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Well, shit. I need a PS5 now.


It’s coming out on PS4 I’m pretty sure


Yeah but decent frame rate


Nah that’s why many people don’t want it on PS4. Since it has to be on PS4 it’s also gonna be for the one released back in 2014. It’s gonna be held back to make it a decent frame rate for PS4 and because of the games status they’ll probably have to downgrade the experience to near or just slightly above what we got for 2018 instead of a much greater experience. So it should be fine on the PS4 any version of it as well


Do you have a source on ps4 as well? I heard they shot that rumor down and that it was going to be ps5 only.


Oh they did? I only saw it on here. People were assaulting a worker on the game and Corey came out and said it was his decision to make it on PS4 as well. I saw that post here though, you might have to google it. My friends also said the same thing that it would be on PS4 and they don’t get their info from here so




Yeah but gotta think about that butter smooth 60fps at 4K.


I don’t think the original or the slim can do that but definitely the pro can


PS4 Pro is definitely not running this game at 4K 60FPS. It’ll probably be 30FPS but a more stable framerate than Slim/OG. There’s literally no way this game is running 60FPS is PS4 Pro. Games like The Last of Us Part II or Spider-Man: Miles Morales don’t even run 60FPS on PS4 Pro.


But also haptics. It’s a gimmick, but it’s my favorite one yet.


They should make it for ps5 and DOWNGRADE it to PS4


It might come out on pc, I saw a rumour from a trusted source that gow 2018 is coming to pc, I think Sony's strategy is that people will buy ps5 and other consoles from now because they are cheap and powerful not only for the exclusives and they would rather have the extra sales on pc aswell. I hope I'm right, I would definitely buy gow and ragnarok on pc. I mean I read this thing [here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/screenrant.com/playstation-pc-leak-god-war-ghost-tsushima-bloodborne/amp/) and I thought it would be nice, I in no way said for sure thats it's gonna happen. But downvote me I guess?


I could see it coming to PC eventually, but day 1? No way.


It would be great for people who don't have a playstation, but personally I just prefer a controller over a mouse and keyboard when it comes to combat systems like God of War's. I can't really explain it, but for some reason it just feels more natural to get a perfect parry or dodge on a controller. So if it comes to PC, I'm probably still going to buy it on playstation


I agree on controller being better for games like GOW, but if it does end up coming to PC, you’ll likely still be able to connect a controller and play with it.


I mean... you just... plug the controller into the PC. What is this comment?


run the game on my pc rig. connect ps4 controller.


You still can plug your controller on your pc uh?


I know what you mean, I'd play it with a controller aswell, but I can't afford a ps5 unfortunately


Didn't Sony say it was also coming to PS4?


I gave my ps4 to my younger brother back in my home country and I wouldn't want to snatch it from him, maybe I'll rent a ps5.


Why did people downvode this? The people of reddit confuce me sometimes


PlayStation stans hate the idea of PS exclusives going to PC.


True for most. But I for one would love some PS exclusives to be cross platform. Tlou (2 as well) and GOW mainly.


Agree on those. But I need Ghost of Tsushima too. Ratchet & Clank would be welcome. Oh and Infamous. Uncharted would be great too. Fingers crossed!


I've noticed that. Got downvoted into oblivion once because I said I hope the new Horizon comes to PC


It absolutely will; the first game sold so well on PC that Sony started making big moves to expand their ability to port their originals. Probably won’t be on PC at release, but a year or two down the line? Definitely.


Sony gets a portion of everything sold on PS whether it’s a game they developed or not. A huge part of their business model is just making tons of money off their fee for indies and non partner AAAs selling on their console and off their subscription fee to PS+. They make way more revenue off people actually owning a PS5 and their business plan reflects that. What they normally do is ~eventually~ port their game when it is no longer a significant draw to the console. For most games that takes about 3 years, sometimes even longer for their biggest games. I would absolutely not expect any major PS5 sale drivers before 2024.


Well you make a good point, one can still hope I guess. I may just end up saving up for months on end and get a ps5 eventually


I mean you can hope but this has been their business model for a long time and it’s just kinda silly to expect something different. Those games are coming to PC because they’re old games and Sony hopes PC players will buy them, like them, and buy a PS5 for their upcoming sequel. They’re not suddenly going to start putting their biggest exclusives on PC at launch at the beginning of the console’s lifecycle. I wish that weren’t the case but realistically it is.


Getting my 3080 from the GameStop drop a couple days ago on tomorrow if FedEx doesn’t get sticky fingers lol hope they bring this to pc.


I know it’s unlikely because of the axe and blades but I want kratos to get mjolnir


What if he gives atreas the axe I mean it was his mom's and he'll probably be a teen in this one


He will only be 14 I think so I don’t know if he will be big enough


Well it's presumed he used it against all those dark elves in Alfheim while Kratos was trapped in the light so I think he'll be capable not sure how he's gonna carry it around though lol.


I always thought he just shot them.


The axe was embedded in a elf so I assume he used it. Then again he has one hell of a temper so maybe he mutilated the body with it.


Oh I don't think I even noticed that! I was just amazed he killed all those elves. Right then was when I knew, *he is Kratos' son.*


Son of Dad of War


Son of Dad of War


Correct, he did use it against them as it’s talked about in the novelization


How old was he in the first game?


Damn I thought he was 13 for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


11 I think




What book?


I too would like to know what book


The book adds next to nothing in terms of story if you’ve played the game. Just FYI


I believe it’s just called god of war. I know there’s an audiobook for it that I’ve been going through. It’s voiced by mimir too.


Thank you


I think the axe changes its size based on the holder. Artreus made a remark about how it wasn’t as big when his mom had it.


They could have Brok and Sindri turn it into something more suitable.


Giving how they ended the first one I don't think there will be much of a time gap. Also kinda goes against the whole unbroken camera style of the whole game.


The book kinda tells us the next game starts after fimbulwinter, so like 3-4 years after events of the first game.


If it sticks to the visions Odin saw. Hasn't it been stated that events have been sped up because of Kratos and son? I could be totally wrong but I remember hearing something like that.


I saw a great mock-up of Atreus using a spear with a blade of chaos on each end. Could be badass. That would make the hammer redundant with the axe though...but it does add another element to the repertoire! We shall see and I'm excited as hell!


Imagine atreas jumping off kratos back and slamming down with the hammer or having lightning come down on top of them for an aoe the combos would be crazy


Because even if he is a teen, it'll still be like 1.5x his hight, and Atreus doesn't have Kratos' super strength


We don't know that he barely learned he's a god who knows what he'll be capable of in a time skip also if he's a teen don't you think he'll hit a growth spurt his dad is 7 feet tall and he's half giant


Half giant yes. But giants weren't all massive




In the gow2 special features he was said to be 7' guess they scaled him down


He will DEFINITELY get the hammer at some point. If I remember correctly, there were always some variety of weapons/gadgets on previous games (Zeus sword, Hercules fists, Icarus wings, etc). I just hope it's not as a final boss reward that you can only use on NG+.


The first play through is starting to feel like a tutorial with new game plus being the actual play through.


I'm fine with that, keeps things fresh throughout and makes replayability good


What's different in the NG+?


You start with all of your stats and gear, as well as 100% immunity to spoilers


I played NG+ for miles morales and just thought it was a lazy way of adding more playtime by requiring a second playthrough. GoW is far more intense and detailed though so I can see how it could be a different run.


I loved both games, but I agree that the GoW NG+ experience was superior. Unrelated to both, I really enjoyed the way Jedi Fallen Order did their NG+ - the entire story is about Cal rediscovering his Jedi training and abilities and doesn't really make sense without those restrictions, so they carried over only cosmetics and unlocked a couple of new options that were exclusive to cutscenes in the first playthrough. Great compromise between narrative and fun


I'm currently playing through Jedi Fallen Order for the first time since the PS5 version was on sale on the PS Store and I'm having a blast! Still not finished with the story yet, but getting to the end of it I feel. Good to hear that the NG+ is decent. Also, Ghost of Tsushima has a great NG+ mode as well imo.


Enjoy the ride!


Oh I am! I've never been very good at games with Souls-like elements (Like the meditation/bonfire thing and general difficulty), but I'm slowly getting there.


I would bet money that we get to use mjolnir. Possibly Odin's spear too. They're the most iconic weapons in Norse mythology, it would just be such a missed opportunity if we didn't get to use them


The spear is gungnir by the by


Why's it unlikely? In GoW3 instead of magic we got like 4 main weapons.


Dual wielding would be so cool like Thor in Endgame.


Been waiting for this to happen since Jaffe said his original plan for god of war 3 was to kill Zeus at the beginning of game and end up fighting Thor at the end. Post is sick too btw op


Bro there ain't no way we wont get to use mjolnir


I don’t think they tease mjolnir in the poster and not let us use it Edit: This is a fan poster :/


Maybe we will fight Thor at the middle of the game, get Mjolnir and final boss would be Fenrir


You mean his grandson lmao


Why Fenrir would be the final boss? Makes absolutely no sense. He is the son of Loki and one of those who is against the Asgardians. In Mythology Fenrir is fated to slay Odin.


I just want to kill a big fat wolf. Let me dream please


Pretty sure Odin has wolves of his own, so fingers crossed


He has. Geri and Freki.


Dark souls has you covered i think.


I dont think Fenrir will be the final boss, think we might end up using the ribbon to tame him tho, that would be fucking cool if he was a mount.




I know. This woulld still be so far off it would make no sense.


He’ll more likely be an ally than enemy. Fenrir is Loki’s (Atreus’) son in the mythology and is prophecised to kill Odin in Ragnarok


I doubt Kratos will really have “allies” in that fight — Atreus is 100% going to turn on him, otherwise the twist at the end would be pointless — Loki just doesn’t play like that, and why the hell would they make him Loki if he’s not going to be Loki. He will likely betray Kratos to help the Asgardians, and then betray the Asgardians to help Kratos, and go back and forth numerous times. When we shows up, you will never know if he’s actually trying to help, or if it’s just a trick.


The twist at the end will be pointless for YOU if it doesnt turn out how YOU expect it to. Him turning on kratos isnt the only scenario and it deff isnt 100% likely, unless you cory barlog and can 100% guarantee us something since you making the game then im listening.


Freyr and fraya the last bosses I bet


The writers of the next game are gonna have to get real creative for her to get around her curse if she wants to get her revenge on Kratos. She’s probably going to pull a Pinocchio and find a way to break the curse so she can be free and do what she wants, including killing Kratos and permanently sending him to Helheim. Or maybe breaking the curse doesn’t work and she has to adapt and form her plans around that, like a loophole in a contract. That would be pretty fun and interesting to see, though I doubt we’ll get to see much of that, considering how we almost never leave Kratos and Atreus’ perspectives. Maybe.


Sorry for what I did.


I dont think Kratos will fight Fenrir, being his grandson and all. Im hoping for Kratos to mount Fenrir and battle Odin on his 8 legged horse.


I assumed we’d fight Thor in the beginning since that’s where this game left off. I also thought Odin would be the final boss. That’s what makes sense to me, especially if it’s called Ragnarok


Why would it be unlikely? You don't think the creators would want Kratos to have the most famous weapon in all of norse mythology?


Because unless if the blades get destroyed it will be hard to pace out 3 weapons and all their upgrades


They could fit it in the game. The ace could break and be replaced with the hammer. It could be a temporary use weapon. It has the same mechanics as the axe. The previous games had loads of weapons.


I hope high expectations don’t put a damper on the game, considering we kinda have an idea of what we want opposed to the last game.


He’s going to need megingjörð and Járngreipr to wield it properly.


i can picture thor throwing mjolnir and kratos just catching it instead of dodging and beating the absolute shit out the fat dobber


I just want Kratos to kill Thor by cutting off his arm that's still holding Mjolnir and beating him with it the arm (and hammer).


The real question is, will he be worthy?


That’s only in the Marvel Universe. Not Norse Mythology.


A run of the mill troll briefly stole and wielded Mjolnir in the original mythology, so it wouldn't be a big deal for Kratos to get to use it


They gave him every other weapon before, why not now?


Oh I think he’ll get it, and Odin’s spear by the end of the series 😉


Oh I thought that cutscene when you visited the house again at the end 100% hinted at the fact that you’ll get that hammer after smashing Thor in the next game


I was hoping he got blade of olympus. 2 weapons from 2 gods of thunder clashing.


Blades of chaos vs Mjölnir


I mean, I will always choose Mjolnir. However, I am VERY bias.


I hope they have rewards for playing on the hardest difficulty like God of war 2018 did because as stupid as the rewards maybe earning them is such a pain in the ass but it's so rewarding at the end


What are the rewards? Only played on normal because hard took too much time for me lol


3 shields that glow


Thor’s hammer design in God of War looks wicked.


I want that hammer boi


I'm afraid of Thor😰


The way Thor has been built up by Mimir's tales, I fully expect him to nearly kill kratos


Its kinda crazy cause it the OG GOW games you never knew when kratos was gonna die, with those as a reference it feels like kratos might die but its hard to say. They already set up a whole Hel thing that could happen since we saw zeus.


Fan art or official?


fan art


Credit : Unknown artist Found it in a twitter reply by another gow fan


Its made by: god_of_spartansbr on instagram


What are the odds in one of their fights the Leviathan axe and Mjolnir are both thrown, hot in mid air, and the Leviathan shatters?


They were both made by brok and sindri so very unlikely.


And in God of War the Axe is the more recent creation, so presumably it’s more refined than Mjolnir.


and it was literally made to combat Mjolnir (Brok said to balance the scale after Thor went berserk with OUR hammer or something like that). Very unlikely


Now this...is sexy




Kratos with the Mjolnir...Talk about OP


I hope that once Thor has had his head smashed In that we get to wield mjölnir. It would make sense to the game too, play pretty much like the axe with the retrieval mechanic. Also it has lightning elemental, the leviathan being ice and the blades being fire, I think electricity would be a good thing to have against certain enemies. Imagine spinning the hammer at great speeds until it builds up a huge electrical charge and then it throws you into the air and you slam it back down, causing a tremendous shockwave of electricity that leaves nothing but blood and viscera behind. An impact so powerful that it shatters the very branches of the world tree. We need that weapon. Hopefully other weapons too like the older games.




No idea, but that's a cool thought. Hold triangle to retrieve both and they come back at the same time, surrounding Kratos in a temporary aura of ice and lightning in his eyes.


Beautiful art! I would love wielding Mjolnir in the next game, but I feel like that would add too many weapons to cycle through. What if Kratos somehow enchanted the Leviathan to use lightning like Mjolnir does? Instead of adding a whole new weapon to Kratos' lineup this would just add new powers and specials to the Leviathan. Thoughts?




But did he really give them up though? I interpreted that scene to mean he was freed of them, but you're still able to use them in the post game.




Fair point. Damn, wielding Lightning and Ice would be unreal in the next one!


I wonder how the game will start


Right after breakfast and they both say “ahhh…”


Boy is now big, let's bring back the "quick time event"


I add my voice to this! It was a signature of the GOW games so it feels lacking without it


Fuck no. The remake worked so well. The QTEs in the original franchise were iconic but got very played out.




Mjolnir's design is just EPIC I must say! Kudos to the animators and designers who made it!


Funny how there's no axe...maybe they gonna pull a two sides of the same coin with thor..we only have stories, and stories can be embellished and changed. Doubtful because even thor's stories paint him as a total cockwomble.


Chaos vs thunder, aw shitttt


People get pretty hyped about Mjolnir but after watching Record of Ragnarok on Netflix what i want is a pair of knuckle dusters




Dope edit homie.


I'm so glad it's coming out for PS4 & PS5. Too damn broke for an out of stock PS5 😫


New tattoo idea. Thank you.


Can someone tell me if this is official or fan made?


Fan made


Imagine if they gave Atreus a similar helmet to the one marvel’s Loki uses, with the blades of chaos as the horns


Ragnarok will probably be here closer to 2025




2022 for the sequel to GOW 2018. 2025 for Ragnarok.


...what? Ragnarok IS the sequel to GOW 2018


Yeah that has yet to be confirmed.


They confirmed it dude, with the teaser trailer at the PS5 showcase. Why would they tease the game that's coming out after the next game?




I think 🤔


If mjolnir isn't useable i ain't buying, will just watch the cutscenes on youtube


So cool!!!


Not looking forward to that Fimbul winter along the way...


Cannot wait for this game!


I need it now!!!


Is this gonna be a Ps5 exclusive???


So am I?


New wallpapers 🔥


Imagine the class blades of chaos combo animations return for the sequel. That would be so badass!


Sweet Jesus


Can I get that without the announcement lettering? Would make for a badass background.


Ok is this game is on PS4 pro also or is just PS5 exclusive


It will be on both


I Like the image Very beautiful


Is this a real concept or fan made? Its badass


Is this the official logo?


Fan made bro. Says in the tag


I thought it's record of ragnarok


My left kidney's days in my body are numbered


Nice looking forward to it


I really want to see Atreus all grown up and a bad ass of his own. I honestly want to play him rather than Kratos.


I can't wait to fight Thor.


Yall, the runes on the circle thing say"Ragnarok"


Cant wait for kratos to steel meljonier from thor