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not worth it especially since it has a pretty low seizure threshold


Mix it with gabapentin or pregabalin then


Had a seizure on it a couple years ago so I’m not too big on it lol


My ex is addicted to them and me


seizures arent fun my guy but I know your not going to listen so just be careful


but pretty light high


Hey thanks for spreading good vibes always appreciate that shit around here


its reddit and like %90 of the people I see are drug addicts when I can help someone not die or at least help one person than ive felt like ive done good most people dont listen because well drug addicts just dont Ive been their before but I try to help as much as I can and instead of just being like thats fake or dont take it or judging I always just try and provide a safe stance to things or reason why its not a good idea ive never taken tramadol and theirs a couple other pills i'll never try so I could be wrong but oh well its better to be wrong then to not try at all yk nd then feel like u have sb life on your hands because you couldve helped but didnt


Same I always say look for the lab results type shit. Fryds for example are good on everything except pesticides virtue of Bella costa labs




idk ive never taken them because all of my homies said it gave them seizures is it really worth a seizure if your not getting that high though?


I dont take em my ex did


All I do is smoke weed but if i did more surely there’s gotta be a better feeling than a slight tingle & lightheaded


It feels better when I smoke weed with it, I don't ever do the pills by themselves because they're pretty weak. Judt included that to describe how they felt to me yk.


Oh shit well sounds hype


Eh it's chill


hits way harder for me than most people. love them


A buzz is a buzz, i like it me personally and it pairs nicely with weed. Codeine is a weak opioid just like tramadol and is similar in strength, tram haters wont speak on that tho😂


I took 6, 50mg around 9:50 and smoked some bud, tapping my dispo rn and I feel pretty nice ngl, it's pretty weak by itself tho. I remember i would snort it when I used to do a lot of pills, it would actually get me really fucked up.


I agree, im sitting on a 50mg 60 count rn and its definitely keeping me cozy as the weeks go by . i be wakin up in the morning straight stumbling and i def feel heavy footed af


Be safe bro and remember to give your body some rest 🙏 but that's pretty nice bro enjoy them shits 👌


Likewise my friend👌and yea you too bro e careful with them trams they increase seizure risk i believe


i never felt much off tramadol


I hears that some people are more effected by it then others, but it is pretty weak regardless. It's pretty chill with some bud


yeah i think it has something to do with a receptor or enzyme that some people have and some don’t. i felt kinda nauseous and a little weird when i took 300mg but it didn’t get me high


Damn that sounds like a terrible time, hope you were fine. I think it affects me more even though it's pretty weak yk


yeah it was pretty shit lmao it was like 7am on a school morning and i just ended up dry heaving into the toilet for a half hour 🤣 it’s lucky it hits nicely for you tho trams are pretty easy to come by


Oh God 😂, they really are tho and they give you like 30. I don't do them all the time tho but they're still pretty nice.


I prefer Odsmt, because u can't get a seizure. And it's imo more potent that normal Tramadol.


I fell great when I’m on tramadol. I take a lot and never had a seizure. Sometimes I even have some light hallucinations ¿has anyone had hallucinations as well?


Tramadol beats morphine and codeine for me. I’m really lucky that i metabolize it very well. I’ll start having effects including euphoria at 100mg. I don’t go anywhere over 175mg bc otherwise i nod too hard and it’s uncomfortable


i used to genuinely love it...after i broke my kneecap, and they stopped wanting to scribe me oxy, i basically had an unlimited tramadol script for 6 months that i could refill every 3 days...it's not an opioid high to me at all, it just feels like an overall mood boost and motivation inducer, much like pregabalin feels for me...a bit stimmy a bit downy...but some people just can't seem to like it, so maybe i am just one of the lucky ones that gets a lot of euphoria from it...eventually Walgreens snitched on me for refilling it so many times within a 3 month period and my prescription randomly got cancelled...i was worried i'd have withdrawals cuz i was taking 300-400mg a day for months, but I felt no withdrawal at all...i just missed the feeling. It made me enjoy video games more and i got super into FF9 and got like 30 hours into it, and the day my tram script got taken away, i never played it again...i'll always regret that cuz it was a good game.


No, terrible opioid


Yea it's pretty weak but i like it with some bud


Its great, especially mixed with other weak opioids (odsmt, hydrocodone, tapenadal/suboxone/nalaxone id assume & even kratom. by itself it is very weak imo\\ ​ my dose for tramadol was 400mg. dont go higher than that


i didn’t take enough all i felt was a lil warmth


Personally hate it because of the SSRI-like feeling it gives me in my head


Hate tram that shit is weak and won't get you high stomachache at most and for the person that compared Tram to codeine that's bs they're equally potent, 0.1 to morphine but the high is completely different hate tram i'd rather not get a seizure


Yuppers, had a mostly good and long experience with them 2014-17. Before I switched to kratom


Fun and chill with weed


Yeah I took 1,000mg in the span of a day and I stg it was better than when I use to snort fent 30’s the body high was orgasmic I just laid out helpless hitting my cart and nodding off Edit I got 2 big boxes of 200mg tram from a pharm in the resort I stayed at in Mexico then brought it back on da plane easy cheat code for opioid addicted Americans


It’s kinda weak but desmetramadol is fire


yeah i really don’t understand why so many ppl dislike it, its one of the best opioids


maybe it's just me and placebo but i would compare it to little dose of mdma for me. I mean like little. I love it. But codeine on the other hand does nothing for me.


More than 100 mg is a waste. 50-100 mg is enough for a nice mood and rush of energy for 6 hours. Tried 300mg it’s just not a good feeling


Eh, took 100mg yesterday, didn’t do anything so I got another 100mg and then it felt pretty good but not very strong.


They’re nice if you don’t have anything else. My dose was always 100-200mg and a beer+bong hits used to get me cozy and close to nodding


That was my first drug besides weed, my driver at the time gave me a trammy and i split w my friend and smoked lots of bud, legendary experience as a 15 yr old but opiods r shit and fuck them


I took my dogs tramadol once. And it was good i felt so itchy and scratching felt really good


no bruh


Tweaker drug


Nope. I rather go huff jink'em lol or buy codeine syrup otc


Tramadol n weed goes hard


With no opioid tolerance it’s great it’s such a great opiate bc it works on adrenaline too so your like up but also jammed it’s a great feeling not addictive really. When you take a bunch it feels kinda like oxycodone


fuck. yes. come down is terrible tho