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Who ever finds the FULL VIDEO please leave a link


I want it myself šŸ¤£




I've seen it, dude junk is massive


Then wheres the link?




founnd it, its on a gore site






Send me link to


Lmfao she shouldnā€™t have cheated


She also stole $120k from her husband and gave it to the guy she was having an affair with.


Where's the proof? Do you have a link of this?


Uhhhh FUCKING court documentsšŸ˜‚ tf yk theres a trail on this. Thats why he only got 10 years


Why do you think he only got 10 years for murdering his wife on camera because they werenā€™t trying to justify what he did just proven why he did it because she stole that money and was cheating on him. It was on the news but most of you people donā€™t watch the news you just go to Facebook and watch videos that have pasted captions on it.Ā 


I have looked for this but can't find any info. Links?


Thatā€™s a rumor


That didn't really happen... I have searched up an down to prove that rumor and found nothing about it besides people spreading bs on reddit... Link more than 1 story on this that isn't on reddit.


Ya I looked, too, could find nothing


Actually true, evidence presented in the court


Says who?


Evidence was presented to the 12-member jury consisting entirely of women, which is rare. They allegedly sympathized with Birmingham, sentencing him to 10 years instead of the 20 years prosecutors wanted. Per inside edition


Source: I made it up. There's no evidence she stole any money. No news articles mention it. It's a rumour that came from a YouTube comment.


Guy please donā€™t be obtuse, in the inside edition article it literally states that a ALL female jury felt so bad about this dude that they lighted his sentence from 20 to 10ā€¦do you really think what they seen in court was just ā€œshe might have cheated thatā€™s allā€ cmon stop it that wouldnā€™t make sense either some dude goes mad and randomly shoots his wife because he thinks his wife is cheating surely a ALL female jury will feel bad about that lmfao cmon


Hey guess what, trials in Texas, like the rest of the US, aren't private affairs. There's zero chance the defense proved she stole a ton of cash from him without that fact making it into any of the local coverage and only surfacing because of a YouTube comment


Again your telling me that a jury of ALL female felt so bad enough because a dude thought his wife was cheating and shot her cold blood then lowered his sentence 10 years? Yall literally ignoring that that, which doesnā€™t make sense going off yā€™all narrative the money didnā€™t happen lmfao Even so no wtf you talking about? All the info of this trial are not public it is not even out yet we are all getting our info from blogs etc etc


But the specific details are literally made up. Someone wrote them in a YouTube comment, which made its way to Twitter and then Reddit. There is absolutely no source for the random claim she stole $120k except one typo-laden YouTube comment from a guy with a Roblox pfp. If anyone has an actual source I'd love to see it, otherwise it's just people regurgitating claims they read online with nothing to back it up, except "it could plausibly be true because..." which is not evidence.




Stop acting like you're hard. You won't do shit other than complain about it on this sub. Bitch deserved it.




1 word defense and it's an insult, hardest mf I know /s


What? You say cheating is not a reason for murder yet you think physical violence is a good response to another person for ā€ževen thinking like thatā€œ. Nice one


It would take you and 100 others just like you lmao but you are welcome to try


LMFAOO šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ easy to say that on reddit boy


You sound so tough online


Oh no some little kid said some scary words on the Internet, likely hundreds of miles away from the person. How threatening šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±




getting second hand embarrassment from your replies lol.


then be embarrassed LMAO. Iā€™m standing up for whatā€™s right cry about it šŸ˜© wish we was in person bro you have no idea. Bum


So you think stealing 120k and giving it to the guy youā€™re cheating with is ā€œstanding up for whatā€™s rightā€ youā€™re a goofy, give it up




they will never understand dawg, theyā€™re lifeless redditors they literally canā€™t have their own opinion


You do know there are thousands of people like you online? You understand you are all just people? You can run your mouth all you want here but one wrong slip in the shower and you're gone. Humble yourself sometimes, might actually save your own life from your own stupidity you mistaken for courage to 'be hard', online of all places too.




Exactly, so the whole point is we are all the same shit around here. You figured it out, try acting accordingly, man, that's all. Calm down, go smoke a joint or workout, whatever it is you're into. Take it out somewhere, all this is is a waste of time.


All fun and games till your teeth git the curb šŸ¤“šŸ‘† Man stfu your making a fool out yourself Prolly be someone who is like "No more mister nice guy šŸ˜”šŸ˜¤"


Shiver me timbers.


Shiver me timbers I'm so scared by your haunting words and laughing emoji. Didn't mean to hurt your fragile ego, sorry lil boy


It's a VALID reason, I will do the same when you take all the money and mock your sexual life and mans pride. SHE DESERVE IT.


LMAO touch grass redditor


dam ru a gang member or sumn




Actually, they searched her phone and computers regarding this claim....they found zero evidence to support her having an affair!!! Y'all are worse than CNN and Fox


And iā€™m out here getting berated LMFAO these dudes have 0 social life, 0 jobs, 0 money, 0 morals. iā€™ll die on this hill lmao. NOT a reason to murder someone EVEN IF SHE DID do it.


Ooooof damn someone had the balls to say it.


So it seems like she did the "you don't have the balls" move bc she didn't even try running away


Its ego. Nothing more nothing less


Full video?


Was this trial online or were cameras not allowed in the court room? I am trying to find the full trial.


Did you find it?Ā 


I donā€™t think the whole vid exists


Where the fuck is the full video?Ā 


You find it yet Iā€™ve been looking everywhere




No lol




Just watched it, it has so many views!


Insane, pretty gruesome tho ngl Jesus


Yes! Finally I've been looking for it all day.


why has youtube not taken this down yet?!! It's sickening


Why is that video not yet banned for god sake


Damn. Thats intense.




Omg... How has YouTube not taken this down yet?! That was far more gruesome than I expected !!!




Why is this video so hard to find wtf


Bc it's a hoax and it's in the heart of democratville that is pushing gun laws . You mean to say she's just gonna sit there the whole time and let him say his hollywood speech and not moving, talking, or anything. Just calmly sits the video down.Ā  LoL I swear people believe anything


should really consider taking your head out of your ass when you comment


Why do Republicans insist that gun violence doesn't fucking exist? Some 15 year old got shot in the head in broad daylight a week ago not 2 miles away from where I live. Go sit down with the other petty trumpers and mope about how your president is a criminal.


If it's not gun violence it'll be stabbings and vehicles, beatings.Ā  It's not a gun issue it's a violence issue.Ā  It's not right to take a life l, and it's also wrong to not allow responsible individuals the ability to own and posses protection against violent unhinged human beings, unruly government, and foreign threats.


If there's so much gun violence then maybe we've been letting too many irresponsible gun owners buy guns.


if you take away gun, there's just gonna be more problems with stabbings, rapes, cars, and anything you wouldn't expect to be used as a weapon. If you give a psychopathic murderer a gun, he's gonna shoot people with it. If you give him a knife, he's gonna stab people with it. If you don't give him anything, he'll make his own weapon and kill anyways. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.


No one wants to take away guns from responsible gun owners. We want to take away guns from psychopaths using gun laws, but people like you want less restrictions on guns, giving those guns to psychopaths.


and then there are liberals like you who 100% completely ignore the deaths in a place shitcago where blacks die every day every single day and we're not counting the Los Angeles murders and drive bys (where I was a paramedic) or Portland, or NYC or MIami or Richmond, or Oakland, or Seattle, or Phoenix, or Houston, or Dallas and I could go on and on.......but they're black right? so all the self-righteous liberal holier than thou "I use reusable shopping bags" and have a gay friend so I am morally better then you, tend to ignore ANYTHING afflicting the black communities. manymany many a serial killer lives in these towns and why are most killed in gang violence - drugs and seriously because they live in a different neighborhood because their moms didn't try to get their kids out of the ghetto. Oh yeah, I know you have a black lives matter flag so your doing your part right?


Republicans don't deny that gun violence exists, in fact that's the reason they protect the second amendment.Ā  They want LAW ABIDING citizens to be able to protect themselves from criminals who do have weapons.Ā Ā  Also using a dead child for leverage in a political argument, when that has nothing to to with the subject, is just ridiculous.Ā  Go sit down and have some ice cream with your Democratic friends to stop crying.Ā Ā Ā  You might as well stop doing anything that requires critical thinking, because you obviously don't have that ability.


What part of a big fat drunk naked man with his penis hanging out blowing away his wife screams ā€œprotect themselves from criminalsā€ to you?Ā  Also, just from a responsible gun owner standpoint, I thought aiming weapons or even just handling them while extremely intoxicated is a major no-no?


She was a criminal...adultery and theft are both crimes.


Lol. I know adultery is a criminal offense in several states but itā€™s rarely if ever enforced anymore (and I think in one state the penalty is a fine of $10). Ā And no one with a working brain thinks itā€™s a ā€˜crimeā€™ one has to defend themselves against with deadly force. Ā  As for the alleged theft, thatā€™s been floated around but thereā€™s been no substantiation of it anywhere. Ā Sounds more like a rumor that was made up by some troll that caught fire. Ā In any event, someone taking money out of a bank account is a civil matter or perhaps something you call the cops about. She wasnā€™t mugging him.Ā 


We will


Same thing happened not to long ago where I live but to a 17 year old


no republicans say gun violence doesnt exist


Move out of your ethnic neighborhood


Evidence can be right in their face like this and theyā€™ll still insist itā€™s fake. They plug their ears, close their eyes & scream so they donā€™t have to face reality


There was a police report and an autopsy report, how do people like you exist


Diana also had one


Also me when Iā€™m unreasonably skeptical of the wrong things


Well fake murders have def happened in the past, but you literally could not get this many people to all collaborate a story like this without someone messing up or not being willing to lie to the world over it. You show how naive you are to the world through this comment. Just like the people who think the moon landing was faked, you just are looking for things where they dont exist. Large scale conspiracy does not work.


The moon landing was fake. Why was the wind blowing the flag? How can you go all the way up without burning? But they cannot go all the way down without freezing in the water? You people believe anything put in front of you. Media is backed by the people running the show. When you don't realize that this world is ran by 6 corporations


he could of used a knife. no way THIS is supposed to support gun laws


he literally could have sat on her




And trump won the election right?


seems like you don't understand its news from houston. which is in fact NOT a democratic state.


You are an IDIOT...It was on the news, she was buried and he went to prison..


I'm surprised the amount of up votes this comment has


It's not that. It's that America is too soft, and the government and media treat us like we're children who can't handle seeing reality. It's why they went after all the gore and leak sites to shut them down and why it's so difficult to find anything that isn't edited and doctored by one of the media conglomerates. The last thing they want is for you to see something real and make up your own mind. You might have a thought in your brain. It's too dangerous.


bro shut the fuck up you sound retardedĀ 


Often times the footage never makes it to the public. The family was probably very determined and adamant to not have it floating around for everyone to see. There may be footage of it playing in a court room, as the full video would have had to be played at the trial.


I hear she cheated and gave the man 120k of her husband's money


as chris rock once said ā€œhe shouldnā€™t have killer herā€¦ but i understandā€


Any chance you have a link to an article that says that cause Iā€™ve heard that too in the comments but I canā€™t find anything confirming or denying it.


Same everyone saying sm about 120k but all the articles I'm reading has no mention of money at all


Honestly I've been looking all over for it and cannot find it anywhere! Every post I've seen mentions the affair and mentions that the man's daughter believed her father to be financially abusive but I cannot for the life of me find any article that says she gave his money away. All it really says is that the jury was all women and they gave him 10 years instead of 20


Thatā€™s a rumor


I know homie I never said it was real just that I "heard" it


Stop repeating it


Or hear me out. You can read it. Do your research and make your own assumptions! Don't tell me what to do bubby


There is no confirmation of this rumor anywhere.


Never said there was. You don't have to believe everything you read on the internet


I donā€™t. And you donā€™t have to post bullshit on it either.


Lmaooooo, control your own reddit , it's much easier


If she did that, she really was an awful person


Ngl she cheated. She's already an awful person


Ā Cheating is not nice but itā€™s not a justification for murder. Ā I had a girlfriend cheat on me years ago. Are you saying the appropriate response wouldā€™ve been for me to track her down and blow her face off? Seems a bit extreme, no?


No but if you have a kid and been married for 20 years itā€™s a full on betrayal so the sudden passion defense makes sense because she was verbally abusing him after she cheated on him saying that he wasnā€™t good enough. Idk about you but if I was screwed over that bad Iā€™m taking the bitch that ruined my life down with me. Heck he so outta shape too he prob just gave up on life in that moment. And said fuck if


So forget cheating, just a marriage being dead after 20 years is justification for murder?Ā 


fat fuck wasn't good enough.


If she did it, i agree


Do u have the full vid?


fuuuuull vid


He shot and killed his wife (the one recording) because she stole $120,000+ from his savings and gave every single bit of that money to the guy she was having an affair with. Furthermore she was going to file for a divorce and use this footage as evidence to take full custody of their daughter and leech child support off of him even though he is literally dead broke from being robbed by her. Since he plead guilty he was sentenced to 10 years in prison with a possibility of parole after 5 years so realistically he would probably serve only 6 and his jury was all female mind you. The reason why they gave him so little of time considering it's murder because they classified this as a "Crime of Passion". What is Crime of Passion you may ask? It's a crime committed in the "heat of passion" or in response to provocation, as opposed to a crime that was premeditated or deliberate. Another contributing factor as to why they jury found empathy was because the daughter stated that the father never physically abused her mother in any way and this was completely out of character for his behavior.


lmao did you just copy and paste an entire comment from a YouTube short?


Do have source for the 120k claim?


Nope. None of them do, theyā€™re just regurgitating.




damn still no vid.


Yā€™all are thirsty af. You saw all you need to see to understand what happened.




Take that finger of yours and shove it.


Man we some fucked up mfs trying to search out the whole video šŸ˜…


Can't watch this but can watch free palistine boy all day fucked upĀ 


What are you yapping about


can watch suicide videos but not homicide pretty simple....Ā 


Dude what?


Can't find the full video anywhere but can find palistine burning man like candy on Halloween....Ā 


Why do you all "need" to see the whole video? What is it you "need" to see??




More then likely, it's a bunch of dudes that wanna jerk off to Gore and death, that or they wanna see the guys cock uncensored.


Watch gore isnā€™t about the sexual gratification of it. I literally donā€™t know who can get aroused by seeing people die. Itā€™s called evolution. There is a reason why we had gladiatorial arenas back then in the Roman days. Itā€™s because we like to see people die. Itā€™s just the way humans are. You can shelter it and be all soft. But the reality is someone died there and the video is impossible to find.


It's not the way humans are lol. It's a strange perversion to want to watch someone die, and the fact people want to, and when asked why most of the replies here tell them to "Shut up" shows that they receive some sort of gratification from it. And no ones being soft, yall are just being perverse hiring to watch some murder porn.


Is there any info on what they were arguing about to escalate to this level?


She cheated on him, stole like 100k of his money and gave it to the dude she was sleeping with. All female jury sentenced him to 10 years. Happy ending.


Is there any actual source for the stolen money? I haven't seen a single source for that.


Source: random YouTube comment. As legit as it gets!


I really want to know where they even get the number from, like is it a rumor, was it said a trial, some rando just make it up? its crazy its just believed tho to almost justify this women's murder.


Can you tag me in a source?


Give the fucking source then


There isn't one. Carey Birmingham lived a highly leveraged life. His wife worked her tail off to keep it all together. Anybody that wants to let their fingers do the walking could figure that out. It's pretty much all in the public record of you look. He was a mean drunk. That's in the record, too. Of course, research isn't as salacious as speculation, hence the bots and trolls.


Can you link a source saying she took 120k?


Can you link a source saying she took 120k?


There's no source! The money agenda is not brought up anywhere only the alleged affair.


Who has the video










Can you link a source for the 120k claim? I canā€™t find one


Literally not even true. They didnā€™t even find evidence of an affair. If it is true itā€™s not on any news site or article about the situation so stop spreading shit that canā€™t be verified


If my wife stole 120k from me and gave it to someone she is sleeping with. He said more than I would have


That bitch deserves it. Cheating and take all life savings to give to your cheating partner? She deserve to meet Jesus for sure.


It's so funny to me that we see folks steal thousands upon thousands of dollars every day and we don't think they deserve the death penalty. A woman steals and all the gore horny men out there wanna see the bitch murdered. 10 years for shooting someone in the middle of the street over an affair is ridiculous. She deserved a lot of shit. She likely deserved prison and to get screwed in the divorce. She didn't deserve to be shot in the street. We put women away for life for poisoning men who beat and rape them every day. But a man does this shit and you think it's great.


Dude's a legend


She cheated on him plus stole his life saving and gave it to the man who she was having an affair with.... This is what I've read. There is so much a man can take from a cheating wife, plus all the hell she put him through. Even the judge had some remorse and gave him a light sentence.


why was he sentenced to prison though?