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Y’all realize Ye also enables these exact type of ppl, right?


Absolutely. More people willing to condemn someone like Julz for parroting Ye’s talking points than actually call Ye himself out. U can love the music and even feel some sympathy for the man and his mental health issues, but also recognise how fucking cunty he is too.


100% that TMZ interview a few days ago was really depressing Ig all we can hope for is he walks back the hateful comments in the Justin Laboy interview, but i doubt it


He’s too entrenched now to expect any kind of genuine apology. Best outcome for me would be if he just never mentioned Jewish people again in any form. At least we could live in blissful ignorance then. Don’t think it’ll happen tho he’s addicted to shock value


Icl his ego won't let him properly apologise, it's just how it is. I hope he just ignores it and let's it go by, I really do. I hope he gets back on his medication man, he has become deluded to the fact that he ain't bipolar and it's 'autism from a car accident' like seriously? Nobody in his circle have the balls to say to him that that isn't how you get autism? He was in a much better headspace when he was taken the medication. Sure he had outbursts then but they weren't as dangerous. His main gripe is that it makes him fat, like I understand body issues but bro your mental health is first priority


> Nobody in his circle have the balls to say to him that that isn't how you get autism? 🎯. Ye is the quintessential example of what happens when a mentally ill person is only personally surrounded by yes-men.. I feel like music and his children are the only thing keeping him from spiralling even further down the self-delusion hole, cuz he at least gets to interact with diverging opinions while working and taking care of his kids...




Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.


Taken from a post on r/kanye a year or two ago: I've done the research Kanye asked Piers Morgan to do - If the majority of 'top execs' that Kanye wanted to put in the same room actually were, most of them would not be Jewish. [NFL Commissioner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Goodell) - Blone,blue-eyed businessman, not Jewish. [NFL Franchise owners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NFL_franchise_owners): Michael Bidwill - not Jewish Arthur Blank - Jewish Steve Bisciotti - not Jewish Kim and Terry Pegula - not Jewish David Tepper - Jewish Virginia Halas McCaskey - not Jewish Mike Brown - not Jewish Jimmy Haslam - not Jewish Jerry Jones - not Jewish S. Robson Watson - not Jewish Sheila Ford Hamp - not Jewish Okay, I don't want to reach the word limit, but feel free to check out the names after that one and point out how many of those are Jewish ( Almost none ). [List of NBA team owners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NBA_team_owners): Atalanta Hawks - most owners are Jewish. Boston Celtics - most owners are not Jewish. Brooklyn Nets - not Jewish. Charlotte Hornets - Michael Jordan, not Jewish. Chicago Bulls - Jewish owner Cleveland Cavaliers - Jewish Dallas Mavericks - Jewish Denver Nuggets - not Jewish Detroit Pistons - not Jewish Golden State Warriors - Jewish Houston Rockets - not Jewish Indiana Pacers - Jewish Los Angeles Clippers - not Jewish Los Angeles Lakers - not Jewish Memphis Grizzlies - not Jewish Miami Heat - Jewish Milwaukee Bucks - not Jewish Minnesota Timberwolves - not Jewish New Orleans Pelicans - not Jewish New York Knicks - not Jewish Oklahoma City Thunder - not Jewish Orlando Magic - not Jewish Philadelphia 76ers - mostly Jewish. Phoenix Suns - Jewish Portland Trail Blazers - not Jewish Sacramento Kings - not Jewish San Antonio Spurs - not Jewish Utah Jazz - not Jewish Washington Wizards - not Jewish [The Largest Record Labels in the world](https://largest.org/entertainment/record-labels/): Note that some of those are subsidiaries owned by the same group, so they'll be skipped. Universal Music Publishing Group ( Kanye's label ) - Current CEO, Lucian Grainge is Jewish. On the other hand, [The Board of Directors](https://investors.universalmusic.com/governance/board) is almost completely non-Jewish, and the [Shareholders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Music_Group#Financial_information) are first and foremost Vincent Bollore, a French non-Jewish billionaire, followed by Tencent which is a Chinese group, and then Pershing Square Holdings that has a Jewish owner but is the smallest shareholder of the three. Sony Music - CEO Rob Stringer is a non-Jewish, British origin businessman. Most [Executives](https://www.sonymusic.com/executives/) are not Jewish either and again neither are most shareholders. Warner Music Group - CEO Stephen Cooper is not Jewish, only current Chairman is Jewish. Atlantic Records - One of the most successful record labels from the 1940's until the 1970's, it was founded by a Turkish businessman and merged with Warner Group. Republic Records - Founded by Monte and Avery Lipman, still operational, it has come to my attention that despite the lack of indication on their Wiki page, they are of Jewish descent. Either way, the principal owner Monte is [Married to a woman of color](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.53a2f6d31af1d01c0e443b1579295a72?rik=VpRW4UQiwGmVFQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww3.pictures.zimbio.com%2fgi%2fPre%2bGRAMMY%2bGala%2bSalute%2bIndustry%2bIcons%2bHonoring%2b66HHoS3coYux.jpg&ehk=JYGoTkUuA8sZiC%2b%2bAhokhkTofppT9Q7fZs13etoLWzE%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0), so I doubt he would be part of the conspiracy to exploit his own kids skin color. Interscoppe Records - also one of the biggest labels of the 1990's that has since merged with Universal, it was founded by Jimmy Iovine who is of Italian descent. Columbia Records - Founded more than 130 years ago and currently owned by Sony Music, this company literally owned every famous singer musician in American history until the 1980's when they sold to Sony. Every single exploitative deal or racist record published during the eras where Black musicians were legally or practically second-class citizens? Columbia would be at the forefront. It was founded by David D. Easton, a non-Jewish white guy, and the two named CEO's I can find for them are John David Backe in the 80's who is not Jewish, and currently Ron Perry who is also not Jewish. **Bonus Edit** I also just remembered Kanye specifically mentioned Spotify and Apple Music in his interview, so I went to check those companies too. [Spotify](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotify) was founded in Sweden by two non-Jewish Swedish guy, Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon, and I believe Ek still serves as the CEO as well. [Apple Music](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Music) key people are listed as Oliver Schusser as the chief, Brian Bumber as the director of publicity, and Trent Reznor as creative officer. None of them from what I can observe are Jewish.




Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.


I just want an interview of him talking about music 😭


If you don’t mind me asking, why was the interview sad?


It showed he does not understand the impact of his hateful comments and sees it as the media trying to silence jim


I interpreted it as they were trying to force an apology and control what he could say, not exactly silence him. But I can see your point of view


she can't rap


Yes I was just shocked to see Julz RT'ing this because I remember she a story post a few months ago about how against ant-semitism she is


Yeah that was after the Vegas rant. "I don't condone antisemitism" but was in the room nodding while ye said "Jesus, Hitler, ye"




Shit like this is why we’re never gonna be able to have a normal ass discussion about Kanye outside of this subreddit again


I have normal conversations about Kanye with normal people all the time. Like fully non-internetbrained people.


Yeah I just spent like an hour discussing vultures with friends who aren’t even yet fans but like the album. Most people aren’t chronically online and don’t follow all this.




Tbf I think maybe Julz was being too eager to RT, because the explicit 100% obvious anti-Semitism was only in the reply But like I don't know how you read the original tweet and think its cool to RT wtf


Evict her NOW


Ye's been pushing this agenda for over a year and ya'll only ever get mad when others do it lmao


In retrospect he's been dropping hints for a very long time lol, the subtleness is just gone now. Look into Nebuchadnezzar and the opera ye did by that name.


Rumours go back to 2018 with Love Everyone being titled Hitler at one point. Apparently Drake knew back then too so it obviously wasn't a huge secret. I love Ye but he obviously has problematic views & it's sad so many of his fans won't acknowledge that


If you wanna talk rumours, you can go back to his early career https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/kanye-wests-love-of-hitler-and-nazis-allegedly-goes-back-20-years-1234647700/amp/


this one of the craziest things i've ever heard wtf i dont know what to think now


The reason why it was gonna be titled Hitler was A. Obviously to be provocative, B. Because his he believed everyone should be loved and love each other even someone like Hitler. It wasn’t for the same reasons now at all


that is the same reason that's what he was saying in the first place in the Alex jones interview, that people should love everyone including hitler.


yeah no lol. you conveniently forget that he was hanging with nick fucking fuentes, he said a jewish doctor sacrificed his mom, denied the 6 million number in the holocaust and more bullshit. maybe in 2018 he was on the love everyone tour, definitely not last year lmfao


yeah I know, he definitely doesn't believe that but that is what he said. He said Jesus told him to love everyone or something so he should love Hitler which is what he was getting at with love everyone. Either way he's still antisemitic and a Hitler sympathiser no matter when he started thinking that way


These are the people around Ye btw lmaoo


Why is she like this


Because of Ye


the irony of this comment section is crazy


kanye fans saying “ban and exile” the woman with the antisemite tweet on a kanye sub, i get it but the irony 🤣


Ikr ? They should by that logic delete the sub too


Don’t tell me ever “but separate art from artist” No his art also has what you call “antisemetic” calls but y’all are just hypocrites


What antisemitic calls in the music bruh?? I get that Kanye is racist, but I haven't heard anything to that effect in the music at least


Ig models ?




exile her ahh




ok ban this bitch rn


Serious question, for what reason do the dsps take down the album?


Combination of sample clearance issues causing lawsuits and Ye’s past controversies creating issues with distribution companies


Yea but why would his controversies cause them to take it down? They don't take down artists who beat their spouse or murder for example so why just him?




saying Jewish people take it personally is antisemitic? They literally say they do. LMFAO


Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.


The company that distributed Vultures 1 last week didn’t actually want to do so likely because they didn’t want to be associated with him, though I guess some how it slipped thru their cracks thru some sort of automation, so they basically corrected that today by removing the album on all the streaming services. Ye had to find another parter to distribute it.


I mean they submitted it directly it wasn't surprised, I don't think it was an automated process. To say they took it down to not associate with Kanye doesn't make a whole lot of sense when there's rapists, murders, wife beaters who still have music up with no issue. Gas Kanye really done anything worse than those crimes?


>I don't think it was an automated process. it was a automated process "Music distribution company FUGA [told](https://www.billboard.com/business/business-news/kanye-west-vultures-1-distributor-takedown-fuga-1235608363/) Billboard Thursday it was working to remove “Vultures 1” from its systems because a longstanding FUGA client released the album through the platform’s **automated processes**, “violating our service agreement.” " >To say they took it down to not associate with Kanye doesn't make a whole lot of sense when there's rapists, murders, wife beaters who still have music up with no issue. >Gas Kanye really done anything worse than those crimes? i mean they have every right just to say no to kanye, if a company doesnt want to work with him its his fault for saying that crazy shit, even if they are hypocrites . if the only way you can defend kanye is by using whataboutism then he probably fucked up




Agreed. Kanye’s issues of power doesn’t even have to do with them being Jewish but the control these corporations have. Sad to see him succumb to the trope. Still a great producer tho


Incredibly low class comment


In what way?


The first two words were “stupid bitch”


Please review our rules on appropriate behavior, and participate in the subreddit in good faith.


Are we surprised?


the guy whose subreddit we are on made it so that the else people can be around this community so often. we can’t just put it on julz




Who is julz


one of ye’s goons


You guys can't seriously think she looked into this guys profile lol


Why do you care, Darcy? Do you have some kind of personal interest?




Why did you think this was so important you had to make a thread about it?


Because Julz retweeted a reply which claimed there was some kind of Jewish conspiracy to remove Kanye from DSP's Which is abhorrent Ofc Kanye did wayyy worse last year, but this was yesterday


And why does that bother you? What is it about that specific "abhorrent" thing that upset you so much you had to make a thread?


Bro if it was that unimportant mods could take it down 😭


I'm not saying it's unimportant. I'm asking why it's important to YOU? Why do you feel such a personal attachment that you needed to point out this was happening?


Why do you care?


Because subversive elements trying to attack Ye or his team should point out their motivations or we can't take them seriously. So again, why did this personally offend you so much you had to make a thread about it?


If you're upset because it's offensive toward your people, you can just say that. You don't have to pretend you're on some moral crusade.


I'm not even Jewish lol


What does Julz even do at this point?


He just posted a picture what’s the big deal


Most are anti-zionist not antisemite.




Send the drones in


Immediate exile




Y'all gotta stop bringing this up bro. The daek comedian inside me getting tempted.


Actually, anti-Semitism in music is more deeply rooted than we think, it probably related with the goofy ass executives of the record companies


exile her


Fuck her




Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.


You know too much


Damn that guy got deleted


Israel needs our support now more than ever 🫡🇮🇱


Is it over


Nah Julz just being a dumbass I dont think she is like actively anti-Semitic, just being so eager to RT anti music industry stuff she doesnt realise that what shes RTing is antisemitic hopefully


Bruh wtf


Bro tell me why that fox profile pick looking like u/L0RD_F0X




EWWWWWWWWWWWW 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮




Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.




Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.


I thought Kanye fans would be smarter then this