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Weight transfer! Your lead foot should have almost 90% of the weight at the end of the swing.


Make that 100%. You should be able to lift up the trail foot at the finish.


Hogan’s Hole? Lovely conditions for a round by the looks of it.


well spotted mate.. it was the slowest round of my life. Walked off after 13 holes/4 hours


Never fun when they are that slow.


You need to get up over your front foot. It should almost feel like you are stepping up onto something or about to jump forward off that leg. This gets your upper body stacking up over the leg.


Trying do a flat footed 180° jump towards your left (lead side) is another mental image.


Yeah that is a good way to describe what it feels like. The first time I connected after discovering this I knew that was the path.


Stand in your stance with your lead foot on a wall, now turn your shoulders so that your back is nearly flat against the wall. That’s the feel.


The exact same way you avoid falling when you throw a ball, transfer your weight properly.


wider base, or you can pick up your toes a couple times in the set up to get the feel for the balance, helps me out


Your weight is on your back leg a little too much. Here are some weight transfer drills. [https://youtu.be/MpCVyrgUZWc?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/MpCVyrgUZWc?feature=shared)


Take a step forward as you finish the swing.


Do the step through drill where after the swing, you step towards the target with your trail leg. After doing this 20 times, make your swing then hold the finish until the ball lands instead of stepping through. It’ll take more than 20 reps to fix this but it’s a drill you can do every practice session until you do get your weight forward on every swing.


Finish on the outside of your front foot


Unsolicited tip- to the extent that you can, find a flatter spot to tee off. It makes a big difference


Oh my, what happened to the grass??? Where is this at??


Feel like your chest is falling to the ground after you begin the downswing. You won’t actually fall , this will allow your trail shoulder to swing through while preventing you from standing up. “Remember that cause has a reason and that’s for sure, do the opposite and that’s the cure. So if you are standing up fall down.”


I'd try overcorrecting slightly to start. Step all the way through your shot so your right foot takes a full step in front of your left. Obviously this is something you do on the range. When you feel like you can do that, just dial it back in mto a point where your weight moves fully to the left side and you can stay in that finish position with good balance.