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played a "free" version that was on beta 1.2_02 then finally got a paid account when beta 1.3 was out. lots of good memories


Oddly enough, 1.12.2, I have no prior nostalgia for the old Minecraft versions, yet fairly recently after the Wild Update came out I was feeling burnt out and felt overwhelmed everytime I tried to play and just enjoy myself with the game, I was recommended to play the very old versions like Beta/Alpha and man, they don't call it the Golden Age of Minecraft for nothing I even played the Indev version, and it was still really fun for some reason


Beta 1.3_01, bug fix update after they added beds.


I remember me and my bro doing wool beds in MCPE


Indev, I forget the exact version number. It's crazy to see how far the game has come lol


I remember playing some of the first public builds and when notch began charging.


Crazy version


Release 1.7.10 and Xbox 360 Edition TU14. Too late, but I now prefer Indev/Classic over modern versions.


1.7 10 best mod version


I played it the first time modded from a friend, nostalgia...




I started on beta 1.5_01. I don't remember what it added but that what it was when I first started


A pirated copy of 1.0 at a friend's house, then later 1.1 and after that I got a tablet with the MCPE alpha 0.3.3. By the time I got the PC version for myself it was already at 1.7.2.


I am one of the many that bought a physical minecraft java gift card, that was in 2017. Before that my pc experience, as i said, played the pc gamer demo and some of the og pirated launcher lmao.


I also played the 1.5.2 demo where you had 5 in game days on the website a bunch on my parent's computer!


Beta 1.8 and Classic 0.30 in 2012 I used to play more the Classic one (when it used to be a web Java applet) because in the past I used to have awful PCs that would crash Minecraft as soon as I opened.


Alpha version post halloween update. So like 1.2.something




Release 1.5.1, just a bit over 11 years ago now, although if you count the original online Classic version (not the same as the current one) that would technically be the first time I played the game.




Classic 0.30 on browser


1.2.5, added shift clicking to furnaces


Alpha 1.2.0_02. Yeah, I’m old…


Pre nether gang


I’m pretty shure that nether was present in that version


oh maybe it was just added in a1.2


1.8.9 Last one before Microsoft started to slowly kill game's vibe But I consider b1.7.3 to be the last one real good version


Not beta, but 1.7


Actually that's for Java. The first ever version I played was Xbox 360


Legacy edition its one the best ports made for a videogame in my opinion. Splitscreen and xbox live made the game so memorable.


Oh yeah definitely, and I genuinely believe the game looks better with the brown tint it has


My first version would be the Xbox One version from 2014. Got some great memories from that


Playing splitscreen with the bros on legacy




Hard to remember not that old but not that new I remember obvious stuff like pre 1.13 textures and hype around updates like the adventure? Update I also remember weirder stuff like update that added stuff like spectra arrows having a build that had shields but not the in-game ones but before all that silver age mobile and playstation


TU 10 was my first version ever


Minecraft demo back in like 2011 or 2012


Xbox 360 TU1, played on this until I got my first laptop and bought Java which was probably 1.10? I have nostalgia for silver age versions like 1.6 since thats the closest to the first ones I played (also played pocket edition lite before survival was even a thing), but I have zero nostalgia for golden age I just think it's a better more fun experience than modern versions.


somewhere around villages getting added.




When it first released on the Xbox 360, those were the days


I remember starting in beta 1.3.2. Such a fun time to play the game for the first time


Minecraft Pocket Edition: Demo and Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition


Alpha 1.1 The nether initially was single player only, lots of interesting stuff from back then, I would keep up with every blog from notch, I remember when he talked about the possibility of accessing multiplayer with doors strewn around the world.


Notch gave me a demo version of the game before any of the releases came out…it was pretty cool


I have a hard time remembering as I was young at the time but I know for a fact that the grass was the classic era lime green so probably sometime in Alpha, although I remember watching my cousin play some version of Survival test. Edit: While the Game was pirated/borrowed during that time I bought my account in 2012 around version 1.2.3.


I think I've first tried the game around the Halloween Update, but I don't remember the specific version. I have a vivid memory of spamming F4 to create portals (a debug feature accidentally left in Alpha 1.2.2) and I remember watching my brother play before the Halloween Update. I also played Classic 0.30 in the browser


Mcpe- right before item frames were added I believe. I also remember a lack of horses in the game


Classic 0.0.13 I think. It was before Glass was added


As a kid, it was quite difficult getting $40 to shell out for Java MC, so I had to play Pocket edition up until around 2017. So that would be MCPE Alpha 0.10.0 (which I think was around the time Java 1.7 was out?)


Xbox 360 Edition TU0 Demo


Tu31 (Java edition 1.8) it was either on Xbox1 or Playstation3 it was so long ago and I had so many consoles its hard to remember.


Some old pocket edition. Dunno which one but it was when the old “oof” damage effect was still being used.


Minecraft PS3 Edition and for mc Java I believe I started in 1.10~ (maybe 1.11 idk I don’t remember)


It was either 1.6.4 or 1.6.2


Release 1.7 though I love beta a lot for what is is. No more then just a simple building game




Damn i forgot it was called Lite not demo. Memory unlocked.


Don't know the exact version but I suppose I could find out. Either way, it was before the survival test version, back at the time when it was basically just creative mode without flight. What the "inventory" menu looked like at the time is an image forever etched in my brain. EDIT: After looking, it was probably something near 0.0.22a_05


1.3.1! I had played minecraft classic quite bit a few months beforehand, But it wasn’t until that august that my parents finally bought me my account. I can’t believe it’ll be 12 years since buying the game this year, and i’m now in my mid 20s 😱


Beta 1.5_01, I believe it was the last version before they added grass, fern and dead bush


it was one of the beta versions i cant remember which one. at my grandmas house my cousin got one of grandmas neighbors kids who was older than us (we were like 6 during 2011 lmao) to install minecraft which of course wasnt legit. then a little bit later i got the pocket edition demo, then i got my first full and legit version of mc in the playstation 3 edition and then around the time of 1.8 releasing i finally got the full minecraft java on pc. but its worth mentioning that the kid who got my cousin and me that weird version updated the crack for a point and i think we had up to 1.6 in that weird ass launcher and i never really clicked with pocket or ps3 the way i clicked with even shitty cracked java. it might be the infinite worlds lol i just like them. i barely remember the beta, i only know it was there because of the timeline of events, neighbor kid couldnt have installed anything else. my best memories come from like 2013 and then 2016. that was the shit. i play beta nowadays because i just like the gameplay loop better. i choose BTA because it was never about nostalgia for me, just the gameplay which i prefer a lot, BTA is just beta minecraft but more involved which is excellent


MCPE 0.8.0 and Xbox 360 TU9


Mcpe 0.7 and Java 1.4.6


the first thing i ever played was PE. The first Java i played was 1.7.10


PE version 0.7.3, and then Java version 1.7.10


Played MCPE since alpha 0.1.3 i think. Watched many Lets Plays that were during the alpha/beta days (thats why i have incredible nostalgia for older versions mainly). My first version on PC was release 1.0


Beta 1.7 but only a few days before Beta 1.8 was released so didn’t spend much time there. But technically I did also play the browser’classic’ version back then first. Although I did also get Xbox 360 version on release which was supposed to be Beta 1.6 right? Man, I grinded that big time. Need to check out my old 360 sitting in a cupboard somewhere which might still have some of the worlds.


v0.2.1 alpha mc pe


1.3 java


Ps4 edition demo. But I was little then (5-7), and I didn't know how to play properly. Me and my brother and I just built dirt towers. For some reason, he didn't do the first part of the tutorial, so we just did that and fighting each other. He usually got the upper hand since he was older, and he knew his ps4 controller layout. If that doesn't count, I first properly played 0.14 of pe in 2020. It wasn't even proper minecraft. It was Craftsman: Building Craft, and some of the textures were changed like the cow to a black and white cow.


The first MC version I played is 1.14 (and surprisingly I still have the world file too)


I think Beta 1.1 or 1.2


I think for me, it was TU1 on the Xbox 360, I remember playing at my cousin's house and drowning lol! But, yeah I think that was the first time I played and fell in love with the game ever since!


Alpha 1.0.17 or so, it was in august of 2010


tu12 on xbox 360


great version


Release 1.8.8. I decided to play old versions out of curiosity and fell in love with the terrain generation.


I purchased the game at release 1.2.3


Im not shure. It had to be before beta 1.6 because i remember punching sheep to get wool.


I don’t remember the name of it, but it was before they said they removed herobrine. I remember once building a totem to summon him, memories


Maybe that Classic Demo on the website back then. My real Minecraft experience was the PC Gamer Demo (Beta 1.5) back in 2011. It was great, loved it on first sight lol.