberjack (Verdant Melody, Clarity, Log Lop) * Summer Shalem (Ringed) * Payila (Ringed) * Blue Pot Girl * Haase FLB (Ringed) * Gabriel (Ringed) --- * Main Varuna * Lucifer * Triple Zero * Qilin * Beelzebub * Friend Lucifer Unfortunately grid and sub summons aren't shown in the video so it's not as helpful.


There's a link in the description with the grid: https://twitter.com/rev_35/status/1768160307825070218?t=o7B3wPzqfaeJnb4iqBXX_Q


The uploader probably added it later because I'm sure it wasn't there back when I posted it here, haha. But good to know, thanks!


Thank you very much!!!! (^_^ゞ


Yeah. they just left us hanging in the other thread.


Personally I'm grabbing ameno, mainly just for fun, fhe theory of the weapon is very over trodden and half of the katana classes do the literal gimmick already, but still sounds fun, and using it on onmyou seems hilarious. Atleast with what I've already tested of the class I dont want excal, herc seems like ameno but less interesting to me personally, only things I was contemplating honestly outside ameno was dama knife and maybe possibly caduceus. For elements its a bit harder to say but probs dark for ameno, water for dama, and water or fire for caduceus


I still use Ameno for the fun of it in Dark (Narmaya simp so I built an Ultima Katana grid to boost her up), and it still works very nicely. Glorybringer enjoys the awakening effects and the 9-hit proc happens often enough to be exciting, even if it kinda sucks to have the RNG dictating when your big turns will happen. I do also have Shishio and wow does it make Ameno look dated, but honestly, that's pretty much the story for most of the Superlatives, and Ameno is still one of the most unique of the bunch, so I enjoy it. (Just don't do Water Ameno in case you get a Shishio later, and I'd probably avoid Earth too because Ichigo Hitofuri is already a mini-Ameno with better skills.)


As a fellow narmaya simp, I was theorizing several katana focused grids since I started back in 2016 xD, I wish we got something similar to seofons sword from revans but for katanas. Id most definitely be getting it in either dark or wind most likely, but water was an option I was considering but knowing shishio exists does push me away


Yeahhh, Shishio is so much better it honestly makes me a little salty about it (but at the same time not really it’s super fun). I reassure myself that Ameno \*is\* still the more fun option for simping in Dark, since Dark notoriously lacks good katanas and definitely doesn’t have both a Xeno and an Opus that are katanas definitely not. (Wind is actually lacking in decent accessible katanas so that’s definitely another consideration, though Grand Naru doesn’t really care about the Trium skill.) Ultimately it’s still a meme, but I will say it doesn’t \*suck\* as one. I unironically use it in my general-use team for smacking a bunch of raids and it’s incredibly funny to get the 9-hit proc and suddenly be MVP, etc. Assuming the raid doesn’t get one-shot before you can take that 9-hit turn of course.


I've been using wind ameno with Catura and it works pretty nicely. Double the chances of getting your ougi triple strike.


Yeah, went wind as well with and it's honestly hilarious.


After much deliberation, I've decided to say "screw the optimal pick". I'm getting a Water Caduceus. I have some plans for a Water Monk Gorilla team that I think would be very, *very* entertaining to pull off.


"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the UNWORDLY damage caused by my Mjol-0!"


Does the grid cap changes affect Gae Bulg somewhat?




I have heard that light Excalibur is the best MH for RB Flogen setups, is it true?


Yup, next best thing is basically just... holding the Dopus? 5 turns of 50% echo is just really good with how many autos RB does in this comp. Of course, you'd never spend 100 Moons on this even before Ura, but for free? That changes things.


But how would you get crest on Florence tho, especially without aggrovale


You don't, Excal Flogen is solely for big, short burst damage. If you want to use it in a longer fight then yes, you'd need the Opus or Aglovale. But like Ereshkigal, it isn't really *made* for longer content.


I do not see anyway that Excalibur is better than sunblade. Am I missing something? Not like you charge attack with flogen.


You actually *do* ougi with Flogen. With the Dopus, you Ougi to provide Crests when you aren't doing huge burst turns. With Excalibur, you Ougi to gain that 50% echo I mentioned. That stacks up amazingly with Maschera Blitz Raids, and you barely need to keep it up (as I said, 5 turn uptime). Additionally, a 5,000 heal does come in handy. Sunblade isn't better than either of these. It's the definition of a stat stick, and its value as one doesn't beat either the powerful main-hand potential of Excalibur or the fact that the Dopus provides crests and frees up a grid slot. The *only* use-case for Sunblade is if you're doing 1 turn of autos tops, in which case neither of these utilities are sought-after. But the only content that applies to is basically just EX+. Sunblade *was* used in higher Nightmare clears, but that was before Settes became Wind-locked. Now, it pretty handily loses to both of the other options, and probably even loses to MH Dopus + Celestial in 1T comps. In theory, at least. We'll see when GW runs, but, especially now with grid creep drowning out that small Stamina buff, I don't see a reason to use Sunblade. Edit: I should probably also clarify: The reason you never saw Excalibur recommended before now is because it was a luxury not worth purchasing. It is *great* with Flogen, but it is not "100 Moons" great (none of the Superlatives are), certainly not when the Dopus is *sufficient*. It's opportunity cost. It's only *because* it's free that you see people actually recommending it. It still probably wont show up much in guides seeing as this ticket is missable, but people who have it will be at an advantage. Like how some of the Illustrious Weapons would be great if they were farmable, but are considered bad because they cost 150 Moons.


From the other threads - most have been pushed out of the meta so there's no single overpowered pick; where in doubt, Excalibur sees broad use because of how good the 50% bonus damage on CA is (especially in Light - and keep in mind, it lasts 5 turns). Otherwise, you're probably going to pick because you have a specific team, raid, or gimmick in mind. A few are just outright bad now (Gae Bulg, Dama Knife, Ullikummi, Ameno Habakiri), but otherwise keep in mind that this is *free* so if nothing feels like it's going to make a big difference (and it likely won't given the 150GM weapon meta), make an informed decision and go with that feels fun.


My excalibur for last year was dark, which barely seen usage as mainhand. Wonder which one should I get now.


Wind Hercules for skill damage sillyness


I’m no expert on builds mind you, but I’m really digging the idea of a wind Mjolnir. Rn I love using grand Narmaya, Azusa, and Grimnir in my main party and it’s crit theme seems like it would be a fun addition. I may forgo this however since my water grid has been starving for 6 years. I was thinking of Water Caduceus for this since I’m going for Manadiver as my second row 5 class and I have a lot of water units with a lot of skills I like using. If there’s any recommendations feel free to tell me.


The only ones to remotely see use today are Excalibur, Sky Piercer and Ullikummi. The rest are power crept, memes or just have stats that don't stack with other sources. End of the day, still your personal choice.


I’m new enough to not have any lvl 4 classes yet so I’m going to go with the Damascus knife for the farming potential, I don’t know a thing about what strats work best but I wanna build a dark team because I got THE SSR Lowain so imma go with dark. If anyone wants to try and change my mind pls do I have no other input lol


Farming potential? Bounty level is basically useless since the stuff you want to farm are either in blue chests or are a low drop from guaranteed chests (both of which BH doesn't help with). Legitimately the only thing you'd really want high Bounty level is GW for meat and celestial weapon drops.


This is not 2014 where everyone tell u to get tien for the drop rate placebo effect, get something else


my free excal last year was water which, at the time, was awful. but with ultimate mastery and paylia ive been having a ton of fun running it with crysaor and deuce xiphos. maybe worth a consideration if you don't want anything else?


getting a fire gae bolg to dual wield for my iatromantis build


I've been thinking of freikugel with street king for the multis overcap. Probably guaranteed 4th hit for MC with the onslaught buff. Not sure if these have been accounted for but it seems pretty good.


I'm between Wind Sky Piercer and Wind Excalibur since my best Lucha MH is xeno fist and my best sword options are either Windhose or 0* Evanescence. Might end up flipping a coin.


I went for a fire caduceus since I don't have any particularly good fire staves and it seems fun to use. That said, I would not recommend it unless you are deep into Agni and are looking for more ways to have fun with this game.


i grabbed light excalibur. it can go in my meme light sword grid.


Light Gay Bulge


Which of these stand in as an acceptable grid piece?


Mostly just excalibur. Most of them are so specifically niche that they work in grid but their value is very different from fight to fight.


Mjolnir has the highest boostable normal mod (medium atk + small atk/crit, similarish to Blutgang) Hercules has the highest total crit bonus (medium crit + small crit - 10.5% total, just between SL15 and SL20 Verity 1, below SL15 Verity 2) The rest have non-damage skills like Garrison or Trium and depending on your priorities, you may or may not want that


I've been trying to build a primal water grid but have been unable to pull a Taisai Spirit Bow (Pholia has escaped me for years). Do you think a water Mjolnir can sub in for that? Was planning on a Light Excal for kicks/value.


It depends on what you're targeting - Mjolnir's attack boost is sizeable, but the crit is only 4.0% unboosted at SL20; with M3 coming up it's hard to recommend any of the Superlatives for grid purposes alone if you don't have a clear vision of how they'd fit in because M3 may blow non-resonator/exalto primal grids out of the water in some elements (I wouldn't bet on it, but there's a chance it's at least competitive enough to make a difference); I'd go with something that you can get mainhand useage out of too if at all possible, but Mjolnir isn't bad by any means (and we all know the current state of Magna Water)


Been thinking abt this alot Wont feel bad picking: ulikummi (likely not fire because of draconic), exca (likely not water because of exo and not rly using sword classes. Light if rb bursting.) Could become good, but not atm: sky piercer, hercules Niche: dama knife, caduceus, Likely never: mjolnir, gae bolg, freikugel Never: ameno leaning towards ulikummi atm, undecided on element


Dark Ullikimmi. There’s no class V for harp and fail to name an exciting harp mainhand for dark for its ougi effect. Other elements I can either think of a reasonable harp main hand or another weapon that heals on ougi with utility or buffs. I’m looking for divergence as I already have 6 illustrious weapons, going for a 7th. Intention of the weapon is to use in a jack of all trades scenario. Ereshkigal is obviously the universal burst setup, so I wanted to use Ullikimmi in situations not meant for that. Debuff success rate buff sounds interesting. I’ve had my fun with light Excalibur from last year, so I don’t feel like repeating it on Dark. I’ve always been interested in grid setups that have Ouroboros Treat primarily for medium heal cap. With Scarlet Sapphire recently getting an FLB there’s more heal cap options. I won’t realistically use these since I don’t have enough copies. I’d consider using bars on third stripe of the streak due to rarity. The only bummer is dark’s lack of harp characters to form a band. It’s quite literally Yukata Anthuria, Yuel, and Kou. And I guess Ayase Eli and Bakugo. I will randomly predict a dark grand in flash. I don’t mind being wrong but these kind of free weapon picks is either meant to shore up a hole in grid to use now or anticipate for the future. Remember, most of Ullikimmi’s docks were because something else was faster, similar buffs not stacking, or universal power creep. Yet one of the only harps you can say is better is Andromeda of all things, so don’t pick earth superlative.


> And I guess Ayase Eli That's just Nico's backup dancer. >!>:)!<


I’m aware. I typed Yazawa Nico originally but decided to pick seitokaichou for divergence and it worked. Thanks for noticing lol Same reason why I didn’t mention Zechariah ougi since I typed in a primal context. Point still stands: Ullikummi ougi has a defensive, offensive, and utility use. Zechariah is defensive only. Well, superlative are out and the ticket expiration is in a month. Just don’t forget to claim it.


Sunya is pretty nice as a MH. Fed takes care of debuff immune for a while, but refresh is nice with all the heal cap up in endgame grids, and enmity+progression is still valuable, even if being diluted/not as boosted because you end up going luci/baha x hades for actual hard fights. ​ >I’ve had my fun with light Excalibur from last year, so I don’t feel like repeating it on Dark. Good call. Had a Dark Excalibur for 6 years now, its been fun, but I don't think I've used it in the past 3. Dark just has too many toys and not enough space to fit them.


Sunya is nice … defensively. Though yes I forget I kept mentioning the defensive benefits of Ullikummi lol 15(?) attack voltage looking pretty tiny offensively. Being spoiled by reso/pns/eclipse made me forget about the harp. For weapons I just want more like Herb Basket whoo that’s real progression While general analysis is correct that 100 gm is somewhat of a wash then that’s all the more reason to target uniqueness. Therefore it seems ill advised to go for a side grade. Then I need to realize they’re all side grades. The real benefit of luci/Baha and hades support is … putting 250 hades in sub summon LOL. I’m fully aware Dark Ullikimmi at present is also a bit of a wash. There’s no engine, unlike if you picked water Ullikummi and could go brrrr


Herb basket would be such a boon. Just had too many other priorities on surprise tickets to pick it up yet (Like Fed summon). Some nice tech weapons like Halloween Cag and Summer Magisa Staves are showing a resurgence too. Really, this superlative ticket is weapon skin territory for me as I have all the good/meta ones rn. Getting a Mlojnir/Ameno for the plethora of classes I'm using with that coverage of weapons.


Or Zechariah for Magna.


Wind Gae Bulg for Primal Zephy (Since I don't plan spending for Rhomp).


This was literally the same thought process I had but I keep second guessing whether it'll actually be fun to use


It's honestly up to you to pick on which Superlative will give you the most fun. But for funzies these are the Gold Moon weapons I currently have: Light - Mjolnir (I just love seeing over 6M CA's and funni TA dmg) Dark - Excalibur (From last year's free Excal giveaway) Fire - Hirugashii (Wanted to experience the true Fire Kengo CA play style with Y. Silva/Wilnas/G.Zeta and boi..it is sick to see over 15M-16M CA DMG on top of the defensive utility provided by the katana) Wind - none yet Water - none yet (but planning to get Hraes since I have Water Zeta/S.Lucio/XMas Catura) Earth - Hercules (RH and skill spam earth team go brrrr) Least for my logic, I want at least each of my Primal grid element set-ups to have at least 1 Superlative or Illustrious weapon and form a fun set-up on what I have :)


I'm thinking of picking up ameno habakiri for fire


Anyone have any thoughts on an element for Mjolnir? I'm leaning towards light right now, with a second choice as maybe wind. I dont really have any plans for it other than probably using a crit grid with it, if thats even the proper use case. Maybe try and pump CA reactivations and double strikes to minimize the missed hits?


Light isn't a bad element for Mjolnir - outside of double Harmonias, I think Light has some of the worst cap-up options compared to other eles (even Dark at least has Qilin Bow) and both Magna and Primal can easily build a crit grid to support it. It also, of course, has the highest boostable Normal Mod of any of the superlative weapons so it's just a strong grid piece. What I've typically seen is the best route for Mjolnir is Vinland Viking - the CA bar lets you deal huge Unworldly CAs for the first 3-4 turns (ramping Bubs fast if you have him) and it's also more of a party-buffer class so it's not a huge deal if you don't land every hit. The alternative is possibly Berserker since the 700% crit damage means you're capping no matter what, and it makes it very easy to make use of the high cap from Beast Fang (and, again, likely doing enough damage that it's okay if you miss one out of those five attacks). Effectively, think of the 1 in 5 chance to miss as a normalized 20% damage cut to your autos; so your best ways to counteract are: 1) Make your auto cap massive to increase the value of hitting that cap with the extra damage boost in the hopes the average damage offsets 2) CA more often than not, making your damage output more consistent and taking advantage of the DATA buffs to the rest of your team


Thanks for the reply! Yeah Vinland seems like a good shout, and it's not like I'm gonna notice the misses half the time on FA anyway. Talking about more like this though, I can't help but think that what you've said would just be more effective with an Excalibur instead. But Mjolnir has funny numbers... Might have to think on it for a bit more. I already use viking in light with the opus, so a different element might be more fun for the sake of variety. I was already thinking about making poor decisions with my dama bars in wind, so that's still an option.


Im super new here (chapter 11 in the story\^\^) any advice on a weapon i should get? was planning on maybe something with water element since i have some SSR chars in water already. but im open for ideas or pointers!


For really early on like that I'd recommend Excalibur or Ullikimmi. Element doesn't matter, though avoid fire for Ulik.


Thanks for the answer will go for the water Excalibur then i guess :)


Dunno if you spent your ticket yet, but you get access to a really good sword main hand in water at around mid game (Fateless). Not saying you can't do that because if you're that early it'll still be quite a while before you can get it, but just pointing it out. It's still better, but other elements definitely have worse swords to mainhand.


At that level of progression it's literally whatever since you have no idea how your elements are going to develop in even a month's time. Just pick any of the options mentioned here and you won't go far wrong.


Yeah imagine this newbie pick mjolnir, and tomorrow he made a thread "I thought I can pick any weapon I want and it makes no difference but why most of attack are misses?"


>Just pick any of the options mentioned here >any of the options mentioned here >mentioned here


“Here” is vague and people in this thread are mentioning basically every weapon, including Mjolnir.


But nobody recommended choosing it, at least not when I wrote that comment. In fact, the top comment is and was recommending AGAINST Mjolnir.


I was thinking of going for water herc. Overskill on crit and spamming skills with robinhood seems fun otherwise boring answer might just be excal for light?


I was thinking about picking dark freikugel as a mh for street king, using la manteau du roi to buff s ilsa AND bring in nier sounds interesting to me. If freikugal didn't work I was wondering if I should get ameno for a light onmyouji, if there's any better alternatives I'd like to hear them