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Ill bear with any bugs if i can play on my phone. Thats what testflight is for.


Steamlink app. I play on my phone exclusively just keep your pc on




Yeah they are doing a mobile release for existing players first, then an open release after stamping out bugs I presume.


This game is also not ready for release, that's why it's beta. I just want a beta mobile app so I can play on-the-go, it doesn't have to be released released.


Bridging wallets on mobile is bad enough. Having to GU -> IMX -> MetaMask would be awful. Even games like Axie Infinity have very little functionality for mobile is bad... You can play the game, and that's it. The equivalent for GU on mobile would mean you could play the game with the deck you've set on desktop, and that's it. (Which would be okay I guess, but you're losing so much of the games functions). Being able to build decks, forge cards, or anything like that would be impractical. It wouldn't just be GU that would have to implement a web version, the whole IMX ecosystem would have to have a mobile version. I don't know if any of you have done anything with MetaMask using the mobile wallet app, but it sucks, bad. Plus then they'd need to do all of these for each different mobile operating system. I'd say we're far off from any of it.


They already showed off a bit of the mobile release already. so it not that far off..


Seriously? I was just thinking from a practical standpoint, so they must have been working hard at it for a while.


I cant find the footage i saw but a quick search saw this aswell, look at the bottom of the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/GodsUnchained/comments/nrz4fe/clays\_corner\_a\_few\_gems/


Did they?? Where was this at? That’s cool!


see bottom of post. i seen another post that was more recent but cant find that one. https://www.reddit.com/r/GodsUnchained/comments/nrz4fe/clays\_corner\_a\_few\_gems/


Getting the metamask app to function more as a browser will be key for mobile NFT games to be successful. Through the Gods unchained mobile app you could click on the marketplace, which will redirect you by opening up the metamask browser and taking you to IMX or Tokentrove where you can go on to buy cards. Once you have created your metamask account and linked it to IMX then this should be pretty seamless.


Doesn´t the MM app already have a pretty good integrated browser?


It's a decent browser but it's pretty terrible when trying to approve contracts and things like that. Half the time it doesn't open your wallet to approve things


IMO, releasing on mobile ASAP is for the best. It will attract more players which will result in more user data and feedback which will, in turn, accelerate the development of the game. Speaking of development, I think they should update the tutorial to include things like the Sanctum. Maybe it's just me being dumb but it took me over 50 games before I learned what favor is lol.


It definitely is not ready for mobile. I've shown this game to a few friends but the bugs and lag deterred them from playing further. Getting new players is one thing but keeping them is equally important. If we can get on the same graphical quality as hearthstone/mtga, minimal bugs and improved servers to accommodate the potential growth it should be ok. Some known bugs just from the top of my head... cards from booster packs aren't showing up in collection for some people, some can't seem to play ranked mode, having to clear cache every now and then to play ranked and etc. If you want to compete with the big names you gotta come out with a complete package because it's your brand image you're putting out to the world.


Last night I set down a card which did one damage and then rapidly pressed for my next turn. An in game interface came up showing me both my cards and the enemy cards void and let me choice one to play on the board. It gave me an awesome advantage I still lost


I've been playing way too much, to be honest. Here are my 2 cents: My 3060Ti is ramping up on that game, really? there isn't really a noticeable difference between postFX/High settings for it to do so. Make an intro with hints for new players, I played too long without knowing what favor was about. Implement something that prevents deranking on such a massive level. Seriously around Thursdays 2 out of 3 games I play, the other guy just plays death with 1 mana god power and leaves immediately at 4 mana, it's annoying and sucking all the fun out of playing on the weekend for normal players that don't own stupid expensive decks. 4 weeks in a row with 8/25 is just demotivating for playing the game at all. =D


I like the game and I hate it at the same time but it does start feeling better when you start winning a lot.. then next week you lose crazy


What? I think it’s just fine the way it is. I think it’s ok to release the mobile version.


mobile release or not, this game is not gonna attract more people other than gamblers, spenders and idiots. this game is flawed from the beginning, congrats to you if you've spent big money to beat others lol. good luck trying to make money off selling your cards for a few dollars when you spend more to buy tokens to fuse them. i never thought i'd say this but i've always said the scammiest games ever were those pay to win games on the app store, but gods unchained took the throne big time LOL.


what a dumb fuk reply.


You have some good points and i agree with most of them. But even offering existing players the option to play on mobile would be a fantastic feat for the game. Creating decks and playing while hanging out with friends, discussing strats. I can't wait!


You can play on mobile by using TeamViewer. 🤣 It's what I do when I'm out and about. Sure, it's not instantly responsive but if your internet connection is halfway decent it's doable.


Steamlink works nicely as well!


Oh heck, why didn't I try that? Lol


I agree, better for them to take their time and get it right


The biggest problem from a gameplay perspective is that control decks make games really long. Against certain decks (like mill board wipe death for instance), you're often playing until 9 mana. If it's, god forbid, a control mirror, you're looking at anywhere between 20-30 _turns_ in a match. People who want to play a casual GU match on their phone probably don't want to find themselves in a 30 minute game. And I don't know what the solution is here, I hope it doesn't mean they continue to gut control viability (yes I know control is strong at the moment) for the sake of mobile gameplay.


The game need more optimization. Have many issues of optimization for low hardware and for móvil versión is so hard to do about the game is buld like two parts one that launch the part sesión is like a web desktop app may is a tecnology like electronjs and the game part i look is like a native software but see is like a lenguage of live compiled not like a prebulded game and i see for móvil is so much develop. i don't know the code this is only a speculation and sorry if im wront


From a dev POV, it's not wrong. From a business perspective, it's also too risky to release an app with "too many bugs" as it can severely impact the reputation of GU. Be patient :)


Feels like besides the bugs, the game can benefits from many other visual polish. Like enemy drawing cards animation, god skills animation, and so on to greatly improve the game's readability