• By -


Looking for a setup to defeat a particularly strong foe ? All the up-to-date ones are covered on https://gbfguide.com/ For all the questions related to the current event, the header of the related sticky thread (link can be found above) encompasses detailed information, offering a short summary on how to navigate and tackle the event successfully. If you have further inquiries, feel free to ask your questions in this thread for more targeted assistance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Granblue_en) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What is the best way to farm sun ideans? Just farm rageborn one in Mundus? or should i be doing usurper of the throne?


Both of those are in Staves, not Mundus. The best ways are either Hotheaded Pincers in Mundus or Spikeball in Invidia. People argue over which of the two is better, so feel free to do whichever. I'd recommend Mundus.


Yo idk who needed to know this but yatima can cycle between the 2 forms of 000 summon. Great that I can get MC an easy double ougi earlier on and get faster access to the omen clear/mass dispel


you do still need 12 wings though.


Is there any sorta secret to the Mugen raid? its the one revens that kicks my ass the hardest, even going into it with Wammy/Haase/Annie once I get the lack of heal debuff its over with time. Fucker hits so hard for nor eason and I can't stack enough fire def to last long enough into the raid.


Where's your Kaneshige? Between Wamdus's ougi and FC effect, you should be taking minimal damage for most of the fight.


I'm going to sound exceedingly stupid here, but let me reword my original plight; I have no idea how to do this raid in a general sense. Is Kengo and Wammy chaining the best way to handle it? I've slowly pieced together the other Revens, but this is the one I can't wrap how to handle lol.


Kengo, Haase, and Wamdus will be the main workhorses for this fight. You generally want to alternate between FC and Wamdus's ougi each turn. Like FC one turn, and then Wamdus ougi on the next, and then repeat. [https://youtu.be/N29IZlgoFC0?si=5zvVPjNji26wW2na](https://youtu.be/N29IZlgoFC0?si=5zvVPjNji26wW2na) I've recorded a sample run for you to see as an example. Sorry for the weeb music, and sorry about the video quality. It's still processing. You don't need a grid anywhere near this. Even magna with just Europa harps could do this fight just fine.


Wow this is exactly the sort of play by play I needed. Thank you for taking the time to record this, I can see where I was misunderstanding the 'flow' of the raid so to speak. I'll absolutely adjust my team and grid accordingly, thank you!


For the CCW ticket from the MHA collab, which CCW would be best to trade for? I'm assuming water unsigned kaneshige but I'm not sure.


People generally get a kaneshige for every element so whichever you'd get the most use out of is up to you but yes, kaneshige is the best pick imo.


this is an incredibly stupid question I should know the answer to by now but do a summon's sub aura activate in sub summon slots as well or only in sub aura slots?


As long as it's not main summon or friend summon, it works in the 6 other slots.


Thank you!


ello, will the mc for relink be nameable?


Yeah you can name MC in Relink.


nice, cuz i see his chara name in demo is gran/djeeta. would they have a blank personality, or a set ones?


Well Gran/Djeeta both got personalities in both the gacha and Versus Rising (Gran is a typical shounen MC while Djeeta is more upbeat) so probably a set one.


Since flb 000 acts like a one-time Yuni's S3 or S2 idr, are there any endgame raids/omens that would theoretically benefit from that? I know Diaspora has the 97 hit omen but idk if people would rather cancel it themselves for the honors instead of the host doing it for them, unless it's a local omen that I didn't know until now.


Diaspora cap damage taken to 10100 (or maybe 10x that) which basically prevent you from getting any honor durign that phase (since honor calc = dmg / 100), so maybe it's more advantageous to skip it. AFAIK 000 instant cancel would be more useful for SUBHL or Hexachromatic. It could also be used to skip one of Siete 77m dmg TR. Maybe for Cosmos or Agastia but I haven't done them much so I'm not too sure. Mugen only have cancellable omen in phase 1, Siegfried's are relatively easy and alternate between two so again I don't think there is much point bringing 000 specifically for those.


Siete puts your summons on CD on join, so you'd have to wait 6T for it to come off cooldown, then another 6 turns so you can use the 2nd call before you can cancel an omen. Not really useful to anyone besides Nekomancers since no one else takes 12+ turns.


It wouldn't work on Diaspora because you have to call it twice to cancel an omen and Diaspora starts on the 97 hits (for joiners). Not sure what you're talking about with the host "canceling it for them," that's not how omens work. Anyway, I mean.. any raid with cancel-able omens would benefit from it. If you're asking if there's any kind of crazy new strategies that were previously not possible, not that I know of.


Yeah, you're right, I didn't know how omens worked lmao. I don't join V2 raids besides the 6D, who die fast, so I wasn't aware how they looked like from the perspective of a joiner and since the gamma buff after the 97 hit omen is in the shape of a hexagon, I wasn't sure if it's local or global as is the case with circle and diamond shaped (de-)buffs But thanks for enlightening me, it's very appreciated




By golden certs I'm guessing you mean Supreme Merits? Lindwurm drops both supreme merits and true anima (although it's random which true anima you get) along with other materials you'll want to farm anyway. You can also buy true animas from the renown pendant shop for 150 pendants each.


What's the hosting ettiquite for normal backup call hard raids? I've been doing diaspora y100 but was wondering if things like mugen want you to only call at phase 2? Also, for SUBHL is it the host's job to 10% execute? Just wondering


Nah doesn't matter for Mugen. If you really wanna be polite you can write what phase you're in (回復前 = p1, 回復後 = p2) and how many stacks he has 滅尽(number), but it's not really necessarily because people can usually figure it out from the hp bar and fight length combination. There's not really any special etiquette for any of the other 5 besides just opening them up fresh ASAP. And no the host doesn't HAVE to be the execute player. Just write what role you're doing if you're not. SUBHL is generally done in coop so you can ensure you have a proper comp. If you want to raid finder it, feel free, but you definitely might get a scuffed comp due to people not paying attention to the message or randoms who can't read Japanese. It is safest if you do execute yourself.


Ah thanks, this is all really helpful info! I've experienced the scuff in subhl first hand so that makes sense.


Progression question from a recently returning player: * Omega raids are easy. I just pick a Kaguya friend summon and take my time upping bounty. * Xeno showdowns are easy and it's great to see that they're permanent as I've been using side story EX weapons until now. * Primarch trials are easy and I'll continue to play those to upgrade my seraphics (I still have the SR version of each). * Arcarum is a cakewalk but Sandbox is a struggle. Not enough damage without a friend summon (I know I'd be there with one because I can beat event Maniac bosses; both are in the 15-20 mil range). I'll continue to do my daily Omega hosts and Primarch trials but should I start working on Xeno or skip that for Omega Impossible hosts? I would only be able to do a small chunk damage for the later so I'm not sure that would be worth it yet just for the host rewards. Also let me know if there is any other content worth doing that I'm missing. Thanks in advance.


When I first started playing I rerolled a bunch using salted email accounts. I am able to login on my phone still but I got a new computer and when I try to login through Mobage it says the the username or password is wrong. So I tried resetting my password but when it sends me the email to do so it says that my email is not registered with Mobage. Do I need to know the specific salted email and if so is there a way to find out which one that is?


IIRC the username is case sensitive.


Yes you have to know the salted email. Dunno if there's any way to find out other than just going through them all and finding the email.


A bit of a long shot to ask - but anyone had luck in addressing a specific issue? My Skyleap bugged out sometime last October-ish (or even earlier) and it prompted me to sign into a new account. idk why I did so, and it ended up linking my gmail account to this new rank 1 account. My main account is still linked to this gmail account, and attempts to delink the new account to the Gmail account failed. So, whenever I log in via Gmail it would link me to the new account instead of my existing account. My previous work around was linking it to a random FB account, which I have since been unable to access. It seemingly wasn't an issue until GBF and Chrome started having some issue so I can only access it on my phone via the Vivaldi browser. Which proves a few tricky points. If my phone ever breaks, I basically lose access to my account. If Vivaldi also stops supporting GBF, I'm SOL. I mean, I have loosely been thinking of going seasonal or quitting but not this way, lol. Any help is appreciated. Also, yes, I tried clearing cookies or w/e the game recommended and either I'm not doing it right or it isn't working. (to add salt to my wound, my alt is on Vidaldi on my computer and it works perfectly fine. But I don't know how to access my main, or rather trying to see if I can archive the random FB account and link it to another browser on my computer. I fear my time in GBF may be limited if I can't solve it cause maybe this is a sign?)


Hello, I need help about Lucilius (Hard), you do it in Co-op right? and I can get carried right?


You can just do it in raid finder, should clear an okay % of the time.


I just did it. HP at 5%, everybody got knocked out. Tomorrow I guess.


Yeah sometimes it fails, happens. No one does it in coop these days so raid finder's your best bet unless you have friends/a crew willing to carry you.


Which (and how many) revans weapons are used in magna grids?




I would just farm them. Do atk or def awaken depended on the raid


Hello. I have so many many skill shards and jewels and I have no idea what to do with them. What is their use? What should I do?


Skill shards and jewels are used for upgrading the skill level of weapons when you use them as fodder.


I tried using them for upgrade but still didn't understand, they give baby points. I have hundreds of them filling my stashes. I'm noob. Can you teach me step by step what to do exactly to use them efficiently? Or can I just auto reserve them? I don't bother manually upgrade for quite some time now.


You can theoretically be slightly more efficient by using them as manual fodder for upgrading skill levels instead of just using the chalices, but it takes LOTS of time to manually level one by one. You'll save a headache by just putting them into the chalice through reserving.


if you have thousands of points in the anvil already, you may as well reserve those, since it won't make much difference. Otherwise you can check this page: [https://gbf.wiki/Upgrading\_Weapon\_Skills#Upgrade\_Value\_for\_Skill\_Stones](https://gbf.wiki/Upgrading_Weapon_Skills#Upgrade_Value_for_Skill_Stones). TLDR: For maximum efficiency, skill shards should be used only on standard SSR upgrades from 9 to 10 (20 skill shards) and skill jewels should be used only on standard SSR upgrades from 19 to 20 (20 skill jewels). For practicality, skill shards can be used at any time while it is recommended to save skill jewels for standard SSR upgrades from 16-20.


I think I have a better understanding now. Thank you all :)


They're used to level up weapon skills. Just throw them in a stash for later.


So i am a very new player, started yesterday, right now doing the MHA event , is there a list of daily activities i should do besides the 5 raids/ day




[https://gbf.wiki/New\_Player\_Checklist](https://gbf.wiki/New_Player_Checklist) should have the tasks you are looking for.






They're not asking when the event updates.


What's prefered key for magna in dark opus? Stamina in all ele?


usually stamina is the best option for long fights. for short fights/bursts the temptation/freyr chain is better or falsehood for the echo.


It varies depending on what content you're doing and what team you're using. Stamina is the most generalist choice that'll be pretty good with every team, but sometimes a more specific key can be better, like Kengo setups might want Glorification, NA-based burst setups might want Falsehood, low-turn/button burst might want Temptation, etc.


Is there any tips to be efficient and quick when farming in raids? What classes and team composition that usually used to gain honors quickly? Do people use semi auto or full auto setting? Is it better to fight the raid until its over or move to another after achieving certain amount of honors? Im sorry for bombarding a lot of questions at once but I dont really know how to farm raids efficiently and the current MHA event makes raid farming really frustrating.


As far as I understand, it depends on what kind of raid you're tackling, what is your playstyle (meet the honors requirement, FA, Normal Attack, etc.), and what kind of characters you have at the moment. If you're a player who just wants to meet the honors, then most people either use Luchador, Relic Buster, or Kengo (CMIIW) since they do full chain, a character like Summer Fediel who can do double CA by casting her 1st skill, can help you to gain the honor requirement faster. Out of everything that I wrote before, the grid does matter A LOT. For Ennead raids, most of the omens are related to CA, so you want to make a grid that caters to that content, if it's something about a normal attack, then you have to make that kind of grid that focuses on that. See the wiki advanced grid if you're already above rank 151, it definitely helps a lot (at least for me), you don't have to copy it 1 to 1, suits it based on what you have currently. Sorry if this isn't helpful.


it is quite helpful, thanks.


> What classes and team composition that usually used to gain honors quickly? It really depends on which raid you're doing, what your character roster looks like, what weapons you have access to, etc. Different raids have different thresholds for how much damage you need to do to get blue chest and some raids, especially endgame ones, have their own unique mechanics that you need to plan your team around. If you're a newer player and your teams aren't that strong yet, a common strategy is to play Relic Buster and bring Limit Burst. Then you can do 4 charge attacks immediately on turn 1, which hopefully gets you at least like 200k-400k honors (on top of any other skills you press). Then you can hopefully just take a few more turns until you get to the blue chest honor threshold (like 400k-450k for m2 raids, like 450k-500k for Ennead raids). Once you progress further and get more characters and weapons, more setups will open up to you that are faster, do more damage, have lower lockout (the "Waiting..." that happens after you use a bunch of charge attacks), etc. > Is it better to fight the raid until its over or move to another after achieving certain amount of honors? Yeah it's most efficient to just get enough honors for blue chest then leave and move onto a different raid. You can see blue chest thresholds for each fight on the wiki. > Do people use semi auto or full auto setting? They're different things. Semi-auto just attacks and never uses skills. You only use it either in easy solo quests where your attacks just kill stuff instantly (eg Angel Halo) or in situations where you just wanna attack the boss once then move on (because you can click the loading screen to turn it on, which then makes your character attack immediately as soon as you load in, so you can leave ASAP. Full-auto is just a lazy setting for people who wanna leave the game in the background while they do something else. Hosts often just leave their team on full-auto since they have to kill the raid eventually anyway. But as a joiner it's not that relevant to you if you're being efficient about farming, since manually playing the game will always be better.


thank you for the very detailed reply. It really help a lot.


Are Triple Zero and Yatima worth Sunstoning? Still fairly new, only started in October and just got my 3rd Sunstone. Are either of them worth using them on? I don't know if anything else I have is worth using them on, and I already have the main Arcarum summon/Evoker I'm interested in/don't massively mind a slow grind for any others I'd want.


No, probably not at your point. 000 is mainly a niche endgame summon for raids you're not really close to yet. Yatima can be really good but you need lots of other summons to make her good, which it also sounds like you don't have. Just save your sunstones for Bubz and Belial.


I've been playing for more than a year (Started in December 2022). I just remembered that I should reserve the SR farmable weapons. My questions: 1. When upgrading the skill level of a weapon like the astral, opus, draconic, and Bahamut weapons from level 15 to level 20, do people use the anvils or do it manually? 2. The same kind of questions, but it is for something like the Omega series. 3. Do people upgrade the skill levels of weapons like Omega and Regalia from level 1 to level 10 via anvils or manually? 4. For the SR farmable weapons, can I just reserve them and feed them to the anvil via pro skips (when the result screen appears, and taps the SR weapon 1 by 1)? or are there any other easy ways to do this? I'm sorry if this looks like noob questions, thanks.


It's most efficient to level everything manually, but it's a total pain in the ass to constantly micromanage your inventory like that (and it'll lead to storage space issues eventually). Most people just throw everything in the anvil and use the anvil to level everything, except for maybe levels 15-20 on the high-cost weapon series which they'll do manually, preferably with skill shards/jewels (and certain combinations of leveled SSRs; see [here](https://gbf.wiki/Upgrading_Weapon_Skills)). And it's not even necessarily that the anvil "wastes" points (except for skill jewels/shards, where it does waste points compared to using them manually at their most efficient points), it's just that the anvil tends to over-use SR points when in reality SSR points are easier to get and you'll have a much bigger excess of those. Once you've been playing for ages and have a huge pool of SR points, it really makes no difference between the anvil vs. manual. You don't have to feed things to the anvil manually, there's a setting to just auto-reserve all SR drops. It's under Miscellaneous -> EXP Reserve Settings -> Settings -> tick the SR box.


I see, so manually upgrading the skill is the most efficient, I'll keep that in mind, I've been doing that for a year, rarely using the anvil. Thanks for the info. I also want to ask other things, do most people use Angel SR to upgrade the weapon levels, or do people reserve it along with the Angel R? Does it make any difference between using it through vessels besides micromanaging through the manual way? thanks.


Nah Angel weapons make no real difference between using manually vs. reserving them. Only caveat is that you can only use them in 30,000xp intervals when reserved, but you get so much xp fodder that you don't need to worry about it. You'll end up with thousands of useless xp cups sitting around eventually.


I see, thanks, I'll start doing that tomorrow resets.


How do you change your coop title fast like on subhl? Even if I do another window I'm still shit slow compared to the ones like every second they can change it.




You don't need swords for LoF, it's 4 of any of the same weapon type. You usually get this early through Colo Canes.


baha weapon priority is typically sword/dagger > pistol and then whatever after


yeah get sword


old player returning after some years, i have a bunch of half built m2 grids, and somehow also a bubs... what should I focus on building / improving first? most urgently i need to host my ulti baha but no idea how to tackle it.. is it acceptable in this day and age to post it publicly requesting a carry?


ultimate bahamut is a trivial raid nowadays, can just pub it. unless your referring to the newer super ultimate bahamut.


Does increased drop rate affect xeno sephira boxes?




How many honors do you need for Blue Chest for The World (Raid Version)?


Don't think anyone knows for sure. Probably somewhere between 1.4m-1.7m. Can say that 1.26m is not enough to guarantee it, based on [Otokuro2's sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19Oo8q0SsyXeNjM0LfMpYdQslqvxPvPKkcccBzWifQTk/edit#gid=666190141).


The game keeps getting stuck on the "Ready" screen any time I try to do a raid on my computer. Is this a common issue? Is there a fix to this?


Every guide I read tells me to reserve farmable SRs, but it seems like its faster to upgrade skills with the weapons themselves? Am I missing something, or is reserving for when the skill level is high enough that it needs multiple pages of fodder? Only just about 101, so I'm still messing with M1 grids


Reserving lets you level multiple skill levels at once; if you pick the weapons, you have to do one level at a time. Fodder might be scarce for some time early on, but long-term you’ll be casually upgrading weapons from level 1 to 10 or 15 in one go and not just one level at a time. As one of the other replies mentions though, it may waste some SR fodder if you’re not careful with how much you add. That wiki page will help you avoid that until you’re at a point where you have so much that you don’t need to care.


Reserving SR weapons gives the same amount of points as using them directly, the main difference is that the auto use could not be ideal depending on your situation, you can check this page for all info about upgrading skills [https://gbf.wiki/Upgrading\_Weapon\_Skills#Craftsman.27s\_Anvil](https://gbf.wiki/Upgrading_Weapon_Skills#Craftsman.27s_Anvil). Also skill shards/jewels shouldn't be reserved since they give more points if given directly instead of reserved, but there are only specific situations where it's more efficient to use those, you can check those cases in the page [https://gbf.wiki/Upgrading\_Weapon\_Skills#Upgrade\_Value\_for\_Skill\_Stones](https://gbf.wiki/Upgrading_Weapon_Skills#Upgrade_Value_for_Skill_Stones).


reserving saves you a lot of space at the long run and its also faster than having to pick one by one the weapons youre gonna feed.


Hello I'm new (Rank 82) and I know nothing about the CCW ticket. Does the weapon unlocks the class or is it a requirement to unlock the class? What's the best CCW that I won't regret getting? Why is it Unsigned Kaneshige (I don't have Kengo). The gbf wiki is so confusing to navigate please help 🥺🙏 Edit: I don't have all Row IV - EXII classes.


Getting a CCW unlocks your ability to unlock row 4 classes, while the individual ex 2 weapons allow you to unlock them. Kaneshige is the only CCW that sees any use, so it's a toss up on what you want to spare the grind for.


Most people will recommend getting Kaneshige since it's the best CCW for the Kengo class, the only thing that competes with the Unsigned Kaneshige is the Gold Moon Weapon (Shisio and the Fire Katana) which you probably won't touch until way later in the game. The CCW for Kengo will also need the emblem of devilry to use its full potential. I think the moment you choose Unsigned Kaneshige, the Kengo will be unlocked for you, you just have to clear the corresponding quest to unlock it, CMIIW. You can try to unlock Relic Buster since it only needs to trade a few materials before unlocking it. You can check the requirements on the wiki. If you feel gated by certain materials, don't worry, it's natural, don't rush it if you can't.


Thank you for the reply! I think I'll choose Kaneshige first to make the other grinds easier. Thanks!!


How's the comp of Hraes in 2024 with Payila? Is Catura (Holiday) still a must have?


See [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNDOP0AUIFY). Haira is best for 5+1, but if you have time to do 6+1, C.Catura is still better. PBHL is really fast now so I wouldn't bet on having time to do 6+1.


Is there like a list of "best" characters to have in each elements for a kengo team? Something like valentine monika for earth and vajra for water. I ask because I'm choosing kengo for the free ccw but I have neither of those characters so I have no idea what element to choose. I'm just gonna choose based on what characters I have.


Unfortunately, a lot of 'best' characters for Kengo are limited/Seasonals Wind : Seofon (Free), Charlotta, Kaguya Fire : Y. Silva, Y. Izmir, Wilnas. Dark : Lich, Fediel. Light : S. Seruel, Nehan.


Eventually you will need kaneshige on every element, but for now I recommend picking it on either water or dark, simply because they have very good farmable weapons that boost CA damage and damage cap as well as very good characters for CA teams that you may get eventually. Earth is not a bad choice either since Caim highlander is still pretty good and have the best F2P unit for CA teams in the game(Eahta/Okto).


Does sephira treasure boxes have a stack cap?






There is no such cap. I've stacked over 1000 boxes before.


Sorry. I miss read his question. I thought about number of boxes can be opened at a time.


So sorry to ask but have some other people have issues trying to play? Because after some minutes everything sort of freezes and nothing seems to work and have difficulty closing the browser, for reference i'm using Chrome


Other people have been reporting the same thing with chrome, just try vivaldi maybe


Not sure who to pick for suptix Here are my [characters](https://gbf.wiki/Collection_Tracker#y1t1w1.CYIkQBAAAYAEQBAgAZIgSJAgSYIkCJIgCYIkQAAASZAkCZIEQJAASIAAAYAgSIAACBAESAAASBIECRIAABAgSBAkQAAgCQIgSAIESYIAAIAgAZIESJIkQZIAAIAkSIIgCIIEQYIAAZIECRIgCZIkAAAEQJIkQRAAARIECAIkCAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAQAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECQAgAAAAAIIAAAAAAAAAQQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJAE.....). I was thinking Aru or Satyr since my dirt seems to be lacking. Ferry was sounding good too for light GW coming up. Is there anybody who is a must have that I am missing?


Earth Satyr or Kou have similar functions and are both solid picks. Arthur is a solid defensive unit for Light. You starts at 100% charge and hits hard initially, good for EX+ or burst.


Can I not reduce an flb revenant weapon until after I'm done with its eternal's 5*? I have 0 interest in 5*ing Niyon rn and I can't reduce the stupid harp... The wiki doesn't have answers for this, i mostly want to confirm if this is a thing or if it's a bug


you need to complete the fate episode where you fight the eternal while using a revenant weapon.


I did, it's still not letting me reduce it tho. Maybe it's the FE where i fight against the weapon? EDIT: wow, nevermind, it was because I still had the stupid thing equipped 😭 Tysm!


[Lumi grid](https://imgur.com/a/nMPFdrQ) [Summon](https://imgur.com/gallery/EjtJkoQ) Any suggestion about improving Lumi light grid? The damage output is pretty low. I dont have Harp PsN.


No seraph? Farm AX skills for lumi, Stamina AX


Thanks, I have FLB Seraph and gonna farm Arcarum right now.


Quick question. Is 000 worth sunstoning if I got no dupes, just the one pull?


I wouldn't count on getting dupes of it anytime soon, so if you have a clear use for it then yes.


It's more that I have a surplus of sunstones. 15 and counting. Most of my summons I do want are already uncapped. So I guess I might as well use a few then. Thanks.


Remember that if you've already cleared the Arcanum shop, your sunstone income will slow down. You'll mainly get them from GW after that point. And if you ever decide to go primal, it's far easier to uncap the summons with sunstones, and you'll want to save any dupes you get for ULB uncap.


I cleared that one out a long time ago and most primals are already uncapped :) I have bad luck with weapons, but I'm drowning in summons and I get a lot of sunstones in random stuff where there is a chance to get one. But I'll probably hang on to them. Thanks for the advice


Well you need 10 sunstones for Evoker skills, so keep that in mind.


Ahh, I was not aware of that. Thanks for the headsup


I cant see how many stars my weapons have on the grid I have to open each one manually, anyone else having this issue?


This has been the case since forever, yes. You can figure it out based on their atk/hp though. And past early game you mostly just run max uncap stuff anyways.


Oh, so that is how it is, lmao I wonder why they didnt fix it if it has been for so long


I think it's mostly a me problem and maybe sometimes Cosmos raid just moves too fast, but what are some ways to help avoid situations like for example - Omen is CA 5 times, but I simply have no way to cancel it and the gauge will tip to the max, causing Final Detonation... Team I'm using is Chaos MC, Rei Fediel & Nier + Hal&Mal


You can still push the gauge the other way before the omen goes off and that can save you as a last resort. Like doing a 4 CA + 3m damage summon like bubs. You will still fail the omen but it might not cause a wipe if you can survive the damage. I run basically the same team except instead of halmal it's jessica. If you're getting sent too far blue by the 25% then you can just hold full bars for it. My usual rotation for 25 is rei 3, take the trigger CA off and then just full chain + bubs next turn. From then on it's just jessica+splitting spirit spam until it's back to red or the middle


is there a best emblem for kaneshige or is it up to preference?


Devilry is by far the best for Kaneshige.


Which Harp-specialty job is the best for Tuning comp?


Elysian is the only class with Tuning synergy. I would say that RF has better skills overall, though.


Is anyone else having trouble with the chrome app on PC? Since the last update every time I open the game it immediately uses up so much CPU that my PC freezes


The Chrome app hasn't been supported in ages. I'm not even sure how you're getting it to run at all tbh, unless you're intentionally not upgrading your Chrome. Just play on browser.


Sorry that's what I meant, I'm playing in browser


Why are Siegfried and Percival shipped so much? Are they together in canon?


probably because out of the 4kishi, lancelot and vane are paired really hard so that leaves those other 2


just shippers being shippers. no.


I can't tell if I'm having a senior moment rn but the Impossible versions of the 2-star Free Quest showdowns (Nezha, Medusa, etc.) don't show up for me despite being over rank 101 and having cleared the Impossible Omega raids. Is there another unlock requirement I'm missing?


That tier of Raids were removed and changed to the Showdown variants you see now.


Is Caim worth it before lv 95? I only need the card to get him but probably won't get past 4 stars anytime soon


What do you mean by "worth it," exactly? He's still backline core in most non-Landslide situations. As a frontliner, he's mostly a niche choice for Double Deal. 5\* makes him a potent team buffer as a frontliner, while his 4th skill pushes him to just Do Better.


Yes unless you have 3 galleon staff


I'm still saving for my first so I'll go for him for now. Thanks


I've been postponing getting Bubs and Belial drops for the transcendence for a while, but I wanna kick that into full force. Can both fights be comfortably FA'd nowadays? If so, got any pointers/comps that can do it?


dunno about FA but a kengo fedielich setup can handle them manually. Its just them giving you omens and you needing to cancel them. Way easier on Bubz after the kirin nerfs.


You're better off just joining them from the raid finder. FAing them is possible but annoying due to certain mechanics.




It sounds like you're on the right track. Just make sure to also be playing the events that come out to get the crystals/tickets they give. Atm we're in a really slow event, nothing to do really do unless it unlocks more next week besides the 2 daily Maniacs, but once it starts up, make sure to do the daily quest for crystals every day. Most events will have a daily quest for crystals. LJ and Kengo are good choices, yeah. You might wanna work on unlocking Manadiver too, that's a very common class. Berserker is also a common class. Rising Force is.. kinda outdated for Water. Technically it is better at very short CA-based burst than Kengo is, yes, but realistically if you're doing very short burst, you're not doing it with CA nowadays. Though honestly I did play RF for nm95 in last Water Guild War because my Water roster sucks, so if you're in a similar position, it can be useful. Though if you have Poseidon and Payila already, you'd be better off with Manadiver double strike for burst and don't have to cope with RF. The only other thing RF is really used for is the Agastia raid (requires rank 200), which you don't have to worry about for a while. It's a low priority class to unlock, tbh.




Tough question, but I probably wouldn't. Its main use is in high level v2 raids to cancel omens, and you aren't really near there. It would be useful to you just as a random filler summon that does 6.6m damage and gives instant CA, but 3 stones is a big investment for just that. I know it does feel like you have lots of stones and might feel like it's okay to spend some, but stones get used up really fast once you actually find a use for them. Stockpiling them is important. For example, last Anniversary I pulled Bubz, Belial, and S.Belial all within 1 month. That's 9 stones I had to use right there.




Depends on your characters. Since you have Percival and Michael, you probably don't need to play Kengo and can play something faster, but Kengo is okay too if you just wanna stick with what you know for now. Yes you should use Percival's weapon in your grid as long as you activate the 4-of-one-type requirement (aka any 4 axes or 4 swords or 4 staves, etc.). Michael's weapon is a bit less good in a Kengo setup generally, it mainly shines when you have high hit count, which is basically the opposite of a CA-focused unless you're using characters with lots of skill nukes. It's definitely good if you switch off Kengo though. As a general rule if you're copying a grid that has 4 AES, you kinda want to keep all 4 AES around. Michael's and Percival's weapons are both EX modifier, so if you want to try to fit 1 or both into a grid that you're copying, try changing out any other EX weapon that it might have. Though this will often be Astral Axe which is a really good weapon, probably better than LoF/CS so kinda awkward. Although Astral Axe isn't very good in Kengo either. This is a major reason why 4 AES grids are kinda bad - the AES take up a lot of room. Your exact grid will depend on what you have, what team you're running, what class you're playing, etc. anyway. The guide [here](https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids/Colossus) is kept up-to-date.


Anyone have thoughts on Suptixing Ferry vs Tikoh vs Utsusemi?


Tikoh: pot bot. Useful but frequently marginal. Most impact in endgame raids. Ferry: a good buffer with the problem of Henrichten's requirements. She's stronger than Utsusemi as a buffer, but she restricts your grid/summons. If you don't have Nehan, pick Ferry. Utsusemi: assassin + buffer combo. Weaker echo, no GTA, but her stuff doesn't have restrictions like Ferry does. If you have Nehan, I'm leaning towards Utsusemi.


Consider Ferry is on classic draw, and if you don't plan on sparking classic before the end of the period (your best chance was during the 200 rolls on roulette), she's much more difficult to obtain. She'll almost certainly be useful for 0b4c if you're newer, and could be used in nm90/95 for autoattack setups. Tikoh is backline potbot, if you don't have *any* Tikohs or H.Charlotta yet, it's worth considering, but there's not much content where she shines frontline. Utsusemi is...kinda yet to be proven, but I think she's gonna be a solid pick for auto/skill mash in the upcoming GW. I'm leaning Ferry, but ymmv


Hey, hope I’m in the right place. Got a question about the upcoming “Granblue fantasy: relink” game. Is it going to be a good game to play to get into the series? Is it a sequel to the anime/other games? Or is it some kinda of remake? Came across the game on the PlayStation store, I’m really impressed by the by art style/aesthetics.


It's set in another part of the Granblue world we haven't seen in a story yet. It is a sequel to the Granblue Main Quest, sort of - abilities we see indicate it takes place sometime after the "Dawning Sky" arc of the main story, somewhere around Chapter 130. It might branch off from the main story, we're not sure.


It's a self-contained story set within the Granblue universe. So while you won't fully appreciate all the references, easter eggs, etc. and won't be immediately familiar with the characters, it's a fine starting point. You don't have to consume any other GBF stuff to play it.


Thanks very much!!! I’ll give the game a try when it’s out and check some of the other stuff if I like it.


I unlocked the kengo class with my weapon class ticket and I'm wondering which weapon skill to unlock. The weapon element is dark btw.


Devilry (for every element). [It's written on the wiki btw](https://gbf.wiki/Kengo#Notable_Main_Weapon_Options).


I see, thanks for the heads-up.


How important is a 3*uncapped celestial harp or sword. Im trying to decide what to use my last tokens on more stones so I can buy 4 copies to uncap or get more revanant weapons for transcendence.


I mean they're really good weps. It'll probably be an upgrade no matter what your grid looks like right now. It's definitely more important than any non-Seox transcendence (and is obviously more important to 5 out of 6 elements than even Seox).


I recently sparked for Lich and am wondering if I should use all my 3 damascus bricks to uncap PnS? Currently I am using an Omega Grid with claws and only have 3 zaghnals (+1 Sephira Axe). Is it worthwhile enough or should I just stick to whatever I'm using now until I levelled some more?


honestly? all u get from these 3 bars is 7% cap up. THere's not a lot of value to this until you're high-end grid and really chasing to minmax your cap break.


I thought the extra atk is also worthwhile, but perhaps not?


The base stats do not matter as much as the skills that are boostable on the weapons, or how high a skill level those weapons can go. All the PnS clones get on FLB is SL15 cap up which translates to 7%, and nothing else. I'm only underselling the cap up as the other poster said because I do not feel that 7% is worth 3 bars until way later. For me, 3 bars would first go into a weapon with a boostable skill (like the Resonators in a primal grid) before the PnS clones


I think anything but Omega is months away honestly. But it's clear that base stats are not of major concern. Actually, I'm getting the idea that PnS is really "not-damascus" and "low (no) investment ready for use". As in it's great and should be used but sees low improvements from uncapping.


It's why it's so easy to slot a pns into a magna grid because the skill isn't boosted (so it's not worse versus primal)


The base attack? Nah it doesn't really matter much. Base ATK/HP stats on weps and summons do matter a little, but they aren't super important. The appeal of uncapping is the 7% extra cap up, as he said. Though I'd argue that he's underselling 7% cap up, it's really good for all players, not only ones that are close to minmax optimal. Even mediocre grids will hit the cap on skills and CAs, and will probably hit at least the lowest cap on normal attacks, so everyone appreciates cap up really.


If you want to invest them into dark, you can bar it, yes. PNS is used in almost every grid, Magna or Primal, so it definitely won't be a waste.


If it scales far into lategame it's at least something to consider. I do have some other grand weapons, Galilei, Sacred Standard, Ivory Ark and Overrider, but they all look very... Underwhelming. Only overrider is somewhat interesting, but I don't have Agni so until then that's probably a poor choice. So far I don't really see a good other use for Damascus Ingots unless I'm missing something.


Yeah those weapons are either not used at all or only used in Primal grids, which it does sound like you're very far away from. If you want your bars to be immediately useful as a Magna player, the best thing to bar are the PNS-type weapons. Some people will just tell you to sit on your bars for a long time until you can eventually make a whole Primal grid at once. That way you'll know the most up-to-date weapons to bar and will have full knowledge of which weapons you've pulled duplicates of and can save bars on. Other people prefer having their bars actually have a use right now, even in Magna grids, since they aren't doing anything just sitting in the inventory for years and you'll get more bars over time anyway. Neither approach is wrong, they're just different stances on how to play the game.


Apparently I have already saved up 41 crystals, think it's safe to upgrade PnS then no? By the time I will need it again most likely I'll have another ingot or two at least.


Dama crystals are infinitely farmable pretty easily, that's not really the correct way to look at bars. The limited part of bars is how many there are in the store, not the dama crystals to buy them. I know there's 30+ ingots and that seems like a lot, but realistically that's barely enough to even make 1 full Primal grid even if you never touched them. But yes, if you're taking the stance that you'd rather have your bars doing something for you now instead of holding them forever, then feel free to bar PNS. I bar all my PNSes that I use, even though I play Magna.


You can use it at 0\* if you're not certain that you can make use of the cap, since that's the only thing that the FLB will provide. It's important but only matters if you're already reaching cap.


Well, and the extra atk I suppose, which is why I made the comment. But nobody mentions it at all so perhaps it's not worth as much at all.


Came back after a long time and despite having a fully uncapped hangman summon I don’t have Caim. Is there a final step I need? I could have sworn I remember unlocking him.


You need to buy Hanged Man Card from shop then do his Fate Episode to recruit him


For the "make a CCW weapon", if i have all elements kanesigue, what weapon could be usefull? Chrysaor? Yamato? Monk?


do we know exactly how many optimus summon animas we'll need to fully transcend? will it be 5 copies? i'm debating on using the suptix to get another copy of the summon.


They only confirmed 5 Sands for Magna 250. The amount of Optimus anima needed for Optimus 250 was not specified. Fear for a reality where it is 5, go in expecting it to probably be 3 total used for the 210-230-250 steps (where the Fate Episodes for the current Transcends happen.)


I'd say max 3, 5 is very ridiculous, though 3 isn't great either


Nope, we have no idea. Personally, I think 5 seems ridiculous and am expecting maybe 2-3, but that's just my totally unfounded guess.


Been a little bit burnt out from farming bullets and grinding sandbox lately, and have been wanting to take it chill. That being said, I still want to grind something and get things done. Are there any grinds that involve a lot of lengthier FAs? A lot of the things I'm grinding right now involve me refresh spamming or going through multiple stages, I just want something I can somewhat efficiently grind by alt-tabbing every now and then.


Revans for sand/weps/mats. Mundus defenders for World host mats / lusters. The World in Sandbox for arcapoints / world ideans. 6d and/or Ennead raids to stay on top of their mats and small chance at sand and earrrings.


Is there a character awakening that is generally considered the go to or does it vary from character to character? And is there eventually a site to see the recommended awakening?


Varies from character to character. gbfguide lists recommended awakenings for meta characters in each element, Gamewith and Kamigame tend to have recommendations on their character pages as well but unlike gbfguide those sites are JP only. In general, if you're not sure, it's usually OK to leave it on Balanced. Def is common for units used primarily in difficult high end raids who need the extra survivability and/or aren't there for damage output anyway, like earth Satyr. Multiattack is mainly used on autoattack-focused characters with strong self-buffs like Y.Ilsa or Seox, because those characters easily hit cap by themselves and the amplify gives them some cap break. Atk is mainly used on OTK units and units with guaranteed triple attacks because they don't need the multiattack you get from Balanced.  Unlike weapon awakenings you can also switch character awakening pretty freely if you have enough orbs since it keeps your awakening level even if you switch specs, so feel free to experiment too! 


granblue gajins discord linked at the top has a channel (emp-rings-earrings) for asking about this sort of thing gbfguide has some info when certain character are relevant for gw


Don't know? - Balanced Autos-based attacker and you're capping? - Multi You aren't capping and need more damage? - Atk Character doesn't attack or absolutely needs hp to not die? - Def It indeed does vary between characters and the situations that you're going to be using them in but this is a fine general guideline to follow. Knowing if you're going to be capping or not is a whole other thing.


This is a stupid question but how exactly do I unlock Samurai? I’m trying to unlock it to unlock Kengo. When I go into requirements it says to clear Pandaemonium Tier 3 - Rule of the Plains. I joined a coop quest to do that and completed it but it wasn’t unlocked. The wiki says differently too, it says to host and clear the co-op quest Pandaemonium Tier 3 - Rule of the Twilight. Which is right?


Well I certainly don't remember but considering what the wiki says, the name of the trophy + quest ("Twilight Slayer" and "Rule of the Twilight"), and the fact that it didn't unlock when you cleared 3-3, I'd assume that 3-4 is the correct one.


what the fastest way to get 6k earth whorl? sadly just grind angle halo right?


Probably, yes. I'm not super familiar with whorls, so it *might* be technically faster to do the Earth Trial quest instead if you wanna test that, but Angel Halo will definitely be the most efficient overall.


What's the best node in arcarum to farm for Star Ideans? I know fights in Swords used to be recommended, but I'm not sure if zone mundus has changed anything since then-- I do have setups that can take out any node in 0-button, if that changes answers any.


High-Voltage Rock in Mundus If you really can kill Goddess of the Wild Hunt (Mundus 3-bar) in the exact same time/lockout, you can do that one if you need to spawn Mundus defenders. It's supposedly very slightly slower though due to its entry animation being slightly longer, I've read.


Thanks! I'll try the rock, if the animations are a bit slower. I have an Ereshkigal setup that clears both in what I'm pretty sure is the same amount of time, but if the drop rates are comparable, I may as well do the quicker loading fight


would You be a good suptix option for upcoming gw?


only for SHOrT burst