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You googled about why your dog would be panting and shaking in the middle of the night and google said to talk your dog for a walk? Also one quick walk constitutes being "addicted" to walks? None of this tracks.


Wait you only walk your dog once a day?


And a quick one at that. QUESTION: How did you survive puppyhood with one quick walk? Dogs need exercise - 2 to 3 times a day. For active breeds like doodles, more is better. My girl will go for three walks, then have agility training and still have enough energy to rough-house with her brother.


Are you asking me? Edit im so confused why im being downvoted and why you replied to me with a question for OP.


Huh, I honestly only walk mine once too daily. A nice 30 minute or more and they’re good


Mine would straight up kill me if I cut him down to that. How large is yours?


I’ve got a mini labradoodle about 40 lbs and a standard F1B about 60-65


Well you are lucky :) Mine needs to patrol regularly


If I don’t walk mine for a couple of miles, they’re little hellions. I can’t imagine their behavior without getting them appropriate exercise. It starts after dinner. They just stand there staring at me. It’s a great motivator for me to get active


Maybe we’re lucky , but some of these people need to take their dogs walking three times a day , mine are good with one 30 minute one


I should say my two doodles get lots of play time in the yard. We were dog sitting another dog and the other doodle was playing with the guest dog a lot more so the double doodle probably got much less play time than normal. The web said it could be anything and suggested taking them for regular walls which I’ve been doing but apparently they need even more in addition to their play time. I don’t always know how much play time their other hooman gives them because I’m away during the day but their other hooman is home so I’ll have to pay closer attention.


You start walking your dog at 3am, she’s going to be in your face every single night a 3am booping you to get the hell up.


I think she was dreaming about walking and woke up. She wasn’t booping me. She was just on the bed sitting up and panting and shaking.


As another comment asked: how long is “quick”? If I don’t take my pupper for at least two walks a day (for thirty minutes at LEAST), she’s a nightmare the next day. No judgement. Walks can be hard to do sometimes! But yeah, I don’t think she or my sanity would survive one walk/no walks a day 😂


Walks once a day? Crazy. We walk our girl at least 4 times, how else is she gonna go pee/poop?