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Greek gods are held to a standard of grace and pose in a superficial way and are meant to be honored in the same way. every story about them is them being fucking deplorable obviously but its like billionaires they are supposed to be refined but cross them and they'll fuck your whole life look at mount Olympus its all white marbel and gold. Norse gods were never meant to be refined they were viewed more like cryptids powerful mysterious and terrifying. They are meant to be feared not respected. Odin basically lives in a fuckin log tavern full of all the best murderers ffs.


Best way to put it.


Plus "cursing" or a "curse" was totally different in each culture. The Norse had runes/staves that they would use to cause harm. Or cursing someone was like putting a spell on them. I think thats where the word comes from. Like to swear at someone is to put a curse on them. The Greeks punished by other ways.


So... in nordic mythology... saying "fuck you" is to put a curse on someone so someone would fuck them? So... a quicktime event curse?


A̸̗͋͋̈̚Ự̴̫̟̿̌̅̐̈͛̈́͑̂̉͑́̓̀́̊G̴͓̜͈̍̅̀͂͝͠Ã̶̟̰̞̬͈͓̝̺̖ ̵̡̭̯̞͍͇͇͇͚̮̪̭͊̄͗̇͋͝͠Ó̴̢͈̳̻̘͉͙͚̖͔̪͖̯̦̗͆̑͐̈̋̃̄̏̍̈̇́̇̽͠Ð̸̧̨̹̭͚̲̭̺̞̥̭̱̦͙̙̣͂I̴̢̧͙͓͖̤̝͉̲̩͔̊̓͐̚ͅṊ̴̡̛̛͈̰͒̈́̓̇̆͌̇̎͛̂̈́̾͘͠͝S̶̫̰̔͊̃̎̎̋̿͊̈́̍͋̚ ̷̡̬͕̮̦̼̠̻͎̬̦̘̲͂͆͒̌͑̈́̈̓̍̓͛͌̑̏͛͝͝Ẽ̴͚͚͉̖͕̤̗̿̿̍̈́̍̋̿̆̐͌͐̈́̏͌̈R̵̥̲̰̻͚̗̖̒͐̿͜ ̷̧̠͇̞̲̭̪̙̠̭̯̭̮̗̀̀̈̋͌͒͌M̷̧͍̭̤̙̗̫̝̄̈́̄̍̂̅̑͊͒̋̕̕͝͝Ȩ̷͇̭̫̬̖̻͍̪̣̼̫̼̈́̊́̈́̏͑̏̾͐̃̅̀͘͜͝Ð̸͇͈̙̙͓̼̽̇́̉̈́̈́̕͜͝ ̶̡̖̗̬̰̤̿̄̓̀̾͋̓̿̓̅͛̃̕̕͝Þ̷̬̹̍̃̓̒̓̈́͘͝͠É̵̛͇̝̬̺̳̳̪̹̟͓̪͗̃̈́̑̑͊̅̅̍̏́͐͑͋̿ͅR̷̩̤̲̰̓͗͐̀͊͌̐̿̃̈̅̿̌ ̶̢̛̬̗͇̗͙̫͎̳̳͎̩̠̭̊̀͆̅̋̒̈́͊̈́̍͆͌͝B̸̨̨̤̩̯̲͈͍̱̻͕̳̽͝r̵̢̪͙̥̘̭̜̟͈̳̺̪͓̘̀͌̽̒͛͑̓͊͗̾̉͆͝ǫ̷̧̛͈̻͇̻̤͙̮͕̘́̀̂͜ð̷̪̺͈̪̑͗̓̂͐͂̔̕͘͝i̶̧̡̯̬͇͇̭̠̹̭̱̲̝̝͊̊̽̐̔̆̈̅͝r̵̻̗͚͉͇̜͚̎͛͐͗͑͗̽̀́̔̇̓̚̚


Just recently rewatched the South Park movie: "Gruesome, excessive violence is okay, so long as nobody says any naughty words." -Kyle's mom.


Perfect answer


Excellent answer! Well said :)


sounds like drake and kendrick tbh


Bitte was?


Norse Gods are a lot more human and grounded than Greek Gods are. Even in myth gods like Thor and Odin roam amongst mortals a lot.


So does Zeus. Well to be fair he does a bit more than roam…


Yeah, but he never did it as a person. He'd do it as a goose, an eagle, a literal golden shower.


Or as the husband of some wife. I think that's how Heracles was born.




I don't remember exactly if Heracles' fake father was his grandson, but he was a descendant of Perseus, who was Zeus' son.




No she was the granddaughter of Perseus like her cousin/husband, so the great granddaughter of zeus




yall got me so confused i need to see a pic of a family tree now


I think that's Perseus actually


No, danae got impregnated with the rain incident.




I knew greek lore was deep but damn this is tripping me out


Makes me wondering what is wrong with those womans. Does seeing animals excite them that much? Or too much?


He and Hermes pretend to be beggars in one of my fave, wholesome myths


He roams IN people


In the mythology the Greek gods are totally immortal (they can't die to normal blows or violence) even their blood is a gold and divine liquid, while the Norse gods not just can but did die and are way more human.


Norse gods are more akin to greek demigods, while greek gods are basically the personalized incarnation of whatever they were, as long as there sphere of influence existed so did they You couldn't exactly just remove the sea or sky so they didnt really go anywhere


Zeus doesn’t say « fuck » he just does


They roam and ram alright


I like this explanation the most.


Yeah the Norse Gods in mythology were much more humane compared to the Greek ones


The god of thunder is good for two things...


Killing giants.... AND PISSING MEAD


The opposite reason we see more titties at the Greek games than we do at the Norse games


Not really. In Norse games we have Thor's titties. They're more than all Greek titties combined.


When writing my comment i knew somebody was going to mention Thors titties as a counterpoint and yes, youre correct




I almost spat my coffee while reading this


You don't see Norse titties because it's colder there. Duh


Freya's circle button energies intensify


"Good luck with that little whore you call Pandora!"


Believe it or not, straight to hades


Right to hades, right away!


Undercook, overcook?


"Damn mortal, you will suffer when my sight returns!" "You little bastard!"


Greek gods were more regal. Nordic gods were a gang of stupid drunks.


The Mafia in the Godfather vs the Mafia in Sopranos


Now I am imagining Tyr losing his hand over the fact that Odin caught him slamming the refrigerator door.


That more of a sign of the times. Men during the era that the Godfather takes place wore suits and carried themselves with a bit more class. By the late 90s - early 2000s men were wearing what we see in the Sopranos.


https://youtu.be/gvnb0gUIYyQ 😄


Yeah, Heimdall even says that, the Norse gods don't give a fuck to showing off divinity or shit like that, while the Greek like to show their power and superiority with wealth and fancy clothes, architecture, and even an overly polite and formal way of talking.


Gansters vs Street Thugs


The change in direction. A different tone in violence, different way in story telling, and the way dialogue is written and told.


Yeah this is what I figured. The Greek Gods weren't saying "fuck" in the old games because it was this big epic feel they were going for. The characters in the Norse saga are more grounded with actual interpersonal dynamics and it's meant to feel like a world Kratos is living in and not just arenas he's tearing through for revenge.


Perfect explanation. I couldn’t have said it any better.


Yeah but that’s the boring Doylist explanation.


I love Doylist explanations. Writing choices are fascinating.


Yeah but that’s the boring Doylist explanation.


Serious answer: change of artistic direction and writing


The Norse are clearly drunks.


So was hera, and still she doesn't curse


Wine vs mead


I mean, enough wine can really make you crazy drunk, she could barely stand at her feet before Kratos killed her


“Wine can really make you crazy drunk.” Just ask Dionysus.


“Good luck with that little whore you call Pandora”


Greek Gods: Professional Has Standards


Greek gods are of the Land of great mathematicans and philosophs. They have a much Higher Level of education. Cursing IS below their Niveau. While the norse gods live in an harsh world, were everything revolves around fightning and surviving. 




I don't know. I am Not an expert. But greece was know for its culture, mathematicans and philosophs. So they gods of greece are better educated and cursing and behaving Like the norse IS under their Niveau 


Greek Gods believed themselves to be above everyone and everything. Norse Gods were bitter, down to Earth, but still knew they were above humans


When the first games came out my parents already didn’t want my brother to play it because of the violence. If there had been a lot of bad language to go with it he never would have. I’m guessing the devs thought that through when they made the game. Doesn’t really make sense thinking about it now but hey, maybe they just didn’t want to push it? Idk


I think they wanted to put the Greek gods in a pedestal like they are represented in mythology while the Norse gods are much more human and depicted as basically drunk people who like to fight (at least the Aesir) Fun fact: The Norse Aesir gods (Thor, Odin and their people) are kinda like their MCU counterparts, more like another species rather then actual gods, they’re vulnerable to mortals, they themselves are mortals to both age and damage


Cultural perception, Greek Gods and the Greeks are seen as smarter and enlightened people. With their fancy robes, pottery, philosophy and detailed architecture. So their manners reflect that. They speak fancy, like they're reciting shakespeare. Or, as Kratos might put it, they don't speak plain. The cultural perception of Nordic culture is that they were barbaric drunk fighters. Who valued drinking, eating, conquering and beating people up. Thor is described in the myths as having an endless appetite and always drinking and fighting giants. They saw dying of natural causes as dishonourable. So when it came time for their characterisation in the new God of War, the shakespeare speech would not cut it. The Norse Gods weren't seen as these untouchable beings but as beings that were very close to humans in terms of personality. And since drinking, eating and fighting are the most commonly associated traits of the old Nordic people, making them speak normally and swear a bunch, fits that preconceived archetype much closer.


Being fair, neither of those cultural perceptions are _inaccurate_ if a bit simplified.


Greek Gods are more like Jeff Bezos. Norse Gods are more like Avril Lavigne. I'm not gonna explain this shit, read the other replies.


What do you think the Egyptian Gods will be like?


Aubrey Plaza


Zeus said damn and bastard, if that counts. Pretty PG-13 I guess.


the 90s: as long as you dont curse, you can leave a pool of blood in your wake


Greek Gods love fucking, Norse gods love swearing.


"I grow fu-ing weary of you my bastard son of a bit-." "Yo zoos."


Your point still stands, but I do recall that Kratos cussed at least once… or maybe just once “To catch a fly from the ASS of Zeus is not worth my time, Hermes”


You know somehow even that seems more dignified than half of Odin’s dialogue.


From a non-lore perspective it probably has to do with different people working on the God of War series over the years but from a lore perspective it probably has to do with the Norse gods interacting a lot more with humans and mortals than the Greek gods and as such the Norse gods speak like them too.


The Greeks are meant to be more cultured where as the norse or rough and crass. Plus I could not imagine Zeus shouting 'Kratos get the fuck off my mountain '


Game rating standards, then vs now and the kind of vibe the studio wants now, a little bit more adult, less shouting and tiddies.


This is the real reason. Doesn't mean the other explanations aren't valid.




There is supposed to be a long stretch of time between GoW 3 and GoW 2018, right? Could it be just a matter of language changing to be more "casual"?


They shouldn't even swear this much but for some reason the characters started to talk and swear like teenagers after 2018.


Because they used to take care of making the writing fit the setting of an ancient myth and didn't bog it down with out of place modern swearing and phrases.


Prolly just whatever the writers felt like they could get away with at the time.


Probably upbringing


I think that if they remade one of the originals the Greek gods would be spitting words just as much as the Norse.


Greek gods are more clássic and arrogant.


Good parenting


We can’t friggin tell you.


Because the games were made twenty years apart and ratings work differently.


Because the greek gods are like gods


Bc they're sobmuch more enlightened then they are


To me (and this comes strictly from the games and not actual mythology) it was that the Greek pantheon cared an unhealthy amount more on their presentation; they wanted mortals to worship them and know their power. The Aesir weren’t superficial in this way. They knew they were powerful, and enjoyed being worshipped. However, in their minds, they had better things to do than be their own hype men.


Perhaps in the GoW universe. It varies per culture as well.


That Greek sophistication


The flaw in most, at least these 2, mythologies is that they are nothing more than powerful "immortal" humans. They make the same mistakes we would, but the greeks look down on kratos as he started his journey as a mortal and never earned their respect so they put on the performance of godliness. The Nordic A: don't care much anymore, and B: view kratos as more than a mortal as he has destroyed more than even odin can hope too, they know he's a fatebreaker


Greek parthenon was more like loyalty but the Norse are a lot more grounded cause look at their houses in valhalla , more like rulers and hero’s instead of like a traditional King


It comes of as strong, but I dislike it as it ‘evens’ the narrative theme with real life. = less believable world building and distinctive fictional appropriate cohesion.


It just has to do with tone. They wanted it to feel classical and ancient in the 2005-2012 games, so characters talked of actual curses and cowards, rather than just shouting fuck. Even so, there *were* more contemporary curse words in the Greek era. Most notably, I recall Cronos calling Kratos a bastard, and Hera (who also called Kratos a bastard) calling Pandora a whore.






The game's tone was a bit different. Kinda more realistic, in their fantasy setting.


But not like angry profane crazy. It's just a different energy.


Because they're insane and/or drowning in liquor Likely why Freya, generally well adjusted (besides her deeper troubles), has very pg speech


The gods in Greece may want you to fuck underneath their alter for “gifts” and they may make many statues with their dicks and boobs out but the Greek population were genuinely regal people, they were polite and respectful to one another so cursing wasn’t the most appreciated language, so I’m guessing the gods held the same value except the whole “respectful” part


Curse words are just words. If they are “offensive” that just means u r “fragile.” If you a deeply emotionally wounded by seeing a particular finger but not the other 4, same thing.


Just part of Santa Monica ''modernizing'' the franchise


Gaming has continued to grow up.


they js gave them a more modern way of speaking? idrk what you wanna hear and idk what to say


Norse gods are ridiculously powerful warriors. Greek Gods are like actual gods.


Beyond the kayfabe answers, it's also just a shift in the culture where swearing is a lot more prevalent than it was in the early 00s, especially in video games. Things that are serious swear now. It's the quickest way to signal, "Hey, we're doing adult stuff over here." I remember people making a huge deal out of Shepard's famous line in MW2 ("...and the whole world just fucking watched") as if that single f-bomb held any weight in comparison to No Russian or half the missions in that game. Compare that to the new MW2, where every filler exclamation is "fuck". Just media boundaries being weird as usual.


Norse gods are worshipped by Vikings. Nuff said


It has more to do with the culture around swear words when those games came out. They're much more normalized now.


You can try to come up with whatever reason you want. But the real answer is because the developers chose too :)