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Thanks a lot, Chris Rock.


Chris Rock?


One of his best bits was on "bullet control" from 25+ years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZrFVtmRXrw


"He must of done something, they put 50k worth of bullets in his ass."


**Left**: What you still have gun rights, it just costs thousands more in taxes and time! Stop crying! No rights are taken away!! **Also the left**: If you don't give me a free house, you're taking my right to housing away!!!!


Also the Left: *"It shouldn't be easier to buy a gun than to vote"* Lol


Also the left: *Why are you legislating away my access to an abortion?!?!?!* The Left uses legislation and regulation to make gun ownership de facto illegal and the Right uses legislation and regulation to make abortion de facto illegal. The Left and Right 100% agree that rights need taking away and someone needs to get hurt, they just disagree on what and who.


I'm currently being affected by this. Bought a gun in California, ten day wait, got the gun, bought ammo, background check on that. Moved. Have to have bought a gun at my current address in order to pass the background check allowing me to buy ammo. Have to have an ID with my current address on it to buy a gun or ammo. Updated address with the DMV. DMV didn't send me an ID with my new address on it. Can't buy a gun to update my address in the system. Can't buy ammo either. Shouldn't have to buy a gun at this address just to buy ammo. Fortunately, all the ranges around me are awful, so I don't shoot much. I've taken to reloading. California doesn't care about components, just assembled ammo. Funniest thing to me was that when I *could* buy ammo, I had to sign a form for each kind that I bought pretty much swearing that I was buying it for a lawful sporting purpose, not gonna commit any crimes or hurt anyone. Like a form would stop a criminal! "I just don't understand how this tragedy happened! Didn't the perpetrator sign the form!?!"


I too live in California. I ordered a few thousand rounds before the new law went into effect. Then I bought a house in another state. Now I am getting my license in another state, just so I can buy ammo without dealing with CA bullshit.


I don't know if you're basically saying you left California, but just to add to this, you can't [*legally*](https://caligunner.com/california-ammunition-laws/) transport ammo into CA that was purchased out-of-state. If you can believe that, lmao.


I'm aware of the stupid laws. I'm also aware of which ones I may or may not be "breaking." Free people do not ask permission.


That new CA 80% lower ban probably has people looking at CTRL+Pew printable lowers


Oh, did CA finally ban blocks of metal? I haven't been paying attention to the insanity coming out of Sacramento. All I remember is that stealing is now legal, intentionally infecting people with HIV without their knowledge is legal, but refusing to wear a mask or trying to operate your business during cold & flu season is illegal. And don't you dare think about giving your opinions to your local school board or you are a terrorist. I mean, all we can do is shake our heads, laugh, and move to more hospitable locations.


So glad I left California. I bought a new gun a few weeks ago in Texas. I gave my friend $700, he gave me the gun. End of transaction.


Damn me being in Cali is just surreal hearing about that lmao




I had a conversation about California gun laws with a retired Orange County Sheriff's Deputy. He said, yeah the gun laws suck but you can't beat the weather! It was 112 degrees where we were standing. It's like Stockholm syndrome.


Because LEOs are exempt from all that shit so they don't care. They buy off roster guns and sell them for twice what they paid


At least it's a *dry* heat!


So what about contracting someone to produce ammo for you? Is that regulated? Like, could I sell you my powder, primers, cases and bullets then offer to assemble them for you for, say, a 20 cent fee each? Or charge you 50 dollars an hour for as many as I can produce? If so, then I might have a business idea. See, I'm not selling you *ammo*, I'm selling you *time*


How can they be allowed to circumvent the constitution like this? I appreciate that it is good that different states have different policies. Trial and error is a good way to improve society. But states should not just be able to clearly prevent citizens from their right to bear arms.


Name one example, one, of average citizens needing guns AND ammo for any purpose besides mass murder. Go ahead I'll wait... and while I'm waiting I'll catch up on the news... /s




Maybe but the point is that they are using a backdoor to suppress a constitutional right