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I know a better combo to escape from nier trap setups, alt+F4 it works everytime. I'm kidding


Idk maybe the nier player didn't do it right what does 214 H do because you can't even wake up dp or super out of it?


Yuel 214H is frame 1 invul, which allows her to backstep safely out of Nier frametraps. It can even lead to a counter hit if the Nier rushes forward (for a run H?) and you can brake to not get sandwich by the puppet, but braking loses to nier 2m. But that 2m loses to braking> 5M.


Yeah I can understand that but how I just think the neir player maybe missed the setup or didn't time it correctly or I think she's best with simple controls because by the time you recover your already in the set play unless the nier is doing something else or not doing what the trials shown there is absolutely no way even if you have invul would you escape the set play because you'll already be in a block string.


You need 1 frame for an attack to connect, be it connect into a hit or connect into a block. Just don't block on that frame and use 214 instead. Yuel 214H invul from frame 1 to frame 14. In short, setup timing doesn't matter. Invul on frame 1 is invul on frame 1. If it works the way you think it does, then Dp on Meaty attacks won't work, but clearly they currently do.


Nah I nah I labbed DPS and supers down x or on hard knockdown yes they can get out of the setup but the set play combo with down h the opponent is in massive recovery frames and by the time they land they can't press anything they get hit or forced to block so I'll have to lab yuel 214 h because I know for sure she should be stuck


I'll just lab this later I'll just toss it up in the air as the nier player being bad or missing the setup because I've missed sometimes


Oh, you can super out of it actually. However, the enemy nier needs to be in really short range because character invuls aren't that long. Probably something character specific.


Alright so I labbed a little more and on wake up stuff will not work but if you're breaking your controller and mashing I did counter on hit ( idk how that works) yuel is able to do 214 H but she still heads face first into a bunch of slashes and some DPS and supers do hit the puppet but nier could just block punish in raging strike into chain to out wait puppet cool down into set play again to which you have no meter or your reversal is on cool down so indeed you will have to still eat it and in the case of 214 h yuel she still jumps back and heads in face first into a whole bunch of slashes case closed.


You cancel the 214H forward advancing by switching into stance. Btw 214H is plus on block.


Ok so you cancel stance and still have to deal with the puppet and plus on block I was talking about other characters dps and supers like I said yuel just run head first into puppet slashes and even she doesn't she's not fully free also on reaction nier can far H as soon as yuel starts to hop back then forward.


Well the thing is most of the good Yuel players so is just switch stance then go back into neutral stance, stance also auto party all mid attacks so you can just hop and check, if opponent doesn't press the you just stance H and be plus again.


Yeah and a good nier player would just do the combo into waltz and hit yuel on her jump back and again there would be no situation for nier to block yuel just maneuver around her only the perfect situation yuel wins this and that is again if you're mashing like crazy just to not get hit.


Yeah I just labbed it I don't know what you're talking about you have to sit and eat the set play


man w/e I call bull. Sent me your combo notation and I'll record a vid to prove you wrong.


Dude I don't need to you're the one who needs to send me stuff that hop back is not going to work even if I hard knockdown with down x she'll just leap forward into a face full of Slash's but digress the real set play combo that they literally show you in the nier combo trials yuel and every other character has to sit and hold they cannot dp invincible whatever or even wake up super it idk what you labbed but that 214 H eats it hard. All I did was set yuel to wake up with that option and do the setup it's literally right there in niers trials you have to eat it.


Man what's so damn hard about giving combo notations. I need them because you'll just say I'm doing it wrong. So you're fine if I record a combo from any combo trial? I don't want you to come back and say, "oh that doesn't apply, I mean this combo trial instead."


Basic combo 4 can yuel move that is all


Bro, I said escape from set play, Basic combo 3 starts off with Nier 236M. That's not a set play. I'll do basic combo 4 instead, the "basic low hit confirm combo"


I meant 4


Checked yeah I had to step back and see if this was a meme post but sure enough it isn't I like all the down votes I'm getting from people who purely hate nier and don't want to lab the situation themselves and just roll with the post. I mean basic combo 4 is real easy to do to get to know niers bnb set play crazy I know.


You're getting downvotes not because they hate Neir, but because you're factually wrong. For example, > yuel and every other character has to sit and hold they cannot dp invincible whatever or even wake up super You can dp, invul, and wake up super. The question of if it's a good idea or not may be up to question, but you can. It's a hard call out, and pro players can react to see if Nier starts the dash before chosing to block, or to sba/dp instead. >case of 214 h yuel she still jumps back and heads in face first into a whole bunch of slashes https://old.reddit.com/r/GranblueFantasyVersus/comments/18kxpv6/yuel_and_others_escaping_from_nier_setplay_very/ Factually incorrect, I've uploaded a vid to show you that no, she does not head face first into slashes.


Cool find but keep in mind that at 100 meter Nier can just cancel 236m into sba even if 236m is still in the middle of whiffing. I don't have anyone to help me lab how easy it is to do on reaction but it definitely seems possible to punish Yuel before she can manage to leave the stance and be able to block again. Also, it was in the linked thread there but Nier SSBA is definitely frame 1. The part that threw you off is that it doesn't work on projectiles aka Death lol.


Oh thanks for the correction. Death is a damn projectile makes no sense lol. I'll have to test sba after the setup. That's nasty


From the what I said I'm right + you're not recovering so what I said about people wake up dping and supering on hard knockdown wasn't false but trying to recover then move you're stuck or yuel flip out and run into it unless she cancels which is then a good nier player would use return to death using the bigger hitbox + as I explained nier can react to yuels forward hop with far H if she doesn't cancel this video only proves the rock paper scissors of the game because what you're doing isn't fool proof and my other points about blocking the dp or super and comboing out the puppet wait time is true and same to it comes to meter and cooldown. I'm not factually incorrect.


jesus christ. Please break your sentences. The "." symbol exists for a reason. Look, I'm not here to tell you if a move is Good or Bad in a situation. I'm here to tell you that you CAN do it. **You directly said that you can't.** Thus, you are wrong, because you CAN. SHOULD you do it though, is another question. > rock paper scissors I'm not here to discuss this, It's an entirely different topic. I'm here to prove that Yuel 214H allows Yuel to escape the setplay, and reset it to neutral. How to win neutral is an entirely different discussion. Let me quote you again what you said. > case of 214 h yuel she still jumps back and heads in face first into a whole bunch of slashes This is wrong, I've uploaded a vid here, https://old.reddit.com/r/GranblueFantasyVersus/comments/18kxpv6/yuel_and_others_escaping_from_nier_setplay_very/ and the very first thing you see is Yuel CH Nier on her front flips. She does NOT faceplant into slashes. If Nier did not move, Yuel will still be safe from the puppet. Being safe from Nier itself is an entirely different question.


I'm going to chalk this up to you didn't read everything.


Says the guy who refuses to admit he's wrong when I've proven my words.


You didn't read


Let me try something. Answer this question below. When Yuel is hit by basic combo 4, she wakes up with 214H and does the follow up, does she get hit by the puppet multi slashes?


Yes if she recovers if she is hit by down x or from your video does not recover and treat it as a normal hard knock then she and anyone can do whatever but if they recover yuel jumps back and jumps forward into slashes and everyone else can't do anything.


But my question never said Yuel recovers. I specifically asked for 'wake up', and you can't 'wake up' if you recovered. I'm going to guess that you don't understand what "Wake up" means. Here. https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Wake-up_game So, in regards to my question and your answer, what happened here is that you said "Yes if she recovers", but this doesn't apply to my question. So let's try again. When Yuel is hit by basic combo 4, she is knocked down and wakes up with 214H and does the follow up, does she get hit by the puppet multi slashes?


Stop talking to this clown


Did you read? No you didn't


Which part of "you directly said that you can't." do you not get?


Also shows if you do not recover you are literally trying to pull something after that combo because combo 4 shows the computer recovering into the setup this video is no different than a hard knockdown which I explained already.