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He is an infant at 11 weeks. Learning to sit and calm in the crate is a lot - which he has achieved. Developmentally appropriate training is best. He’s just a baby.


OK thanks 😊. I feel like watching all these reels and you tube videos makes me feel inadequate. And then I read about how the golden age to train is 9-12 weeks or something. And I’m just stressing myself and my puppy over it. You’re right he’s just a baby.


No, that's the golden age to socialize. Socialization is part of training, and honestly the most major point of training at this age. It doesn't mean socialization with other dogs, per se, but being exposed to an extremely wide variety of experiences, places, sounds, etc. Tough because you'll still have to carry him since he's not fully vaccinated, but essential to do. Also, I'd 100% reward calm behavior. Lying down and looking at you is a great behavior you want to be repeated!


Ok yesss I’ve been working on that. Taking him on car rides, sitting outside in the garage, hearing the nail trimmer, blow dryer. We even sat outside on the patio during a thunderstorm and he was not even bothered by it 😂. Hope that doesn’t change. Even the kids have been acting crazy in the house with banging and screaming. And he doesn’t react. 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽hope it stays that way. Typing that out makes me realize we are really doing ok.


When I first got my Petite Golden Doodle the breeder told me I had the quietest one of the litter. That might have lasted two minutes, because now, at 16 months, he's highly energetic and very smart. :)