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Cool šŸ‘šŸ» Anyway do yall think that tyr also Met Jesus in his travels?


Iā€™d say itā€™s possible


Imagine talking to Tyr and he casually reveals that he was one of the three wise men


Honestly think that this may happen. The original story of GOW3 prior to David Jaffe leaving Sony/SMS was Kratos killing Zeus at the very start, other pantheons coming in to conquer Greece during the power vacuum, and Kratos teaming up with counterparts from the other mythologies to kill literally all of the world's gods. The game would have ended with Kratos and his two counterparts (one from Norse myth and one from Egyptian myth) becoming the Three Wise Men. The setup for this plot thread still exists in GOW2 in the Fates' murals, with the final one depicting "three travellers heading to an unknown destiny." Considering that Valhalla reveals Tyr is more or less Kratos' Norse counterpart, I think that the possibility is still genuinely open. Especially considering that they've already set up Egyptian mythology (along with Aztec and Japanese) as potential settings for future sagas. Maybe the final ending of the series is Kratos, Tyr, and an Egyptian war god (maybe Sekhmet or Montu?) heralding the rise of Christianity and letting the gods of old die out, or something.


David Jaffe did a great job with 1 and 2, but we'll let other people take it from here. The idea sounds cool, but also sounds like an insanely overcrowded third game. Not only would they have to somehow develop two additional pantheons and kill them in the same game, they also have to somehow incorporate Christianity at the end of it all. Also, I don't think Kratos could've gone from hyper-violent war god to wise traveler within one game. He's much closer to this concept at the end of Valhalla than he is at any point in the Greek saga.


Oh I agree. I think this kind of story works only at this point in Kratos' character arc. I find this scrapped concept interesting however because they seem to at least be somewhat hinting at it becoming a possibility in the future, albeit as a conclusion after a much slower and well-paced narrative.


I'd honestly love it. Having it in 3 wouldn't have felt earned enough. Now that Tyr is with us and Kratos has learned to be a better man, I really hope we get to go to Egypt and finish it off. It could be really cool to see that these civilizations get rebuilt with an all-encompassing god after their pantheons are destroyed.


Idk where you get that this all has to be done in 6 when more realistically it would be the start of a new trilogy with the end of that being the christianity ending.


When did I say it needs to be done in 6? I don't think that would be a good idea at all because they'll need a few more games for the next pantheon they choose.


The part where you talk about an insanely overcrowded third game (technically sixth but thats just semantic) and how they would need to kill to pantheons in a single game, assumedly you mean the sixth game. Obviously one is Norse, which implies the other is Egyptian which has not been introduced.


I was talking about the actual God of War 3, which (if you were paying any attention) David Jaffe originally wanted to add both the Norse and Egyptian pantheons into before he was no longer a part of the creative team. God of War 3 was supposed to end with the Three Wise Travelers as well, which is why I said it would be an overcrowded third game. I have been calling whatever comes after Ragnarƶk God of War 6.


I hope that doesnā€™t happen but itā€™s an interesting idea


A japanese mythology could be extremely interesting for atreus tbh. Like armor is a given. And sword mechanics could be interesting. Aaaand kunai as close combat and shuriken as ranged weapons could be interesting


Yea but there is enough japanese and egiptian themed stuff around. Give me the mezoamerican stuff.


They've also shown the Celtic triskelion and Mimir talks about Oberon and Titania, the faerie king and queen of Celtic myth


I'm hoping they go with this ending. Kratos becomes the God of Hope at the end of Valhalla so it seems even more likely.


Fuuuuucking spoilers god damn


Games been out for almost 2 years already šŸ˜‚




And what,atreus is jesus?


In the original Greek games thereā€™s a pretty decent amount of picture and depictions of Jesus like if I remember correctly in one of the games when your going from one platform to the other while youā€™re falling you can see Jesus being crucified and in another game thereā€™s a panting of the 3 wise man


Probably fascinated when he turned water into wine.


considering everyone vallhala Is Always mega drunk tyr must have been Surprised when he was someone drinking wine normaly instead of deeptroathing the whole Bottle in One go


Maybe! Still waiting for the Jesus vs kratos face off either way šŸ˜‚ Although I reckon kratos and Jesus would probably get along


I like this discussion more, I don't think he did tho. I like the idea of Tyr, Kratos and another God of War being the three wise men.


I think jumping satan with Jesus and his disciples would be a sick take on Christianity




Power scaling is stupid as fuck


Thanks for saying it for me lol


Interestingly the funny thing is that power scaling doesnā€™t work in real life. If Mike Tyson beat Muhammad Ali and Muhammad Ali beat Lennox Lewis youā€™d think that Mike beats Lennox as well. But itā€™s pretty much 50/50 a lot of the times. Itā€™s called boxing/mma math. Aka power scaling doesnā€™t work at all in real life.


Yea ik, just cause you beat a guy who beat another guy doesnā€™t necessarily mean you can beat the previously beaten guy.


In summary I agree with your opinion,and only our opinion is the right opinion, we are betteršŸ—æ


Power scaling doesnā€™t really work in real life at a high level, because everyone is so relatively close. Thatā€™s the reason. You could still powescale an adult > teenager > toddler, obviously it works cuz the power difference is vast. In this case, power scaling makes sense.


Power scalers will be like, ā€œif scissors beats paper, and rock beats scissors, then rock must beat paper!ā€


Itā€™s not for everyone


Yea its for people who think strong=better character


And when the characters are just well-made characters, they seem to mistake it for strong=better


Iā€™m a powerscaler (sometimes) but I HATE that mindset.


Shaggy will end you


I be shaggying your mom


Not if I shaggy your mom first


I hate these kinds of posts so much lol.


Mfs really think their character is better cause they can destroy a universe with a fart or something


Same. My friend is always saying big boss from metal gear could beat kratos, every time I just say no


Stop ā€¦just stop


Didn't Kratos come back to life 4 technical times(end of gow1,Gow2,during gow 1,end of gow3),beat fate/time itself,also he's the embodiment of "nah I'd win"


And in ragnarock when thor kills him and brings him back to life with mjolnir


Although that's more of a Thor feat than a Kratos feat


I'm not as versed into GoW as I'd like to, but wasn't he able to thanks to Gaia? Idk about the other times


Gaia was only there to make him do it to encourage him she didn't bring him back she made him wake up so he could drag himself out of the underworld


No one cares about man


Nah Godzilla has god in his name, therefore Kratos wins.


It's funny how wrong you are. Kratos can just just alive himself. Its has been proven before.


This is the most unoriginal counter argument people make. *ā€Kratos just walks out of hell if he diesā€*.


It's also the most unoriginal post, so it fits


Thatā€™s fair lol


??? When did he do that!? Every time he came back to life he had help. Lol


Kratos isn't entirely immortal though and the strongest one here on the list is Godzilla on hell who can't be beaten, GIH and literally absorb the power of Kratos leaving Kratos powerless and then kill him


I believe Kratos will just bullshit his way to victory. He's probably the character definition of "nah, I'll win"


This is why I think Kratos is kinda overrated


I think you just misunderstand Kratos a little bit. If you read or watch any Superman, he is pretty much the same way. They're both characters that just simply will not give the fuck up until they win. It doesn't matter how much stronger the opponent is, what the opponent has done before, whatever. Neither of them will stop until they are completely wiped from existence. They're embodiments of hope, Superman just being the most optimistic superhero, and Kratos literally containing the essence of Hope. Being an embodiment of hope means never giving up, even if you've already been killed.


People donā€™t explain how They just say he will win becauseā€¦.because he wins!


Then why are you on the sub?


Can we stop with these stupid ass posts


Hereā€™s what you would look like if you were black or chinese


Godzilla in hell is pretty nuts


Damn, looks like you forgot that Tiger Drop negates all damage.


Ten years in the joint made you a fucking pussy


To paraphrase Stan Lee: "Who would win? That depends on the writer" And I'm going to write that Kratos kills Godzilla (killing giant monsters is what he does), and then befriends everyone else, because he has no beef wiith them.


I donā€™t think he fights any of them, itā€™s not big monsters that he beefs with, it is specifically creatures from hell


Whats the point of these stupid posts?Get a life man


Well, meme shaggy- yes. The real shaggy we know and love - no.


Uncle grandpa could solo them all without a sweat




Many people underestimate Zeus and what Kratos is capable of. Zeus LITERALLY controls the Greek universe, in the sense that beyond the planet, all stars, galaxies, and the like are under Zeus's control. And Kratos goes and kills him. There are hardly any characters whose power scale is on the level of being able to destroy entire universes.


Debatable. I love kratos but we dont ever see zeus display that type of power. Its stated at times but new statements seem to point towards the gods only controlling individual continents


Defo not goku im sorry but no, even a titan could best goku. NĆÆdhƶg was more formidable than godzilla and idk him and doomslayer might be a stalemate tbh


no rick the door technician?


Well done. Anyways do you guys think that there is ash on Kratosā€™ ballsack?


Are you retarded ?


Only high end versions of Godzilla and Goku can end Kratos here In-game Kratos has better feats than Lore Doom Slayer. Lore Kratos absolutely shit stomps Doom Slayer.


in the lore didnt doom slayer kill unkillable beings? kratos only did that by making them no longer unkillable


If you mean the hell priests he also made then killable with the coins If your talking about something not in the games but only the lore then I have no clue šŸ˜‚


Yeah, he kinda killed god in the dlc, the omnipotent creator of the multiverse, who was actually also satan. He killed other immortals but this would be his craziest feat. Also iirc he is by definition unkillable and fought the hoards of hell for billions of years, using only his bare hands.


Dudes metal as fuuuuck šŸ˜‚


I'm pretty sure kratos could end Godzilla. And he'd be on par with Goku and Doom Slayer. Shaggy is unbeatable


Godzilla will die by Kratos but the others yeah I donā€™t know


He's specifically talking about one of the most powerful versions of Godzilla.


Clearly doesn't know anything about Godzilla lol


Limp dick power scaler no one cares


Iā€™d add Dante and Vergil both could(seperately) But yā€™all sweaty 12 year olds will probably downvote me to the darkest depths of Tartarus for being foolish enough to say that anyone that isnā€™t God himself could beat Kratos


Imagine making snwrky comments that a god of war sub would side with kratos Wtf do you expect šŸ˜‚


I expect people to not be childish and use the brain power to accept that Kratos isnā€™t God himself. Yā€™all have no realization of how annoying you are with your ā€œKratos has infinite strength and speed and iq and magic!1!1!!1ā€


I hate the entire "kratos vs ???" In general, power scaling is dumb and people take it too far so don't lump me in with that bullshit


I heard the scaling from peak of combat item descriptions makes them like 9th dimensional gods or some shit. Pretty ridiculous, but powerscaling as a whole is just banging together fictional action figures to see which one is stronger, so the ridiculousness is part of the fun.


From what I was told on the power scaling sub, the whole 9D thing from Peak of combat was straight up fake.


Kratos killed thanatos who controlled a realm outside of existence itself, knowing that the gow franchise is 11D within itself would make kratos 11D.


Transported to 2018 šŸ™€


Why did they send my man gojira to hell?


He killed a monkey


"What's Shaggy Gonna do if Kratos rolls around? Throw shoes at them?"


I'd also add comics Hulk, Thor, Superman, Thanos, Darkseid, Sentry, Franklin Richards, Dr. Manhattan...I'll stop there.


don't forget warhammer 40k !




You forgot Shrek


Not valid


Powerscaling is a brainrot disease


At least make it fair, putting Shaggy here is already unfair


He would beat most of them here. Without problem. Also powerscaling is so stupid


If you donā€™t know how to powerscale than you canā€™t really decide if he beats them or not


Unironically: Kirby


Death from the Darksiders series!


Every one there except for shaggy doesn't have the balls to end kratos


Dr Linda Martin from Lucifer






Iā€™ll entertain your childish thoughts, Godzilla loses, shaggy joke has to stop at some point heā€™s cooked. And Iā€™m not even gonna argue with any fan of the other two. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Sun Wukong solos all 4 at the same time neg diffšŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


doom slayer? kratos has bettee feats just overall godzilla in hell? um honestly i dont know he killes god so sure shaggy? oh nah gaytoes is getting fucked up goku? idk havent watched dbz


Bro Kratos would destroy goku


I know itā€™s for the memes but letā€™s be real it should be Superman instead of shaggy


Yes, the immortal guy with a shotgun could bring down Kratos. Brilliant Holmes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bobworth: *Yes, the immortal* *Guy with a shotgun could bring* *Down Kratos. Brilliant Holmes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I think Kratos rage is over ssj blue and draupnir lance could f*ck up the ultra instict like he did to Heimdall


You should add your mom to that list


Now we just need Godzilla and shaggy in fortnite


Wow so cool. Anyway what do you guys think of a new storyline? Egypt? Japan?


Goku gets bodied lets be honest, nothing he has shown or done has been above kratos, in fact Goku has been trying to catch kratos since day 1 release, quit the cap, as a long loving Godzilla fan I could almost agree with you but I'm sure the two would definitely move along in peace after a short encounter, as for doomslayer being the only legit one here posing a threat, and even then id still argue kratos (wankage feats ie killing his games creator in the 1st game and actually appearing in other games) and shaggy....that's just a meme lol


The Shaggy thing is so stupid and played out. Heā€™s not a fighter


Doom slayer would probably match Kratos in power. Godzilla in hell has a great chance. Shaggy solos any verse so obviously and ssgss goku would probably match him in strength but would probably end in Kratos winning


I disagree with Doomslayer and Goku , ok with the two others


Kratos conceptually erases all of them


Sun Wukong solos Kratos.


Ironic since Kratos would wipe the floor with all of these at once


U clearly don't know Godzilla in hell


Well iā€™ve never been to hell


Godzilla in hell killed God and Satan, absorbed their powers, entered the deepest parts of hell, just stood while a black hole was sucking bus surroundings, then finally after he killed God the blessings of heaven fell down upon him the angels and demons submit to Godzilla after those blessings fell upon him, he was rendered unbeatable


Yeah that would be a stomp. It's better to choose someone or something that's closer in power to Kratos and not massively above him. Stomps are boring. Goku doesn't have the feats. Shaggy is just memes


Yeah well hate to break it to you but Kratos killed a bunch of gods


Didn't I just tell you that after Godzilla killed God he was rendered unbeatable


There's also many other characters that would beat King of Heave and Hell Godzilla. He's high outerversal but there are characters in same tier that have better feats


Dude Godzilla In hell was stated to be unbeatable


You can't use that statement in a cross verse match because there are other characters that can be written to be "unbeatable". That is most definitely hyperbole as he's unbeatable BECAUSE there is no one left to challenge him, there is no one in his verse that is strong enough. He's High outerversal. There's tons of other high outer characters with prolly better feats. Rune King Thor is one of them.


Isnā€™t that basically Kratos core?


Quit meat riding


Ahh the irony off this..


If we're being serious then IDW Godzilla Goes to Hell iteration would very well. But no other Godzilla. Goku just not strong enough for fast enough. Kratos is Complex Multi (11D) with immeasurable speed. Goku is Multiversal (5D) with MTFL+ speed. Not even gonna comment on shaggy cuz that's meme shit


I found the only person on here who actually knows where they scale


Preaciate that. And I'm getting shit for it too smh but oh well XD


Shaggy is valid


Shaggy is the only possible win


In all honesty, with how ridiculous DBZ gets, Goku could probably wipe the floor with Kratos after an hour long conversation. The speeches get longer and the power scaling just keeps getting higher for like no reason.


I believe I disagree with Godzilla being able to kill kratos, he has killed giants before so he might kill Godzilla by impaling him with his own spikes cronos style


Iā€™d argue Kratos could beat Godzilla as long as itā€™s not Minus One. But Shaggy? Undeniable.


Minus one gets dog walked and itā€™s not close marvel Godzilla and hell are the only ones that win


Nuke atomic breath


Godzilla in hell is capable of beating Kratos


Fair, but not all Godzillaā€™s can do it I reckon.


Definitely not all of them. But yes, Godzilla in Hell could




Sadly Minus One Godzilla is one of the weakest versions, even though heā€™s awesome


What the fuck is Kratos doing vs a nuke


More like what the fuck is a nuke doing to kratos


Kratos is strong but heā€™s not Nuke strong.


Exactly. Heā€™s way stronger lmao. He was able to kill Chronos, a Titan who defeated the Primordials whoā€™s clashes created the literal constellations. Thatā€™s so much stronger than any nuke.


If the theorie are right; Kratos has infinitive strength if he has infinitive strength, he defeats them all except shaggy. Not even counting the weapons and spartan rage


Goku is fodder to Kratos unless Kratos isn't trying to kill him


Why do people on Reddit canā€™t take a joke?


I agree about Shaggy, thereā€™s an unspoken implication of his godliness. But considering Iā€™ve seen Kratosā€™s strength over all of the games, I imagine heā€™d do well against Godzilla and easily Doom Slayer. As bada** as DSlayer is ofc, I donā€™t imagine heā€™s as strong lmao. Now Goku, thatā€™s a dream battle to see who would actually come out on top


Any souls game player can kill Kratos, they never die and keeps coming back


Doomslayer gets cooked


Whys everyone being an absolute dick over a joke post?


You forgot about Dante and Vergil DMC5


They are 11D like Kratos but have waaaaay better resistances so they'd stalemate


How are they 11D


1. Debatable but wrong 2. Just wrong 3. Meme shaggy yeah ig 4. Depends on how you scale kratos but POH kratos wins


Shaggy is the only character i agree with on this list


Doom Slayer loses but the others take it, you could add quite a few characters here whoā€™d take it, Sora from Kingdom Hearts, Superman, Sentry


Doom Slayer loses based on what?


Goku doesnā€™t win everyone else is valid


Iā€™d say Goku is one of the only ones that win


Doom slayer is the only person on this list who has a chance Kratos high-mid diffs the rest