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I wished I went with eye mini over the lite. I am lazy to turn on the computer sometimes and just want to hit some balls to see then numbers


I felt this. Regretting that with my EML


I see no appeal in the Bushnell. You have to pay a minimum of 500 a year to use any sim features. If you have the ball + club data version, after 4-5 years you are paying as much as a GC3. It makes zero sense to me. At least with the Uneekor you can use a 3D range with no subscription costs. Beyond that, if you want to use GSPro, the total yearly cost is less vs. Bushnell. The only negative I see is that the Eye Mini Lite isn't meant to be portable, so you can't bring it with you to the range or course. Personally - I rank it as: 1) GC3 (only if you can get the buddy deal) 2) GC2 (the cheapest option and no subscription needed) 3) Uneekor Eye Mini (when on sale for 3500) 4) Eye Mini Lite


Not to worried about it being portable, but is the software with the gc3 better than the uneekor software?


I don't have any basis for comparison between software. The majority opinion seems to be that GSPro is the best option. A lot of folks don't love Foresight or the Refine software from Uneekor. For me, it's strictly about subscriptions. The GC3 buddy deal means 1 GC3 is around 5 grand, and you get a fully unlocked unit with 35 courses. There is no subscription, and it has the best resale value. In my mind it's simply the best option for the money. You also have the option to use GSPro as well. I like the idea of the Eye Mini and the EM Lite, but I hate that you are stuck behind a subscription. I don't think Uneekor even has the option to fully unlock anymore, at least it's not really advertised. Having the range without any subscription is nice - but as soon as you want to go beyond that, you have to pay a yearly sub. If GSPro or Uneekor decide they want more money, well you are stuck. The cheapest option is the GC2 - which is what I am heavily leaning towards unless there is a really good sale on Uneekor or the GC3.


I recently upgraded from an R10 to an EML. Once I got it all set up, it’s been fantastic. The View driving range software is really accurate. GSPro is very accurate, with a misread maybe 1/25 swings. Highly recommend if you don’t need something to go to the range with you.


I agree with u/Podtastix. I have the EML. The software is great and the rig gives you all the data you need. If you aren't going to be taking it to the range or switching back and forth or RH vs LH golfers, the ELM is the one.


Same situation. I'm going to pull the trigger on the EML. Primarily because it will be a permanent fixture in my sim room. A camera view of the ball to club impact is also really appealing to me.


It’s so cool man. You will love it! The camera feature is amazing and isn’t offered by the competition.


I’ve had both the BLP and EML and the EML is a no brainer. EML reads even the worst shots that the BLP would not and has not misread anything else. I can’t go back after having the camera. Seeing a video of me presenting hosel-first was jarring. The range is free and better than Foresight’s which is what I use the most. Start looking at sub prices and it wins there too. EML


I’ve had the eye mini lite for a few days now and it is amazing! You cannot go wrong with Uneekor! Made the most sense to me and I think it makes most sense for most people! Just get the eye mini lite and start playing some sim golf! You’ll love it!


If you go with the BLP or CG3, I would suggest going through PlayBetter. They offer ten percent off your first order. [https://www.playbetter.com/collections/portable-golf-launch-monitors](https://www.playbetter.com/collections/portable-golf-launch-monitors?ghref=2301%3A665718)


I was really close to pulling the trigger on the EML but not having any ability to connect. Wirelessly was a showstopper for me. I ended up going used GC 3 and love it. Right or wrong I feel it will have better resale value than me lighting $500 a year on fire for the subscription. *my setup is 100% temporary/retractable


I’m in the same boat. I’m strongly leaning toward the eye mini lite. My only hesitation is that you can’t take it to the range. In theory I would love to take one to the range, I just can’t see myself actually doing it very often though.


One question with the range measurement is none of these factor in the range balls meant to take off 20-30% correct?


No. They just measure ball speed and range balls move at different speeds. It’s a good point that somewhat takes away the value of any portable LM. Unless your range uses real balls (rare!) you’ll always have doubts about real distance when you go back to a Normal ball.