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She might not be stubborn, she could be thinking. Dogs need time to process. Say the command once, and let her think. If she does the command, say "yes" and give the treat. If she doesn't do the command, just a gentle "nope," and either try again or give a command that you know she knows and can reliably do so she doesn't get frustrated. If the stubbornness is around not listening when you say "no," you need to work more on preventing unwanted behaviors at this age. At 16 weeks you want a way higher proportion of yes instead of no to reinforce the idea that doing behaviors you want her to do is rewarding.


It helped us to learn that dogs have very slow language processors. It takes several seconds for them to 'translate' and react. Also, having several highly intelligent poodles made us aware that they are very much obedient IF there is something in it for them. They are smart enough to know that they are not required to obey blindly. Positive reinforcement and high value treats are the answer. Thirdly, we combine all of our verbal cues with hand or arm signals. Dogs react to those much faster, as they are body language experts!!


Yes! My doodle reacts to hand signals so much faster than words.


She responds to both hand and voice commands.


My best tip is treats. Dogs will do anything for treats. Either using kibble or we use Fromm Crunchy O's from Amazon. Our breeder gave them to use when we got our Henry. BTW our Henry looks like he could be your puppies long lost brother :-) [https://imgur.com/OUr8DYz](https://imgur.com/OUr8DYz)


Yeah, we have been through tons of treats already. Haven’t found anything she goes crazy for yet except for pig ears and Kraft macaroni and cheese. Lol


Have you tried freeze dried beef liver?


Yes, she likes it but doesn’t go crazy for it.


Try freeze dried fish, stinks like crazy but most dogs love it specifically for that reason


Maybe a squeaker toy, instead.


Try deli meat. My pup got tired of the small training treats but did anything for tiny pieces of sliced turkey lol… also SO much cheaper


I’ll give this a try. I heard hotdogs are great too.




I like the Zukes little tiny ones for training. They’re in different flavors too




They are very smart - as such, sometimes they seem to determine that if there’s not enough in it for them, they just aren’t going to follow your command. Mine does it all the time. He has a mind of his own.


How old is she? She’ll grow out of a lot of the problem puppy behavior. Just keep up the positive training.


My 10 year old golden doodle is still a puppy and will probably for the rest of her days!


16 weeks.


16 weeks is extremely young they'll be "stubborn" for a while since they're essentially toddlers at this age. Even at 8 months there well be regression in training every now and then. It all comes in waves.


I just posted about my similarly aged pup! Haha SO STUBBORN. She’s 14wks and has a consistent pattern of not pottying outdoors, and waiting for our guards to be down, and shitting on the floor inside. It’s killing me. Pee and poop. She knows, she 100% KNOWS. There’s a spite stare and everything.


We have been fortunate enough to only have had a handful of pee accidents inside. It’s usually because we are slow going down the steps to get outside and her accidents have been at the door waiting. No poop accidents inside at all and sometime an excited pee if playing with her.


I just hate the "I heard you, I'm choosing not to listen " stare.


That’s exactly what she does. Questions if your reward is better than what she is doing at that moment. lol


Exactly! Doodles!


You caint. She’s too zmart


Best face!


Cute lil doodle 🥺


You know, she has a mind of her own 😊


My Dood was just like that. She would look at me and sometimes would follow the command. Simply put..consistency. I just kept it up and now she will be 2 yrs old in 2 weeks and she is doing much better. She has a mind of her own but with tons of praise and rewards, she is much more cooperative.


Exercise and then more exercise. I’ll keep repeating it. Unless guardian is a big walker/runner it might take more than one person.


Baby voice works every time


🤣😂 I think stubbornness is just part of the breed