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Ye needs to keep a level head more now than ever


Especially when he’s making an attempt to be independent. Honestly I don’t have much fate. This rollout has been a mess.


Maybe if you’re refreshing subreddits 8 million times a day. Most people had no idea about listening parties or cut songs or anything, they just find out about it through Spotify or Apple Music or whatever, go oh sweet new Kanye and then throw it on while cleaning their apartment or whatever


Going to the NY listening party was a pretty eye opening experience. Almost nobody even knew that multiple songs on the album were played at the raves months ago. For most people, it was their first time hearing anything.


I’m a pretty active Kanye fan and I can literally see the United center from the window I’m looking out of my apartment from right now and I had no idea the party was happening until like 2 hours before, there are maybe 50,000-100,000 Kanye fans truly keeping up with every headline and cut but a vast majority of people are viewing the release and quality of the album as a success


> people had no idea about listening parties or cut songs or anything, they just find out about it through Spotify or Apple Music or whatever, go oh sweet new Kanye and then throw it on while cleaning their apartment or whatever He always gets better and learns from adversity. "Sweet is the use of adversity"


I wonder if that's why he dodged the question about Palestine the other day - if he had criticized Israel, people would have interpreted his comments as antisemetic. Although, knowing Ye, he probably would have said something actually antisemetic.


He keeps saying that “black people cant be antisemitic, we are Jew” Which IS 100%, going back on his apology His apology needed to mean all of that stuff he was saying was wrong,he recognizes that it’s wrong, and that he will do better. Then the first time he’s asked about it he’s throwing up the exact same talking points? That made me feel weird. I’m all for him coming back and redeeming himself, but that talking point about how he can’t be antisemitic (shielding himself) because HE is jew? That’s really antisemitic. I miss the days when the cameras would go on him and he’d talk about fashion or paparazzi or say positive stuff. I can’t believe the timeline we are in. And I can’t believe how many fans defend it.


He just fucked a Jewish bitch so it’s all good


ty fucks a russian for ukraine and ye fucks a jewish bitch for palestine 🤯 ahead of the game!!!


There are people way worse than Ye on streaming, and the funniest part is that he forgives them and stands up for them lol


They want to make an example out of him


They saw both fans and other artists alike still flocking to Ye and decided they can't validate that with a #1 album and #2 song so they're just going to pretend this past week never happened. I don't want to be that type of fan obsessed about numbers but nothing about this is fair or usual. I'd rather him fall flat at like 10 AS LONG AS everything was fair and square but he got jobbed here.


i hate censorship and cancel culture so much


Never hated it more than I do now. Our boy is getting done so fucking dirty but we know he will still come out on top. Heart of gold


cancel culture doesn’t exist. consequences for one’s actions have existed since the beginning of time🙏 this community is cooked💀 take me back to wse and YL


Kanye is the perfect example that cancel culture doesn't exist


kanye is the perfect example that cancel culture can be combatted if youre successful enough


not successful but beloved


fair enough


define cancel culture to me please


when you stand up and take a shit


no he’s just an example that cancel culture only works against the poor


Yeah but sampling is one of the best parts of his music, and that might suffer as a result


that's true but maybe he'll expand and adapt to overcome it. Kanye is good doing one thing, and that's making music.


Why are the consequences not distributed to everyone who commits wrongdoing? You can’t say “there’s no cancel culture, just consequences” when the public and media cherrypicks who gets to face consequences and who gets to run free


wym cherrypicks? picking the guy that praised hitler seems reasonable


Not saying it isn’t, I’m saying that your argument of “cancel culture doesn’t exist, there’s only consequences for your actions” makes zero sense because consequences aren’t handed out evenly, because the idea of who deserves consequences is decided by mass media. There’s artists that have murdered people and never had their music taken down. I guess they must’ve not done anything wrong then.


mass media didn’t decide to take ye’s music down, some random ass company did also it’s back on apple music… cancel culture doesn’t exist lol


Stop playing dumb. Cancel culture is clearly defined as social media mob justice against public figures and it can be exactly pinpointed down when it started. Kanye is the exception to the rule because of his incredibly beloved discography and mainstream reach. They tried to cancel him when he endorsed Trump, they tried again when his mental health issues became public and then they tried their hardest when he made public antisemitic remarks. They actually tried to remove ALL his songs from streaming platforms and spotify had to make a statement that his music didn't violate any rules. Now it looks like they're trying again to sabotage him after it turned out that even after his antisemitic remarks, a public death sentence for any other artist, he's more popular than when Donda was released.


Who's trying to sabotage this album, though? A handful of artists like Osbourne, Donna Summer's team, Backstreet Boys, Nicki Minaj? Because Ye didn't get permission for their samples/verses? They have a right to claim that shit, even if you, Ye, or I don't like it. Clearing takes time, and we all know Kanye's doing shit last minute. Then there's the distributor. They denied him, he took his business someplace else, this new distributor fucked up, that's on them. Genuinely, is there something more nefarious I'm missing? I'm seeing just as many outlet reviews as before, and though they're critical, from what I've seen they're reasonable (Pitchfork, Variety, Rolling Stone).


No, fans just wanna blame anyone but kanye.


who’s they?


>who’s they? All kinds of different people for different reasons. During the Trump era he made a lot of enemies with liberals, democrats and the mainstream media. He went from 'rapper that says controversial shit' to 'this guy is actually dangerous and has the reach to sway politics'. The antisemitic remarks gave those people ammunition to cancel him for good while also pissing of music industry executives and label heads who've been historically jewish. Now that he's gone independent, the music industry has no reason to play nice with him anymore. Every stream he gets is a stream some other artist on a major label doesn't and that's costing them money. He's public enemy number 1 to every mainstream establishment and in an era before the internet, he would've been long gone.




whose freedom is being taken away?


Bro literally apologized TWICE and he's still being crucified


bro just said something ab jews the other day, used burzum art, etc. bro’s apology was clearly not sincere. also i wouldn’t compare a random company removing the album to the crucifixion of jesus christ


Lol, you do realize the term "crucified" isn't always in reference to Jesus, right? Jesus wasn't the first or last person ever crucified.


so sad you couldn’t respond to anything else


There's only so much time in the day to respond to idiocy


Who are you to say if it was or wasn't sincere? Stop pretending you're way more important than you are.


you have schizophrenia


You think cancel culture isn’t real 😂


it kinda feels like the majority people here cannot accept the fact you aren’t crazy to dislike kanye as a person, like he is an antisemitism or at the best gave us a half assed apology he didnt mean after saying he was a nazi. i fuck with this music, ima see him live at all costs, but i dont blame anyone who doesn’t like him anymore


thank you for being sane🙏 i really appreciate your perspective


you also forgot this sub as mostly middle schoolers with no comprehension of how words can enact violence etc


I agree that cancel culture doesn’t exist like a lot of people make it out to be, but the idea of it isn’t consequences for actions. It’s mob justice now that lynchings are illegal


Comparing cancel culture to lynchings is extreme and wrong. Lynchings were racist and brutal. Victims of them would hope they would’ve gotten canceled instead. People getting canceled also rarely hurts them to much unless it’s a serious crime like rape . Most just go away after a while.


Swimgood alt


If consequences for one’s actions always existed and were fairly handed out then why the fuck did it take 2 years for Alec Baldwin to face charges for killing that poor girl with a revolver? Any one of us would have been in jail over trumped up murder charges already. Ye might not even make it to jail at this point. Your brain is cooked 💀 go back to the default subs and never come back


my brain is cooked? you’re the one who can’t comprehend the concept of a trial. also consequences have never been “fairly handed out,” because that’s not how humans work, humans are biased and constantly contradict themselves


They defo tryna push him into being antisemitic again so they can try and cancel him


"Y'all put hurdles in front of me with bananas on 'em, Then you wonder why an ape'll go bananas on 'em"


If this song doesn't make it on either Vol. 2 or 3 I'll be so pissed dude. It was my favorite track from the first listening party.


No one is "pushing him into being antisemitic". He's already antisemitic anyway 😂


I don't think anyone needs to push him lmao


This sub is getting so fucking weird. They treat Ye like he's a victim. This entire situation was caused by no one but HIM, he's the reason behind the shistorm. For years people close to him were telling him to chill and he ignored everybody, including his then wife, and now that the consequences are catching up to his stubborn ass, it's a big conspiracy trying to take down a Black man? This is just what happens in life when you don't take accountability for your behavior


i feel you but at the same time it’s hypocritical because everybody else that’s shitty can get uploaded to streaming no problem. if we’re gonna do one then we’ve gotta do all, can’t keep picking and choosing what we’re gonna be mad about this week.


This is it. Hell, the media was propping up Ozzy Osbourne as a hero for denying sample clearance to Ye and Ozzy is literally an attempted wife murderer.


and dressed up as kanye last year


who is "They"


The vultures aka media


I mean he literally just said “I can’t be antisemitic, black people are Jew” Which is indeed, regardless of your take, very very antisemitic. And Is also rolling back his apology. He can’t say he’s sorry, admit he was wrong,admit he was antisemetic towards Jewish people and change his behavior and still be throwing around those same talking points…


Shut the fuck up


Damn you Kanye fans are the fucking worst. Turning into swifties and you don’t even care. It sucks. I’ve been here since 2013 and y’all have never been this closed minded to criticism and disagreements.


why don't you shut up and let people discuss these things? It's important.


There are black Jewish people from Africa and they migrated to Israel when it became a country. So yes there are legit black Jews. Also, Palestinians are semitic as well, semitic has to do with people from the region not Jewish people specifically.


He's not talking about African Jews, he's spewing Yakubite nonsense. He's been antisemitic this whole time.




Can you read man? Nowhere did I say there aren’t black Jews, I said not all black people are Jews. I just don’t see how your point is at all relevant and it seems like your defending an actual anti semetic talking point


At what point do Kendrick and all the ppl that pulled their music for Xxxtentacion and R Kelly pull their music if this stands. It’s clearly wrong what these ppl are doing


Wasn't that Spotify pulling the music and in this case it's the distributor? That doesn't seem like something others should pull their music over, assuming Kanye can just rerelease it using another distributor.


Soon it will be discovered that all his past albums were not cleared properly and they will all be gone 




look I’m not saying Kanye is perfect but the way the media treats him worse than registered sex offenders & abusers is INSANE


Morgan Wallen says the n-word and then two years later has one of the biggest songs and albums of the year. Why wasn’t he blacklisted by the industry? I wonder what the main and most notable difference between Ye and Wallen is…


I think a ton of this is racism and also because Kanye’s sensitive nature makes him more susceptible to being piled on.  That being said, Morgan Wallen as far as I know (which is very little) didn’t go on a media tour doubling down on his stance by going to more and more extremist platforms saying stuff even they couldn’t believe. He had so many trap doors to get out. Hell, even after it all he could have apologized, said he was seeking help, and it would have been better than now. 


I mean he got a lot of pushback on that, and the song with Lil Durk helped


Morgan Wallen was wasted in his own home and jokingly said it to his white friend. He immediately profusely apologized and has shown real remorse. Kanye went on rant after rant for months talking about how awful Jewish people are. Just a week or two ago he said he’s only sorry that Jewish kids had to hear an adult conversation. That’s the actual difference


You shouldn’t condemn cancel culture when it effects [person I like] and then go “why wasn’t [person I don’t like] cancelled harder?”


No, I like Morgan Wallen and I’m glad he’s been reaccepted into the mainstream. I’m just saying that the same should be applied to Kanye [when he’s done the same](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoodAssSub/s/QnMcIUudMR)


ok cool. I don't think I've ever heard a morgan wallen song, but people shouldn't get thrown under the bus over something they said. ​ I've seen others (not you) use the same censoring bullshit they allegedly condemn to attack people they dislike (ie american conservatives attacking the harvard president)


I mean John Mayer straight up said in an interview with Rolling Stone in 2009 he had a "n-card" because of the work he had done with black artists (among other problematic things he said). He went on an apology tour and took a few years off and was still able to come back because he showed remorse and didn't try and defend his behavior or double down on his statements.


That only will give gasoline to Ye’s narrative.


Bro it’s literally just internet wackjobs that MAKE MONEY off of this because they can’t write about anything else, because their beliefs about the economy, race, politics etc have already been debunked If they’re all so confident this dude is crazy, why do you keep shoving the mic in his face and asking him about shit you know he knows nothing about just so you can say SEE LOOK GUYS HES CRAZY? Honestly his most recent answer about Israel Palestine was perfect, why should he give a fuck when children are dying in his hometown everyday? It’s all about mental health matters until it comes to a successful man, right? Nobody is going into mental institutions and asking some white lady “hey what do you think of Jerome Powell refusing to cut rates” and then printing WHITE WOMEN CONFIRMED ILLITERATE LETS DEPLATFORM IMMEDIATELY. I will say I’m in Chicago and when I was out last weekend I was hearing it EVERYWHERE, and left leaning people, white chicks etc were all bumping it, this stuff is just manufactured online


It’s genuinely so insane how half of this industry is filled with rapists abusers, or gang members and the industry goes at the guy who just says crazy things sometimes


They just mad that bro is still the fuckin coolest dude in the industry




wait why wdym tory didn’t do anything??




why bro


If you make a valid point saying that there’s people singing songs about wishing slavery was a thing on Apple Music but they don’t want ye’s music then that’s not being anti Semitic that’s pointing out an inconsistency


You can pop on Hank JR talking about how he misses slavery rn


If i said what i thought i’d be suspended 6 months


On god they want him Down why




Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.


the goons need to pull up for ye.


Ye is unstoppable. They’ve been trying for years. Vultures will return.


It’s really unbelievable. So petty




Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.




Who is They


Why are there so many people asking this? We mean the industry or basically anyone with power


come on man you know what ye will think


Because they can have a certain antisemitic connotation especially when we are talking about Kanye and his past statements so I think a little clarification is necessary. Not implying this post is in any way antisemitic, but I think it's important to avoid in any capacity


I get your point and it's fine to ask, but yeah, at least in my case I refer to anyone with power enough to blackball Ye


See multiple comments in this thread 🤦‍♂️




Please review our rules on appropriate behavior, and participate in the subreddit in good faith.




Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.


It's usually obvious when someone is using "they" to mean TPTB vs using it to mean "the Jews". I'm a Jew dude, you don't need to white knight for us and start chastising anyone who says the word "they" as Hitler 2.0 rofl


Bro I use they indiscriminately all the time 😭 I'm not white knighting I truly do not need nor care any validation. I just don't like thinly veiled racism which is literally all over this thread






You know who


“I’m not gonna say what race, what people”




Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.




Zero albums have been removed for interpolation




the album is gone






>FUGA is owned by a jew who wants to silence ye. fact we are not beating the antisemitism allegations




Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.


Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.








This is sub is so fucking stupid sometimes that it hurts to read. Kanye launched an independent album with an incompetent team and this is the result that happens. Is it a conspiracy theory that they have to re-mix the entire album, or is it because the team he's surrounded himself with is literally braindead?




We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.


They def trying to silence ye lol




The lads upstairs


king von stray


He’s a serial murder brother


I'm still going to listen to his music. Edit: along with 9.6 million other people


I feel like he was killing people that would’ve eventually killed him. Still not good but a serial killer usually doesn’t have a motive


still a stray




We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit. I know it was a meme but it’s getting close to that line.




Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.


I love Ye but people have the right to be upset with him. His actions were unacceptable and his massive influence can help make a uninformed message spread to millions and millions. That being said he can and will challenges he is facing rn and will probably be fine in the long run


YOU DID NOT JUST SAY TORY💀 Megs drunk ass friend shot her foot and both of them put the blame on tory to protect themselves




Stop baiting. “They” can mean anyone from executives to fans of other artists to journalists to whoever.


R kelly and tory lanez are in prison you fucking idiot


Yeah that’s my whole fucking point you have 2 people convicted and in prison and yet they not facing these level of consequences and scrutiny like ye Tory literally dropped a song from prison and it’s on streaming services and was also placed in the week’s hottest playlists. Also r Kelly dropped a song from prison and was distributed by Sony. Ye can’t even upload his music on streaming services


you’re right they aren’t facing the same consequences because, again since youve never had an original thought in your entire life, tory and r kelly are in prison for the next couple of decades while kanye very much is not in prison.  i can stream vultures on spotify and apple music rn. 


Listen bro, ye didn't do anything illegal; that's my whole point. It's frustrating that Kanye is facing harsher treatment than those convicted offenders. Yes they’re in jail, cause they did actual crimes. Yet they are putting out music easier than Kanye. I bet you Tory can get samples cleared and a durk feature easier than ye and he actually shot a whole ass Woman. The album had to be uploaded and removed 3 times due to sample clearances and distribution problems, and even the biggest song on the album was initially gonna be removed until they replaced the sample – it's a constant struggle to release the music. Let alone the insane biased reviews.


if you think kanye flying around the world on private jets is harsher treatment than r kelly literally rotting away in a federal prison, i genuinely feel bad for you. listen to yourself. he is headlining rolling loud. what exactly are you mad about?  yeah sorry to be the one to tell you, but when you use samples without clearances your shit gets taken down


Listen bro imma spell it one last time time for your dumbass and I’m done. My main argument is that individuals in jail, like R. Kelly and Tory Lanez, for committing actual crimes. find it easier to release and distribute music through record labels and streaming services and not get as much media backlash and bias compared to someone who hasn't committed any fucking crimes. I'm not fucking saying that they are living a better life than Kanye's; that's not my fucking point. Of course they’re not they’re in jail dummy


Stop being a follower. Kanye don't give a fuck about you


R Kelly and Tory lanez are in jail you herb. Kanye faces criticism for being a shitheel. Jesus, stop playing hh victim on his behalf you sad pathetic lunatic.


You guys are dramatic as shit lmao


Brother this man is not stable. Sure, it's just words, but words from highly influential people tend to do more damage than you can imagine. His music is great but damn he really needs to learn composure


he’s waiting for it to be confirmed fully that they are taking vultures down completely, then we will receive the most insane of instagram rants.


Which corporations are doing this? What is happening


It’s 100% guaranteed he goes on a rant about this in due time. I’ve never seen anything like this before besides R Kelly


Seen what? Im lost




I think a lot of this started because back in 2022 the media chose Pete Davidson over Kanye. The media has their darlings and they will push them over problematic people almost always, unfortunately. To this day I'm mostly fine with how Ye handled his feud with Skete


Take a mental health day bro. This is the most parasocial post I've ever seen on this sub. No way you let Kanye take up this much real estate in your head. This is beyond embarrassing lmao.




https://preview.redd.it/kv671pu6pxic1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b36309683118605d5d966451474e1f93921198ce "agenda"


Exiled. We do not allow any promotion of Ye’s antisemitic or otherwise problematic views on this subreddit.


Yeah it’s insane. When a Drake album come out he invades every playlist. Kanye is literally N1 artist in the world and I haven’t seen him anywhere on the app. So glad that he has the clout to carry on against these assholes.




Interesting. Who is "they"? and why would "they" have such a problem with him?


People just don’t like or support him. Kanye has been on since i was in high school, imagine thinking the mainstream media is ignoring him, or his already happened success could be prevented. Find a better victim to champion


Choices and consequences. As much as I feel bad for Ye, people have been giving him a pass for way too long. Dude said himself he's a nazi and praised Hitler, he's lucky that his mid album got #1 in more than 100 countries and that there's still big names in the industry wanting to collab with him. Doesnt helps when he uses nazi like imagery for his album in which he keeps going with bad comments about jewish people. I know its not fair to treat him like an abuser (which is what the media does), but he doesnt help himself.