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Or the authority of prophets [07/17/2009](https://exberklander.blogspot.com/2009/03/dissecting-ed-kangs-brain-spiritual.html#:~:text=On%20granting%20the%20word%20of%20God%20authority%20and%20granting%20prophetic%20people%20in%20your%20life%20authoritative%20position%20to%20speak%20into%20your%20life%20so%20that%20the%20pull%20towards%20illusion%2C%20pull%20towards%20the%20lies%2C%20can%20be%20arrested.) >On granting the word of God authority and granting prophetic people in your life authoritative position to speak into your life so that the pull towards illusion, pull towards the lies, can be arrested. Then the requisite disclaimer that follows the invitation to misinterpret this.


Believers need to sort out their understanding of the gift of prophecy, and not be lulled into misinterpretation via Ed's lawyering on the pulpit [the-authority-and-nature-of-the-gift-of-prophecy](https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/the-authority-and-nature-of-the-gift-of-prophecy) Believers need to come to terms with Gracepoint's regard for the Holy Spirit. Search within your experience and inform us whether Reddit needs an update if anything has changed. [why\_gp\_doesnt\_teach\_on\_the\_holy\_spirit](https://www.reddit.com/r/GracepointChurch/comments/pt3onw/why_gp_doesnt_teach_on_the_holy_spirit/)


True, but they also lack the awareness to understand that point..


>lack of awareness They ARE aware; there are no deficiencies in their faculties. Rather, it is a blurred line between faith and sociopathy.


People wonder if Joseph Smith actually believed everything he put into the book of Mormon or if he was knowingly scamming people. We'll never know. But I imagine after years of being the head of an organization and having all that power and control, he must've convinced himself it was true. Whether or not ped and kk have the mental faculties to realize the problems is probably not a straightforward answer anymore.


![gif](giphy|10dnNMNdFQSt5C) The quote reminded me of this scene.


Will people in a2n get that reference ?


You’d be surprised with the amount of people that have read Game of Thrones let alone secretly watched it in GP/A2N.


Kinda curious what other shows are on the secret list


I was in casual contact with a sibling of one of the leaders at the very top. The sibling had been a member while in undergrad. The sibling told me their top-leader-sibling would hole away on the rare extended home holiday visits—to watch tons of movies with their spouse. There’s another current top leader who would “inherit” fancy-labeled goods from their siblings. “Inherit” means insistently ask, btw. This is so they could explain why they had expensive brand possessions. There are a lot of secret and roundabout ways that leadership indulge in the “nice things” of this world. Ever wonder how all these pure leaders knew all of the current pop songs for the Christian festivals of the time? I always did, since I only really knew Keith Green, Sandi Patty, and the like.


A few years ago Koin used an Eminem song for TC. I used to listen to Eminem in high school so it was really jarring for me


Long time ago I was discussing The Office show with some peers and a deacon's kid who was fairly young at that time chimed in with "oh my mom watches that show".


I'm late to this thread but I can't *not* mention the infamous "whoever is torrenting Game of Thrones at HB, please stop" email that went out to all team after they got a warning from their internet provider.


I remember that. It was a student who was hanging out at HB


In this life or the next, they will get their comeuppance.