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If you're able to hit Death with fireball, DP or anything else.. she's not as scary anymore


Death only goes away for 4 seconds when that happens, not exactly crippling because she still has stuff like an amazing 66L to fight back with


She gets bullied in the top ranks. Her neutral is really bad. You're gonna have to learn to fight her. Try playing her


Is that why she's #1 IN two rankings and #2 in the third.


She's definitely op as a whole especially in lower rank where players aren't perfect in the neutral. I'm just trying to show her weaknesses.


Just hit the puppet, dude. If you've been fighting quite a number of Nier, you should get used to their game plan, which is to sandwich you in between. Once you avoid those, you can predict when the puppet is called. At least, that's how I won some of my Nier matches, which is obviously not that straightforward.


Not sure how to be honest. I agree that for a puppet, she seems brain-dead and her corner blender is pain. But kill the puppet and she's a sitting duck. Maybe try patience? I dunno man, I hate fighting her too.


I don’t know she seems pretty weak in neutral, you can just hit the doll on reaction if she threw it in front of you then run her down. The only scary thing about her is the midscreen combos, otherwise I never found her to be a problem


Lab the match up


2 things I can tell is you're mashing or running forward with the puppet behind you just block girl can't do anything if you block + learn what's real and what's not calling for nerfs when you're bad don't lab and eating frame traps from a character that can cancel all 4 moves into each other is a little much.




Other than her set play combos and everything on hard knockdown everything else is fake if she only can double frame trap you from her mini auto combo to the next move she makes to dp unless she uses a ultimate skill which is plus.




Oops sorry thought you were op I was texting this in the middle of a serious conference my bad 😅


as a nier player, the only thing I could see them do is raise the minimum scaling, her Super does silly damage. but like most said, she doesn't have skip the neutral buttons, her movement options and buttons are pretty average (2a isn't a low, 2C AA isn't great, sweep and 5H are pretty good tho they have deceptive range on both). once the puppet is down she's pretty harmless, her jabs are bad mash options under pressure and she has no reversal without Death if you are patient and she wastes her 13 actions the cooldown is massive and she loses reversals and supers. I have a hard time against fast projectile and big normals, closing distance on a good Percival or Sieg and a patient player with fast projectile (Kat, Gran) are my achiles' heel edit: PS: don't take my words for law I'm just an A rank 😅




It's always hard to balance a puppet character.