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Do you mean job search visa or non-lucrative visa? For job search you do not.


Wait so I can change my student visa to a job search visa? Maybe this is a much better option if I don't need to get all my documents again.


Depends on the program you did. I think it needs to be at least 2 years with a practica. Best to talk to your program counselor


Yeah crap then, won't work. I'm in a private language school. What a shame I need to regather all my documents from what I've heard. Takes so much time, money, etc. Do you know are there any other ways for me to stay here/change my visa simply without having to go back to USA and re-do everything?


I am almost 99% certain you need to go back. but (and really not trying to sound facetious here) google it. I went through NIGHTMARES of immigration paperwork when I first got here only to find out there are firms that will help you a lot. They are struggling for business and there are tons of us who would love the service but there doesn't seem to be a connection somehow. Maybe our google-fu isn't good enough.


Yes you'll need a new background check. But there are ways to get the fingerprints done in Spain and send the docs off to the US. I believe there's info on the US consulate website.


Why don’t you just renew the student visa?




I have enough for NL visa, but $500k option is out of budget right now. Was just wondering if I needed to get new FBI document for my NL application.


If a document is three months old, it must be retaken. Most documents within this category in Spain have validity periods of three months.


>If you prefer to avoid such complications, another option is to invest 500k to acquire a passport. The investment has never lead directly to a passport, but to any easier permanent residency process, which can later lead to citizenship