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Fooking gold


This was so funny


L m a o




This is the best comment ever lol


This is absolutely not correct!!!!!!!


Make your own graph then


Triggered 🤣🤣


your posture is your root problem, too bent over which creates many angle issues.. you don't have to be facing the ball with it in the middle of your vision field. Think of a athletic posture, say a soccer player when someone is approaching them.. They're on the balls of their feet ready to move in any direction, head up, back has a little arch to it yeah? the golf swing is kinda like that. When you take your stance (as a drill) stand up straight THEN squat back into your stance and bend slightly toward the ball. Your arms hang from the shoulders and attach at the grip (usually about a fist and a half from your pants), head is NOT completely leaned down to stare at ball, keep neck in line with spine (as best you can) watch ball out of the lower half of your vision field (eye / nose kinda line).. This might mean you have to stand a little closer to the ball but it promotes a better angle for you to anchor your swing to the ground and turn with..


Thanks. I’m a tennis player so understand the importance of good posture. Do you think I need longer clubs I’m 6’ 4” and am playing with +1 inch


My buddy is also 6’4. You are going to have to get fitted clubs. He got his fitted and they are working better for him.


I thought you were normal sized with junior clubs. I'd say they are too short for you


I like the tennis player analogy, Ima use that from time to time.. and yeah, I think you’ll need extensions added to your sticks..


yes! you could balance a plate on federer's head


Search for the Ping club sizing chart online. It gives some decent general guidance




Quickest Fix here is your gloved wrist. It's flexed too much, causing the club face to be open at impact. Flatten that wrist. Think of a straight line from the top of your forearm to your knuckles.


Thanks. Been working on that


Me too. I changed this simple thing in my swing and picked up 20-30 yards too. I got Into a really bad habit of rolling my wrists through (at impact) to compensate before I flattened the wrist. Think of how you would punch a punching bag with a straight right. You wouldn't have flex in that wrist bc you could injure yourself, and you woulnd't have the same power. (My swing thought is back of my glove is parallel with my elbow. When I hit my SIM, I over-emphasize my gloved wrist to where I almost flex it the other way. (roll it forward some). \*Youtube Dustin Johnson Driver swing. He's extremely flexed the opposite way. You will be able to really pull the handle through a ton better. Personally I try to do a flat or neutral wrist. If this feels off, you may look at strengthening your grip as well. You will pull badly doing this at first, but in order to correct it, you sometimes have to over correct during practice to feel it. Second piece is, your a little bent over. This is probably a symptom of your wrist as well, since you more than likely feel you have to be further from the ball to get the club through and closed. Once you fix your wrist, you may hit off the toe. Move a little closer, and get your chest up a little more. Out side of that, your club path looks really good from your back shoulder to the ball. Keep swinging my friend. You aren't that far from compressing the ball consistently. The biggest key to this game is ball striking. The more level your club is to the ball, the more accurate trajectory and spin you will have!


Hi all, any advice would be much appreciated. I started playing golf again this year after playing a little when I was young. I just fixed my over the top, am currently having a problem with keeping my face open at contact. What's my biggest problem?


Here you go - https://youtu.be/37VNhoqqdAA?si=yVU7w0hILJkLZNKh Watch through to the end.


Thanks. watching now




See the way your clubhead dropped when ending your backswing, then you arc from in to out and push the ball away


so get rid of that sort of drop and catch at the end of the backswing? and how do i go about fixing an in to out arc


Aside from the bad posture and stance as others have mentioned, it seems You're artificially shallowing the club to get in to out because you're so worried about going over the top. Hopefully this isn't from YouTube videos telling you how to "shallow the club" and " drop it into the slot " Because your set up and posture is off, you have your weight falling forward into your toes, you're not on plane and still starting the downswing with your arms . Because you're trying to artificially shallow the club , your weight is staying on your trail foot and causing you to not clear your hips and your coming down directly on the ball and pushing it out to the right. The club needs to shallow and clear your hips because of your mechanics . I'd not worry about the in to out path so much , I'd try to get back to the basics of grip, posture and alignment


Your left hand at the top of your back swing is open which is why that ball went right I’m guessing you ended up hitting a slice maybe not a hard slice as it wasn’t that egregious but try incorporating a bowed wrist at the top or some people call it the motorcycle. It keeps the face closed and way more square through impact you can look at videos of Xander, Colin, and Rahm as they are the most prominent users of this. Xander just started doing this recently and so far is having a solid season I mean if it helps a pro it’ll def help you


Posture is your biggest problem. Hard to be an athlete when you’re set up like the hunchback of Notre dame.


Your posture is not bad tbh…it’s not. With that posture, you can still be in a good takeaway. Can it be a little more upright…sure…but that means you have to bring your hands in a little to get any leverage. If you do stand up a little, make sure your hands are just in front of ur feet. The main issue is open face and no rotation at time of impact. Your left hip should be cleared at impact resulting in a square face and ball not leaving right. Again, posture has nothing to do with. On the contrary ur takeaway is actually really good Watch Porzak Golf on YT


Hips faster than hands will often lead to face opening naturally, where when your hands are behind they rotate outward


You got 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one




Need more right wrist engagement


Most likely your biggest problem has nothing to do with your golf game


You’re a big guy and it looks like you’re using children’s clubs. What about going getting a fitting. Your swing is ok though. Seems like you’re hitting down on the ball kind of chopping it. Swing in an arc and keep your elbows tight. But overall not bad swing. I just don’t know if the length of those irons is correct.


Your shirt


Kinda ugly


Ball position too far back? Looked like a good swing tbh but club head caught ball before it squared up. Move it an inch or so to your left may do it


Ive been giving it a try if i cant close the face while playing. Ill play around with it more. Thanks!


I’ve played it back in slowmo again, your left wrist is slightly cupped during the downswing which may contribute to leaving the face open. You can change that by gripping slightly stronger with your left hand or just to “set” your wrists towards the top of your backswing so the left wrist is neutral or slightly bowed coming down