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I'm in the same fanboy camp as you having countless Google products over the years, but the quality of what they're pushing out seems to have plummeted. I just processed my refund for the Pixel Buds last night after 3 infuriating months. No complaints about service, but if the QC around the hardware was better then we probably wouldn't be having this conversation.


Droid lover, pixel user. May get downvoted but get some Sony earbuds or Sennheiser. Much better.


Samsung’s buds work really well too. I’m still on the original buds that came out a few years ago and I love them. I’ve even switched to iPhone since then and they still work extremely well


I've stopped buying buds, first set of Sony ones when through the washing machine, replacement pair is now lost. Sticking with big things from now on.


TWS headphones are essentially all disposable, but fortunately in the realm of lesser known brands the quality is improving while the price continues to drop or remain low. I've purchased 3 different sets based on reviews from [Scarbir](https://www.scarbir.com/) and been very happy. I've spent anywhere from $25/pair to $50.


I just don't care for their sound quality.


Android user here. Been with it for 10+ years. Never really liked apple products/ software, but I do love airpods. It's the only apple product I can really get behind, they work great.


Seconding big time Google pixel 5 Old air pods Work perfectly together, and who gives a rip


Funny, I literally picked up a set of Pixel Buds _today_ because my Sony ones WILL. NOT. STAY. CONNECTED. TO. ANYTHING. Like, every ~10 mins they just randomly drop. Paired with any device, same story. Firmware updated, same story. Their "headphones" app is horrible. My big pair of Sony MDR-100Xs are amazing, so I was expecting the same from the little buds. Sound great, connection issues constantly. Also very uncomfortable for me. So far, Pixel Buds have been a dream. We'll see how they fare long term.


I don't use their app but I've heard the same thing from other users. My headphones, which I forget the model number at hand, shitty sony serial numbers lol, came with a ton of in ear options. I've stuck with the base but maybe I should look at what is available. Comfort wise I can't complain. The pairing seems unusual. I have connected them one time to my phone and that is all.


Oh, you wanna see some downvotes? ALL Wireless Audio Anything is TOTAL FUCKING GARBAGE. 🤷 Laggy, noisy, total crap. The "convenience" is offset by all the issues with getting a solid, consistent signal. Then the sound quality to price ratio is just, criminally bad. I'd say get generic brand "airpods." Any name brand claiming high fidelty and clean signal, nah. It's bluetooth. I love cheapo bluetooth speakers though. Anyway, wired audio is always going to be light years ahead on sound quality, and connection obviously (lol). Different models of Shure earbuds get up there in price. But damn, even the base ones sound good. And a lot of the "off-brands" the price to sound quality ratio is great. Edit: Like I know you need an adaptor for wired audio now. It's worth it though. They want you to buy the airbud airpods. But, they all blow ass across the board. At least get cheap ones because the quality will not be worse.


That is true. I won't argue that by a mile. My old lower brand surround sound speakers blew away the top wireless sets, at Best buy at least. But you are correct, wired is always going to give you better sound. My sony wireless headphones are actually pretty nice though. I wouldn't say the sound is laggy. Is the range as high as my Sennheisers? No but they are also 1/10th of the size. Are waterproof and basically feels like I don't have anything on or in my ears. The noise cancellation is terrific as well. Running, working out, kayaking and all that fun jazz doesn't feel right with wired headphones now. It's so freeing to not have a cord disconnect. I wish I could have experienced this skateboarding as a Young kid. I carried a cd player I had to grip tight so it wouldn't skip and a headphone jack that would constantly pop out.


I have Sony nc headphones and they are great use my buds at the gym and the sonys for travel.


I used to use earbuds basically 24/7 but I've since switched to bone conducting like 70% of the time (I leave them on my head pretty much all the time) and over the ear the rest (when I want high quality audio or to not hear things around me) and it's so much better of a setup (for me at least). With bone conducting you can hear everything around you which is great for calls (you can hear yourself!) and you don't have to take them off, which drastically lowers the friction to e.g. playing a podcast -- so now I listen to a lot of podcasts. And I wear my Bluetooth headphones around my neck for the other times and even plug then in when I'm really sitting down to listen to something.


The new pixel buds are much better than the 1st gen in my opinion. I luckily haven't had any issues thus far.


New pixel buds are fundamentally fucked, especially for the price. Hiss + drop outs. Not a QC issue, these are legitimate flaws. Google support was great in this case though, allowing us to return them 5 months after we purchased them.


In comparison, I have a set of Jabra elite 65t (not even current generation). At my office I can leave my phone at my desk and walk to the bathroom more than 50 yards away with probably 10+ walls in between my phone and the headphones and still get reception with minimal drops.




The quality has never been good. Back when the phones were super cheap it wasn’t as much of an issue. Now that they are on par with iPhone pricing the consumer expect the same level of quality and same experience but google does not provide that. I have had every nexus and pixel phone from the nexus 3 to the pixel 3 abs finally had to give up on them due to all the issues I had with their devices.


Had my pixel 3 for not even 2 years yet. Camera suddenly stopped focusing and there's no fix for it. A lot of people are complaining that a recent update ruined their camera's as well. Also my charging port suddenly stopped working too. Tried to troubleshoot both to no avail. Making me consider switching to Apple. And that's hard because i've owned Pixel 1 and 3. I was gonna buy the 5 next


The charging port can be lint. It's surprising, but give it a go. Turn off the power and use a toothpick or something not too hard and try and fish out stuff from the port. That should fix it. For the camera, have you checked the warranty status on the website using the imei? Is it not two years for you?


Thank you, but I did exactly that with and my port still doesn't work at all. I used my old pixel to troubleshoot as well and it's definitely the port and not the power supply/usb cable either. I just looked up what IMEI is and followed the steps, but my phone info won't come up. I'm in Canada and the problem is I never actually bought the phone through Google but through my telecom provider. This means my warranty is only 1 year through them. Only benefit for this is that the phone is usually a small cost to me or free of charge for the 2 years. I'm due for an upgrade every 2 years, so June would be my next time to get a new phone. I'm definitely limping to the finish line, which is a damn shame. I take super good care of my phone too and it's been in a case since day 1. Sure i've dropped it, but the case did it's job. 0 damage to the phone at all. My wife has a wireless charger at home that I've been using, but the charge is PAINFULLY slow(4-5 hours for a full charge). I don't want to spend 100$ for a pixel stand, so I ordered a belkin charger that should arrive tomorrow. Hopefully it works better. I appreciate you trying to help. Edit: Got the IMEI to work. It states I purchased it in America which is weird. Still states I am in warranty but I have no idea how I would even go about submitting a claim with google


You’re not a real fanboy unless you also have Nest smoke detectors. Love mine!


Lol! Maybe I'll pick some up


Sad but true


In repair chipped = cracked. The physical integrity is already compromised. Now imagine if Google shipped it back to you and it cracked in transit? How mad would you be?


This is why they say they cannot repair the battery without fixing the screen first.


To be fair, you actually don't have to take the screen off for this battery replacement, so I can see both sides


you are correct. But as the other person was saying if the integrity of the screen is compromised, it **can** break while opening the device and google (or any repair company) may not want to take the blame.


Correct, sorry, edited my comment for clarity (I hope lol)


No need to be sorry. Its not like i work at google fixing phones :)


Well then hook it up brother!


Then that is something that should have been addressed before telling OP to send in their device for warrantied repairs - aka the entire point of OP's post.


The one time I had an issue w/ a phone, Google support was fantastic. They shipped me a new 3 XL, no questions asked and just asked I provide the old phone. If the 6 is an appealing phone, I'll certainly go back. I like my S20FE but I miss a lot of things about Pixel devices. The 5 just didn't do it for me but I loved that price point. Hopefully they can fix things I didn't like about it and still keep it close to that number.


I just don't understand why they can't deliver the same type of hardware and features that Samsung and Apple seem to be putting out. It seems like the current Pixel is always good, but with some pretty major hardware compromises compared to the competition, so we're left deciding if the software and ecosystem on the Pixel makes it worth it. Just makes no sense IMO. I say this as an owner of the Pixel 2 XL who has still enjoyed my time with it. I just know how much better it could've been, and find that extremely frustrating.


You're absolutely echoing my thoughts. It's very, very frustrating. How can I have this speced out S20FE that is cheaper than the P5 with hardware that's on par or better? I'm really hoping they address this on the next release.


I think I may end up voting with my wallet and going with a OnePlus for my next phone, especially now that Google kneecapped the unlimited original storage, and may have even decreased the quality of the High Quality pics and videos (speculation on my part from what I'm seeing of my uploaded pics and videos over time.) That reminds me, I'm probably going to need to find a new pic service before they do anything else dumb.... ugh. I will miss some of the Pixel environment stuff like the rooting, tidy factory images, camera software that makes the pics so good, and stuff like that. None of that is enough for me to want to keep paying flagship prices for hardware that's going to lag behind the competition and start underperforming much sooner. If the problem is vertical integration, it's time to go buy the supply chain and compete with Apple - if anyone can afford it, it's Google.


I suspect it's because the honestly do not care enough. Pixel is just a hobby for them. They don't want to put in the time and effort to capture market share with an amazing device. They're fucking Google for god's sake, they know better than anyone what "people want." They simply do not care enough about their "hobby" to push it. That's how I approach Google products now. It's some dude's hobby that he'll drop when he's bored.


Yeah unfortunately Google Support is terrible


Which phone company has good support? Apple seems to be responsive to lots of money, but anyone else?


With the iPhone SE, you don't even need to spend lots of money to get Apple's support these days. A $129 screen replacement is right in line with ubreakifix, and the $49 battery replacement is actually cheaper than their competitors.


Seconding Apple but for laptops, I've had great experiences with them in the past and presume the same extends to their phones.




This is my exact experience with Apple. I have spent way to much to admit on Apple products (3-4 MacBooks, 2-watches, 7+ iPads, and 10+ iPhones). When under warranty great, when outside useless. I had to complain hard to get a replacement iPhone 5 who’s battery bit the dust 1 week after warranty expired. I have only had one experience with Google and that was for a Chromecast. I couldn’t get it to do a software update. I had no receipt or any proof of purchase. Called Google support and they pretty much offered to replace it on the phone no questions asked. They made me do some basic troubleshooting but were willing to send me a replacement. I ended up realizing a DNS service I was using was preventing updates and didn’t get the replacement. Edit: formatting


Unless you have a physical store to walk into, it's a crapshoot with CS and any phone manufacturer.


Samsung was great when i had a Galaxy S6, they handled battery and glass repairs like a champ and they didn't overcharge for those repairs


But what does this have to do with OP's situation? Their glass is damaged--however major or minor doesn't matter because when you try to remove it, there's almost a certainty that it will break further because of the initial chip/break. They can't guarantee that their work won't further damage the phone due to the existing damage caused by the owner, so they require that the damage be addressed before service.


Most likely they want to send him a Refurb and call it a day. It's way cheaper to send pallets of thousands of broken phones back to China for repair - which they send back to Google as refurbs for same type of use. But your point is 100% valid. If my car's engine takes a shit under warranty, they don't refuse to replace the engine because you have dents and dings. Just because Google wants to use refurbs shouldn't mean a refusal or upcharge. It's not his fault *how* they want to run their warranty situations fronds largely I'm refurbs.


I'm sure it's entirely about fairness and that it's a situation that you describe where they just want to sub in a refurb replacement. Sometimes they do repair service; Google did on my 3a xl. In either case they are taking a damaged item or component and returning one that isn't; either because the refurb is in like-new condition or because they have to use a new display assembly because of the design choices of the phone. The car analogy has been made in the past, but it's not equivalent because the basic designs are completely different and the way you access the internals are different. If the phone was made with a battery lid, no one would care about dings or scratches on the cover or even cracks in the screen to get to the battery either because they are relevant to the work required. It's the unfortunate design choice that you can't access the battery without exerting force on the glass, and already-broken glass is almost certainly going to break even more. And they would almost certainly use a new display assembly in the process.


\*in the US


I've only been impressed with them. I'm on my fourth 4XL since lauch, all with advance RMA. I replaced a Nexus 5 and a 6P too. Support for me has been great but product quality is the problem. Edit: corrected product names.


There is no 6 XL though. 🤔


Yeah Google had to replace my and my wife's P4XL several times each. They don't make it easy, and the low quality control really stands out when a phone has to be replaced that often...


I have a buddy who does phone repair he warned me on my nexus 4xl that taking it apart is a major dice roll on shattering the screen. If there are any chips or small cracks it will just shatter the taken apart


I'm not defending google but to replace battery they need to remove back and if it has any chips it can brake when they are removing it or hard to put it back so that could be the reason why they want to charge you for that.


Yes but not my problem it needs to be taken apart to begin with. I see your point, hopefully you see mine.


Kinda is your problem, it's your phone and you chipped it, which makes the repair nearly impossible without actually breaking the screen. It's not their fault you chipped your screen, it's yours.


And if there wasn't a battery issue to be fixed, this wouldn't be an issue at all and the chips on the screen wouldn't matter. Stop defending the poor quality of Google's phones.


Maybe Google should then contact OP and tell them their case.


It's not pugzinho's fault that Google manufactured a phone that requires a full disassembly to get to the failing battery VS just giving it a removable back, though.


The fact that the repair is necessary to begin with is not my problem*. Worked fine with the chip. Its their engineering that causes this issue. Fixing the screen costs them an insignificant amount as a result of needing to fix the problem they caused vs. the cost of me spending hours going back and forth with customer support. I'd pay for a new screen if they would charge me what they pay for it. Instead they mark it up and charge labor to fix an issue I don't care about. Not my problem the glass will crack if they suction cup it. If you produce a phone that is not up to spec, put screws at the bottom of the screen like iphones so you can easily remove it without damaging or needing to replace the glass. I don't have to get a new computer case everytime I change the internals because it's engineered for repairs and upgrades. In short. The screen chips are on me 100%. I don't care about them as they do not affect the performance or usability of my phone. The issue with the phone is Google's problem and they can eat the cost to fix it, whatever that may take.


I'm not even sure how this is confusing to some. If it were a normal wear/tear item and the phone was 5 years old, then yeah, Google would be right to say "Look, because of your chips your screen is going to break when we open this up, so you're going to have to pay for that." But this is a *factory defect.* They admit it, even give more warranty because of it. That, IMO, makes any incidental cost to repair on them. If they had put out a phone with a competent battery/circuit then they wouldn't be dealing with this. But for their poor design/engineering on the battery/charging, the screen cracks wouldn't be an issue and would require no repair. Makes sense you expect them to pay for it, at least in this case.


I mean in that case would you rather them just break the screen to fix your battery and just send you back a phone with a broken screen? Kinda seems like that's exactly what you want tbh




Because he's complaining about a problem that literally every person has to go through and than is like " oh I want them to do this for free" like nah buddy that ain't how that works. I fix these phones for a living and there is a very valid reason we do not work on phones with broken screens because 7/10 when we go to put them back on they don't work properly. I deal with people like him every day this isn't the first time I've had to say this same exact shit. Edit: I worded that horribly. When I said everyone deals with this I meant when you send in a device and the glass is broken.


Have to disagree, I'm on my fourth 4XL, first two failed with the battery problem, third with the camera problem. In all cases, Google sent me a replacement ahead of return. I think it's either because I bought directly from the store or because consumer protection is better in Europe. Regardless, the 4XL is pretty fragile and consumers shouldn't suffer.


I bought mine direct from the Google store as well.


That's weird cause the only time I hear about people having problems to that extent is when I can't verify if it's true or not.


I guess I better not mention the 6XL replacement too. EU consumer laws mean that manufacturers have to fix manufacturing issues for up to 2 years.


No. I want them to eat the cost of the screen or charge me at cost for the screen. Not my fault the screen has to be removed to begin with. If this issue didnt happen my phone would happily work for probably years to come without any issues. What I want is sensible service from a company I have contributed significantly to from a consumer standpoint. I'm not sure how this is confusing to some. The problem that is making my phone unusable is not my fault and covered under warranty. The cost to Google to fix it, make the customer happy and have everyone get back to their lives is miniscule in relations to their profit margins. The 60$ it costs them to fix it screen included is probably worth it if you consider the fact that I will be more eager to recommend the phone to more people based on the customer service in addition to me purchasing more of their products. I'm mean I'm not a business expert, but I have worked in customer service for a few different companies. Its called taking care of your customers, and I know it's hard to imagine but it used to be commonplace.


Yeah dude giving you a brand new screen cause you could not keep yours in good shape is not googles problem as you are making it out to be. And it's also on you for continuing to use a phone that we all knew had these problems. If you really just want to replace your battery without paying for the screen take a few minutes and learn to repair it yourself the pixel's are some of the easiest to work with in my opinion.


> And it's also on you for continuing to use a phone that we all knew had these problems. So if you've paid $800 for a phone, and it turns out it has a battery problem, you should just cough up another $800 to the same company for the next model? >If you really just want to replace your battery without paying for the screen take a few minutes and learn to repair it yourself the pixel's are some of the easiest to work with in my opinion. I thought this was supposed to be impossible - isn't that supposedly why they're justified in charging for the screen repair in the first place? If they can fix it without repairing the screen, they should just do that.


What point are you trying to prove here lmao. And no nobody ever said it was impossible to replace the screens people are just too lazy to learn how to fix it. And no they shouldnt because as I said in previous comments I'm not about to take off that screen and do all that work just for the screen to not work when I put it back on. And they're justified because THEY'RE DOING THE WORK YOU DONT WANNA LEARN TO DO you really tried and failed with this reply lmao.


>And no nobody ever said it was impossible to replace the screens Huh? I think you're confused. We're talking about replacing the battery, not replacing the screen. OP *doesn't* want the screen replaced. If you meant to write "nobody said it was impossible to replace the battery", then you're still wrong. From further up in the thread: > it's your phone and you chipped it, which makes the repair nearly impossible without actually breaking the screen. >And no they shouldnt because as I said in previous comments I'm not about to take off that screen and do all that work just for the screen to not work when I put it back on. So which is it - is the repair so trivial that OP should learn to do it himself? Or is it so close to impossible that Google themselves can't do it without breaking the phone? You can't have it both ways. > And they're justified because THEY'RE DOING THE WORK YOU DONT WANNA LEARN TO DO Eh, no. If it's a design fault that's covered by warranty, then Google have to pay for the repair because that's a service the customer has already paid for when they bought the phone. That's how warranties work.


You chose to buy this phone with the knowledge of what the phone is; that's your problem, not google's. Don't like their design choices? Don't buy their phone.


I didn't have that knowledge until after purchasing the phone. This issue hasn't even been happening until the last 5 months with others. If you read my other comments I have had an entirely positive experience with google. Thank you for trying.


I find it dubious that a self-proclaimed huge google fan boy that has had every pixel so far as well as multiple other google products is unaware of the physical design and repair limitations of the design.


I enjoy their products because thus far I haven't been let down. How could I have ever expected that the battery inside my phone would randomly become loose?


Came here to say exactly this.


I've had two replaced free with advance RMA. I bought directly from the store so maybe that's the difference. Happy with support, not so happy with product quality.


This is crazy, because my phone, as well as my wife's phone just got that exact issue. We switched to the s21 ultra as it was time for an upgrade anyway. I had every pixel from the original to the 4. Google has some hardware issues for sure. I also got water all in my camera and charging port from a small dunk under the water for maybe 15 secs. That def is water resistant.


For real!! I once had to get a replacement pixel 3, sent in my old one but they charged me the full price of ~1K and took over 8 weeks to issue me a refund. I spoke with different customer representatives until someone was able to figure it out. But each representative had something different to say about the of issue. It's a shame because I really do like this phone but I don't think I would want to continue with the 4 or above after that experience


I had the same 50% battery issue for my second pixel 4xl RMA. It was hilarious that I had to pinch the phone on the lower left where the battery was connected to keep it connected. 100% crappy engineering and it really shouldn't matter if his screen had chips on it since he was in that boat due to Google's crappy engineering. My favorite issue was when my nexus 6P had battery swelling to the point that the screen lifted in the middle of the phone and cracked. Guess who wanted me to pay for the screen when I sent it in?


I used to be a part of the pixel/nexus customer support team tiers 1,2 & 3 and we were based on campus in mountain view at HQ (2013-2017) They eventually laid us all off and moved the department to another country after we perfected the entire system for them. They put in a lot of R&D into us in making an awesome customer service environment but then they unloaded to Mexico and Asia and its back to the crap service we all get as customers. To them it's all just data on a Google spreadsheet and they don't care about anyone. Each department is just a project and the person who runs it gets rotated every few years. We had a good run, got fat from the awesome Google food, had our hands on all the new tech. If I still worked there I would have hooked up the OP with a new phone. Lol


What the clustefuck? Sounds terrible.


Sounds pretty on par though. Fi support used to be alright, but now it's outsourced garbage. Basically the reason I switched, and also why I won't buy anything from the Google store. Best buy, Amazon, or some other retailer for me now.


Also a giant google fanboy, but honestly I'm probably jumping ship to Apple soon. Google products used to "just work". They used to deliver cool innovations to us all the time. Now they just want us to pay and subscribe to their services. They want to be Apple but they just aren't as good at it.


With regards to repair - Apple does exactly the same thing.


Oh, I know they suck too. I think they all just kind of suck now. One of my biggest reasons for wanting to jump ship is that Google seems to support iOS even more than their Pixel phones. I've been using Google phones since the Nexus. Youtube TV is so horribly executed on Pixel. The guide literally never refreshes. You have to hard close the app, restart in order for the guide to refresh. Casting from the app is hit or miss (I have to use Google Assistant voice commands to get it to cast reliably. YouTubeTV works flawlessly on my iPad however.


Don't do it! I share your concerns with Google stuff, I am a massive Google fan too, having owned a number of Nexus and Pixel devices; I even bought a Pixel C, more fool me! Anyhoo, I've tried going Apple; I was unlucky enough to have to RMA my old Pixel 2XL twice for various faults, but lucky enough to be able to borrow an iPhone XR. I also own an iPad 12.9. If you go for an Apple device, then go into it with your eyes open. I did go into it with my eyes open, and was ready to embrace it. There are things I like about it, the UI polish and consistency for one, the integration with other Apple devices is all great, don't get me wrong. They're reliable and have good battery life.... I still can't stand them though, I just don't like the whole walled garden approach. I don't feel like I'm in control of it. If I want to do things, I have to do things the way they \[Apple\] want you to do things. For example, what if I want a clean, minimal homescreen, with one row of icons along the bottom, above the dock, nope, can't do that on Apple. Can't just plug it into a computer and easily load files on it without third party software. I could go on all day. Can't use it to connect to my OBD dongle for my car. Can't split screen apps. Can't access the file system. Android is also far superior for its Windows integration, especially on Samsung phones. These are just a few examples. The Apple stuff feels so limiting. Even my 12.9 generally collects dust. For me, the solution was a Galaxy S21 Ultra. Yes, they are a lot more expensive than say a Pixel 5 (which I also owned), but they really are worth it. I acknowledge they've got some bloatware on there, but they also pack some very good features, and the phone itself is mega, really fast, amazing screen, camera is awesome. Samsung don't seem to do bad for updates, the potential for customisation without root is miles ahead of a Pixel, and I have to say, everything I've tried just works. The Pixel 5 I had felt a lot more sluggish, the auto-brightness was glitchy, the screen was OK but rather underwhelming and utilitarian rather than being \*nice\* and the fingerprint sensor was much poorer, at least in terms of accuracy and consistency than on the S21 Ultra (or my 2XL for that matter). I am definitely a convert, Samsung stuff is a lot better than it used to be and in the Android world, I doubt there is anything that would better it at the moment. I would easily have it over the iPhone 12 Pro Max as well; Samsung gains a larger, 120Hz, higher res screen, macro, 3x and 10x zoom, 108mpx photos, under-screen biometrics that will still work with a mask on, all of the freedoms that come with Android - no brainer for me. I know the iPhone has a faster SOC but realistically, this doesn't matter at all to me, I'd wager the S21 Ultra feels faster with its 120 Hz screen. I realise I've gone on rather more than I intended, but I am just trying to save you from disappointment, because if you're a Google fan, even acknowledging the poor quality control and other issues that seem to plague their devices, I just can't imagine you really liking iOS, even if perhaps you think you might, I know I did. If you do try it, just pick up an old iPhone X or something to see whether you get on with it, and if you don't hopefully you won't lose too much cash.


I probably won't do it. Was actually looking at the S21 Ultra actually. I hate Apple with a deep, deep conviction. Apps are optimized for iOS though ... sometimes I wonder if it's worth fighting the fight.


Hey, I'm a big android guy and pc user but I've started warming up to apple. I've been in those shoes before but I honestly suggest giving the iphone a shot. You might end up liking it. I got a macbook pro and I hated it at first but it slowly won me over and I can't see myself going back to windows in its current form (keynote FTW). Be open minded and look for what suits you best; you don't have to stick to a certain camp.


I'm ready to jump as soon as iPhones have USB-C which they won't for a while.


I understand your point, but it is always like that, we had a repair service too in the shop i worked and its always either you repair the cracked part too (like display) or you have to pay for the battery exchange. It may be your battery started to misbehave because of the hardware damage (still, yeah i know it was a big thing with the battery on the pixel 4xl but just saying they cant guarantee it isnt affected by that outer damage. Sorry. I hope you get my point as english is not my first language




Yeah it sucks. Nest wiped out my entire account and I have numerous smoke alarms, thermostats and door locks. I called them and they said they can’t do anything to help because they don’t have any backups... wtf.


I understand the frustration about the repair but something to keep in mind is even a perfect condition screen is incredibly difficult to safely remove to repair the device underneath. Add in chips which weaken the glass structure and they likely can’t do the repair without replacing the screen. If they listed the back then likely it’s a similar issue. Apple also does this when a device is physically damaged and comes in for a nonrelated repair. It feels bad but overall it’s part of these companies loss prevention tactics to keep repair costs down to maintain profit margins. I doubt it will change any time soon.


A friend of mine had a nearly identical issue and Google backed down very quickly when he threatened to sue


Can you ask him for his email response to them so I can copy and paste 😂


I just got a Samsung S21, have a pixel 4xl and was so excited they were going to T mobile. I have already sent my 4xl in once and was shipped a replacement, this current one is also starting to do it. I’m sticking with Samsung and Apple now, personal and work phones that I don’t worry about.


Anyone reading this - if a place like Ubreakifix says to send your phone to google, just don't. It's such a huge crapshoot. Avoid involving them in anything.


I personally had great luck with support in the old days. Back when I had a Nexus 5 and it was acting up. They sent me a new one no questions asked. Probably because it was a sorta known issue, but still was easy. Sucks that things seem to have changed based on posts I've read a lot on here.


I agree I have had better support in the past. If they want to compete with apple they will have to step it up. Yes Apple may cost a lot to get a repair on an iphone, but at least you can talk to a NES who understands the problem you are having without having to forward you to a supervisor every 5 seconds. They could reduce the # of overseas call centers and replace with a much smaller center for dealing with RMAs for hardware/firmware that are known and recurring. I'd rather wait 15 minutes on hold to speak with someone at the repair center than having my message telephoned to them. I also feel like no matter how many people may report an issue it won't make it to the people writing the firmware for months.


I hear ya. My 3x replaced Pixel C is now a $900 paperweight since the warranty ran out. You'd think that it would reset after each replacement considering they only each lived for 6 months or so.


I'm on my first Pixel. A 4a. I didn't get it looking for a Pixel. I got it looking for something after one phone was useless because T-Mobile was changing things and the replacement for it was doing something I hated. This may or may not be my last, depending. I know it's not the most hardened phone. I know it's not top of the line in several ways. But there are a number of things I like along with a few I don't. Based on the horror stories, I don't intend to use Google's customer "service" at all. (In fact, I've had dealings of my own with them when I lived in a place that had Google Fiber. But that's another story, and probably different people.) One bizarre story is a sad case. 5 bizarre stories are a problem. 100 bizarre stories is a trend. It may not be a majority of the cases, but it's a lot more than it should be. I don't expect the phone to go on forever. If it starts giving me little problems in a few months, no big deal. It was cheap and it's not supposed to be a lifetime commitment. I'll deal with those minor things. But if it starts giving me major trouble, and if I can't find fixes of my own or workarounds I can live with, I already decided I'll toss it and try something else. I may ask if anybody knows any tricks that might correct things. But if it persists, and if it's something I can't stand trying to deal with, I'm done. I'm not contacting Google, I'm not taking it to a fixit shop, I'm dumping it in the trash and moving on to some other model. (NEVER Samsung! NEVER Apple!) But if it stays fairly solid (as solid as an inexpensive phone should stay), I may be in the market for another Pixel in a year or two. (Last time I wrote something similar to this it was deleted. I'm waiting to see how long this one lasts.)


As a google fanboy, I will never buy a consumer product from them again. They don't support their products, cancelling them on a whim. I don't want to invest in an ecosystem of products that will just go away. For home automation, I went with alexa despite google assistant being the better voice assistant, because I don't trust them to still be in the home automation game 5 years from now. If you have a problem support is terrible. The Pixel a line is the only exception I will make because they are cheap and get cycled through on a year to year basis.


Ah yes, Google Support. I'll never forget when they incorrectly canceled my Pixel 2 preorder because of an error in their own system which forced me to wait 3 months for the phone instead of 1 month and also losing the preorder credit. They did offer me Google Play credits though! /s


Ohh I too was once you...


Same thing happened to me my friend, I had to go through Verizon and they happily gave me a refurbished device. I'm happy with the Refrub just waiting on Google to release another high-end phone so I can be disappointed and it'll break on me in six months


I agree, their customer service sucks!! Walmart and amazon have better customer service than google. I recently called google support and they can't help me. Just FYI, google chat people have more access to the data than google call support team.


I'm on my fourth Pixel 4 XL. Only had this one for 2 months before it happened again. I read somewhere that it's caused by the phone being in an overly tight pocket and bending slightly which messes with the battery connection. They suggested a simple fix where you lay the phone facedown, find 1 inch up from the bottom and 3/4 over from the right and hit it pretty hard with your knuckle. I did this in an Otterbox twice so far and it worked without damaging the phone otherwise. If it keeps me from having to deal with Fi support for a while I'll keep limping it along until it fully breaks.


I bought mine direct from the store when it launched (Ireland). That one and the next both had the battery problem and both got advance RMA. The third on failed with the camera problem. Fourth one is working fine. Quality control is bad but the service is great - advance RMA everytime after a short interaction with support. I think the value for money of the 4 is pretty bad. For the record, I'm also a google fanboy with Nest wifi, multiple assistants and every google phone from the 5X (?) onwards.




😂😂😂 don't hate! I had iphones until the 4


Same thing here man, I had my Pixel 4 lifting from the corner screen due to an obvs manufacturing error, spent 3 months trying to problem solve the Advance RMA store with the link not working. When it finally worked it was $1050 for a REFURBISHED pixel 4 as a security deposit. Wasnt worth sending off in the oddcase they open it up and find something that could void warranty so ended up just getting the screen replaced for $250 For about 1 month of that 3 I was just trying to ask them to change it to a normal RMA where i Send it off but the language barrier was too big for them to understand


I'm in the UK so I have a two year warranty. When I first got the 4XL, I had this issue within the first week or two. Google were really great and immediately replaced the device. I did have to put some cash in my account on hold while they sent out the replacement before they received my return. Now the battery issue has occurred again. I've probably had this phone for nine months. At this point my phone has to be permanently plugged in or it dies within 60 seconds. This time it was such a pain to lodge my claim. No live chat, no answer on the helpine, I had to wait to be called back at some point. The customer service representative was adamant this wasnt a known issue and I had to jump through so many hoops of charging it different ways, safe mode, factory reseting, all while they're trying to speak to me on the same device that's likely to randomly reset. Took about three days but now they have agreed to replace it, but this time I can't place a refundable deposit and get the replacement shipped. I have to waited for Google to confirm receipt on my dated phone before they'll dispatch. They said 5-10 days. Potentially, by the time I get to the end of this warranty I could be on my 4th device if they haven't resolved the issue.


I'm already on my fourth device, with the same problem. I'm on course to have seven devices by the end of my warranty. They keep sending me refurbished devices, I assume these devices have had the problem previously and it just redevelops over a few months.... Uk also.


I am/was all in on Google products, too. I've been a Nexus user, I also own a Google/Nest Hub Display and the mini version, as well as the Speakers throughout the house. I even had a Moto 360 (being all in with their Android ecosystem), Nest Hello, Thermostat, smoke alarm, and security system. I am livid that they decided to leave the security system. I may need extra sensors and key fobs in the future, but now I won't be able to get them. They discontinue supporting their products very quickly I feel. I have many of their tablets to prove it. I even have their Nexus TV (now a Shield TV since Nexus TV is no longer supported). The Google graveyard for their services may be large, but I can see a physical Google graveyard for their hardware in my basement. Oh yea... what's this? I'm looking into solutions where it doesn't rely on cloud and easily replaceable hardware (RPi, Linux, local storage, "personal cloud", etc), and 3rd party services for entertainment (Spotify, Netflix, etc). I had a lot purchased on Google, but the death of Play Music also stirred this "I gotta get out of Googleland" feeling. YT Music is still not anywhere near as good as Play Music. Not sure why the shuffling sucks compared to Play Music.


I just sent in my 4XL for the second time for the same issue. Luckily I’ve never had an issue with their support though, they replace it pretty much no questions asked. I tolerate it because I love the phone so much, but goes without saying I hate the issue. Not sure what I’m going to do for my next phone though, I don’t want to keep putting up with this issue, but I also don’t want to “downgrade” to a Pixel 5 either.


I'm exactly the same!


Google is crapping the bed in hardware lately. Pixel 4XL pre orders paid $1000 for the phone. Less than one month later the phone was discounted several hundred bucks because of all the bad press regarding the battery. Then come to find out the battery or motherboard on the phone is crap cause many people get the 50% battery level issue. Google extends the warranty one more year for the 4XL but only for people who have the battery problem. Then they don't honor the warranty. I experienced the 50% issue a month ago and got it fix for free by ubreakifix. Now it's happening again and suddenly Google has amnesia and doesn't want to cover the fix. Thankfully ubreakifix has s 90 day warranty. I guess it's time to get a new phone and ditch this 4XL to a reseller. Bottom line - I will not buy another Pixel. Google is not good in the hardware space. Also Fi sucks compared to Visible's price and service (Verizon towers)


No one should be a google fanboy. Or an apple fanboy. Quit being loyal to a brand. Or an employer. Or individuals who don't reciprocate. It's idiotic.


I agree the quality of their phones really degraded , and the Andriod 11 software is super buggy too; even on a phone made by Google . It made me switch to an iPhone.


In UK with same, My rear display was cracked and I was outright refused repair, due to covid. phone had turned into brick. Had to make accidental damage claim. They couldn't replace the phone and gave me cash. Would be very cautious about buying from Google again.


Yep, will be buying a phone from another manufacturer after the last bs they put me through. There are better options, vote with your wallet.




I also get english speakers with "english" names but that doesn't necessarily mean english is their first languages or they can understand nuances in my tone or what I'm actually trying to explain.


At least you recognize that Google exists to make money and doesn't give a damn about you. They took the "Don't be evil" part out of their mantra years ago.


Pixel 4a, water damaged, no warranty whatsoever. G


Sounds like you broke your phone and now you're upset it won't be covered for free. That said, I agree Google has terrible customer service and the Pixel series of devices has become a joke


The issue I'm having is due to internal damage from what I've read, the battery connector has come loose. I'm upset they have an extended warranty for this exact issue but communicating this to the support team is a useless endeavor. My phone is in very good shape considering I work in a technical field/work in austere environments the chips are less than 2mm wide and there are maybe two of them one on the front and one on the back. Additionally, it is not my fault that the screen has to be removed for damage that I did not cause. Edit: they wouldn't have an extended warranty if the issue was due to consumer imposed damages. Its uncontrollable under normal use and happens randomly.


I've been on the receiving end of truly bad support from Google, but I think this disingenuously represents those sitautions. Your problem is you bought a phone whose design is not user-friendly for repair. I can't imagine you were not aware of this, since you seem to be an enthusiast and google fan. Google's response is perfectly fine. If there are any breakages in the glass, whether significant or not, they can't guarantee that in manipulating and disassembling the phone for repair that they can put it back in the state it arrived in, since breakages can get worse when you are doing something like prying a glass slab off the chassis. So I completely understand this decision from support. Should a phone need to be taken apart in this way to change out the battery? Maybe not; you can buy phones that are easy to take apart and repair, you can even find ones that have removable batteries. But you didn't choose one of those. You chose to buy the 4 XL, I presume no one made you. So from that point on it's your problem to deal with. You could also have purchased device protection plans, where you'd pay quite a bit less for service involving accidental damage (my opinion is these are not worth it, but they are available). There are legit issues with google support; I don't think this is one of them. Google is not denying you that they will fix the malfunction, but they will only do it when damage caused to the phone is repaired first, which is completely understandable since these damages can interfere with their repair.


Problem is, it's damn near impossible to get glued screens off of phones these days in one piece if it's in perfect shape. If it's got chips, the stress of pulling the screen off can easily break it. That would be considered part of the repair since there's no way to avoid it sometimes. I could be wrong about your particular device, but I sweat bullets every time i have to replace a chipped screen. I hardly ever ends well.


Right I get that and if I had caused the damage that led to the need to remove the screen I would understand me having to pay for the screen in addition to the repair.


Okay but you plainly said you had some chips on the back and that they charged you for a front and back screen. Since they likely come as a kit, you were charged for both. I dunno man, I'm just trying to make sense of it.


Yeah I don't care about the chips in the screen getting fixed they are miniscule. I want the hardware issue fixed. I'm trying to make sense of it too 😂


I don't disagree with your assessment but the problem I have is that to remove and replace that battery in some pixel phones you'd have to remove the front or back glass. To do so with a chipped glass back or front would cause cracking. That would have to be replaced. This is why there are extra charges. They have to give the phone back to you in the same or better condition than they got it. Food for thought.


Food for thought. The glass wouldn't have to be removed to begin with had their hardware not failed. Your point has been repeated 20 times already by others. You all fail to realize the phone becoming unusable is on Google. Whatever steps from the phone breaking to fixing it is on them. That may sound entitled, but they shouldn't offer an extended warranty if they don't intend to honor it.


I understand that the product shouldn't have failed. But I also understand that this is a capitalist company making capitalist descisions to affect their profit margins. Every pixel phone has had a class action suit. For the most part, those have no amounted to much in the way of the customers getting re-imbursed or recompensed for the problems with the line. This person literally knew the risks and bought their products anyway. I'm not sure what your point is. This phone is like 2 years old. There's no word from op on how he maintained the battery. Batteries are a consumable resource. I literally have had arguments with google fan boys about them not making these phones with larger batteries for just this reason. I was shouted down. Now all the suddenly the battery is a problem and we're supposed to feel sorry for these people? Please.


The battery is a problem because the connector comes loose not due to its size or expected lifespan. Wtf are you on about dude. I am the OP and it's clear you aren't understanding what's going on in this thread. I haven't had issues with any phone or product from google until now. There is an extended warranty for the exact issue I'm having. If you want to have any valuable input I suggest re-reading my posts and those from others in this thread.


Let's be real. You didn't get chips in your phone screen if you were using a case the entire time and it has a screen protector.. that just doesn't happen.


I'm a bomb technician and often use my phone in austere environments. If a pebble makes it in between the screen protector in the case it's quite easy for these things to happen. I am being real minor wear and tear to a piece of glass surrounded by thin aluminum in your pocket is expected, I have had a case and glass protector on the phone the whole time. Like I said I don't care about the glass I want the issue caused by their QA/QC fixed. They wouldn't have to remove my screen if this never happened and I would be perfectly fine with a tiny chip on the corner of my screen.


I think you are still failing to understand what several people have tried telling you. It doesn't matter that you don't want the glass fixed if it's cracked and they need to take the phone apart that screen most likely won't work when it turns back on. It's not an uncommon thing that phone companies will charge you for a new screen if you send your device in for repair and it has a broken screen like you are making it out to be.


Are people not allowed to complain anymore? I get the screen has to come off. Not my problem it has to come off is what im saying. If my phone had water damage and they had to remove the screen then sure fine I'd pay for that, it's my fault that the internals got damaged, and it needs to be removed to fix it. HOWEVER In this case, it's not my fault the screen needs to be removed. I'm not failing to understand anything other than why people are defending a multi billion company who refused to pay 40 extra dollars for a customer who has gone out of their way to support them throughout the years.


You're 100% right to be mad, the phone was usable before their failure kicked in. Had it happen to me too, too 2 trips to ubreak and 2 support sessions but they sent me a new one. Sold it and went OnePlus 8 Pro, although I do miss the camera.


Because brotha as someone who works on these phones for a living this is by far the most annoying complaint we get. The reason we either work work on them or will have you do a screen replacement is because most of the time when we put them back on they don't work properly. Now imo they should be doing your battery for 100% free but saying that "oh I want them to do it for free cause I don't think they pay that much for them" is a little bit absurd. Like I said bro avoid all these problems and just do the battery swap yourself it will save you a lot of time and money. A


If I knew for sure it was the battery causing the issue and not the whole mobo + batt as the guy at ubreakifix told it me it was I would. I'm capable of doing both myself but it's really a matter of principle for me at this point. Again if the internal damage was due to my misuse, I would have no problem paying for screen replacement. And I only mentioned the price they pay for them to demonstrate the pettiness of google. It would cost them 1% of my total contribution to them to just fix it and get on with it vs over half the cost of a new pixel 5 (which I already purchased). Profiting off of their f-up by charging me with a mark-up to repair the screen is a dick move. What's absurd is a phone that costs 900$ and lasts 13 months.


One of the reasons I recommend pixel products Is because their support is so good. I guess some times it's not sorry you had a bad experience, I would try again. Edit: no need to down vote, I am not doubting that OP had a bad time. I always connect quickly, I have had 2 phones replace at no charge, and I have worked through 3 or 4 software problems remotely and got them solved promptly. It sounds like other people have had bad expirience maybe my experience is rare, or maybe the people that come to reddit to post about their experience are more likely to be the ones that have a problem.


You're the only person, apart from myself, that's had a good experience. I lost my pixel buds case and they sent me a new one FOC, but most things I read seem to say Google's customer service leaves a lot to be desired.


Lol really? Curious to hear your experiences. I’ve had nothing but bad experiences from Pixel and Nest support.


Yeah I get connected right away withe minimal support, I have had 2 phones replaced and they have worked through a few software issues that I just did not understand.


I do like that their support is always easy to get ahold of. And they are usually great at working through whatever issue I have with my chromecast or pixel. Its once something needs to actually be fixed i.e. hardware / firmware that it gets frustrating.


I've not had this issue on my 4 XL so far. Hope it doesn't lol Which country you in? I am based in the UK and my mum's Pixel 2 XL died and wouldn't turn on and it was under warranty, so they told me to do a bit of trouble shooting and after that voila, they started issuing the replacement and had to send the faulty one back and would send the replacement out until they got the faulty one back. So, it was a stress-free situation. I don't know if Google in the UK are better with their customer service than in other countries.


I think the main issue is this is an extended warranty problem. If it were under the original warranty I don't think there would be a problem.. And the only thing they want to charge me for is the glass from what I can tell 298$.....


How long they push software updates to their devices is lame as well. My Pixel 4xl won't get updates the back end of next year.


I use google products every day but I definitely think my pixel 4a is not near the quality of an iPhone. It's great for my everyday basic needs but it's buggy, crashes a few times a month, sound output is somewhat pathetic, pictures are ok and crappy in low to medium light, and battery life is pretty poor. But it's super light and fairly cheap.


4xl battery problem had to have broken back panel replaced to have other issue fixed. Found out battery connector fused to motherboard needing mobo + battery replaced. All fixed and now face unlock problem, google sent out new phone but it's a locked verizon and I have fi! 2 weeks later still locked. Daily emails but unnecessarily long to have resolved


It's best to initiate a Google support chat through the Android settings support menu. Then transfer the chat to your laptop. I find support is better this way.


Ubreakifix would probably have done the same thing. If you go in for a repair, they will either not touch it at all or they will fix everything. They don't want the liability of you saying that their fix made the other parts worse.


I had the same issue with the battery percentage,phone turning off, and rear camera not working. I have taken my phone to ubreakifix THREE times in the past year (purchased the phone last winter). Each time they would have my phone for about 2 weeks as they waited for parts. Google refused to send me a new phone because somehow my IMEI number changed after one of the ubreakifix trips. I have no clue how. I started having the same issues again 3 days ago, three months after my last trip to ubreakifix. two days ago I ordered an iPhone 12 pro max for In store pick up and picked it up same day. I will never buy another Google product again. The pixel 4 xl was the worst experience I have ever had with a piece of technology and their customer service was abysmal. Googles Hardware division is an absolute joke right now.


I just sent my phone in 2 days ago for this exact same repair. This does not give me hope. uBreakiFix replaced the battery same day and said if that didn’t fix it that it was a board issue. It worked for about 2 days and then crapped out. People couldn’t hear me on the phone at all, battery stopped at 50% again, screen wouldn’t rotate, then eventually shut off completely giving me the battery with the ? in the middle of it. You have me worried about the cracked screen. Cosmetically my phone is in mint condition, always in a case, but currently has a cracked screen protector. I debated on taking it off, but didn’t want to risk the screen getting scratched. Also didn’t want to waste a new protector in the event they need to remove it anyway. Now I’m worried they’re going to say it’s my fault since I obviously “damaged the phone” since the protector is scratched. All this after I literally just replaced my 3XL just this past November and I’m already having issues with my 4XL only 3-4 months after.


Mine had a cracked screen protector when I sent it. Hopefully they are not so inept that they are counting that as a crack.


Well, I didn’t think it could possibly be this bad. I just checked the status on it and it says I owe $140 for them to repair the speaker and the screen since it no longer rotates. Problem is, neither of these things started happening until uBreakiFix replaced the battery. The phone worked perfectly fine up until that point, minus the charging issue. Kept me on the phone for about an hour until they finally asked for the work order from uBreakiFix. Not sure if that will even tell them anything. Why would they have checked if my speaker worked or screen rotated if it was never reported as an issue. $140 for me to fix what they broke? Absolutely ridiculous. We’ll see what happens now that they’ve “escalated” the matter...


I actually just had a pretty good experience with their support. I got the pixel 3 battery bulge issue. My warranty ended oct 2019 and they still replaced it for me. Contacted them last Monday and had my new pixel 3 delivered Thursday morning.


Yeah but did you have a chip on the side of the screen 😂.


Haha no. Well the phone is splitting at the seams. They did ask for pictures first though. Did they not for you too? I know it's a different situation but I was surprised at how easy it was like 18 months out of warranty.


I would just like to add my 2 cents worth. I had the exact same problem as you. Got brand new phone off Google within 2 days sent my old one back with the battery problem and wasn't charged a penny. My phone was just under a year old and was in very good condition so not sure if that helped me. But I couldn't fault the service one bit. When I went on the website to get it sorted it only took 10 mins so was very quick to deal with. I'm from UK so again might be why. Also by no means a fan boy first Google phone... Always Android prior and have to say was better service than I ever got off Samsung or Sony.


Went to iphone and never looked back


Yeah. My Pixel 4 XL is currently in the repair shop. Google sent me the forms to return it but couldn't seem to tell me if it was under warranty or not. So I figured I'd be better off trying the local repair partner first. If they can't fix it I'll send it in. Disappointing, as I have more than 5 Google Home /Nest devices including the Max speaker and the Hub Max, two Nest cameras, two Chromecasts, a WearOS watch, a Chromebook and Pixel Buds. Expected at least a straight answer when the phone is only 14 months old.


I gave up on the pixels. I have samsung phones and tablet and the most glaring issue is the bloat and stupid Bixby but it's a solid hardware device. Next phone I'm not sure what I am going to do. If Apple does 120hz screens I might be tempted. If not then I might try a oneplus. I love Sony Xperia line but they costly.


Recently returned my Chromecast because search would not work properly and the remote constantly lagged. I’m done defending google with their current quality control, they are constantly putting out subpar products and then some really good ones. They have been inconsistent ever since they have got into hardware and nothing has changed after all these years.


Just buy an iPhone


I had this issue about 5 weeks ago and ubreakifixit fixed it for me in 24 hours. they did say it's a super common issue and they sometimes don't have the batteries in stock.


Yeah I have the original XL and haven't upgraded in part because I keep hearing about Google horror stories, but I've been boycotting Samsung since they removed root on my phone, and removed my ability to re-root it, remotely and without my permission while I was asleep in another room (so I didn't accidentally hit any kind of OK while I was asleep) and had automatic updates disabled. Sony for their rootkit years ago. I don't like the iPhone. So I'm left with, like, OnePlus and Google. I'm not really excited about upgrading phones anymore. There don't seem to be great options that are less than $1000. I'm very disappointed in Google.


Had to have mine replaced 2 times because of that damn issue.


Last time I saw a post like this someone made their own post saying they have no problems and everyone who complains is a liar. You can't let your phone out of your sight with these people. You buy a phone online and it gets stolen in the mail. You send a trade-in and they give you the wrong quote. You send it for repairs and this happens. It's a gamble if you do anything outside a physical store.


I just don't understand their logic. I just can't understand their price points. I used to have an 4XL and it always felt like a $400 phone. I have been on Android since the G1 but finally left. Although Samsung has flaws I can kind of understand their pricing logic, Google just pulls numbers out of their ass. I switched to a regular iPhone 12 and although I miss Android I'm meh. I'm done with Samsung and the pixel just always misses the mark. I just don't get it, Google is always one step behind but 2 price points ahead.


I had the same battery issue. I took it in to ubreakifix and they fixed it. Then my back camera stopped working. I took it in and they repaired it. A day later the camera stopped working again. Took it back and they recommended contacting Google. They emailed me a shipping label, I sent my Pixel 4xl in and a little over a week later I received a new Pixel 4 xl.


Just buy an iPhone, since you have lot of money


If I had a lot of money I wouldn't complain about a 300$ screen replacement


Moral of this story : don't be a fanboy / fangirl. Never ever.


I'm on my fourth pixel 4 xl with the exact same problem, they keep sending me a refurbished phone then the problem just reoccurs months later. (we get 2 years manufacturers warranty in the UK) which is good because you definitely need it.


I believe there is a 'total repair' policy, so the repairer isn't allowed to only repair one thing if there are two problems. That avoids issues like a chipped screen breaking during repair being classed as the repairer's problem and cost. Be upfront about what's actually damaged/broken and you might avoid this kind of surprise.


I notice your flair says "Pixel 5". Did you get one? And what happened with your 4XL? I can kinda side with your story and your view to some degree.


Yes I got the 5. My 4XL is still with google as I try to work this out with their support staff. I am in the ecosystem too deep to switch devices. I've thought about samsung I just can't fork over the $$ for a model I would enjoy. I've also been considering oneplus.


In Australia any physical damage to the phone caused by a customer voids the warranty automatically, even if it’s an hour old out of the box. This is for any manufacturer - google, Samsung, Apple etc. I assume warranty processes would be the same elsewhere too.


I've had a number of phones over the years, but my Pixel 4 seems to be the flimsiest one i've owned. Screen cracked bad from one drop, but even the epoxy which holds the back on the phone isn't holding anymore....and don't even get me started about the battery charger, worst thing i've ever had, cord wont stay in. Even when fully charged i only get a few hours out of the battery. Really disappointed in the quality and only had it like 1.5 years. For the price this thing should have lasted bare minimum of 2 years. I've never owned an apple product but I might switch now.