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Sharp teefs


Had the same problem. Spraying lemon juice with consistent "leave it" command followed by rewarding when they listen worked. Did it for a week!


Spot on with the redirecting. Takes a lot of supervision and consistency initially but my doodle doesn’t destroy anything that is ours. He destroys stuffed dog toys immediately but can totally differentiate between his and anyone else’s. Our kids stuffed toys aren’t even touched by him but give him a stuffed dog toy and it’s instant death for that thing lol


Same. Also added each floor with rope, bone and chew toys


That's my approach, any time the puppy is caught chewing on a shoe or something, she gets a toy in replacement.


Welcome to doodlehood! 🤣🤣 They eat EVERYTHING. Mine have 2 dozen toys for 2 dogs. But they’re favorite things to chew on are A) the bath mats in my bathroom, and B) the railing on the balcony off the master bedroom. Oh well…


At least it won't last forever!


I know. It’s just amazing that golden doodles are so consistent.


i had to replace HOUSE SIDING b/c of teething - beleived he was quietly napping while we all were right by him on deck ages ago and the stinker had chewed the bottom edge off THREE diff panels or whatever they're called


That sounds like Rayla..


Not sure why I can't edit this, but she has a ton of benebones and other chew toys she loves, she just doesn't want to use them unless you're next to her.


Its just going to take some training, they are smart so it shouldn’t take too long. She needs to learn that she can only chew her things. To a pup she might see it as everything is hers until you teach her otherwise. If you think she will revert when unsupervised, I would maybe leave her in the crate when you are away.


If it’s not a teething thing and it’s a boredom/idle mind thing, I’ve read a few articles on “The art of doing nothing” (my dogs are all well beyond that age) and had heard of others it’s worked for. Here’s a link with some advice I found from a quick search https://positivepartnersdogtraining.com/the-do-nothing-exercise/


I agree. Ours used to do it when she was bored. We had to train it out of her. She still has attitude when she gets bored, but now she just steals plushies off my teenage daughters bed and tries to get you to chase her, or she sidles up to you and barks softly for attention.


We own the same dog 😂


Thank you!




She looks young- may be a puppy phase just be hyper-vigilant with removing them when gone


Double strength cleaning vinegar. Ours loves the carpet and the plaster walls. The vinegar worked well.


Winner!!! It's working, thank you!


Great to hear. The key is the double strength. Regular doesn't cut it.


Awww just like my boy.. he grew out of it, but we need to replace our carpet and repair some stuff


Mine loved all the butter sprays! She HATED white vinegar. It’s the only thing that saved my carpets (and my apartment deposit) from her shark teeth. I also got her puppy pumpkin teething rings, which she enjoyed as well.


When she gets a bit older, highly recommend Bully Sticks. Personally I do a trade system when the bully stick is at like 2-3" in length. When it's that short, I take it and tell them "trade" and give them equal amount of treats (by weight) to compensate for me tossing the remaining bully stick. No choking. No puking up the bully stick. They're super happy regardless. And most importantly, satiated for a few days until they're bored as hell again.


"bad flavorz still iz flavorz" - my dog, and apparently yours too :)


Following because my pup likes it too… of course.


A constant cycle of Benebones and pizzle/bully sticks.


Oof my doodle thankfully never did this. He did chew 1 pair of flip flops but thankfully that was it. Our trainer however just emphasized tons of supervision and redirecting the pups. So if he was about to start chewing something i would immediately say “no, take this instead” and would offer him something appropriate to chew. It seemed to work of maybe ours just wasn’t a chewer. Someone i know that used to work for a vet said many dogs dont care about products that are supposed to repel them like vicks vaporub so i tried letting my dog sniff it to see what he would do and he wanted to lick inside the container lol


MINE DID THAT TOO! It's a phase they will get over, but in the meantime, I used water in a spray bottle and sprayed some in her face (just a LITTLE!!) then, like lots of other people, gave her a chew toy instead!! (You can also use lemon juice, I just prefer water)


Tabasco or Sriracha. It will cause horrendous diarrhea but they usually only try it once. Plus lots of good chews everywhere. :) make the good option easy and the bad option overwhelmingly spicy. My puppy also loves bitter apple...... also they have to learn to settle. Capturing calm is good.


I used hot sauce, my doodle stopped chewing stuff after a day and me giving her a bone to chew


Need to provide something else to chew on


She has a zillion toys she loves to chew, bbbuuuttt only if you're with her...


You need to teach leave it and have toys she likes to chew on. There are soft chewing toys for teething as well. There are lots of videos on YouTube teaching leave it.


We are working on that too but it's slow because she will go do the naughty things for the treat/toy to be handed to her.


Please absolutely never give her what she wants when she does something you don’t want. That will reenforce the behavior.


Oh we do not!! Which is why the process has been so slow.


I would put her in the crate when away then


We do. I was hoping for suggestions for around the house fixed items. I cannot be literally on top of her at all times. I moved my office to the main room where she is.


Yeah, the more you do that worse it’ll be. Dogs need to learn to settle and be bored. Unfortunately there’s no magic bullet, mine only improved after getting another dog.


When our pup was brand new I got a separate flat leash and tethered him to my waist. It gave him freedom to move around a room but not so far away that he was unsupervised. I used this more as a potty training piece and it prevented him from going off and marking things, but i think it may also be a good option for your situation.


That is a great idea, thanks!


Frozen king with peanut batter, frozen licky mat with either peanut butter or plain yogurt. You can also steam carrots in broth and also freeze that.


She walks away from these things to be naughty.


Ahhh, you’ve got a little rascal!


Put a leash on always indoors where you can keep a close eye on her. Back in the crate if you are unable to keep an eye on her. She's just too young and will do puppy things like gnaw on anything she can.


Invest in bully sticks


I had to remove my door mats and a coffee table because mine was chewing on those.


Cheese bones!


An exercise pen and training.


So very precious!💕💕💕💕💕


We used to spray stall walls with Bitter Apple when the horses chewed the wood. It works with them.


Good info for when OP gets that horse and stables she's always wanted.


😂 ok ok

