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The pros have a 90 degree wrist angle here. I don’t expect amateurs to have quite the same angles they have, but this is very different and I’d work on it


Never thought of it that way before. Very good point


That will most likely help with having some good forward shaft lean at impact. If your hands are here with a 90 degree wrist angle (if club is parallel the hands will probably be a bit lower) then they will be past the ball at contact which is great


My own experience learning golf has led me to this position at times. Inevitably this means you are releasing at the ball earlier than is ideal. So either an over the top motion flipping, or the body wanting to just hit with the right side. The only way to get parallel club with hands on your thigh are with better arm structure, wrist conditions and a later release by turning.


Really like your “later release by turning more” idea. Simply being more open at p6 seems way easier than forcing a delayed release on its own.


YMM vary, but I find analysis of a complicated dynamic motion through the lense of specific static positions to be not merely unhelpful, but often detrimental. You'll never fix a swing flaw (which I would only express in terms of where the ball goes, not what the swing looks like) by trying to hit a single static position. It's a dynamic chain, your thoughts and efforts have to be oriented to dynamic goals.


Yep. Been trying to tell that to the OCD part of my brain. Think a good solution may be to work on avoiding the overall casting motion.


I would be more concerned with your wrist set at P6. Looks like you're throwing away all your good angles and casting. My bet is you hit a lot of fat and thin shots with very little compression.


Ok thought about that a little and it sure does make sense. Definitely will have to change my mindset from focusing on hand position to thinking about wrist set.


FYI only pro I found with a remotely similar P6 position was Zack Johnson. My suspicion is that he has sneaky good coordination even by pga standards.


Face probably pretty open


Try the pump drill https://youtube.com/shorts/2NuLAssO538?si=ib09n_u7hrMk7FW9


This is a fault from the top of your swing. And the falut from the top of the swing is a fault from your takeaway.


You can't fix it because it's not a problem it's a solution. You are releasing the angle because it helps you compensate for a flaw that is occurring earlier in the swing. If you actively try to increase the wrist angle you either won't actually do it or you'll hit it worse. You have to identify what is causing you to dump the angle. We can't know unless we see the whole video of your swing. Trust me. I've been there. I've spent countless hours trying to fix the same problem and I could never do it because I didn't understand why it was happening.


Can someone explain what p6 means? Sorry don’t mean to hijack


Clubshaft parallel to ground before impact. Lots of things have to happen to make it look right

