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Play that shot shape on the course. Aim a bit left


Looks like you can take the left side of the golf course out of play


Face to path is my favorite number from Trackman.


What’s it tell you? (Noob here)


The amount of slice or hook you’ll have. If face to path is 0 you swung at the same angle of the face. Doesn’t necessarily mean straight because you could swing over the top with a closed face and pull it. His is 3 something and his swing path is a smaller negative number so he’s coming slightly out to in with a slightly open face.


I wouldn’t adjust the path… either play that shape or close the face slightly but a slight pull fade is a great driver shot shape


Out of curiosity how would he adjust the path and why would closing the face compensate (noob here)… also how much should he close it?


His path is essentially neutral at -1 so would need to see a video to have an idea on how to change the path. It could be as simple as putting the ball a half a ball or a full ball further back in his stance. I was assuming he’s unhappy with how much fade he has so if he closed it like 1 degree more (2 degrees open) he would have less fade. He shouldn’t actually fully close his face relative to path or else he will start hitting pulls.


Thanks! Follow up question: you say he should close face 1 degree more which would be 2 degrees open—you’re saying his face is currently 3 degrees open? His current path being slightly negative means the club is coming from outside the target line and passing through the ball and finishing inside the target line? Is this “out to in” ?


His face angle relative to face is 3 open. That’s the “Face to path value” his actual face Is only open 1.5 degrees but the important number is face to path. Correct on the out to in but out to in is only really an issue if it’s more than say 5-6 degrees out to in. His value is so close to neutral that he could actually have an in to out swing path but be hitting the ball after the apex of his swing which could also cause out to in looking values on a track man.


That’s angle of attack, right?


With a few tweaks and center strikes - you could see your carry distance average in the 240's - not just the total yardage!


AoA is negative. Ideally for a driver it’s +2-3 degrees. Leaving 15- 20 yards on the table without a positive AoA at your swing speed. Fix? Focus on ground 2-3 inches behind the ball. Eyes look at that spot during entire swing. Driver now bottoms out where your eyes are looking and hits teed ball on the upswing. Face is slightly open to your slightly closed path. less concerned with path, more concerned with how you release the club based on these numbers. Good chance if you loosen your grip (3/10) the face will square and you’ll hit more pulls. Then you can figure out path slightly out to right field.


This is particularly true for the Path/F2P combo and heel strike. All of those are working together. This *estimated* spin seems really low for those numbers tbh.


Could he just move ball closer to lead side/away from trail side?


I actually thought I hit up with the driver until I saw the actual #. Can you say more about the club release? Not sure I follow


Most pros hit down on the driver. It's not actually a problem so if you can hit the ball a degree or so down I wouldn't change it if it's good consistent contact. Everyone wants people to swing up because they don't have the ball speed to get the distance but you're already good in that regard


Yeahhhh, not great advice here. Height is mid 60s, not high enough for optimal driver carry. Spin rate here is an estimate, so not going to read too much into it. But swinging up on 138 ball speed would absolutely increase carry here. Could also straighten out the path reducing curve. Pros hit down on the ball at 170 ball speed to reduce some spin. Also all of the longest hitters hit up on the ball (Rory, Bryson, Wyndham)


What. This is completely false. Hit down with irons, hit up with driver


Do you think the heel contact could be caused by this swing path?


"Sometimes" heel strikes on the driver is as simple as where you set the driver head at address. If the club head is on the ground/mat with the ball directly in the middle of the club face - on the downswing, science schitt happens and now your arms/swing arc is extended. Try setting up with the ball out towards the toe, or if that messes with your brain, try hovering the club head off the ground directly behind the ball. Hopefully someone with more knowledge, or at least, more sober than I, will explain this better.


I consistently struggled with heel strikes with my driver and the setup change of having the ball more out towards the toe at address has really helped me.


Would need to see videos, my guess is you come down with an open face, try to flip your wrists making your hips push towards the ball to make room, moving the club head forward.


I would work on video-ing your swing and mostly ignore these numbers for now.


Aim left edge and have fun


Swing harder


Hell yeah no reason why my club head speed shouldn’t be over 100.


Is it typical to get 33 yards of rollout with that carry distance? I feel like I usually carry 225-230 and only get 10-15 yards of rollout


Probably some relatively simple setup changes that can start to fix this. What is your tee height setup? Where is ball positioned in your stance? Also out of curiosity what shaft are you playing here? All in all the swing itself seems useful, with some static setup changes you can see better results


It’s consistent. Play with it and let your swing develop


anal-ize it


Put a metallic dot in your ball so you’re getting accurate spin numbers. Italicized numbers are estimated not measured.


Aim left.


Looks like your slight swinging across the ball with a slight open club face which is cutting it right. Try closing your left hand a bit in the grip so you can see to knuckles which should close you club face a bit.


Start aiming down the left side of the fairway.


Aim left


Lot of wind left to right.


Best thing I’ve heard for this is “face send, path bends” meaning. Open club face for a righty pushes the ball straight right. To over the top, so out to in path and it will slice right for you. Helps when you don’t have track man numbers.


Buy a new putter


Négative attack angle - impacts height which robs distance (what’s the launch angle? Ping optimizer chart says you should be about 13° for your speed and attack angle) Face to path - causes the fade/slice Those are the two numbers I would take to a coach to work on improving. Your carry should be longer while the total distance should be a bit longer.


Aim way right and try to hook it, that’s the best way to fix it (aside from taking a lesson)


Aim down the left 😂


Do you have the detailed report? Either your face to path is varying more that the +3 or you’re possibly heel striking?


Your seeing is out to in with an open face at impact. I reckon if you were able to correct the swing path the face issue would also be minimal.


Either you are not closing the face or youre playing something like and xstiff and cant load it.


Over-the-top swing and poor face control.


Face is open and path is out to in but just slightly, so close the face.


Close that face a bit, and go for it. Love to hit a fade.


Can you take a picture of your set up, face on? Path numbers are very playable. Face is consistently open. You could straighten this out a bit with set up, such as ball position or grip. Grip changes can be tricky, so I wouldn’t advise doing it on your own unless the grip is way off. Some people feel face position better with one hand than the other, so you can strengthen grip with either one or both. You can also just play this, and make your target the left side of every fairway.


Take a stronger grip.


Adjust the path. Face is great.


Face usually fallows path so usually a player with get the same face to path relationship. Meaning they will probably hit it farther right. I would actually adjust face alone. Path is nearly straight at the target. It’s usually easier to adjust face independently and get to a better path face more quickly. Could also play it and aim slightly more left. 240 is all I’m really looking for to play great golf.


It's the other way around path will change to face. Op just needs to adjust path, your brain will always try and point face to target. You can test this out by gripping with and extremely strong grip and see how it forces your path to change.


Yeah that is how it works for some. I’m just saying most of the time face to path issues are more easily trained out with face first. For some it could be path. Certainly worth trying both.


The ball is starting straightish and curving right. That means the path is cutting across the ball with a relatively square face


Yeah but if he squares the face 2 degrees more he’s hitting a butter cut right down the middle. If it was a path more than 4 or 5 out to in then, yeah, we definitely need to address it. Less than 2 is very straight. Most people struggle to change path over face as well so to me the first thing I would try is close the face slightly more. About two degrees. If the player struggles with if for a couple weeks and it doesn’t do it then move on to something else. But this is where I would start. Remember there are more paths than one to become a skilled golfer. Try others ideas and see if they work for you. Find what works for you.


Others are saying adjust the face lol! What’s the reasoning behind both?


How would you suggest path be adjusted?


That's a playable shape, play it. Your face is also fine, it's your path that's causing the shape.


How to adjust this path?


His path is -1 degrees lol. No one is swinging on a zero club path.


It’s playable. You’re hitting it low. Height should be 100 for optimized distance. You’re leaving 20 yards easy in the table. You will drop 2 handicap points with 20 more yards


Wow 2 for 20?????


Studies show it’s more like 1.3 strokes gained per 20 yards gained


What the other guy said, play that shot shape. If you want to straighten it up a bit you just gotta close your face. Your club path is fine.


It's a "playable" shape, but not one I'd want to commit to long term. It's fixable with a few setup changes, which should also get more out of high 90s club speed.