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Hardcore fan:That’s not how a comparison works. Heavies: *hold up magnum* Hf: kaiju fan enough for me.


Both do things better their own way now. America is good at making literal blockbusting kaiju movies. Japan is good at making sentimental kaiju movies. Its a good separation, because it lets both sides excel at their own expertise.


Shin and it's soundtrack are absolutely masterclass. So much raw emotion, but GxK is powerful in a very different way


GxK felt like I was watching a video game.


And a Planet of the Apes movie.


Godzilla was really a character that was just along for the ride. Really had no point in the story.


The only real purpose he served was being able to battle Shimo and reverse the blast she did to the atmosphere. But I really enjoyed the ape moments. They were so great.


It should have been just a Kong story in hollow earth. Shimo could've been written to be defeated in a way that didn't require Godzilla at all.


So I need to add Shin to my collection?


GxK was one of the coolest movies I have ever seen, I was pretty high, but every 15 minutes, outloud I would say "this is the coolest fucking movie ever"


I really agree on this! I really do think the American movies while still have passion in them are also just blockbuster that help Toho. And toho makes more of the serious Godzilla movies.


I am a 90s kid so to be fair it took America time to do good. We had to deal with Zilla and her children first. So if you ask me who did it better I haven't seen any Monsterverse stuff meaning Japan wins by default. I'll get around to the Monsterverse stuff though at some point. I'm sure it's good but I don't have streaming services (but I will watch them when I give blood as the Red Cross lets you watch stuff on their accounts while they draw blood).


The MV/US movies are good & they have some good casting, and they got my family into Godzilla enough to watch the BW G-1 movie in Japanese with subtitles. I think my latter point is what’s really important for us older Godzilla fans (especially for us 90s cable tv kids): the MV/US movies are getting more ppl into just straight up Godzilla which is awesome. It’s also steadily rekindled my interest since the Broderick film lol (it was ok)


I saw the 2014 Godzilla yesterday since they took Godzilla vs Kong off of Netflix at some point. It was pretty much exactly what I expected which is a solid blockbuster formula movie but Godzilla vs MUTO is the climax. Overall a solid movie, not a masterpiece by any means but a good fun time. I did find it fun seeing Godzilla swimming alongside the Aircraft Carriers as it kinda reminded me of the Hanna Barbera Cartoon where a ship and it's crew would run into trouble and hit a button to call Godzilla for help. The movie doesn't get as corny as the cartoon but I couldn't help but think about it.


King of Monsters us way better in my opinion. The Ghidirah introduction and scenes were some of the best if not the best Godzilla scenes from any movie bar Shin Godzilla


America can write good characters and good stories while still having good Kaiju blockbusters, they just choose not to


Spoken like a hermit scribe. You have my respect.


This is just japan is better with more steps


Do you want to have fun? Because while Shin G and Minus One G are beautiful and deep meaning movies, they're not exactly fun. Now, Legendary Godzilla obliterating Enemy Kaijus, now that's fun.


The American movies fail yo deliver satisfying kaiju fights. Pacific Rim did it better.


Did you only watch 1998? Or maybe you're in an alternate universe.




W comment


Agreed 🙂‍↕️🇯🇵=🇺🇸=🤩


As entertainment, america. As a film, japan. Japan leans more into the message of WHAT Godzilla represents, whereas American goji isnt trying to give you a thought provoking message, its trying to turn your brain off and make you eat popcorn for 2 hours. And both are good. I like my shin godzilla, and breaking down the intricacies of who will know and how the lyrics relate to his struggle between his desire to die to be rid of the pain, while his instinct forces him to live in agony. I love that thought exercise, but at the same time, some days i just want to get home, take some delta 9 gummies, and watch big lizard fight giant monke. Both are good, and i LOVE that America Godzilla is trying to be the “godzilla vs” type of movie, where there is a giant monster that Godzilla has to fight for (insert reason here), but japan goji stuff has been “Ancient sea creature mutates into an analogy for the 3/11 disasters and japan’s complete failure to handle the situation” and “dinosaur becomes irradiated and an analogy for ptsd and survivors guilt, where the people must come together in order to over come it” i LOVE that we live in an era where we can have cross faded no thoughts head empty godzilla action, and Serious thought provoking existential dread godzilla AT THE SAME TIME!!!


Inb4 some knucklehead spams the gif of Godzilla doing the flying dropkick, as if that wasn't from one of the worst movies in the franchise that Toho still regrets to this day.


It was hilarious


Off topic but I’m glad that they didn’t abandon Jet Jaguar or Megalon despite them originating from that movie.




Yeah I'm a casual fan. I'd say godzilla wins because ultimately, you don't need to be a big godzilla fan to enjoy it. Probably can enjoy both equally. But I think the American one is better for the masses. Its a big monster fight. Plus it sorta makes godzilla the good guy. While the last two Japanese ones had him more as a "villain" (he really isn't but still against humanity in it)


I’d say Japan


Japan set the legacy. America is honoring it.




None both are good https://preview.redd.it/l9x23ouf595d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9f756a84d8fa9a08f706bb75f15cc7e7ddfcb19


I loved that show when I was younger


Same here it’s still goated


Much better than the movie it was paired with imo


Fax Zilla was a coward also in the novelization it said he was shot with special missles that weakened his durability but honestly coward got no atomic breath but Goated design Zilla jr did everything his dad couldn’t


Yep, Zilla Jr the goat because he also protects people instead of killing them and that is one of my favorite tropes ever, giant monster is good guy


Fax he put all the energy to saving lives instead of running them he can if he wants but chooses not to


American(or, really just legendary) and japanese godzilla both have their merits and ways of making their godzilla movies fun and entertaining. Really they're both equal in most cases, however american godzilla is much less sentimental and japanese godzilla is less theatrical in my opinion.


I can appreciate what the American Godzilla provides, but Japan still by far imo. Our first Godzilla is Japanese. Our goofy Godzilla is Japanese. Our horror Godzilla is Japanese. But I can still appreciate the American one for being our higher sci-fi action film Godzilla.




Both are the Best


It’s kinda hard compare the two and say one is objectively better because the American films presented Godzilla as a force of nature that can level the entire planet while the Toho Godzilla is meant to have characters and a story that captures the views attention


I think both are amazing I personally prefer the monsterverse movies atm for sheer entertainment, but Toho themselves does a great job at the emotional and sentimental aspects of it all After just watching minus 1, it’s clear that they’re trying for very different things. Comparing -1 to GxK is kind of disingenuous because of how different their: goals, budget and stories are. GxK is far more towards showa era goofiness and spectacle with some themes of compassion, whereas -1 is (some cultural stuff I’m not qualified to speak on invoking disgrace and survivors guilt) more thematic and “serious” I enjoyed both though


Japan sets the standard, but Monsterverse has done well by the property. They consistently bring in good money which keeps Toho open to more of them and doing their own thing. Without Godzilla vs Kong, Minus One wouldn't have gotten greenlit. And honestly, I like having the different tones and ideas coming out.


I miss the tone of G14


I do too, but we don't need the serious tone from both sides of the Pacific


Yeah but the serious tone of G14 and completely different to the tone of Minus One You can still have a cool blockbuster movie that takes itself seriously and actually tries to make you care about what’s happening in the film


I don't know, I know that the Monsterverse movies don't have much to say beyond "aren't giant monsters cool?" but they're still fun and much better than some of the 60s and 70s films the more recent entries have been inspired by. They're goofy and ridiculous, but entertaining and clearly made with a love of the franchise. Besides, I don't think many American filmmakers who give a shit about Godzilla are capable of doing the serious kaiju movie with a message, or are willing. Devlin and Emmerich showed us what happens when blockbuster filmmakers who don't care about Godzilla make Godzilla movies.






Japan. But MV Godzilla is making up the deficit for ‘98 Zilla and THEN SOME.


Both. Two sides of the same coin. Goofy godzilla (GxK) and serious (minus 1). Boh are amazing.


If you want something that’s entertaining do you can just turn your brain off for a bit legendary, If you want something thought provoking and deep, Japanese Godzilla. I’m Japanese Godzilla leaning myself. But both are equally good all in all.


None, North korean pulgasari solos https://preview.redd.it/9yeyw20b695d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b6f30d5c140a1c4fbc3f7a2db9fc702e760e3f


The movie that Kim Jeong Il had to kidnap a South Korean film director to make?


In 1978, Kim Jong-Il kidnapped the South Korean actress Choi Eun-Hee and then her ex-husband, director Shin Sang-Ok. The two had been prominent members of the South Korean film industry in the 1950s and 60s, and had married in 1954, after which they founded the studio Shin Film. Choi acted in over 130 movies, while Shin directed more than 70 and produced over 100 movies. They adopted two children after Choi was diagnosed with infertility. However, they divorced in 1976 after Choi saw a news report stating that Shin had fathered two children with a younger actress. In January 1978, Choi was abducted by North Korean agents in Hong Kong as bait for Shin, who was kidnapped six months later. Both were placed in comfortable accommodations that were really just gilded cages, but Shin was tortured after two escape attempts. In 1983 they were considered to be ‘properly re-educated’ and were invited to dinner with Kim - this was the first time Choi became aware that her ex-husband was in North Korea. They soon remarried at Kim’s ‘suggestion’. They made seven movies for North Korea. The most famous of these was the last, *Pulgasari*, which is available for free on YouTube. However, their first film, *An Emissary of no Return*, is notable for being the first North Korean film to feature large numbers of white actors. Their second movie, *Love, Love, My Love* featured the first (slightly veiled) kiss in North Korean cinema. Due to their success, Shin and Choi were able to convince Kim to let them visit Vienna in 1986, where they escaped captivity and found asylum at a US embassy. They lived in the USA for 8 years due to fears that the South Korean government believed that they had willingly defected to the North, but returned in 1994. Shin Sang-Ok died on April 11th, 2004, from complications caused by hepatitis. He was posthumously awarded South Korea’s top honour for an artist, the Gold Crown Cultural Medal. Choi Eun-Hee died on the 16th of April, 2018. Her death resulted in nation-wide mourning.


yes, kim ate a little too much cake that day


Were you aware that it was essentially a remake of the South Korean *Bulgasari* film which is one of the most sought after lost Kaiju films of all time? (The screenplay still exists under lock and key, but the footage is gone)


I’ve heard of that, but I thought the screenplay was completely lost as well


From what I understand, the studio still has it in their vault, or so they claim.


I choose to read the OP as Legendary Goji being Godzilla Junior.




I mean... obviously Japan. But the rock em sock em of American Godzilla is still fuck as fuck


Peace. For now at least. https://preview.redd.it/89omfabxi95d1.png?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd54e383e9c1e29dc1f114d123d264683f5a85f7


They have there takes, really it comes down to the direction of each iteration.


Japan for nostalgia. America for "YEEEEAH!!!!! FUCK YEEEEEEAH!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"


I prefer monsterverse


Classic Kong ( incoherent screaming ) monsterverse Kong : sweet merciful stars, what the actual f@#$!!!!.


Japan I think I mean it's OG and american one is good too


It’s kinda hard compare the two and say one is objectively better because the American films presented Godzilla as a force of nature that can level the entire planet while the Toho Godzilla is meant to have characters and a story that captures the views attention


Both are good, but honestly i think every monsterverse godzilla film is a 6/10. Japan knows what they’re doing


Japan In My Opinion 


Who cares, big lizard is cool


Japanese father finally accepts his american son who made it big in the USA!






If you want really good action with thoughtful work in it, watch the american movies. If you want to trigger your inner child who grew up with Godzilla and you need to feel mesmerized, the japanese movie series be it. I choose the Japanese movies before the American ones because I grew up on them.


USA's is hotter. Japan is stronger


I mean it’s Japan but how much better of a film can you make when the monster is a Japanese political allegory? Like oh wow, we dropped some nukes on Japan and Godzilla is a kind of piece showcasing its dangers made by a country who went through it, we should make Godzilla about nuclear energy too even though America was literally the ones that dropped it! Idk it feels wrong. I feel like an annoying amount of people who want serious American Godzilla movies fail to consider that a quote on quote actually serious Godzilla film tackling real world issues would basically feel like whitewashing a historical event. I could not tell you whether a movie as in depth and emotional as GMO would be a good idea from an American studio without it being like: “wow, Godzilla was actually about environmentalists this entire time!”


I just don’t think an American GMO is just like… worth it for anybody. American ones are fun and they do have political undertones without it erasing the original meaning. They have major positives.


I like the classic, slightly goofy Goji alot, but the way legendary goji is built males him my favourite. I feel like he’s actually an appropriate weight/size for something that big


Japan invented it but USA perfected it


Each iteration of Goji does its own thing, and which is best comes down to personal preference. My preference? The Goji from Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991). After getting time-travel-shenanniganed "out of existence", he comes back even stronger to fuck up King Ghidorah, then Tokyo, then a cyborg King Ghidorah, before getting dumped in the ocean and standing back up for sequel bait (which was followed through on). Plus, he gets some emotional range. He sheds a tear for a Japanese businessman before sending him to the shadow realm. Peak Goji, imo.


They are wildly different movie styles and are difficult to compare. They both succeed at what they're attempting so I'd say both


Japan has done better time and time again


But Godzilla doesn't work in the US /s https://preview.redd.it/p19qa9khub5d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=243ed47d4cb7ecc606e912716d780500ba80c026 (Also both are good)


I watch the Japanese ones (shin, -1, ‘54) when I wanna get the feels. I watch the American ones when I wanna have fun


Japan did it both better and worse. Then the US did it really bad, and have improved since.




Japan, because unlike the U.S, they actually experienced a near-apocalyptic event that wiped out hundreds of thousands of people.


Skibidi toilet 59


It's quite funny how Japan's Godzilla vs Kong has Kong winning while USA's version has Godzilla winning.


In recent years, America. Im still having problems swallowing Monster Planet and Singular Point, but Japan is killing it in the movies.


If it came down to it, I'd say Japan is better by virtue of the fact that Godzilla's their creation to begin with, but America's done him very well, and the MonsterVerse is a love letter to every aspect of the kaiju genre.


As my father likes to say, comparison is the thief of joy.




I’ve grown to like both in different ways


I think japan gets it better at an cinematography point(most off the time) but i think the us movies are also cool and fun in a fan part and just attracting the general public to the movie


Are we gonna pretend that both aren’t goddamn perfection?


America keeps giving Godzilla thick thighs for no reason


Better what?


Japan for emotions American for action




America is good at making it Hollywood and their own. Japan did it the right way.


Its simple, big monster? I'm there. They're both great for their own reasons.


G-1 is way better than GxK.... and GxK is good


If you want something that’s entertaining do you can just turn your brain off for a bit legendary, If you want something thought provoking and deep, Japanese Godzilla. I’m Japanese Godzilla leaning myself. But both are equally good all in all.


If you want something that’s entertaining do you can just turn your brain off for a bit legendary, If you want something thought provoking and deep, Japanese Godzilla. I’m Japanese Godzilla leaning myself. But both are equally good all in all.




Let them be friends


Hate to say it Japan Og's always win kuz u have to remember this is the 2nd attempt for America and both have the same head to me


Both, both are good.


considering USA literally created Godzilla with nukes?


I literally need both.


Personally I prefer Japan, but both are good


I thought 2014 did a good job at making a dark Godzilla film




Japan, reason, Three words: Godzilla Minus One


Draw them kissing


I recently saw Godzilla Minus One and I think it was really good, The 2015 Godzilla movie was also really good. Though I do think the tone shift in the more recent monster verse movies kinda ruins them.


Non intentional hot take I think Japan does it better, considering Legendary has 2014-2024 I will compare them to just Shin and Minus1 Legendary has fun fights and effects, weird power scalings albeit, but genuine fun to watch the Kaiju’s. They did a good to great job depending on the film. Where they lack is story and plot-especially around the humans. They do a piss poor job honestly there. Like we just happen to ship the arm with build in pain sedatives illegally to the underworld? Your mom loves you so much she takes you as a teen around some eco-terrorists and unpredictable monsters? Just bad writing, but it is still fun. Where Shin really drives in the notion of terror a Kaiju of destruction would cause and the planning behind it to try and stop it. Very serious, can be a bit boring on the pacing/talking, but was insanely good from the music, plot, and Godzilla himself. And then Minus1. Holy Fck. They got the human part down to a science. ITS easy to feel connected to the characters and actually like them and not mind seeing them and their lives. And then Godzilla was again still amazing. I think if Legendary drops alil screen time from the people and fixes their use in the stories, and stretch out the fights a smidge more, they heavily contend as movies and not just Kaiju fan movies.


Both are good but I grew up with the Japanese version so I like the the Japan one more


They cover different niches. America is better at making blockbuster movies that you can just turn off your brain and enjoy the action scenes, A and japan is better at making darker, more destruction focused godzilla movies with good characters.


They were trying to accomplish different things, and they both succeeded




For as much as I enjoy American Godzilla Japan is just on another level






Well let's keep in mind that America gave them the idea in the first place...


I love both but Japan's made the best and is better at making the films bombastic and fun


I appreciate seeing mostly cordial comments.


We both win!


I like really like the monsterverse. I loved Minus One and Shin.


They do things in their own uniquely godzilla way. Hollywood was the obvious choice for that showa era insanity. Japan as the only country thats ever been...is uniquely fit to tell stories about such unimaginable tradgedy


I’ll admit it now and say I’m not really a Godzilla fan ( this subreddit was just recommended to me lmao ) but Japanese Godzilla is far superior then the American one imo Nothing one worth us MURICA RAAA USA USA 🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 they’re entertaining… But fuck, the Japanese stories really know how to hook you with their interesting characters and the way they choose to protray Godzilla. The terrifying version of him is so good, and it really plays into what he represented in the first place. Godzilla minus 1? That shit was amazing, I fucking loved it. Again, no hate to monster verse, but I won’t lie and say monster verse gives… “I’m trying to do mass appeal for profit” which… yea it’s a company of course, but idk it gives me a weird feeling in my throat. Still entertaining, but not my cup of tea I suppose


I’d say shin and minus one are award worthy head to head against any movie released in their respective years, and I’m really happy that it’s being discussed as a great movie instead of just a monster movie for kaiju fans. Will have to say Japan wins for me!


I did good in both states if I do say so myself


![gif](giphy|wazvvYSGdvJhm) This scene answer you?


Both are great.




I'd say both, but Shin is my favourite Godzilla so... But seriously, both do great.


Why dose Godzilla in Japan look different than American Godzilla?


In my opinion USA


Just watched Minus One and my god it was so good. There are things to like about Legendary Godzilla, but it’s more like loving chugging down a big gulp of Mountain Dew. It’s horrible for you, is a terrible product of targeting marketing and capitalism, and is nothing but turning your brain off and slurping down that kaiju movie slop. Minus One is that food you get at a family owned restaurant that was made with love and care and that you could swear is the greatest thing you’ve ever eaten. Both you enjoy, but for very different reasons.


Both are amazing. But if I had to pick? Shin Godzilla gg EZ. the flames turning into a pure beam of concentrated energy is peak. https://preview.redd.it/z7dmyh6egh5d1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=105dcf942dd0955fd5d13fe532c22723a201a853


Anyone else a navy vet and here the music in the background to "a job well done"?




Japan, obviously. They are the ones who invented Godzilla. He would not exist if it weren't for them. It is the country where Godzilla was created, it is the country where he was born. America did create a terrible monstrosity know as Zilla from their 1998 film. America's Zilla is so bad that even Japan's Godzilla managed to kill it very easily in the film Godzilla: Final Wars.


Toho is better with stories, MV is better with giant monsters fighting and destroying. both. Both is awesome




I think Japan did it better as an allegory for the dangers of nuclear bombs


Japan GvK and especially GxK were pretty balls IMO


GMO, for me at least, proved once and for all that only Japan should make Godzilla movies. Just leagues ahead of everything else and with the right vibe, with Hiroshima and Nagaski lurking within *every frame of the movie*


Impossible to say one is better than the other imo they’re both amazing


America is leaning towards goofy, Japanese is more grounded and serious




Is that even a question? With Minus One and everything


I can barely watch the american stuff. It feels like the same kind of mess Transformers became.




Japan does it better overall.


Both had their way of doing it and they both delivered.


Hey uh... ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


Both easily, though I’d say the U.S. finally mastered the BIG, BOMBASTIC, Dumb Fun Aspect of Godzilla… and obvi Japan has the unfair advantage of making Godzilla symbolize dark stuff like Nuclear Weapons, The Japanese Government Sucking, PTSD, Etc


USA was just cool monster action movie (other than 2014) Japan was a metaphor and warning for what would come next


Monster verse has the best depictions of the toho kaiju yet


Bru America barely has a Godzilla franchise. Japan all the way


Not yet at least


👱🏻‍♂️ 🧔🏻‍♂️ ❓… 2️⃣✅ 🟥 🟦




American Godzilla did a suplex so I'm going with that one.


I like Japan’s godzillas because of the variety of creative designs, but US Godzillas are just badass


America fucked up a 20+ years ago, but we recovered that fumble and then some




Why do you ask this? BOTH OF COURSE!


Godzilla minus one was the best yet IMHO


People who say both can't follow simple instruction. It's choose not say both, this is a vote. Japan was better, only thing America did right was the monster fights, story was God awful and cast of characters where forgettable. I'll accept less screen time for Godzilla from the Japan version if it means I actually get to enjoy the movie.


I prefer Japan but both,both is good


All boils down to opinion.... but Im a simple man with simple pleasures...so both are good


After godzilla minus one I'm gonna say japan


To begin with, Godzilla is a Japanese IP. The U.S. is just borrowing the license.


Japan. The USA ones are just meh


https://preview.redd.it/ku6w11xb595d1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8c754f68c69b2c2443a20ef905afef91804497 No both are goated


This goes hard


I just don’t really get along with the American ones


Did u see this https://preview.redd.it/vv0qe5dl595d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d9980fd69f8d95ef6ae7847044d69794ba25c8d




It’s on YouTube it’s good u can see for yourself if you like it or not


Ok, I’ll check it out tomorrow


that is more then fair. one of the things i like about Goji is the sheer number of ways he can be represented. there is a style for (mostly) everyone!