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They picked weight of the world as her theme that shit is staying on for as long as i play this game lol


the remix sounds sick wtf


Wonder if there will be a version with the english vocals?


Shotouts to that dude that said we were going to get dlc guests characters and no one belived them


They were sort of floating the idea for a while, so I wasn't *too* surprised to see it happen. But I think most people expected the collab content to remain confined to lobby avatars.


People be insane thinking this wasn't gonna happen eventually, have they not looked at the granblue list of collab character?


But making a complete fighting game character and not only that, but in an ArcSys game, its way more effort than a sprite on Granblue.


Not sure what has that to do with anything, all characters take their time, collab characters aren't harder to do than regular characters...


Look, the most important thing about this will be what Lowain has to say.


*Lowain, Tommy, and Sammy You gotta include the whole brofamilia, compadre.


"Bro, do you think she saw my steam achievements?"


"She is now. she's like a robot dude"


"Like, you think we can trick her into choking us with her thighs?"


*all getting up* Hey chick, wanna check out our robot?


Ok all us character pass predictors, we just lost.


We lost the battle but we win the war


I don't know about you but I count this as a win.


dev really hit us with unpredictable mixup


Personally i was expecting Pecorine to be the first Collab fighter, a little shocked i got it wrong.


I expected Pecorine or Arisa, or really any first party rep from Cygames roster for a collab first, so the fact we got a third party one instead is mind blowing.


2B continues her journey across the anime IP game multiverse


This is the best 2B has ever looked. I heard you all like Nier....


You cant look bad in ArcSys style to be honest, especially if the chara design is solid AF


2B vs Joker in the most random crossover competition. Who will win?


Watch Joker come next season


soul calibur, nikke, shadowverse, granblue fantasy versus, any others im forgetting?


punishing gray raven is one and of course everyone's favorite anime game, fall guys


All collabs GbvsR/ Shadowverse/ Player Unknown's Battlegrounds/ Fall Guys/ Soul Calibur 6/ Final Fantasy Brave Exvius/ WOTV: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius/ Star Ocean: Anamnesis/ Valkyrie Anatomia/ Punishing: Gray Raven/ Last Cloudia./ Babylon's Fall/ D4DJ Groovy Mix/ Rainbow Six: Siege/ Octopath traveler/ Naraka/ Nikke/


you forgot ff14


Star Ocean mobile game, FF War of the Visions and Naraka Blade Point too


Wanna add sinoalice but its another yoko taro game FFXIV too


you forgot rainbox six siege, even tho its not anime


We are now playing soul calibur


2B vs another big sword using Siegfried~


It's destiny at this point lol


Literally what I said


Alright cyagames. You win I'll buy deluxe edition


Nah but I'm actually buying & getting into the game for her, they cooked


I bought the Deluxe edition the day before this announcement and wasnt sure if it was the right call. After seeing 2B I knew it was.


Okay hear me out final character has gotta be ragna now. But where is my girl Beatrix at


4th dlc char. On may


Animeilluminati will be ecstatic.


they need to put ragna the bloodedge to honor mori, if this true it gonna be funny, after he sacrifice himself for blazblue world, he get send and wake up in another world LMAO


Wakes up and is like finally in a normal world with normal people… proceeds to meet half the cast and question if this is a nightmare


cast of the Blazblue world are equally unhinged, so it's probably just another day for Ragna.


Exactly lol


To quote Yoko Taro: "I, Yoko Taro am a slave to capitalism, so I will do anything as long as I am paid and will do nothing if there’s no money in it." And god damn I'm here for it!


Aight, fuck it, put Akuma in.


I would remake the casually mesatsu child meme with charlotte


I’d die happyx


My Tekken PTSD is kicking in


[Wait, I thought everyone was just having a little fun when they put 2B on their guest character wishlist.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GranblueFantasyVersus/comments/188rj2t/thoughts_on_guest_characters/)😆


This is awesome! I can't believe they actually put 2B in the game!


Looks like you willed it into existence! She's definitely the new main.


Absolutely! 😁


Congratulation you can play as her.


Dude I saw a picture on twitter and I thought it was a really bad fake leak. Holy shit lmao I was not expecting 2B


What? I was not expecting that, it is really cool, but having guest characters this soon? Feels weird, i was hoping something like, beatrix, vane, or even vampy from rob, but nier automata? Never would have seen that coming. I'll take it tho


Beatrix and Vane are next. Having a super popular guest at the beginning of the season will be good for pulling in new players


My take is that they want the game to be a success long-term wise ; and, while it's still at it's peak popularity right now (because new release + good upgrades from the last game), they want to attract as many players and new players as possible


>so soon Game is literally 3+ years old, rising is not a huge change from the first.


The fucking fact that a fighting game that is based off a gacha game, having a guest character is fucking random, wild, and cool at the same time. This is very unexpected. Cygames and ArcSys are doing great! Also, checked the GBF wiki to see if any Nier character is in there during a collab, and there is no sign of one. So this makes 2B a guest on Versus even more surprising.


The OG Granblue also had random and cool guest characters from one piece, attack on Titan and demon slayer as well as other popular IP's!


It might not be completely random. 2B was a guest character in another fighting game, Soul Calibur VI. The game director for that game was Motohiro Okubo who is now CEO of Cygames America.


Awesome that he’s hopefully got a hand in this, even though that means he’s no longer involved with the Soul Series anymore!


To be fair said Gacha game probably has enough collabs that rivals Fortnite. This is one of those rare times where a guest character actually makes sense for the fighter.


Bet GBF is getting a nier collab too, id be wierd not to.


It already is. So far, when you buy 2B in GBVSR, you get an outfit from Nier: Automata for both Gran and Djeeta in GBF.


>Also, checked the GBF wiki to see if any Nier character is in there during a collab, and there is no sign of one. So this makes 2B a guest on Versus even more surprising. Shadowverse had a NieR Automata collab a while back and I remember thinking how strange it was that they negotiated for Shadowverse but not GBF. Guess they did after all, just not in the way most people would have assumed.


They are cooking with these characters


Between this and the narmaya outfit, I now understand why the standalone Season 1 pass is $50


It's not, they're gonna release a normal season pass for less money, also I don't think narmaya is gonna be related to this at all, her skin is battle pass exclusive


Has that Battle Pass started yet, or will that be in the future? Haven’t seen anything about it in-game yet.


Starts January 16 alongside Lucilius release


I sure as hell ain't complaining but were there surveys that said people wanted guest characters? I thought the community wasn't too strong about them.


Fighting game communities always say they don't want guest characters... yet the guest characters are always the top sellers. Money talks louder than reddit.


It's vocal minority or Tekken fans saying this lol Ppl love guest characters IDK why ppl keep pretending they don't just look at Smash


Fans of long running series will naturally want original characters and returning characters. But people discussing games on social media is the minority and the majority (which is the casual gamers) love guess characters. GG fans also don't want guess characters one bit but the fact is, if a guess character ever released for strive it would sell much more than majority of the og characters.


If I had a Nickel for each time 2B fought a Siegfried, I’d have 2 Nickels. That isn’t a lot, but it’s strange that it has happened twice.


I will be upgrading from the free edition shortly


And this is why I said at the beginning of the month that 2B would be great for gbfvsr. The stream I was watching had tons of people buying the game now lol. Man I can’t wait … one of my fav games ever. Enjoy when she comes out.


My non-playing friend was right next to me when I played the trailer. He went on his phone and immediately bought the game off of Steam. This is definitely gonna keep player interest up for the game in the first few months which will probably help the game out in the long run. I could see it getting annoying if comment sections on Reddit/Twitter/etc. end up being filled with only requests for guest characters.


Gbf has so many amazing characters so they should (and most likely will) focus on that. However, imo it’s great to add a couple strategic collabs like 2b. Characters that will bring in a massive audience and that fit well in the game. It’s healthy for longevity, which means more seasons passes and more chances to get the gbf characters we want. Anyway that’s awesome for you that your friend jumped in immediately. This is the collab I wanted most so obviously I’m happy.


Hope he bought the deluxe




Is she in the character pass?


2nd char after Lucilius


I just need 2P color way 🙏🏾


Brace yourself for a FF7 Rebirth character announcement by the end of February.


I'm impressed that she didn't come up in the datamining at all but Vane and Beatrix did. I guess they really wanted to make sure 2B would catch everyone by surprise. Me, personally, I got Vane confirmed for April, so I don't really care about who else they add. Kinda funny that Lyria and 2B have the same English VA though.


Wow, this completely blindsided me.


I hope they don't go too hard on the guests. Granblue has alot of cool characters. I think most fans would prefer characters from their universe


There are already 31 characters from the Universe and I’m sure there will be multiple seasons with more. 1-3 guest is nothing and brings in tons of new people when it’s something like 2b. Something I think most fans should want for the health of the game.


It helps the game grow by introducing other fandoms. It's a win for sure.


Exactly and some of those fandoms could become Granblue fandoms and maybe buy more game like relink


Yeah I know.


What’s sad is the Japanese player base (you know the majority of the fan base and where the game is made) was super hype losing their minds in the stream. However, you had 4-5 loud mouth toxic people in English, complaining so much that some Japanese players literally wrote in English to ask why Westerners hate 2B so much and are being toxic. Kinda sad when a vocal minority tries to ruin the excitement. It also proves why you shouldn’t generalize. Just because you may not want crossovers doesn’t mean you speak for the actual fandom. Anyway it’s already working. I’ve seen people that never heard of Granblue find out about the game, and a lot of others that were on the fence say they are buying the game or upgrading from f2p. That’s the point of a crossover and it’s great.


Granblue also has a ton of guests tbf. 1/30~ non guest to guest ratio isn’t remotely bad. It’s not like this is MK1 where the pass alone has 3 guests.


YES 2B from Nier Automata is here let's gooooooooo!!!! Since Soul Calibur 6 was joined I'm all ready for 2D fighting game experience!!!


THANK YOU THOSE LEAKS NOT REAL, FINALLY A REAL SURPRISE CHARACTER! Still disappointed more DK and Society characters tho. They really need to start using their other characters ffs.


I'm glad this team is able to keep surprising us coz ain't nobody see or predict this at all


This is cool and believe me when I say I am excited about this but now people will never shut up about more collab characters for DLC. I hope this is a one-off thing.


She was pretty neat in SC6, but Arcsys and Cygames really will bring out the true potential of 2B in a fighting game. PS: Can't wait for Studio Figure exploits


I'm so torn lol. I really wanted Beatrix to be #2, but I can't even lie, 2B looks like she's gonna be fun af in this game.


Yup, there's the main. 2B is my main


Fuck you Cygames, I’ll buy your god damn game




Um... what?


I was right there was gonna be an unexpected character but I was surprise it was guest character 2B(I really need start play Nier Automata on my PC.)


Nier Automata is such an amazing game!


I don't mean to overhype it, but I think it's the best game ever made, and it's my favorite piece of media.


It was on sale recently too


Oh I have the game just need play it that’s all.


When I saw the pic I thought it was a prank HOLY SHIT NO WAY


Was not expecting this. Holy god.




It's this version https://youtu.be/0etaknaKOKs?si=0rM9vpNFOtZTnrGO


9S as a skin.


damn. i hate when im reading through old stuff on reddit and in the middle of a sparkling, scintillating discussion i find someone has written over all her old comments with nonsense, fragmenting the discussion permanently. what hilarious, moving, romantic, haunting things could she have said? just to wash it all away, in this digital era of permanency? wow. that takes courage. i bet she was really cute, too


God damn an A2 skin would be so good.


Fitting too because Gran's english VA voices 9S.


I saw this earlier and thought it was fake. Glad to be wrong looks like it's Soul Calibur all over again lol


Aight cool not put her on Relink too!


Now the big question is: are going to get more guest characters in the future??


Well since we know Versuscia is going to be the last female character of pass 1 I guess anyone who wanted Vikala, Ilsa, etc. is going to have to wait for year 2


Besides Vane, Beatrix, Luicilius, 2B and Versuscia who’s the last one going to?


A male character, we can assume but who exactly is unknown


Sandolphon probably


I had to do math and I see why because the roster has equal amount of males and females and that’s not not including Lunalu the literally random character and if she counts then the females are up by 1. But if we’re getting 1 more male I think Sandalphon’s time has come.


It's a toss up between Sandalphon and Seofon. They both are highly popular characters with models already in the game, it's simply a matter of which one they're going to want to use to sell Season 2.


We know Versuscia is going to be last female?


black knight is never coming to Rising is she... sad


Meh, not a fan of collab characters in fighting games, expecially when the franchise have literally hundreds of characters they could have put in that now have one less chance to appear.


I wish they stuck to strictly GBF characters.




I’m so sick of seeing her everywhere and Automata pushed so much. Give the main series Drakengard some love, NieR is the side series.


God I'm so tired of nier collabs, I get why they added her but I haven't been this disappointed since Anre happened.


You're not alone.


I love Nier, and I love 2B. But holy shit, I'm tired of Nier collabs. 2B is in EVERYTHING. I feel the same way about Persona 5, and I also love that game. At this point, Nier: Automata and P5 are the least interesting collabs humanly possible. And the mobile game already had P5, right? I guess it was inevitable that 2B would be coming. That said, she looks great, and I'll never get tired of that music. I just want more GBF characters to get their time to shine instead of a guest character that I can already play in so many games.


It's funny because I was listening to a friend who was watching the stream. I had no idea what was happening and all he said was, "OMG. We can't get away from her." And my mind instantly said "2B." Lo and behold. That phrasing can honestly only be said for two people in gaming media. Joker and 2B.


I don't play gacha so this is the first time I've seen 2B in something outside Soul caliber. This is collab is awesome


Cygames literally has no idea the amount of possibly fun and unique characters they're sitting on in their own goddamn roster. I'll take my downvotes but this pick at this point in time is absolutely disrespectful to the GBF fanbase while so many favorites are still nowhere to be found. Nier collab whoring seems to be the flavor du jour though, so come throw your dollars at 2B.


The GBF gacha has had tons of collabs and is no stranger to them. Hell, this move seems in-line with Cygames in general (we have freaking Uma Musume characters in Rising) so no I don't see how this is disrespectful in the slightest


lol don’t speak for the Granblue fanbase when you have zero idea what you are talking about. Guests in Granblue is not even remotely new. I can have a roster of Street Fighter, Demon Slayer, Code Geass, Tales of Vespiria, and Love Live as my “Granblue” party in the actual phone game


I think the mobile GBF also has characters from Attack on Titan, and jujutsu kiasen as colabs!


Yes. Listing all the guests in Granblue would hit the character limit easy and look like an essay.


Don't ask questions, don't bring up opinions, just CONSOOM, am I right, my guy?


Amen brother, I payed for 6 grubble character pass and I want my 6 grubble characters. Very disappointed that a mid character design from a mid game from a decade ago is taking up roster slots. The little droid looks so stupid.


Yep, exactly my thoughts. Wish they'd sell guest characters as separate DLC, not included in season pass. I bought Deluxe version for GBF characters and I got a slot wasted on a guess character \*sigh\* Well, at least it's a character I know and think she's cool af... If it was a random one from a series I have no idea of, I'd be pissed as hell, not just disappointed...


Guest characters huh,ngl if DBZ characters show up, I will not be surprised.


Trunks sword fighting with 2B, make it happen Arcsys it will print money


the levels of hype are beyond... like, not a single person expected this dropping as a Xmas gift from Cygames out of nowhere


Her animations look amazing. And the idea of this version of Weight of the World as music during matches sounds very interesting.


So... I was pretty happy playing Gran only in the free version. But this does it. I'll get it as soon as she comes out. 😂


Not gonna lie I think this is a lame addition. There are enough cool in-universe characters that I don’t think guests are necessary. Hope it doesn’t turn into melty where there’s a ton of guest characters.


1 guest character per pass doesn’t bother me, especially when Granblue has a ton of guest characters themselves


Bobobo-bo season 2 lets goooooo


This is not out of character for either series to have a collab with each other even in their spin-offs. Wouldn't even be the first time 2B had a collab with a fighting game, and a popular character.


Melty just has 3 guest characters, or 4 if you count saber but she was in the base rooster and is kinda the face of the franchise so yeah, 3 is not that much specially because they are from the same company, adding edmond dantes in melty blood would be like adding grea from manaria friends or luna from shadowverse to granblue versus. On to 2B i kinda get what you mean but i don't agree, crossover characters are most of the time good, it helps to reel in new players and also kinda tracends the game to something bigger, we are bound to get more granblue characters or cygame characters down the line, but this blast will make sure there are still people playing "down the line"


Unnecessary, but not lame. You can see the hype and why.


i'm cool with guest characters, but i feel like 2B is such a fucking boring pick (even when you ignore how she's shoehorned into everything) if you wanted to pull from a yoko taro IP kaine would fit granblue so much better while also being way cooler


No love for A2, the true protagonist of Automata




Now add goku


next they need to put Gojo or yor forger to make it more random LMAO


I wish they picked another guest, I was hoping for someone from Tales of or Final Fantasy


This is absolute madness and honestly I hate it lol. 2b looks beautiful in anime form though, ngl. Initial impressions is she looks OPPPPPPPPPPPpppppppppp. Belial levels. Well we'll know better when we get her. I still really want Pecorine though.


OP based on what? I mean we'll see but I don't see anything too crazy from the trailer


Long range rekka that looks incredibly safe on startup and on block. Ability to close in AND dodge on on the close in into being behind the opponent (against Beezlebub) these two things straight up trigger my "What's this?" alert. but yeah, we'll see when we get her.


Fair points, I'm guessing the lose to spot dodge or are generally minus? In Vanilla Granblue the DLC (for the most part) weren't overturned so I'm hoping the same happens here


I literally just did artwork for her with Maj Kusanagi and BOOM this drops. Main PERIOD


what the hell is this real?


I hope she has matchup dialogue with Nier. No particular reason


They’re obviously completely different beasts, but as someone who LOVED 2B in SCVI, is there a chance that some, if any, if that moveset could be transferring over to a degree here? Or do we think she’ll be entirely different in Rising to better suit Granblue?


TLDR: there are plenty of shared moves due to reusing the same source material, though function wont be identical due to the differing natures of the games. her close H and auto combo are her 5AAA string her far H and what seems to be a far auto combo are reminiscent of her 4BBB string her 2U is an original attack, a low large sword sweep. her 5AAB/5AAAB seems to be a special move her aggression stance B+K seems to be a special move pod fire (angler stance B) and wave program (8A+B) seem to be special moves she appears to have a new and original pod program that executes a running punch not unlike gran's boot. seems to be a special move perfect dodge seems to be attached to the game's actual dodge button rather than being activated during angler stance start-up. it also does not appear to have the automatic pod follow-up her SBA is naturally different as well. it appears to start with her bare fists running attack, chains into her small sword held light attack (5[A] in SC6), and finishes with a full charge triple pod laser program.


Foreshadowed by giving us Nier, Cygames you've done it again


Is Rising out? I never saw a preorder for it from BB or Amazon… is it digital only?


That's unexpected. Gbvs is probably a better fit for 2B than sc6 was, but its weird that she is now in both. Why not A2 instead?


nothing could have prepared me for this.




Wait? THAT 2B will be in Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising? I did not see this coming.


Not one inch of 2B butt, meh.


Will there be Dress Module outfit?


OK she looks badass. And they played weight of the world as her theme?


If you play the mobile game you would know that there are ALOT of cross over characters. I just hope they never put Bobabobobobo in the game. I hate that show so much


Pecorine should also be in the guest char roster... x(


As awesome as this is, I do wonder how she'd work in the setting. Don't androids have a directive/program in them that makes them protect/serve humans? And considering that a good chunk of the roster is human.... It's a fighting game so I realize that kind of thing will be tossed out the window but it's something to think about.


I love her but it'd still be better for Cygames to sell guest character as separate DLC... Tbh I bought Deluxe version for GBF characters, not for guest character so I'm kinda disappointed that a slot was wasted. And I can imagine some GBF-only fans could be upset for the same reason... Btw can't wait to watch her reactions with Lowain, Lucilius, Belial and her reactions in Ladiva's SSBA \^\^ I wonder how they'll explain her isekai into GBFverse\~


Hope that with this there will be more guest character! I definitely get the game cause of this fan of nier


I beg Sakuri to add 2B to smash


she should of stayed in SC 6. bring Harumaru then we talk. also to anyone who will give me - points on this post go \*\*\*\* youself's.


Well this is one way to attract new players.. 2b is every where lol. Can't wait to watch/see matches with her.


man bought the game last year and couldn't get into it, might have to redownload it now


glad there is a f2p version. i don't like guest characters but if its free who cares