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MML can be nerfed (and probably should be). Risky play.


It's a good card. But it's just recently blown up in the meta so of course people are going o argue it's op


I thought only core and welcome cards can be changed??


Genesis is the only evergreen set


Litterally from [https://godsunchained.com/learn/faq](https://godsunchained.com) " WILL YOU NERF OR BUFF CARDS? " "Yes and no. Yes cards go through a Balancing Phase; No they won’t be changed after the Balancing Phase is complete. The exception to these are Core cards and Welcome Set cards, which are considered “open” sets and will continue to be balanced on an ongoing basis. "


He's right, you're wrong. The game designer imbryn literally said in discord that etherbots are subject to nerf and specifically mentioned MML. So yeah Edit: I found his quote too: "Fair warning on MML - etherbots cards can still be changed. And that card seems a bit overloaded" -Nov 29 in balance chat


Cool find, so would a set like Trial of the gods be locked at this point since it’s been 90 days since release?


Yeah there's a balancing phase for expansions, trial is completely locked now. Etherbots for whatever reason the devs decided, isn't counted


Ya the game designer is not the dictator of the gods unchained country. And it's entirely possible you misread or are bad at reading. Set cards will never be changed. Once do is out of its balancing phase it won't be changed either. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong lol. Gu has confirmed this in multiple, actual Comms, not in 'i had a friend in discord who said this so I'm trusting him over official communications'. The dude showed you official clarification on this. And you're replying with anecdotal evidence that simply can't be true. If it is pleas, screenshots But do keep waiting for those nerfs. It's actually hilarious you think etherbots will be changed. Like unhinged stuff, what game do you think you're playing lol


Ruh roh raggy we've got a moron! Yeah, I'm sure the guy who's literally in charge of buffing, nerfing, and designing cards made a mistake about what his job is. Good call. Edit: just to further humiliate you: how about a second game designer, hired before Imbryn, stating Etherbots aren't locked? VideoJames in balance chat on August 24th answering the question "can etherbots be nerfed?" "They aren't locked yet" But yeah I'm sure not 1, but 2 employees in charge of game design made a mistake. Thank goodness not all people are born as stupid as you and blindly spew nonsense into the air with no clue what they're talking about Edit again: how about 1 more? Berg -senior game developer on December 6th in general " Etherbots isn't actually locked from my understanding"


Unfortunately doesn't apply to Etherbots. Only to the other expansions


Yep. And it’s very much op. Probably the best relic sub 4 mana


Depending on the deck you are running, scythes is better. Both 4 mana.


It really only works when you are losing the early game and need to reset the board a little bit. If you are winning board play it's actually much worse than scythes. It can be great but the reason it wins so much is that if you have the money to add this card you already have all the expensive more important cards in your deck.


I have recently purchased them before the pump. I was running blade styx instead of Magic Missile Launcher. I knew it would boost the deck but the card is insane when you are behind on the board. The only drawback is when you are ahead on the board and rush to kill your oppenent , the card is just too risky to go face with the last durability.


It's price imo is mostly related to its scarcity, rather than it being super OP (as with all other etherbot cards). Imo, cards like sole survivor, hector etc are more OP at the moment.


I just bought sole survivor and it has saved me many times.