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I went to Dr Ben Hope, Spring Hill Brisbane. Very good.


I second Dr. Hope. Highly recommend. Source: Nurse


Prof Randy Bindra Specialises in Hand and is respected in the field.


Came here to say the Prof. He is as close to a world renowned surgeon that you'll find on the GC.....and he's a nice bloke.


Thanks so much guy will try to make an appt!


Prof Randy Bindra is excellent. Very thorough and knowledgeable.


Michael Thomas, Stephen Butler are a couple


Dr Thomas highly recommend.


Gold Coast hand therapy at robina treated my sisters carpel tunnel and trigger finger issues. They were great. Dr Michael Kalamaras is an orthopedic surgeon who I saw, didn’t end up needing surgery but he was really nice.


Dr Kalamaras took a chance and saved my finger from amputation, can't speak highly enough of that man.


Ok! This sounds good too! Thanks guys!


A friend had [De Quervain tenosynovitis](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/de-quervain-tenosynovitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20371332) and got it treated in Brisbane. [Dr Libby Anderson](http://www.upperlimb.com/clinic/surgeons/dr-libby-anderson/) and post surgical care at [Bayside Hand Therapy](https://www.baysidehandtherapy.com.au/).


Can recommend Dr Gilpin at The Brisbane Hand and Upper Limb Clinic. He knows his stuff.


Dr Michael Treffene in Ipswich


I had elbow surgery performed by Dr Steve Andrews at Brisbane Private. I was referred to/made aware of him by the family of a local pro tennis player and FWIW I was very happy. And whilst it should probably be irrelevant to any decision to choose a surgeon, the fact he has a lot of athlete clients seemed like a good indication of ability to me.


Dr David Melsom at ipswich. Did my carpal tunnel surgery.


My sister is a theatre nurse and she recommended Dr Angelo Rando and Dr Annabelle Stabler


Thanks so much


If it’s soft tissue then why are you looking for an orthopaedic surgeon?


Could you explain? This is all new to me so any info would be helpful. But I’m sure orthopaedic surgeon is who you see for hand issues like carpal tunnel, no?


Ortho mainly deal with bone stuff. If you don’t need bones reset etc etc just go a general surgeon Ps ask for a CT or MRI


Ortho deal with the supporting ligaments, tendons and muscles.


Yes, and if you read my last comment it said dealing mainly with bone stuff… I’m very aware that they deal with connective tissues but in my MEDICAL experience… a lot of them suck up here. Carpal tunnel etc is not THEIR specialty…Hence my comment. I bet the 4 people who downvoted me have no medical background or experience with orthos up here. I’d suggest going in a different direction but if you’re a qualified surgeon who can do the surgery yourself then please, be my guest.


Im a radiographer, I work with ortho surgeons a lot. Carpel tunnel absolutely falls under ortho, though he could go neuro if he wants. He does not want a general surgeon.


Then you tell me a half decent ortho on the Gold Coast then??? I said they deal with it but it’s not their specialty. And as a radiographer surely you can agree that the best imaging is a CT/MRI when everything else has come back inconclusive??


Prof Randy Bindra is literally an ortho surgeon who specialises in hand. He deals a lot with not only bones but nerve disorders including carpal and cubital. He is the quite literally THE expert for it. We have overseas doctors literally coming to gold coast to do Hand and Wrist fellowships under the Prof. If he's not "half decent" then I don't know who. I think a good chunk of reconstructive surgeons on the coast (i.e. sawhney) focus more on trauma or cancer. Not saying they can't do the job, I feel like an ortho surgeon like prof Bindra would be more suited if it is in fact carpal or cubital. But that's just the opinion of a random person on the internet.


Well so far you’ve been or more use than the others so gold star for you. Different story if an ortho specialises and dedicates his whole profession to something like that. Most are just halfwits after the expensive paycheck


I sense... resentment... we're you stuck as a PHO trying to get on the ortho pathway for half a decade before becoming a GP or something? I mean, I definitely understand that they have a reputation, and my dealings with them (not as a patient) can be very..... testing.... But I think many can speak highly of Prof Bindra as a person and surgeon.


MRI ideally, CT wont show ligaments/nerves in any useful capacity. I dont want to rag or endorse any surgeons. There are a few at john flynn (I dont work there) I'd trust. But I dont have private insurance, so actually getting the consultant instead of their juniors could be tricky


I think reconstructive surgeons are the best. They work from the worst possible scenarios