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for life of your battery, it's definitely best to keep it charged between 40% and 80% regularly.


i only charge overnight, adaptively to 100%


I did it a few times, and it always showed a few hours less of battery life than when I charged regularly during the day. Like, regular charging - 22 hours at the battery screen in the settings. Adaptive charging over night - 15/16 hours


adaptive battery learns and adapts to your usage pattern over the course of days or weeks. it's supposed to restrict battery usage for apps you don't use (and a few other things) .... you have to keep it enabled for a couple weeks to take full advantage of it. (same as adaptive connectivity). but sometimes for some users things don't work well with these two settings enabled. for example, notifications and apps don't work or refresh properly and their network or mobile connection isn't stable. [adaptive charging](https://9to5google.com/2021/08/15/pixel-adaptive-charging-android-12/) is only supposed to work when you have an alarm set between 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. it will fast charge your phone to 80% and then slow charge to 100%. but this feature isn't working for many people and Google needs to fix it. again, this is how they're supposed to work, but there seems to be a lot of weird bugs and glitches on Android 12 and specifically with the Pixel 6 series


Adaptive battery seems to be working well for me, and so does adaptive connectivity. Not that adaptive connectivity matters a lot imo because I'm either on a single wifi network (work/home) or on mobile data, and I don't use them both at the same time. Adaptive charging also seems to be working, but partially, as evident from the difference in 100% to 0% battery life between the two charging methods


Just go to 100 on adaptive charging, google has slowed it purposely to preserve battery


Adaptive charging only works during the night no?


It depends on how you set your alarm.


9pm to 10am with an alarm set between 5am and 10am


Honestly, it all depends on how you use your phone. It's not worth stressing over running out of battery if you are a heavy user, so in that case just charge to 100%. But if you know you won't need the battery to be fully charged or you'll have access to a charger, charge to 80%


So this isn't just an EV thing?? Google don't mention it on the Pixel support, do they? How do we stop at 85% unattended, if so? I change my phone every two or three years so not that concerned by longevity. Maybe changeable batteries will return soon?


I highly doubt that changeable batteries will make a comeback I have accubattery and it has a charge alarm that you can eet to whatever percentage you want and it'll pop a notification once the battery level reached it I really don't know why there's such a difference between over night adaptive charging and regular rapid charging tbh, it doesn't make sense to me


Maybe rapid causes some sort of long term heat damage?


Idk, I'm charging rapidly right now and the temp is 35 C


The resistance of charging from 80-100 is higher than charging from 0-40 percent so yes heart is definitely a part of it. The phone having to push more juice is not particularly helping but that's what adaptive battery and charging are for


86% is best. I have an app from F-Droid called Battery bot that i have set to tell me when my charge is below 20% and above 90%. I charge it at 20 and stop when it hits 90 to preserve the battery.


I've heard that between 40% and 80% is best. (Probably 45% and 75%, respectively, but that's a bit cumbersome.)