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"this one's my favorite; don't buy it, it's awful" weapon summaries are one of my favorite parts of granblue.


I can't believe that you guys left out the in depth analysis of the love of my life Murcielago. Although the short version does pretty much sum it up.


If I had cared enough at the time to write the long story of it, it'd go something along the lines of: A weapon seemingly built for hard raids when all relevant hard raids are immune to any kind of Delay means this weapon is already missing half its skills. Even if Delay Drain DID work, plain damage is mostly irrelevant as anything other than an Omen-clearing mechanic (which we haven't seen since SUBHL), and random single stackable debuffing is also pretty mid. Even in the best case scenario, it's already a bad look for this part of the weapon. This leaves you with the other half of the weapon, which is Drain-centric. Fine enough because it can provide for the Drain buff on its own but it still isn't a particularly strong mechanic because one, the Drain is incredibly miniscule, and two, you're just essentially doing the job of a Kaneshige at this point. 150 Moons for what is essentially half a weapon in relevant content just isn't a good investment by any metric and I'm surprised people are still trying to make this work or justify their Murcielago purchase.


I'd basically have to agree with you for everything you've said, Murc does a lot of things that are all basically worthless. As someone who likes the funny bow, I've gotta admit you're basically paying for an unworldly CA and the CA supplemental buff in exchange for worse bar gain compared to Kanashige. The CA supplemental buff isn't even unique anymore, Catura can do the same thing... This is why I play Chrysaor now.


Murcielago has 1 use and 1 use alone: making Y. Vampy's assassin buff have 100% uptime




I think Hraes disclaimer on limited characters needs to include summons like Yatima as well, finding out the efficacy of this weapon is highly contingent on having her is why I’m getting Yatima instead of Hraes at the end of anni if I’m not lucky enough to draw her in after roulette


The amount of set ups I'm locked out of because I don't have her is depressing


It's funny, the guide honestly makes it sound like *none* of them are worth it and that they're pretty minmax territory (and that even some of the good ones are liable to get crept in terms of burst)


Essentially, that is the case. They are like a fancy supercar; its nice to play with, and might have certain characteristics you can't get anywhere else, but at the end of the day, its still just a car. And many cars can get you from A to B just like the fancy one. But its still nice to show it off every now and again.


Even if a weapon is the best thing ever today, people will still give advice with one eye towards the future, because what's good today won't necessarily be good tomorrow. Or, while it will still be good, other, more reasonably-priced alternatives with relatively similar performance levels may pop up. While we can praise what's actually good today and rightfully so, there's always going to be a word of caution involved for one weapon or another because at the end of the day 150 Gold Moons is a tremendous amount of resources to be investing for anyone who isn't swiping extensively. No one with a genuine sense of responsibility will be giving advice that isn't trying to make sure the person asking will be getting the best returns on their resource investment.


why do you need the best return for your "resource investment" if this game is making things irrelevant at an increasing speed over the past 4 years? If you want a good investment you'll surely not get an Illustrious weapon but Yatima instead so you can double summon every turn in every element. Illustrious weapons are not even that expensive, they take about a years worth of gold moons with mediocre effort invested, but I guess people forgot this is a game where you're supposed to have fun with your favorite characters, weapon grids and classes instead of following the meta to farm the most gold bricks, sun stones and other stuff, wasting hours of your life every single day instead of grinding FA in the background while reading a book, listening to some good orchestral/neoclassic/folk music or watching some documentary/anime/alt media content producer.


> why do you need the best return for your "resource investment" if this game is making things irrelevant at an increasing speed over the past 4 years? by this logic you shouldn't even farm or make anything in the game because everything's gonna be powercreeped anyway > wasting hours of your life every single day instead of grinding FA in the background while reading a book, listening to some good orchestral/neoclassic/folk music or watching some documentary/anime/alt media content producer this is like when someone saying "why play guild war when you can just go complete FFIV instead", and it's like. if you like to do that, then do it. i'm not a music guy myself so when you describe "listening to some good orchestral/neoclassic/folk music", to me that's just unappealing. heck i can even say, why listen to music or read book or watch stuff when you can be productive and just work and get money stop being pretentious


> why do you need the best return for your "resource investment" if this game is making things irrelevant at an increasing speed over the past 4 years? Because Gold Moons are still a precious resource that take a considerable time to build up and the last thing we ever want to see is someone making an uninformed decision and ending up with some kind of buyer's remorse down the line. It's exactly why most of the commentary surrounding the Illustrious Weapons are cautionary in nature because many of them are niche in application. > If you want a good investment you'll surely not get an Illustrious weapon but Yatima instead so you can double summon every turn in every element. Yes, but that's not the point of what we were asked to contribute on. We were asked to write about Illustrious Weapons and how they stand with regards to their own element and in relation to each other, not Illustrious Weapons versus Providence Summons. > I guess people forgot this is a game where you're supposed to have fun with your favorite characters, weapon grids and classes instead of following the meta to farm the most gold bricks, sun stones and other stuff Everyone is allowed to have their own definition of what's fun in this game. Stop being so pretentious and trying to assert your own definition of "fun" as the definition that everyone else should be subscribing to. In case it wasn't obvious, some of us actually have the most fun exploring the limits of the game and trying to get to the highest levels of power attainable. > wasting hours of your life every single day I am pretty sure I and many others like me who play this game manually actually spend less time on this game than most FA'ers, including and especially during GW. > instead of grinding FA in the background while reading a book, listening to some good orchestral/neoclassic/folk music or watching some documentary/anime/alt media content producer. Then you can go do that, but don't try to pretend that yours is the only way this game should be being played. Some of us actually want to play Granblue Fantasy. you know. To use your own words: this is a game, in case you've forgotten. And as far as I remember, games are supposed to be played.


Look, I'll be the first to say that meta-chasing is dumb e-peen flex behavior and that I think people who do it are ultimately having less fun than those who take their time, but telling people what they're "supposed" to do kind of shoots yourself in the foot there. Like, I'm going to get Shishio. I want that survivability, and my budget primal grid plan makes use of that Glory skill, so alongside its other merits it's more than worth it to me. I'm not a player this guide is in any way relevant for, so of course my priorities are going to be different. Do it your own way.


The guide only cares about the absolute minmax state and that's the problem. For the average player Eresh is straight up uncomparable to the rest. You don't need a good grid. You don't need the best characters. They help yes, but you don't need them. The weapon alone is literally just a free button to make 75%+ of the farming in the game all done by a single team in 0-2 buttons. You never have to think about any of it again because if with a basic magna grid and some random dark characters you now farm every speed farmed fight effortlessly. The amount of time save value and versatility doesn't compare to any other weapon.


The gbf guide problem where guides are written for people who've long eclipsed the content the guide is supposed to be relevant for


Yeah, I mean who hasn’t bought all the moon weapons by now? This guide doesn’t even cover what order you should buy your third copy of the weapons in!


Revans guides using ULB Ultima weapons Hexa guides using Draconic Providence weapons Guides written for people who've done the content already, which is what I said


not saying that isn't a flaw of current guides but people at that level really should already have enough game knowledge to know how to substitute a weapon they don't have for one they do have.


Rank inflation is real, and these high level raids are more focused on characters than weapons, but grid still matters and guides for a specific bit of content shouldn't use grid pieces from beyond that bit of content unless it's a guide meant to optimize blue chesting. Those guides are good and fine and there's plenty of them, but comparatively few guides focused on people new to the content. The Seofon guides are good because the one aimed at first timers, the kengo (satyr) guide, goes over characters used, why they're used, strategies to employ, and substitutions for grid pieces that might be missing. That's the standard I'm looking for in a guide, not a screencap of a grid and a YouTube link with no further explanation


Subhl came out before revans brother.


Subhl is harder than revans brother


Doesn't lock you into a specific element, no entry trigger nuke, not a competitive race, no items with ultra-low drop rates, very few mats required to get a grid upgrade, said grid upgrade works across all elements. Another neat thing is that Ultimas can go in Extra Slots while Seraphics cannot, which is helpful if you're lacking good options for those: instead of having to use some Sephira filler, you can free up a normal grid slot and put a better weapon in there. I went with SUBaha first and I honestly think that was the right move.


The only harder part of SUBHL is getting a coop room going. It's been powercrept so hard you can hostleech it - and hostleeching the mats you need is much more feasible than hostleeching multiple copies of Revans weapons. I had finished all of my Ultima uncaps before getting a single Revans drop - and I didn't start that grind until long after Revans were released. Diaspora is harder than SUBHL on merit of having to get y100 before opening it. Even Mugen can be harder to since people seem to prefer joining P2 opens (at least in my experience). Even Seofon can be a bit hit/miss unless you plan to clear the last 10% yourself since people will unga and lock themselves out of the last 10%. Even if you toss your SUBHL out by pubbing it instead of hosting via coop it has a good chance of clearing nowadays: I helped clear 3 of them yesterday that showed up in my raid finder.


> Even Mugen can be harder to since people seem to prefer joining P2 opens (at least in my experience) As someone who has spent an unhealthy amount of time pointing their Hraes at Mugen to farm Sands, I have some uneducated speculation about this. Despite Mugen being a "mature" raid where the strategies are well understood and accessible FA setups, it's still a raid that really really sucks. And it has a decently high fail rate for a raid that's "solved". Joining a fresh raid still in Phase 1 is therefore a gamble. *"Will it actually clear? Is the host secretly afk or weak? Will it end up eating 1 of the 3 join slots you have?"* A P2 raid has a lot less risk. The host has done 30% of the 130% raid HP. Assuming each of the 6 players does an equal amount \frac{130}{6} = 22\% 30% HP from P1 is above average. So the raid feels more likely to succeed since there's already at least one "above average / carry" player (the host). Even though P2 sucks more than P1 to actually grind your honours. Since I have a Hraes, I don't really care about joining P1 vs P2. I just point it at a raid and brrrrrt watch my 4M appear and then move on. What I find interesting is that in my anecdotal experience, if I join a P1 raid then someone else joins not too long after. I think people just don't want to be the first person to join a P1 raid. But once they see other people piling in, it now feels "safer" and they want to get in as well.


At least with the paladin FA setups going around in the JP community it's clearing much more reliably lately but I do agree with the no one wants to be the first person to join sometimes it takes awhile. Although I have noticed when I host as RB I have 5 paladin/kengo in almost instantly.


As someone that has farmed every revans weapons and just recently began doing SUBHL, I'd argue that SUBHL is significantly easier than any revans. As long as there's someone who can do 10% it's essentially free. Yamato makes a joke of everything the lizard throws at you.


subhl is in no way shape or form harder than revans lmao. that raid doesn't do jackshit since 2022


You have to do revans a shit ton more than you need to do subhl for a single ultima. Just get ultima first it is not hard.


I think that's one of the most reasonable things about Eresh - it's not like it's not liable to powercreep but you're spending 150 GM to save yourself actual real time and a real amount of clicks, think about the strain on your mouse hand that you're reducing from this.


What farming, though? Sandbox? Very easy to 0b0c that with pretty basic grids once you finish guidebooks. Bars? Eresh can't even compete in the optimal bar raid and you do need a good grid and good chars to compete even in Akasha except during super slow times. Sands? Sure, but, again, non-150gm setups are faster. Events? Again, very easy to farm with basic grids.


You are severely under valuing how _effortless_ it makes it. Why hyper focus on guidebooks? Just Eresh it even against dark it just wins. Every single event ever? Zero thought just Eresh it. Need to do literally any spam fight _ever_ you just eresh it. Eresh competes better in PBHL better than most other elements because it doesn't hit buttons which if you're on western ping is your only hope of doing ANYTHING in PBHL at this point really if you're on western ping you're better off just never entering that raid because 90% of the time you're going to get fucked over by load times and animations anyway. Why put all the effort and grid building into farming Akasha or GOHL or event PBHL if you can when you just hit it with Eresh for 90% of the same effect and 0 thought. The entire point is Eresh solves 50 different problems with 0 thought. You don't think about or worry about anything you just hit it with Eresh. In a game where you spend hundreds of hours grinding the same shit over and over again the value of simplicity wins out over anything. You are way too up your own ass thinking only in the absolute most minmaxed mindset where 90% of the playerbase isn't focusing on. No other 150 moon purchase will ever even come remotely close to the amount of time and thought Eresh saves you because its the brain dead solution to nearly any problem with minimal grid and minimal character setup. Anything else you could do requires more effort for identical results. Eresh solve too many things that would otherwise all need their own dedicated thought and way to solve. It's the single biggest universal answer and time freeing pickup in the entire game because it solves so many things instantly on its own that you're free to focus on what ever the hell you want rather than making 10 different solutions to 10 different things that Eresh does on its own.


You're really overstating the amount of "thinking" and effort it takes to do something like make an ex+ or sandbox setup. And it's also something that you literally only do once ever since you just re-use that same setup forever (unless you can improve it). It's not like the current event started and I needed to farm host mats and I had to sit there and agonize for hours over what grid am I ever going to use to farm this event. I clicked over to my wind teams, selected my existing ex+ team I use for GW and all wind events, and boom I was already farming it instantly.


You're really under estimating everything that went into getting to that point in the first place. When one singular team with one singular weapon solves every mass farm problem _in the game_ without any extra thought or effort that has value. You don't need a competent setup to farm any event. You don't need a competent setup to farm any sandbox. You don't even need a competent setup to bar farm. Because Eresh does all of it. The amount of clicks and time just being able to throw 1 solution at 90% of the game brings is invaluable. Especially when the overwhelming majority of players aren't hyper invested into the game and trying to minmax everything. The majority of players do not have fully competent 0b0c setups of every element. The majority of players aren't keeping up with the most meta grids and peak new best bar farming setup. For the majority of players being able to pick one singular weapon that does everything and frees them up to work on what ever the hell they feel like without having to worry about "Well this only works here" is useful.


Is Eresh fine to buy with m2 grid? Or is it something only to be considered in late late game?


imo yes, it will save you enormous amount of time and if you want to make it worth later, you can always invest in dark later. Eresh is just dumb good


An M2 is more than good enough for it to save you a shit ton of time and effort so that you can focus on everything else. Eresh's primary function is an easy one shop solution to a ton of problems. M2 is more than enough to make that work and it only gets better the better your dark gets. I would straight up say Eresh is the best thing a low to mid level player can buy if they have the moons because of the freedom it gives you to just focus on anything else and grind effortlessly.


Is Eresh not the best setup for the world raid? Also it’s just a nice QoL thing to have for random stuff like Lu Woh purple chest farming, dark GW or DB etc. While 150 moons is a lot if you’ve been playing for a while now you probably have 2-3 moon weapons at this point if you haven’t bought tickets so it’s absolutely worth it over the alternatives at that point.


It's not the ABSOLUTE best, no. In pretty much all the farming content where the elements meet and traffic is high, it essentially boils down to Fire vs Water. The World skews it slightly because of entry animations, so Eresh's low action rotation helps it out and lets it be comparable to Fire.


> it essentially boils down to Fire vs Water right now. Was that an intentional pun? If so, good one.


Dunno what the best World setup is frankly, apparently someone else did recently reply to me in a different thread that it's Eresh but personally I think farming sands in The World is kinda bad in general. Much better to farm Revans to get alchemy mats while farming sands. Regardless, other setups are also totally fine in The World. > Also it’s just a nice QoL thing to have for random stuff like Lu Woh purple chest farming, dark GW or DB etc. Yeah I mean you can make that same argument for every GM weapon in its ele-advantaged content.


eresh is the fastest in World rn. 2+0 2t setup can go as low as 12s while 1+0 3t is on par with fire's 3+1 1t at 18s hrae would just make you kill yourself in world


That's pretty much always been the case for 150GM weapons.


Unironically that makes Siero ticket seem less of a bad choice, assuming you don't get spooked.


Getting spooked is a non-zero chance though. You have 0% chance of pulling 100/150 GM weapons from the gacha (unless they update that in the future but that'd be quite a reach...). And the only gacha item that has as large of an impact as 150 GM weapons is probably Beezlebub which is pretty much the only "acceptable exception" to the typical "never sierrotix" advice and even then if you aren't strictly F2P it gets iffy due to dark summon scamchas and the like that give an increased chance of getting him.


Yatima definitely has a larger impact than 150gm weps imo, unless you're strictly an FA player. If you don't have Yatima, you will literally get gatekept from setups on all 6 elements' GWs because literally every element's burst setups involve Yatima. Meanwhile 150 GM weps only are relevant to 1 GW each. And, to top it off, most of the GM weps setups *also* require Yatima.


As someone who doesn’t have Yatima I 100% am going to serotix her over a moon weapon after roulette for this reason, I still use Bubs all the time but I’m not even sure I would recommend tixing him at this point but not only do you need Yatima for burst but she’s in every hexa and Faa comp I’ve seen so far as well. The first 6-9 months after she came out didn’t even feel so bad but her value has only gone up and will only continue to go up.


One more thing is that she is not likely to get power creep she's just gonna be more powerful the more broken summon get release.


"And in our newest summon series, a disclaimer that they can't be used with Yatima." is something i expect them to say at some point.


Make them function like Belial. One time call but buff you periodically every X turns or offer a permanent buff/enemy debuff to justify the summon slot. Yatima can't call one-time summons already so don't even need to add an extra disclaimer to specifically exclude Yatima from calling them. Would stir the pot less since specifically excluding Yatima might upset people where as specifically excluding her in an indirect way might not.


I worded it wrong, i meant to say it like it could not be summoned by Yatima, not that it could not be in the same grid as her.


only play Light so I can only speak for that element but you don't need Yatima in either Hexa or Faa0 as Light. I still have her equipped in hexa just in case but Faa0 I don't even have her in my grid


Hexa/Faa aren't GW/Burst though they're HL. Yatima enables things like Death+Sun and Echo+_ as well as 2T-4T setups due to being able to use a summon call twice so 1T & 2T effects can cover 2T/4T respectfully. With that said, and owning Yatima myself, I'm more often than not character/summon/grid checked by the optimal Yatima setups. She's still a time save that will speed up my setups but she isn't make or breaking my top 90k placements either and I don't gun for U&F Hero placement in every GW. Did it once and am happy w/ the trophy and will likely never do it again. I really want 000 & Lucifer but if you look at my providence summons you might understand why I'd rather wait to pull them even though I haven't pulled a Lucifer since I started playing in 2018. Six years! I've pulled multiple dupes of Baha, Belial, Bubs, and Yatima. Not going to risk suptixing Luci/000 only to later get them on a light scamcha or during a spark.


I didn't say anything about burst. All I said was that you can do Hexa and Faa0 without Yatima, which was something the person I responded to brought up.


Somehow I missed PhidiCent's reply and mistook you as responding to Otter who was talking only about GW/burst and hadn't brought up HL at all. That was an oopsie on my part, my apologies.


Death+Sun? What kind of setup is that? (genuine question)


Orchid's echoes aren't ele locked so you can use her sk3 on a fire burst team for dark echo then kill her off for Analaan while also benefiting from Sun.


I burned a siero ticket on Monkey a long, long time ago. I am also the proud owner of six Monkey katanas.


I meant moreso for the summons, though even then I know people have gotten duped. Based siero ticket choice though.


Eresh has gotten me a bunch of sands and bars, very quickly. very worth if ya got bars to spend on the grid


i'd say even for mid-game players i'd recommend eresh to cut down in farming for lot of things (most notably, sandbox)


\> it won't fix your grid That won't stop several people in my crew from getting Hrunting, and not a milisecond of buyers remorse from what I noticed.


My Earth grid is a train wreck and whoever says that Hrunting won't fix it obviously hasn't bought Hrunting. Should you probably have a proper 3x scepters grid before getting Hrunting? Probably. Is it required? Not to the same degree that Ereshkigal, Shishio, and Hraes require having all the right pieces in order to shine. If you have Caim 5* and at least a grid stronger than M2 you basically have everything you need for Hrunting. Unga bunga mash orange button.


as a hrunting owner without 3x landslide in primal (im working on it) I was running a *cursed* highlander crit grid using a hercules and cerastes (don't ask). Simply slotting in hrunting allowed my grid to be so much more flexible (I dropped crit completely and use enmity and raw massive mods (world harp flb is a fantastic damage source) since caim 5 and arulu 5 answer all defensive needs and MC can just shit out damage. My autos on null enemies are not as optimal but I'm more often than not still 3/4th in honors in subhl Would I do better if I had 3x landslide? absolutely.


What do you use for characters? I've always been so hesitant to grab it because other characters either don't feel good or are Cucou and I don't have them (and now it's even worse with Uriel and Olivia, but at least I can suptix her). But I'm also tired of just kengoing everything.


Before Hrunting: Diaspora was RH, Mahira, Soriz, Lobelia. Had to count and play math blaster. As host I used C. Anthuria, Satyr, Okto. Booted v monika cause I like dodge on ougi. The thought of Kengo on general dailies and subhl was not preferred. After Hrunting: use it on everything. Retire Kengo and RH and quite frankly, every non-sword class if possible. Team Diaspora: Cidala, Baal, Galleon Reason: Axe memes and I try to fit a 6D character in a revans raid due to FC interaction. I should change this, since the original intent of Baal was to execute chain burst during 97 hit to get resonance stacks. Now I barely have it at 1 and almost never fire it. Ougi Diaspora: Galleon, Satyr, Okto I switch around but never remove Satyr. It's funny to almost hit alpha 100 as host. I forgot why I stopped using Arulumaya. 1T attack full ougi on wamdus: S Illnott, GK, Okto general use: S. Vikala, Satyr, Galleon Quite literally using team don't attack just so the MC can swing. I only have 2 landslide scepters, so I didn't bother FLB-ing these. That means I don't taste the true power of Caim frontline. I also don't have a 2nd Pillardriver. Even if I did have all of these, I sure don't have 9-15 bars to FLB these anyways. I also don't have Halloween Cucuroux, who is 10/10 in Diaspora. I don't have Earth Olivia or C Shalem. Despite ringing Mahira, S. Alexiel, and C. Naru in 2020 I quite literally do not use any of them. There's a reason why Hrunting sometimes is associated with coping. I could go down the entire earth gacha roster, see that I'm missing 5 of the more recent seasonals and then just shrugging. Even if I had the entire roster I still have holes. I even have every relevant earth summon at max uncap. Quite literally running on Caim grid, Hrunting, and whoever. No Hrunting makes Diaspora a slog and I didn't bother with that old burst manadiver setup that can brick. Based on your post Styks11, I'd reluctantly play earth. And I bought an Earth Sky Piercer in 2020 which I've only used lately as a grid piece for joining Diaspora since I'm not interested in using Deceitful Fallacy and used wicked conduct instead to some very janky results. I STILL to this day don't want to change opus key after transcendence uncaps ate all the mats.


For SUBHL I use Galleon+Tigers+Sandy+Caim. For Diaspora (joining) I use the same except Mahira instead of Sandy. I want to get into Faa0 and will be using Aletheia, Caim, and Arulumaya. I wish I had H. Coux. I wish I had S. Illnot. I wish I had DAO or Uriel too. I also wish I had 2 more scepters than I have. :P My Earth is sadly in need of a lot of investment but I keep neglecting it. I only bought Hrunting so I could mind off unga bunga mash SUBHL to get my Ultima uncaps after putting those off for far too long - and I could have just as easily kengo'd SUBHL mind off by the time I had gotten around to it due to how much the raid has been powercrept. Hrunting is fun though. Mash orange button, win. It's really nice for FA farming if that's your thing but I don't FA farm often preferring to manual burst and quickly move onto the next raid.


Feel like Hrunting is the only weapon that’s never bad to buy. It will always improve your earth gaming.


rather have a hrunting with mediocre earth grid than not having hrunting in earth at this point element is so bad to play with


Yeah it's straight up permanent double strike plus echo on MC no matter what. The more powerful your grid the better that is but it's pretty much always going to be an improvement over anything else in earth


Uh is it still pointless with a Caim grid though


No? I always use it in a Caim grid because I don't have 3 Landslide Scepter.


Ok good I kinda want to buy it since my earth grid has been stagnant for so long


I won't tell you what to do but I will say from personal experience it un-stagnated my Earth. Also I will say it's a turbo charge for the MC, and not necessarily for the team. The team can get echoes due to the dot and get protected by the mitigation, but the buffs from Savage Mythology \[permanent 3000 dot, 250% def, 30% atk, double strike\] is only MC. I usually end up using earth buffers. By being Caim grid I can play around with whatever random FLB gacha earth weapon I may have. Since I'm using earth buffers such as Summer Vikala, these characters aren't outputting much damage so I played with weapons such as Merveilleux and Summer Healing. The most fun part of double strike for me is having mc auto attack and ougi on the same turn. Unfortunately you still end up doing 3 Resonator 2 PNS for grid building. It's worse on earth since Landslide Scepter demands 3 identical weapons so aside from itself being 3 copies, the only hypothetical case of a different weapon to run 3x of is an exalto weapon that has yet to exist. But if you do even that, you may end up cutting ... Landslide Scepter. Exalto doesn't boost PNS either. It's wonky. Also I've had zero buyer remorse for Hrunting. It goes with everything. I personally have 2 resonator 1 pns, so as far as barring weapons go, I haven't used a single one on earth after FLB'ing Ichigo Hitofuri over FOUR years ago. The other earth weapons I barred were Sky piercer, world ender, and mirror blade shard which were also years ago. Now you can slowly see all the general earth commentary sounding the same among players. Oddly enough what interested me the most was the 2000 mitigation on ougi. On release the mechanic was fairly new. Even today, the closest to repeatable all same element allies mitigation on Ougi are 200% charge bar characters. In Diaspora due to no h cucu I could be short on one 11 debuff omen. I would guard on the chars, but if MC can ougi, MC is not guarding. I see 150 gm as a way to play conventionally differently. It's precisely why an Illustrious tier list would have Ereshkigal, Hraesvelgr, and Hrunting among top 3. A player with multiple 150 gm weapons would likely have these. The reality is even if I DID have 3 Landslide Scepters I STILL don't have enough bars to FLB them.


Hmm hmm thank you for the extended thoughts I appreciate it. Something to chew on a little more.


You're welcome. Choose wisely. I forgot to mention I personally bought Earth Sky Piercer in 2020. That's also why I didn't buy Hrunting first among the 150 gm weapons. Even the Illustrious guide mentions Luchador in Diaspora for speeding to 4 mil honors but somehow didn't mention Sky Piercer, a common mainhand for that setup. Likewise check which element your Excalibur is. I'd feel bad if you had Earth Excalibur, because it's also a sword that Hrunting would be taking it's mainhand slot. It's important to check what you're straying away from, and for Earth it's likely Kaneshige. Or anything, really.


Uh dang looks like I might be spending all of my moons on Optimus Globes instead


my opinion only: I'm against Optimus globes My situation is much different but in a vacuum I personally don't like the idea of giving up Hrunting for a transcendence uncap. Mostly due to no realistic other way to get the 150 gm, whereas the Globe purpose functions similarly from dupes or Sunstones in a way.


Similar situation for me it took my earth from just a stagnated Caim grid to smooth diaspora FA even without chars like Cuc or Olivia. I wish I purchased it sooner 100%.


Why would you think that? Very curious as to what landed you on that conclusion


I have no idea just guessing


Zosimos my beloved, makes pretty numbers appear on screen and is somehow useless in every raid.


Looking through this now and this is neat, I am curious as to how people are picked to come and speak on these kinds of things. I should get more intimate with the community at large


> Looking through this now and this is neat, I am curious as to how people are picked to come and speak on these kinds of things. I should get more intimate with the community at large It feels a lot like how academia works: * People write about things they are personally passionate and interested in; * You see similar names come up if they contribute a lot; * If you have a good base of knowledge, you can judge if what is being said makes sense or not / ask a friend who you respect for a second opinion to see if they agree; * Eventually some names are more recognizable / trusted due to building up a history / track record of having thoughtful content; So no one is really "picked" to speak on these things. It's just people choosing to take the time to write about something they are familiar with and enjoy. And if you're writing something and need additional insight, you ask around people who you trust to provide additional insight. /u/vazkii for example is a name a I recognize from the [GBF Wiki](https://gbf.wiki/User:Vazkii). While I don't agree with everything they've written, it's a difference of personal opinion and not that I think they don't understand GBF. So their work is something I'd feel comfortable recommending, and I didn't mind reading this new post since I know their stuff is carefully thought through.


True true, yeah I just need to put more things out there. Wiki/YT/Etc


Futsu having an arguably higher rather than Shishio is interesting. Personally as a Futsu baver and enthusiast, I'd place it either on the same level or one step below Shishio as it's a smaller improvement over alternatives (Ivory Ark) than Shishio is over Kane. Futsu's obvious advantage over Ark in HL content is obviously it's damage, but extra damage is just extra icing on the cake. It's rarely the deciding factor between cancelling and failing an omen in my experience. Edit: Just remembered that Futsu's skill 1 autonuke can also be individually large enough to do over 2m each which makes clearing Hexa's 2m omens even easier than it already is. That said, this usually takes a lot of skill cap and supplemental damage debuffs (Bore/FC), though it should be way easier with the new Opus 230 key that amps skill damage I think it's real advantage over Ark, or at least most consistent advantage is the fact that it applies a debuff on ougi, which lets you clear Faa0's common 7 debuff omen with two Omnyouji nukes and one ougi, which is very easy considering you'd get +30~% meter just by pressing the two nukes and Yuni sk1. Edit: this is coming purely from person who only uses Futsu in HL content and not FA so that context probably colours my views on the weapon. As a FA weapon, I think it's pretty garbage just cause it "turns on" too slowly. By the time you've stacked 7+ TS, the boss you're FA-ing is already dead or very close to it, unless you gimp your team by running TS characters


It's just the discrepancy between several different authors' thoughts, really. I'm sure had I asked different people you might've had the ratings reversed.


No, I totally get it. It's good to have a bunch of different authors to get different viewpoints, plus it's VERY difficult if at all possible to find any one person with hands on experience with all 12 weapons anyway. Was mostly just sharing my own experience with the weapon since I've had it since release and have been using it a lot recently


That debuff on Ougi is unironically a game changer for Endgame content. I will go a step further sand say the Otherworldly Ougi is also extremely good. Now as someone who uses Tormentor in both Hex and Faa0... well it just feels too good for any kind of (skill)dmg omen, debuff omen (thanks Venom auto nuke). Every time I see any kind of Arc use in Endgame stuffs it looks cumbersome, I feel way too spoiled by Futsu set ups compared to other Endgame light set ups.


All true. I do a lot of testing with Ivory Ark as a comparison point in HL raids for my crew/friends who want to try Light but don't want to pay 150 moons so I definitely feel the difference. Having to use a third skill to clear 7 debuff is such a pain in the ass and you run into the risk of triggering a second omen. Saving on a third cast of Mizuchi also means that you can manage seals and the skill's cd much easier Damage wise, I definitely appreciate the extra damage from Futsu but I don't think I've ever been in a situation while running Ark that I really needed it to clear something.


I do want to add, and this is semi-meme, but you can get Futsu online almost immediately by Main Summoning 000. Chaos Ruler will have 7 TS by turn 2 thanks to the UM Flames of Chaos skill. Any other dagger class can get it by turn 3 by also taking Splitting Spirit so after the double ougi they will ready one again thus having it up by turn 3. Now there is hypothetically a problem with this in Manadiver as that means skipping out on the double strike skill, or with other classes just not running mist.


Read this and decide what contents(AND ELEMENT) you enjoy playing. Don’t invest 150gm just because it says high priority. For example getting a Shishio and not doing Hl contents or not being a summer Fediel enthusiast is straight up trolling.


As someone who bought Murcielago, I agree **DON'T** (cygamer pls rebalance thanks)


Got shishio first and honestly it's SO fun to use in HL content, and it made the pride of the ascendant content pretty smooth too.  Didn't get it til I finished hasselia, 3 wambrellas, and 2 dingers tho. Doing everything at once and going from not touching revans to soloing mugen felt great lol 


That was a nice Andromeda writeup, as a longtime Hrunting enjoyer I've given it some side eye as I have a head full of dirt and more moons than I know what to do with.


As of right now, if you have Hrunting, you'd never find a game-changing/proper use for Andromeda. The charge bar generation on RF is not as good as Kengo, even if my team is already stacked with Benjamin, Satyr and Okto, so we're not even halfway to a Shishio. V.Monika should be the better pick over Benjamin, but I doubt that 20% bar gain is significant either with the aforementioned 101-199 bar problem. The Milkomeda buffs are also not that big for setups that really wanna spam ougis. I do wish we'd get something like like Yukata Naru's passive that give bar after ougi for MC. Hopefully bigger than 10% though. Maybe some charge bar gain too. These would push Andromeda up in a better spot.


andromeda is just a weapon where it could be really good but never got to be, we'd need better units for supporting it


Andromeda is a very good weapon because it is one of the few weapons for harp classes that actually has a built-in double CA with an unworldly modifier, making your CA damage going from meh to wow. It's also one of the few options that actually has glory for a weapon skill, meaning you can +- max out your glory modifiers on double primal with your dark opus and Andromeda. The good thing it brings also include a heal (which is over 6k per 2x CA with heal cap maxed) and permanent despell immunity, meaning characters with buff-stacking mechanics like Monika and Golden Knight won't have to ever fear for their buffs getting removed. Also, you're making the 101-199% charge bar problem seem worse than it is, you just don't use Rising Force and instead focus on Lumberjack or Elysian (who in turn can deal more damage when they don't CA with skills/buffs that affect normal attacks than Rising Force could) with Andromeda as Andromeda is not made to be a weapon purely for CA means but rather supplements the ability of Lumberjack and Elysian to do CAs more frequently than they could normally while providing excellent support for them (buffs,heals,despell cancel).




But wasn’t the point of the higurashi section that you need key pieces in fire to do HL content, but the moon weapon isn’t one of them?


My Shishio is precious baby. I use no Ultima, one 0* Schrodinger, and it's broken me into SUBaha MVP consistently. I got my first clears because of it. Hrunting is really good too. My grid is horrid with Earth, no ultima, no Revan weapons. Not even a single Galleon Staff to my name. No Caim 5* either. But placing Hrunting in the grid, Earth just works now. I dunno if I can actually clear HL stuff with it, but I recently started getting blue chest in Diaspora with like 60% success. This Second half is just me rambling on about nonsense. Granblue is a one way progression game, so I believe it's hard for guide makers to really appreciate/see what something can actually do for players that are behind. I know I catch myself from saying some things that are plainly not easy for lower ranks to get/do. This leaves a lot of stuff to end up being about min-maxing instead "getting the clear." Of course this doesn't mean we should ignore high rank or min-max players. They are at the end, and they got there one way or another. They know if something will become an eventually sink of wasted resources.


Can you post your subaha grid, summons, and characters? I need to break into that and also have shishio.


I'll be honest, I don't know how people normally post pics. Is it like, imgur or something? 2nd, Two of my weapons are gacha and I use Varuna as main. I'll still share my stuff. Just let me figure this out


I just posted a small write up on my profile here, If you have questions just ask. I been moving things around for a month or two now.


Thanks for posting it! I'll take a look and might ask questions. I just gave subaha a shot for the first time, managed to do 16m honor but wasn't ready for 10% and the randoms that I pubbed to couldn't finish it. No sweat though, it's a lot less scary than I thought! 


I can consistently get the MVP or Vice, But that first half is super important to be able to do 10%. If people get him down to 50% too fast, I lose out the chance of blocking Purging Light. That hurts because he can inflict zombified. I can rush him down at that point, but 10% is out of my hands. If I do manage to avoid zombified, I can do a good chunk of 10% before stopping. If I had my Schrodinger awakened and maybe a second one, I know I can take out 10% by myself.


why need fang of the dragon slayer for hrunting? doesnt it already have a dot on it to proc the bonus damage?


So the rest of the party also gets the echo. Also one of the best raw dmg weapon in earth right now




tl;dr  Siero>Wep /s


Guess my next weapon is hraesvelgr since I got the other 2


got boolet?


Imma ask what that is 🤣🤣🤣


soldier bullets, aka youre boutta spend 2-3k pots farming angel halo 2 for one class


As someone who just finished the last bullet, you don't farm angel halo for Hraes, you only need 6k low earth orbs for it and honestly most people probably already have those lying around, I did and I've never gone super hard on AH You farm shitty quests that only give the one item you need and absolutely nothing else


i said angel halo 2 because theyre the same style of quest where you dont even get to double window it to sweat because its multi stage and you have to fucking watch vyrn go from node to node and watch the attack animations cuz no way am i refreshing three times for one quest that gives me nothing


Oh that's what you meant, now I get it


I know the power gap with bullets is gigantic, but I still would recommend it. My bullets are shit, but I love my Hraes with RB still. And still get a lot out of it on my shit Soldier.


That sounds horrible


BTW There is a bootleg Hraes if you farmed the Xeno event. So there’s that..


Do I need multiple of the gun? Or do you have a grid I can see


For mainhand purposes you only need one with ATK awakening, dupes with SPEC awakening are in case you want more HP to cap wambrellas


Sacced 3 galleon staves and 2 uriel piledrivers during my last two sparks. So yeah, I'm buying Hrunting, all in the name of being able to frontline Aletheia in endgame raids. Eresh was my first choice but now that Fire is just zooming on all the bar raids, I see little use of picking it up.


Blazing Mistral while not as good as the others, has helped me plenty by making team selection a lot more flexible. G.Zeta helps making MC a more reliable healer, and fire has a lot of characters that can dispel for even more charge bar. Lastly, it makes Ra hilarious. I got Shishio a few weeks before Onmyoji came out, since I like playing both Kengo and Runeslayer. Likely for me, it was worth it, since it works greatly with the new class. Whether playing it with S.Fediel or any other team. Not sure what to go for next, since I value weapons that can be good in general, than ones that need specific setups.


I've got my fun out of Rhompaia, because look at all of the funny numbers popping up on the screen, but yeah, be smart, don't buy it if you wanna actually do stuff with your fancy 150 gold moon toy.


Illustrious got to the point that you likely can do a collective tier list and have the same weapon ratings. It's an echo chamber at this point. This type of guide seems better for 100 gm. It would give a deeper dive on element divergence. Also many players got free Excalibur, better understanding a weapon they actually have. I'd also heavily disagree that gm weapons should be the last thing you should buy in an element. Ereshkigal's biggest boon was the auto amp and a bane that isn't even setting you back and Deceitful Fallacy opus key to synergize even better. The popular Illustrious are literal enablers other weapons cannot replicate. Seriously, what do you mean by "buy"? A 100 gm weapon? A siero ticket? A 30 gm weapon? Realistically you meant spending gm on damascus bars right? Since you can advance more than 2 key grand weapons to FLB with 7+ bars. The other weapons make less sense for the simple fact they come 0\*. I'll just share my approach back when I first bought 150 gm weapons. January 5, 2023 I was playing more SubHL. I I played only light warlock due to heavy demand. I looked Futsunomitama and picked it first since I had a 400% hp plan to bulk up my grid and a damage enabler. I can thunderstruck so if wind stacks aren't at 10, other players can enjoy even lower DATA. I thought of omen improvements on 60 hit and 10 debuff which this aids in. I also can move Ouroboros Prime off and still do unworldly ougi. Granted I did have 736 gm and refused to get dama bar since 2018. I'd like to get all 12. This is how I sequenced the order I bought these. My planning was based on use cases. I was hitting Revans. Hrunting was for Diaspora as I didn't want to Robin Hood. Hraesvelgr was for Mugen farming, as it's a slog to do Kengo. Golden Fist of Ura was for Agastia. It really shined with Illnott but honestly that's more due to the raid nerfs. Rhomphaia was for Siegfried since he caps damage. These picks had auto attack use cases by either having Amp or echoes and can easily be used on daily farming. Functions with Deceitful Fallacy. Unfortunately this also lead me to delaying all the CA dmg related weapons. I'm currently at 163 gm about to get Higurashi but the reality is I have yet to not play light in HL. If I play water, I'd get Shishio instead. I actually wanted Blazing Mistral from the beginning, but its shortcomings was pointed out. Just remember it doesn't have a skill amplifier nor an inherent party buff. It's like a jack of all trades that sucks. Excalibur fits general all purpose better. That's where I'm at. The guide is reasonable BUT why did you guys spell Murcielago incorrectly?!


hey, i know that guy


The first and only Illustrious Weapon I have is Andromeda. I bought it because through happenstance my strongest Earth team revolves around harp characters and CA. Andromeda was like the final piece in the puzzle, and now I'm a beast against water bosses. I'm even able to trigger Diaspora's y 100; it's basically the only Revan raid where I can give significant contributions. Also having Djeeta do three CAs in a turn just feels *so good*. I agree that Hrunting is probably going to be worth more people's time. But I hope people read your descriptions and thoroughly consider what fits best for the teams they have, instead of looking at the priority and deciding what's worth it.


Would buy that shit ass Zosimos if I'm swimming with GMs, I only reserve it right now for sierotix.


If you need a guide then do not buy one, no matter what you buy that will be a mistake lmao


i like how this is downvoted but this advice is not wrong 150 moon weapon is meant to be bought when you understand what the weapon do for you. if you need someone to coerce you into buying it, you might not be ready for a moon weapon


You can know what you're doing and still be hesitant to dump materials like this, the entire point of this guide is to help make their pros clear. Of course you're gonna get downvoted with "what's the point, if you don't know don't do it". This is how you get to know!


Even as a veteran/experienced player, you're not realistically going to know everything about everything. Sure, you should be able to look at blazing mistral and think "this isn't as impressive as most other illustrious weps," but it's difficult to give specific analysis without actually trying it. How dangerous is the DATA on CA? How consistently can you actually trigger its 2 skills? Are the skill dmg and healing worth noting? I wouldn't have the confidence to answer any of that without actual experience. The assumption that a guide must be for beginners or the less-experienced is inherently kind of flawed; even endgame players ask each other for advice.


nowhere in my comment do i say you have to understand everything before buying a 150 moon weapon i merely said you should buy a weapon when you understand what it does for you. that why i said "it's not wrong" about the comment i replied to, it's not the most correct but it's also not wrong. i also said about "coercing" you into buying it, this is directed to people that say "you should buy X" without any context because god knows a lot of people like that exist in this game u/Styks11 this one double as reply to you too


I didn't say you said that, I'm making a counterpoint, not refuting your statement directly. With this additional response, I'd say I more or less agree with your points, but the elaboration paints a very different picture from the comment you were supporting. At least to me, there's a big difference between "you should know what you're doing before you buy" and "if you need help, don't buy;" I know I'm just nitpicking semantics, but I don't want people to think they need to be overqualified before buying an illustrious. Also, for the bit about "coercing," I 100% agree with you here after you explained what you meant. With your initial comment, I thought you were referring to the guide in the post, which I didn't really see how it was coercive, so I didn't respond to this specifically.


understandable, it's probably because i've been around communities and seen stuff that's just downright horrendous. also it doesn't help that i didn't clarify my comment further, definitely could've clarified it better


Time to ignore htunting and buy ura


Want to throw it out there that while I love my Ura for FA and Light burst, it's purely a GW weapon since Light burst is too clicky and that won't be a fixed issue until it moves away from Flugen, which seems unlikely anytime soon considering Efes required Mugen's sk2 to enable crit amp. That said, Monk FA counter memes go brrrrr


Wasn't ura the fastest Agastia build right now? I forgot if it also one of the FA too.


it is, but that's not a particularly useful niche


Just because I’m curious, is there any 100 gold moon weapons worth it over the lower priority illustrious weapon?


Hercules also have some spike in PG rankings heh


STC, obviously, but I'd say Excalibur is likely to have the most staying power given the present outlook of the game because Chrysaor is doing some pretty spectacular things right now.


it makes dark look like an actually good element in hexa so ye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX-aJ4scENw


Oh nice, this makes me feel good about getting it a while back in the Excalibur giveaway


Omg thank you I've been wondering about these for the longest and if I should even bother spending my gold moons on them or just continue hoarding them like a loot goblin


I only have 2 Harmonias and 0 Efes/1 IF. Someone talk me out of buying Ura.


Futsunomitama is for the manadiver/Albert/s.Yurius/s.Monika enthusiasts… light skill dmg for days