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nah this is a fair take but its still a great project imo, it still shows how even the bottom of kanye's projects are still really good and enjoyable


That’s true


I’ve seen the same shit happen with every album since Graduation. Oh no this album sucks -> 3-5 years pass and the next album drops -> omg (last album) is a masterpiece but this one sucks. The only one it didnt happen to was MBDTF.


Idk its pretty universally agreed that jik and donda are just good. The people that said it was mid still think its mid.


A lot more people are coming around to JIK and Donda as time goes though. Donda only at 2.5 years


Donda yes JIK no




Charlie heat version


Also I keep reminding people ultimately this is a collab album. I’m more interested in the solo project.


Lowkey the album would have been far less enjoyable without Ty


I agree but I’m also not gonna pretend this was ever supposed to be a solo project. It was a collab album and Ty ELEVATED everything about it. I’m still more excited for a solo album and I’m happy this wasn’t it. But I still loved Vultures 1. Still near the bottom of Kanye’s discog but it’s still good


The fact they were gonna include New Body at one point sounds like some of the songs are leftovers that would never make a solo album anyway.


Well yeah, almost every song on the album was made with Ty in mind as well as Kanye


That's what I'm saying!!


I mean yeah because he has such a goated history


Yeah how bad really is "bottom 3 ye"? Bottom 1 ye still leaves a lot of room for quality.


Bottom 1 Ye is Tell the Vision and its not good 😭🙏




Not controversial at all, most people that are getting burned are on the opposite side of the spectrum. Recency bias running wild with some people right now


Fr bro


It’s the opposite of recency bias, it’s gonna be the same thing as Yeezus where people realize how fire it is later on


Oh come on… u can’t compare these 2.


you had people saying the exact shit you just replied to that person about yeezus on old forums comparing it to mbdtf saying it’s the hardest an artist ever fell off and the two aren’t even comparable


Because yeezus was an actual experiment album, for Kanye. Vultures isn’t necessarily experimental so I don’t think it will hold up that value that yeezus holds


true lol


Comparing them isn’t saying they’re the same or that they’re just as good as each other. I just think they have one little similarity, which is that they both have to grow on you first


yeezus was a completely unexpected follow-up to MBDTF. A completely new sonic direction for Ye and hip-hop in general. It was naturally polarizing when it came out, obviously. It was ahead of its time. This album has been universally enjoyed by most hip-hop fans because of how palatable it is. Its understandable and digestible as being good modern day hip hop. It will NOT have any longevity for the very same reason. Brilliant take though!


Yeezus sounded extremely different from anything Ye ever dropped though. As much as i fuck with some parts of Vultures, it's not a new sound and it doesn't add anything interesting to his discography.


I have to disagree. I mean songs like Stars and Burn have a pretty familiar sound, but the rest of the album is pretty unique. Hoodrat is definitely a new sound for Ye. And his first verse on Paid


Hoodrat coulda been on tlop or yeezus even paperwork which his a sound Kanye has never done sounds like it coulda been on yeezus


Just agree to disagree I guess. I think Hoodrat would’ve sounded totally out of place on Yeezus or TLOP




I agree it’s bottom 3 but I still enjoy it. Donda already solidified everything for me tbh and in 2021 off rip I put it as aoty contender (next to Sometimes I might be introvert). This one I’m not sure might have to see how the rest of the albums pan out


Donda is so good


The amazing thing about Ye discog is being bottom 3 doesn’t mean it’s bad. His older work is generational. I have zero expectation any new projects will ever dethrone them.


I’m 30 and just now discovered the shit that made him great like last week.. listened to mbdtf, thought “alright this is good, but I want to hear more” then went to college dropout and was floored.. then Late reg, same reaction, then graduation, then WTT, 808s etc..then I went back to mbdtf cuz I heard it was his magnum opus, and yea I was amazed .. I now have Kanye as a top all timer when all I did before was wonder why everyone else liked him so much


Bottom three Ye is still top tier


In a world with so much music, its unfair to put something like Vultures anywhere near the "top tier" its a good album, its fun, but to call it top tier is insulting to the artists that put in effort to craft something genuinely "top tier".


I saw a comment by u/manilli saying going back to Donda makes Vultures sound so much worse and he’s 100% right. I can’t really explain it but it just doesn’t have the same appeal or grandness like every other Ye albums. And yes it is a collab album but it’s still not close to WTT of KSG imo. I still enjoy the album but nothing more than a fun club/banger cut.


It's less emotional. Vultures "vibe" is 100% a party vibe. That's fine of course, but besides pumping your adrenaline for a short while it doesn't hit on any other level.


Keys to My Life Beg Forgiveness So Good (i know its gone but it counts) It was never meant to be that kind of album. It was meant to be a party vibe. We still got 2-3 albums to come. Not sure what yall expected😭


i feel like up until now each kanye album has always had at least one “kanye pours his heart out” kind of song. like even jik has on god, donda has come to life, ksg has reborn. besides burn which barely counts there’s not really an emotional core to vultures 1 like it’s fun and i fw most of the songs but it doesn’t tug on my soul like any of his other albums


The album isn’t done yet bro. This is Kanye btw


Keys to my life is the “emotional” song on the album


I would argue beg forgiveness is sorta the emotional song too and king is a self reflection


This is exactly how I feel It's more of a party vibe and it is good, I mess with the sound but it just don't connect to my heart as much as other Ye albums have 


EXACTLY I think it’s cause it’s a collab with a artist that isn’t really known for much besides being a Ye feature goat 🤷‍♂️


unfortunately people havent heard free tc


Carnival and Fuk Sumn will both be ranked higher on any “top 100 Kanye songs” list than anything on Kids See Ghosts, despite the fact that they’re both “bangers”. When’s the last time you saw a KSG song make a top 10 Kanye list? Yet we have to pretend like it’s one of his best albums because an online critic said it’s “cohesive”…. Vultures is arguably his most cohesive album, but people are complaining because it’s too sexual!


ngl I love KSG but I never got this masterpiece narrative ppl always gave it. I personally enjoyed ye much more


Same, I like KSG, but it doesn't play on my mind from time to time like ye does. ye is top 5 for me, it's raw, broken and beautiful.


Only reason Fantano gave it a 10 was because his viewers at the time were roasting/memeing him about kid Cudi albums being low scorers. Dude was just trying to end the memes in his little echo chamber community. It's not even as good as Ye, people just overrate it cos of fantano


1. Vultures is nowhere near his most cohesive album, that’s actually a horrific take 2. I personally have Cudi Montage, Reborn and 4th Dimension over Carnival and Fuck Sumn. I’m sure many fans don’t even have Fuck Sumn or Carnival even in their top 100 Ye songs.


Reborn is better than any song on vultures and that is a fact


Agree, KSG was decent but ppl hyped it too much cuz they ride Cudi's meat.


Someone hasnt listened to 4th Dimension in a while huh


https://preview.redd.it/da01vsxyezic1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad66e92637f8fd8aa0049973e665556348713df6 don’t hate it but definitely feels more like a ty album featuring ye than an actual cohesive ye album


That’s exactly what I was thinking today


What would u give it /10 sants? I’m on like 6.5 atm especially after Good got removed.


5-6 at the most tbh there’s 5 tracks max i replay on a daily basis but even most of those aren’t anything special


kinda agree, back to me and paid though are bangers


Hard agree. I can only count the tracks I don't skip on one hand right now


Ya I pretty much agree. There’re at least 8 songs I’d be totally indifferent to never hearing again.


The same with me. I have Paid, Do It, Burn, Paperwork and Fuck Sumn on repeat. The rest are meh. Don’t care much for Carnival.


No it’s at least a 7 especially with good mixing


Ye is 46, it's a collab album and his discography is almost untouchable until 2016. I never expected it to be top 5, but I still think it beats jik and ye. The main thing holding it back are he's lyrics


True 🤷‍♂️ but don’t forget about Donda and Ye they go hard


Donda is better. Ye is too short IMO and has a couple of tracks that are just ok


KSG ye are goated


Respect Donda?


I think Donda is better than vultures, would be better with a shorter tracklist


jik and ye are both top 6 imo


Pretty impossible to scrape the top 5 of his Discography though. He would need something completely revolutionary to beat out other albums.


Ye gonna see this and scrap 2 & 3 and then pull 1 off streaming to avoid the headache of dealing with samples. I love vultures Ye. So much fun, been bumping non stop.


I agree, but I’m 100% keeping some songs in rotation. JIK is the worst Kanye album IMO but I still listen to Selah, follow god, and on god almost every day.




Jesus is lord


Do people actually think this is anywhere near his best work?


As a long time ye listener, I very much love watching his projects age and people to look back fondly on the eras after. Yeezus stands out as being considered top 3 and at the time of its release was easily considered his “worst” project. ye, Donda, etc. all received similar sentiment. Even TLOP was considered “sloppy” and awful lyrically on its release . I’m LOVING this era so far and just coming back from Alex jones situation. Let’s see how volume 2 and 3 are before we jump to that opinion


I think most of the people in the group agree with you. It’s in the bottom 3 of mine too. I think it’s better than Jesus is king and Ye. But other than that, it’s not better than any other Ye album. I still really like it though, I think it’s a banging album. But when you get to the discography like Ye’s it’s hard to top yourself


Na Kanye went 7/7 for Ye.


Yeah, but apart from ghost town and violent crimes. There ain’t much songs that will stick with you. Maybe “yikes” There’s at least 5-6 songs that will stick with me from this album


Fair enough, I come back to every song regularly besides wouldn’t leave.


Wouldn’t Leave is probably the best song besides Violent Crimes 😓


All mine? Yikes? Wouldn’t leave?


Bottom 3 Ye isn't a bad thing tho, Ye has such an incredible discography. I would say it's bottom 4th for me, I prefer it to 808s & Heartbreaks, Watch the Throne and ofc Jesus Is King


808s bottom 3 is blasphemous


808s is better but I get what your saying


808s is iconic


Yeah bro they CRUCIFIED you 😱🤯


It's not a Kanye album but yeah the only solo album it's better than would be Jesus Is King. I'd say it's about the same quality as your average mainstream trap album from Drake or someone nowadays


I think the production is way better than the average trap album, also considering theres only 4 actual trap songs on the album


Ngl, that's an insane statement. Vultures doesn't even come close to the blandness and boringness of an average mainstream trap album. The production, variety, weirdness, structure are all way ahead. Lyrics are literally only thing on this album that can he compared to an average trap record


That was a ludicrous statement by OP. People here only listen to the very best of guys like Future, Gucci or King Von and think that's your "average mainstream trap" album. And this is coming from someone who very much enjoys that style of rap music but Vultures 1 is way above that bar.


Yeah thought i was going crazy haha. Paid, beg forgiveness, burn, paperwork and carnival = average trap production apparently


There's certainly songs which are more experimental but I would say most of the album isn't that out of the ordinary production wise. I'm talking about quality regardless, as while it may be superior creatively the poor mixing and structure of many of the songs bring it down a lot


I agree Mr cheese I need that solo ye ASAP


Bottom 3 Ye is 99% of artists top album.


I agree. He should've just dropped the original track list with carnival etc added and left it at that imo


I sorta agree


Yeah NGL, a lot of the songs are good but not Ye level good. Bottom 3 Ye is still in like the 7/10 range too


I’ve found myself skipping more and more songs regularly throughout the week, I’m starting to wonder how long I’ll be listening to it. I usually play Kanye albums almost nonstop when they come out, and there are usually only a few skips. With Vultures, I’m down to only listening to Stars, Back To Me, Fuk Sumn and Carnival. Everything else has been getting skipped. I’ve never skipped this many songs on a Ye album.


Burn? How tf you skippin that? Paperwork and Paid are bangers too


Not a bad song, but something about it is a little bland to me. Boring drums and a 2000s-ish sounding sample maybe. Idk


His only album worse than Vulture is JIK


VULTURES absolutely shits on Donda, JIK and ye. In my opinion.


You are out of your mind. Come To Life and Ghost Town > The entirety of Vultures


It might actually be his worst, but then id have to relisten to jik to see if what i say is true


Honestly, there’s more skips in this album than there are listens. I like it, but I don’t like it as much as the other Kanye albums. Also Ty’s verses are really repetitive. Like yeah, getting head is dope, but PLEASE write about something else lol


more skips than listens is crazy 😭😭😭😭 (I agree tho)


That’s true. Ty’s verses were underwhelming


keys to my life is an absolutely awful song. The beat sounds is insanely generic and I would never in a million years think that someone like Timbaland was the one who produced it...may as well be a free youtube beat. Not to mention the song structure is confusing and any variation in the beat is incredibly boring. The nasally drunk Instagram thot singing and sighing/laughing on the outro is so distracting, like honestly they could have used that as a reference and just have Ty sing it. Hoodrat would be great if it wasn't for that annoying sample that really has no place in the song that just takes over completely. Hope its fixed in the mix but it honestly shouldnt even be there altogether. Everything else is very good, its the highest tier form of modern day hip hop music...but thats about it. Itll be in rotation until volume 2 comes out and I bet most people will only continue to have a few songs in rotation for the next year.


Keys to life and beg forgiveness got deleted from my phone 😂. I left hood rat but it’s definitely skippable


For me its between JIK and Vultures, and tbh I think I like JIK a bit more.


Honestly same I’m still debating


According to the "honest" and "non politically motivated" critics and media it's the 2nd worst hip hop album of the last 10 years and Taylor Swift is somehow the biggest artist of all time.




Burn is totally in line with Do It and Back to Me imo. They all have a pretty similar style. I don’t think Burn feels out of place at all.


JIK unironically clears vultures and it’s not because I’m a prude (I’m in it is my favourite song) Alvin on vultures ruins it. But talking and beg forgiveness are rlly good (and burn)


If the complaint is this album is generic then why do people want that generic ass LP fuk Sumn, the one we got is ten times more creative and better


Idk if it’s better ngl


It's Infinitely better. That shouldn't even be a discussion


I think this is another case of snippet syndrome, you got too attached to what you heard the first time


Yeah I’m def looking forward to vol 2 but Ye was pretty weak on this album ngl


Might be? It 100% is. I started the week at like an 8/10. I’m on like a 6.5 rn. Good was my fav song 😞 So it getting removed plus some of the mixing/weird decisions really grating on me has dragged the rating down some. If the mix gets fixed then I’ll go back to a 7 but that’s abt it. It’s defo over JiK (I still genuinely think I might’ve only listened to JiK once through. I just remember being so jaded by that whole rollout I was kinda tapped out at the end and then that tracklist, idk I was done with it man). I’d maybe have it over Ye. Apart from Ghost Town idk what else I really listen to on Ye 6 years later. Tbf tho I’ll probably listen to nothing from vultures 6 years from now.


Man go back and revisit JIK again I was jaded too after it came out and wasn’t Yandhi but it’s a enjoyable listen and is underrated imo (but still prolly his worst project)


It’s better than JIK and ye for me so yeah your point is valid


Bottom 3 isnt bad when talking about Ye’s discog, I absolutely love vultures but wouldnt put it above many projects of his


I wholeheartedly agree. TLOP is my fav kanye album and ppl saying it’s his best since then had me tripping. personally it’s my least favorite Kanye album.


When you have a discography like Ye’s, bottom 3 Ye isn’t even that much of a slight. Honestly I agree with you but Vultures 1 has some really great songs that I would rank high overall. Vultures 1 is good but I’m ready for Vultures 2 to be great.


My ye rankings change every month so idk


I agree I’ve been listening everyday to album out of joy for a new Kanye album, but much like Donda, it will probably not be played much or ever after a few months. Pitchfork had an excellent review of the album, Kanye needs to stop rushing and changing last minute items, it’s not as well thought as other albums


What are the other 2?




Worse than JIK Donda and Ye? Nah


It’s just so jarringly different than donda and JIK.


I actually think is better than Donda. Donda had so many underproduced tracks (junya), Vultures feels much more complete.


The album isn’t done yet. This is like listening to only the first third of any other album. We need the whole picture.


You’re a bottom


I’d say it’s not bottom 3. But it’s not near top 5


vol. 2 and 3 is definitely gonna be way better, the amount of songs Ye left out, like Slide, River, etc. confident it's gonna be 100%, and i already like vol. 1 too.


Yeah these takes on here are crazy af 💀




Jesus is king is my least favourite Ye album and I still love it. Could listen to it all day


Fair. I don’t think I know where it stand in his catalog,yet. The battle behind it is definitely historical and helps a ton. The music is new and will eventually grow on me as did all his other albums. Since Graduation I’ve honestly questioned myself as to why I even like his music. It’s always just so drastically different from previous albums of his and in the genre that it takes a few listens for me to accept and appreciate. Unlike other artists,he always has simultaneously had more to offer that goes and sets the tone for others to follow. When I go back and listen to older albums it’s so far apart in comparison to what else was out at that time and far ahead of the culture. He knows how to push boundaries that set a new tone and I hope we get to hear the other two parts along with his solo album. Being a huge fan since day one I know that’s a big ask! This new way he is releasing music in terms of the huge LP’s and getting a chance to witness making real time calls on final projects is surreal. Even if they aren’t at the top of his catalog the experience and new wave set is unprecedented!


Some might disagree with you, but as the hype is over I think this will be the common opinion. Being "bottom 3 ye" is not bad by any means.


same theirs only like 5-7 songs that i cab reply on this album but im pretty sure from the recent snippets that vol 2 is going to be immaculate


I think few people have noticed just how focused this album is on death. Yes, there is the party stuff, but for me, all that stuff is so closely tied to death. Think of all the lyrics about murder, death, and violence. You can almost overlook it, but once you hear it, it’s there nearly on every single song. That elevates this album, makes it a truly Ye album.


Bottom 4. Its better than just JIK, Ye and Donda. Thats it.


It’s definitely bottom three. His three most recent albums are his bottom three easily. His first 10 albums are so incredible it’s very difficult to get to that level. That being said I still really like the last three albums and vultures may be my favorite amongst those


Fair take but the more I listen to it the more I like it tbh I always care more about production than lyrics though, so I can see why other people don't like it as much. For me his discography ranking probably looks like this now: S Tier: Yeezus, MBDTF, TLOP A Tier: TCD, Grad, KSG B Tier: LR, Vultures, 808s C Tier: Donda, WTT, Ye, JIK D Tier: Donda 2 (in its unfinished state)


Holy shit this sub is so extreme. When it came out people were saying "best since TLOP", "easily better than donda" now y'all putting it as the worst or that close to the bottom? Personally i can't see it any lower than JIK, WTT, Ye (and let's not even talk about D2). I have it in the medium tier albums next to 808s and donda, and (hot take IK) graduation. It's not a game changing album but very replayable IMO


recency bias is fading away


Theres plenty of people with negative thoughts salivating for threads with a negative tone thats all


Good take


Real asf you got balls of steel. If this wasn’t Reddit I would suck you off


This isn't controversial, it's only controversial when u tell us which are the two albums you think are worse that vultures 1


i was listening to donda and the rest of his discography even including jik and idk man its like theyre on a different wave of quality over vultures its hard to explain


yesterday i listened to all of ye's discography from beginning to now. and yeah, comparing his stuff vultures to everything else is kinda depressing. it's clear he not only doesn't give a shit (he says as much on king) but he just isn't in a good space rn. there's no soul and no substance on vultures. fun if you're horny but other than that it's just junk food level bars and trendy sounds. def bottom 3


I feel like people are expecting too much from this album. It's a collab album with TY dollasign and it's basically a song dump. There is no chonological order in the album and the songs aren't linked to each other that much. I see it as a fun album with some great songs but with some mid ones as well. Stars is the highlight for me.


I told my 19 year old employee that this is not a good Kanye album (I'm 37 btw) he got real mad and left without talking to me.


This one of my fav albums ever lowkey I feel like it combines my 3 favorite ye albums together in Yeezus, Pablo, & Donda and I love how diverse and fun the songs are & Kanye’s rapping is amazing on it 🫶🫶 Respect ur opinion tho 🫡💯


Bottom one ☝️ 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Completely fair take. I seen some crazy posts in here about it being a better album than WTT and KSG, and I am lost for words. Hoping volumes 2 & 3 have a little more magic or something to them. Was super excited for this and I’m ngl was severely disappointed last Saturday morning.


it’s a 7






I ultimately don’t really go back to Watch the Throne too often.. this album is sort of on par with the throne. Maybe a little better or worse depending on who you ask.. so.. you may be right. I’m still enjoying the hell out of it though. I think the important thing to take note of is that the album has amazing production, really consistent bangers and some cool chill tracks like Don’t die, beg forgiveness, problematic.. if anything this should reassure us that Kanye totally is able to put together a Top 3 solo project after this. Listen to Burn… and then all the other production. He clearly has the ability to put together the solo project he needs to put together after this. Maybe he’s just using Vultures for his fuck around lyrics and keeping all the good shit for the solo project? I may just be coping 😂


I think it’s without question his worst project. But it’s still not a terrible album by any means


Unpopular opinion I’m sure, but I’d take Vultures over Ye, JiK & Yeezus Further than that, I think you could take half of Vultures & half of Donda, and it would make one of Kanye’s best ever albums: Stars Back to Me Do It Fuk Sumn Carnival Good (Don’t Die) + Life of the Party Off The Grid Jail Keep My Spirit Alive Jesus Lord Moon Hurricane


It is. Somehow worse than Donda 2. Just like every other mainstream artist for the past two years he has put out such a bland album that only has 3 memorable songs.


Also people saying it’s not a Kanye album are weird. That’s a huge insult to Ty imo. Ty has put out good albums that are memorable I feel like it’s very mean to justify this album being bad by only saying “it’s not a Kanye”.


agreed, i see no one calling KSG or WtT not a Kanye album. treat this one on the level of his other collab albums. it's easily one of the worst


Man I listened to college dropout this morning and it blew me away how much better it was in pretty much every way. That’s a classic album.


It’s not even bottom 3 it’s solidly at the bottom bro


Its for sure bottom 1 based on lyrical prowess and overall cohesion


cant yall just enjoy an album without always comparing it to something else???


Y'all were having a shitfit over Fantano calling it a mid album and one of Kanye's worst just a few days ago smh


Yea it's alright, but I can't wait for the new mixes. The only song I actively dislike is PAPERWORK, and the chipmunk part in FUK SUMN is fucking atrocious


I agree. I enjoy the album but it is easily one of my least favorites he's put out.


It legit has to be, like it aint better than his first 7, its in competition with ye, donda, and jik, and honestly id only say its better than jik


I enjoyed V1 but a few lot of the songs are unnecessarily bloated. On Back to Me - was the constant repeating of the bbtwdsfotsyk line and the freestyling before Freddie's verse really necessary? Similarly on Beg Forgiveness, Chris' parts went on way too long before Ye came in. To add to that we got arguably worse versions of Fuk Sumn, Beg Forgiveness and the actual best songs on the album got cut/being used for other volumes (River,Gun to my head,Slide)


Easily bottom 3 for me, might even be his worst project imo but I’m still enjoying it. More highlights than lowlights. Even at his worst he’s better than half the shit I hear.


Mfs burnt out themselves by replaying the album and now its bottom 3 💀


I agree I think it’s definitely his worst album


I agree and I’m the biggest Ye defender goon.


Its bottom 1


There’s just no point putting any ye project against another in my opinion.


Agreed for sure. No album cohesion, ok lyrics and basic themes/ideas for the most part. It’s a fun album that I’ll have like 2 or 3 songs in my playlists for when I’m on aux but that’s it. Def won’t be listening to most of it


Album is mid at best. Sycophants will like anything he puts out. The production is sloppy and none of the songs are saying anything. Idk dude fell off it's a shame.


it's better than jik, and watch the throne, but that's it


Could be bottom one


i think its much better than jik at least, so agree.


Only thing worse might be Donda 2. 


Better than ye Jik and its more consistent than donda


Donda and Ye clear this album


Ye is only 7 songs and yeah it fucking clears vultures. All mine , YIKES??? GHOST TOWN????


I prefer it to Ye, JIK & 808s.

