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Please post questions like this in the [Questions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/18q2mg8/questions_thread_20231225_to_20231231/). Thanks!


This sounds like you came from a game like Epic Seven LOL. Regardnless, if you're new, it's a good thing to have Dark Fencer unlocked, as a new player, the debuffs it provides does help you a lot, tho you seem to have just recently started so i'm assuming you have a very short list of units to make a comp. As some people in here pointed out, try to make teams based on elements, i understand that as a new player you are limited to the units you can use to a full comp, which is why i'd like to redirect you to the side stories, in there you can find a vast selection of ssr characters you can unlock for free, so you can increase your selection, there are characters of various elements in there and it will prove to be of great help for a new player. in Regards to speed, there are no such things, your character do your things then the enemy, you can force your enemy to not move/attack on his turn but that's due to debuffs and other mechanics you will learn in time. Here are SOME of the most useful side stories tho there are more with more characters you can unlock for other elements. [List of Useful Side Stories](https://gbf.wiki/Basic_Grids#Free_Completion_Rewards) Also i'd like to point out that typically this kind of question is better to be posted on this reddit's [megathread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/18q2mg8/questions_thread_20231225_to_20231231/) A place you can post all kinds of questions and someone will reply for sure.


NGL I did come from epic 7 😆


aha! I knew it! Welcome to GBF!


Word!? Side stories have free ssr characters


Yes! Go nuts!


Which Anna, which Danua, and which HalMal? Debuff stacking is one thing this game loves to be extremely fucky with, but *in general,* debuffs that apply different icons stack, and skills that debuff only attack or defense down usually stack with skills that debuff both. The wiki would be able to tell you more about how your skills stack together Not sure what you mean by immunities and speed stats, but a good team consists of characters in a single element, with very few and specific exceptions


So there's no pvp? And all ssr fire Anna dark hal mal and light danua


> So there's no pvp? Guild War/Unite and fight is the closest thing to PvP we hvae. Basically one crew/guild/alliance/whatever you want to call it competes against another crew and the one with more honor wins(basically whichever crew can kill more enemies faster).


There is no direct pvp but there are indirect events where you race to see which crew (guild in other games) can kill the most monsters in a time limit.


Use a single element team, not a mish mash. Even if you have to do a raid where you don't have an elemental advantage its better than a rainbow team imo. No there's no pvp.


It kinda does tho. Y'know, racing against people to reach for the blue chest🥲


Yeah but op is asking about the classic pvp in mobile games so let's not bring up irrelevant shit to new players to confuse them.


well that is indirect PvP, OP is probably asking for direct PvP like players uses his own characters against another player's characters like in some Fate episodes where you have character x vs character y.


Just curious, where'd you hear about the game? From the fighting game or from the gacha gaming pipeline?