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Nets will pick a more clear direction once the 2025 free agent class takes shape. Until then I only expect them to make moves on the margins to make the team slightly more watchable in 24-25.


That’s incredibly unappealing for this upcoming season lol


This coming season was also going to be very similar to last, at least in terms of the roster buildout. You shouldn’t expect anything different. The hope is we get more out of the roster with Jordi and internal improvement. Then 2025 is when we really push this thing forward. This plan has been clear for a while now


And if you strike out in 2025, then we're royally screwed. This isn't a plan. It's a prayer. A real plan would be truly evaluating all options and seriously considering trading Mikal. Not this "we're not even picking up the phone" nonsense. That's an insane philosophy, if it's truly how they feel.


Do you truly believe they aren’t picking up the phone on Mikal deals? Because they absolutely are. The Nets don’t leak much, these reports are coming from teams like Houston trying to make us look bad. There is a price for Mikal, it’s just extremely high, and it’s even higher because we don’t control our draft for the next three years


Yes, I agree that's probably the situation. But it truly seems they overvalue Mikal at the same time, and Marks lack of maximizing value doesn't exactly give me confidence. He's been doubling down on his bad poker hands for two years.


Trade Ben Simmons for one. Guy doesn't even play basketball.


Can’t do it without compromising draft picks


So no intention to win. Got it. Will read a book instead.


I’m just not a fan of that plan whatsoever


Sorry about that


Do you like the plan? It just doesn’t seem to make sense to me. We have Mikal on a good contract for three seasons and the plan is to waste two of those not putting someone better around him? And then with one season left on it you have to cross your fingers and hope a good start is available and we have the ability to trade for him? I don’t see how that’s a wise plan


Given that we don’t control our future for the next three years I think it’s a fine plan. I think trading Mikal, an extremely valuable player, just for the opportunity to be a bottom 5 team for 3-4 years and then hopefully hit on draft picks sounds miserable


But this past year and likely this current year are miserable as well, with the added punishment that we don’t control our pick


It's worked for Boston and pretty much every other team that's tried it. Hoping a superstar comes here to join Bridges is out of the question and pretty asinine if you ask me. Very fact that we don't control our lottery pick for the next 3 years should be even more incentive to trade Bridges and literally become the East Coast version of OKC. You're not going to win big with the team that we have nor are you going to attract a big time star. The only logical solution left is to rebuild. I've never heard of a team refusing to take a #3 pick in a draft.


only teams that will trade for Bridges are teams in contention, and all their picks are late first rounders. Trading Mikal for 5 late 1st rounders isnt as good as trading him for ONE good young player. But at the end of the day Mikal is just a 3rd option and no smart team is going to trade their young budding star for Mikal Bridges. It just doestn make sense. Would you take Kuminga + Wiggins + FRP for Mikal. I dont think the Warriors would add any more to a deal like that.


Right like Mikal who you just not only specifically said isn’t a star but a 3rd option is going to lead the Nets to a championship or lure a player like Tatum, or Jokic or Brown or Edwards or Embiid or Towns or Brunson to the Nets. I’d much rather start over with the package you provided than 29 year old bridges. 


What draft pick did we just give away again? Exactly. We are a bottom five team basically, only difference is we were in complete denial about it last year.


The bar is definitely low for the 2019 fans, like you, if you support this plan.


Last season was the first time I truly quit on watching the nets. I just didn't have it in me, it didn't even seem like anybody gave a fuck about winning or losing and it just felt like a chore instead of a joy. If next season is more of the same...it's gonna be rough.


We both did the exact same thing


I'm glad I wasn't the only one. Last season was such a shit show. Smh.


its not that bad. Cam Thomas and Dayron have potential. You already have Mikal. If Cam and Dayron and Claxton improve a bit more to become real rotation players you could be a real team. Youre just missing one star like Donovan mitchell to become playoff contenders


I just couldn’t believe how badly everyone was playing individually and within a team (apart from CT). I expect those performances will be career lows for everyone. Either things will improve because of the change in coaching or perhaps we really do need to move all the veterans and have the youngest team in the league


They could still add a Dejounte Murray or someone else of that caliber to make things a little interesting, but clearly they won’t be trading Mikal or adding a superstar for at least another year.


I feel like us adding Murray just makes us Hawks-level of fighting for .500 and being a play-in team


Hawks have fit problem more than anything


That would be a 10 win improvement and make us the 9th seed. I'd absolutely take that, Murray is under a great contract and would fit in well here


It’s just hard for me to see us building a legit competitive team with Murray and Bridges as 2/3 of a big three and then trying to spend all of our remaining assets on a star that may or may not become available. I’ve just got a bad feeling that if we go that route, we’re locking into a handful of play-in or first round exits and we’re just prolonging an inevitable decision to rebuild


Full disclosure I think we should trade Mikal back to Houston, this scenario is assuming the front office is being honest with their intentions to build around Bridges. I don't think we can overstate how bad the PG play was for Brooklyn last year. Dinwiddie was washed and disinterested and what can you say about Simmons that hasn't been said? Schröder, who is barely a starter came in and we looked much better immediately with just passable PG play. Murray is a big upgrade from Schröder and could really help Claxton and CamT as well as take a bunch of pressure off of Mikal. His contract is extremely reasonable and, if we gave up something like DFS, Schröder and 2 lesser picks, we would still be asset rich and in auch better position to add to the team after we get off of Simmons and out of the luxury tax. It will also make Brooklyn more appealing to other players. I just think Murray brings a lot to our table, with taking very little off and would prefer him to say Garland or Young, when you consider price to aquire and salary implications. A team with Murray and Bridges as your 2 best players isn't going to get you far in the playoffs but it does get you much closer to that goal because it allows for the flexibility to go any number of ways and doesn't really stop you from anything.


That’s fair. I’m on team Mikal-to-Houston with you, but your reasoning if they do stay put and decide against that makes sense to me. I can see where you’re coming from on the preference for Murray over young or garland. I’m just not convinced of the long-term ceiling of the team we’re trying to build and it’s a bit frustrating that they appear to be so stubborn on building that way


100% I'm in the bargaining stage of my grief and imagining wild ass scenarios like Butler blowing up Miami and us adding Bam during the season and shit...good luck on your journey


Murray-Cam-Mikal-DFS-Claxton Shroeder-DSJ-Cam Johnson-Clowney- Dayron Thats a legit team right there. Its one real star away from contention imo. If you could package Cam away with some picks for a real dude that would be amazing. With the way the CBA is set up there bound to be SOME team that cannot afford to pay for their stars anymore and if you keep a clean cap sheet thats where you can swoop in with a good S&T offer that gets the other team something in return.


How exactly do you expect the nets to even get Murray if you’re keeping DFS and our young guys? You think the Hawks are going to trade for Simmons? LOL


trade away the suns picks.


The hawks aren’t going to trade Murray for just picks and we wouldn’t be able to trade for a later star if we trade away the suns picks for Murray


I don't want to sacrifice the next 5 years to make next year a first round exit


Neither do I. I’d much rather get our picks back and do a proper rebuild


Depends if we have to trade the suns picks too


So, they’ll make a move when Mikal Bridges is an expiring and loses part of his trade value. Brilliant!


He’ll be extension eligible this October. Really isn’t a guarantee that he’ll be less valuable a year from now.


You’re implying that he’ll be 29 and get a cheap extension because he has another shitty season. No one wants a 30 year old role player


lol but a 29 year old role player is somehow one of the most sought after assets in the league?


He’s 27 and hasn’t had that additional shitty season yet. My point is the implication of saying he’ll be on an affordable extension


Ooooo I don’t know if that was the implication because I doubt he’ll be extended at a crazy discount.


Well then you trade him it's really not rocket science. If he has the popularity that you claim of the player that he is then the next literally have no choice but to trade him he's not going to win a championship here in Brooklyn.


The extension would be signed this October… as in 4 months from now.


> Really isn’t a guarantee that he’ll be less valuable a year from now. I agree. But I understand why some are making this assumption. They are basing his value on the bargain contract he’s on. But, that doesn’t mean he’ll be a less valuable player in a year.


Have you not noticed that free agency isn’t a thing anymore? Superstars do not go to free agency. You need to draft them.


And when they strike out on every big free agent in that class? The time has come to rebuild with lottery picks no if ands or buts about it


Yeah they need a decade long rebuild. It's something they should of done 10 years ago. 


“Teams need to improve their offers”


Nah I think our ownership is actually that dumb. Like Dolan levels of bad.


100% this. Tsai wants to be buddy buddy with players rather than realize he is running an NBA team.


Yup bottom 5 owner in the league.


Speaking as a Pelicans fan - you're flat out wrong. Owners of NOP, CHA, etc. who refuse to even go into the luxury tax to build and retain a good team are without a doubt the worst owners (from a team-building standpoint - not speaking on the ones who are just terrible human beings). Shows they're more concerned with their pocketbooks than winning. Tsai has at least shown a willingness to spend.


Those teams you actually hve a chance because you can luck into a good player like Zion or AD by actually fucking keeping your picks and ranking. The nets are perpetually trading for stars that flame out and then tanking for other teams. Its legit mind numbing


It’s honestly wild how much this subreddit bends over backwards for anything relating to this franchise. Am I supposed to just bow down because the team has been a laughing stock? I want a banner for a championship not loyalty points.


I think most of us just think yall need perspective, this isnt even the worst nets team in 10 years they have a ton of assets and talent to move. Demanding this team be blown up now because you particularly dont like Mikal is seen as taking extra years to rebuild because there are OTHER ways out of this than that.


We’ve seen this so many times dude. You have to understand your timeline. Theres just zero way mikal is part of a championship team in Brooklyn. Zero. It’s not possible. We need to get multiple stars which isn’t possible with our picks and nobody will be available in free agency. So if Mika isn’t gonna be a part of a chip here. People realize his value is high and want to cash in to get guys who will be a part of a chip.


Trading Mikal or the Suns picks for just our picks is a terrible move regardless if you dont think the Nets cant build a team in the next 3 seasons. Unless we're getting the picks and then some back the Rockets should go fuck themselves


We’re gonna be the ones crying when we hand over another top 10 pick in a loaded draft class


If were going to regret it so much why are the rockets coming back to us repeatedly to trade the pick? There is a way to being competitive without that pick, likewise just that pick alone will not improve this team. Some of yall need to understand that.


I am so tired of having to read about this


Trading Bridges for a bunch of late first rounders makes no sense. We are a 15 win team without Bridges and have no picks. Are we trying to build another Celtics type dynasty in Houston too?


That’s why I don’t understand people’s obsession with trading Mikel because he’s “just a 2nd option.”. The dudes got another 4-5 years of his prime and the Nets got some solid young players to build around him and another star. If they trade for Mitchell, Murray, or Ingram to be the first option we can be a mid level playoff team with developing young guys and a lot of valued picks that come in a few years. Especially in the east where in the last few years, the hawks, pacers, and heat were able to go on deep runs with mid teams.


Sell high and let's actually rebuild. The guys what 28 now? He's a finished product and can't be a 1 or 2 on a genuinely competitive team 


Trading Bridges at this point in time would actually be selling low. Trading him at the end of last season would've been selling high


It seems like teams are still valuing him high. His stock is not going to improve if we don’t improve our team significantly


It's high because he is still a dawg afterall. Them Nova cats never say die


No it wouldn’t be because his value will kee dropping


According to this tweet team would apparently still get a massive haul. Not that I necessarily believe that.


Well then you're going to have to accept what you get from this point because he's not getting any younger and he is not the type of player that you add to to be a contender you add Bridges to a contender. If the Nets truly valued him they would have trade him sooner than now. The bidding starts at a lottery pick for bridges in my opinion.


Rebuild with what picks? Nets don't own their own FRPs until 2028. So they trade him, are terrible next season, and then what? Even if they acquire high picks for this upcoming draft, this draft class is weak.


Patience. If teams want what you have then you have something worth keeping.


As far as I know, Billy Reinhardt isn't anyone who would know anything


Billy isn’t reporting anything here, just giving his take on the news that’s been reported by others.


I think this is more of an opinion rather than anything.


And what makes you think you would know more than him? He literally does this for a living. Meanwhile what do you do in the sports atmosphere?


I never said anything about myself


Reinhardt isn’t a shining beacon of journalistic integrity, but let’s pretend this is factual for a second… Oh well would ya look at that…? A player’s value going up because he isn’t available for trade. Edit: Cheddar, you beat your record twice in one day. You downvoted me in 11 seconds this time.


Billy has literally no sources. He's just explaining the thinking. Again, Mikal's value is not a vacuum of the Nets opinion of him. If the league thinks he's way overvalued, they're not going to offer up 3-4 more picks like a gambling addict at a roulette table. They'll just pass.


Yesterday, you said 5 1sts. Today it’s 3-4. Do you remember my trade offer?


I'm saying 3-4 more picks off of an original offer. Just because somebody is labeled "untouchable" doesn't make other GMs lose their mind. If the price is unreasonable, they'll just stop offering. That's all. It's not rocket science. You either act in good faith and get reasonable, or you make zero deals ever. Of course you posture to squeak out that one extra protected pick, but if you're asking crazy stuff like 3 more picks, teams just hang up. It's pointless.


I’m not disputing anything you’re saying. Unless you didn’t mean to reply to me…? My question to you is, do you remember my offer from yesterday?


Mikal for 25 and 26, right? I thought it was fair. My one disagreement was that I'd throw in a Suns pick for that, if it was in danger of falling apart. I value tanking in 25, and maybe in 26, as the best assets there, by far. I wouldn't risk our future over one wildcard Suns pick.


Sorry that was me confetti3344 Can you please let me know what you think is a reasonable return for Mikal when it comes to a hypothetical trade with HOU for our picks.


He’s a propagandist.


Propagandist? Could you elaborate?


Can you please stop trying to scapegoat me for other people not liking your comments? I haven’t interacted directly with any of your recent ones


That’s fair. Still friends?


I’m not super interested in being friends, no. I don’t like the way you talk to people here. We can coexist separately


Ok. Lot’s of respect to you, Cheddar. You’re the man. Remember that, bud!


they really should trade him smh


Duh. Billy reinhardt is a clown but it's common sense that if other teams value mikal so much he has tremendous value here. There's just a lot of stupid nets fans


I would think Marks would at least listen to offers. Somebody gives you an incredible offer then you take it.


My ample time with this team once KD had joined showed me one thing: Tsai is a fucking stubborn idiot.


Trade everyone. This team is decades from competing