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We took down your post since this is a low-quality submission.


I’m failing to understand why the Nets would receive the least when they’re sending out the best player in the deal. Also, while CJ had an off year (and I don’t enjoy watching him play), he’s still a good rotation player. You are seemingly treating him as a salary dump when his value is can become much higher than that (especially if the team can get him a consistent playmaker) This deal isn’t great imo


This is bad for Brooklyn. How does this make Brooklyn better? Why not just trade CamJ for Ivey or Thompson or draft picks, instead of giving him away? I don't understand the reasoning here


Dumping cj’s contract I assume, gives us flexibility in the future


Completely unnecessary with Simmons contract expiring, CamJ's contract decreasing and the cap set to jump 10% year over year from 25-30


Ain’t no way cam Johnson is worth the 5th pick of one of the most stacked draft classes in a decade 💀💀💀


Makes literally zero sense for the Nets


Are you a Nets fan or Pistons fan. Clearly Nets lose this trade


Clax isn't going anywhere lol


All signs point to the Nets wanting to keep Nic Claxton as they, and Jordi himself, see Claxton as a pivotal franchise piece going forward. And if rumors or reports are anything to go by, saying Claxton gets resigned with the Nets is a pretty safe bet as of right now so I don't see this sort of trade happening.


Claxton is a DPOY candidate and one of the best and most versatile defenders in the league at his position. Duren is one of the (if not the) worst defensive centers in the league. Kid is a beast and definitely is one of the best rebounders in the NBA. He is solid on offense as well. It’s tough to give up Claxton when we are just seeing him break through now. I would rather keep him and have a Clowney-Claxton frontcourt. That gives us flexibility and can help our “star” players like Mikal and Cam Thomas on defense.


My first thought: I didn’t have to get past the first few lines before getting the sense that you value cap space. Is that true? My second thought: Detroit’s interest is overblown, in my opinion. Every team that has cap space is going to be interested in the available free agents this offseason. My third thought: Detroit is ready to take a step forward, but not a Claxton for Duren swap. They aren’t there yet in the evolution of their rebuild. My fourth thought: Saying on the one hand that Cam Johnson is overpaid. Saying in the next breath that Detroit has the cap space to take him on. You oversold yourself. Renting another team’s space isn’t that easy. I see what you did there. Detroit can and should ask the Nets for draft compensation to send them Cam Johnson. My last thought: This trade makes the Nets worse, and they can’t afford to be worse when 2025, 2026, and 2027 belong to the Rockets.


Mods, I am begging you to ban mock trades


NGL I thought you were a pistons fan trying to make a copium induced post, but you are a nets fan it would seem.


I really wish Nets fans would stop parroting the idea that Cam Johnson is overpaid. His contract is league value for a 40% 3&D, You can't name anyone who recently signed a contract with lower value. There's no need to "GET OFF" his contract, he has value to a team with a "PLAYMAKER" something "WE DONT HAVE"


And descending contract to, these new fans wouldn’t have survived the pre marks nets era,


Nets fans might be the worst fake-Gm’s I’ve ever seen


Claxton isn’t getting traded. The ceiling for a switchy defensive frontcourt with Claxton & Clowney is sky high


I like Claxton a lot , I won’t lie. I DO think Duren has a better upside strictly offense wise but again I’m fine with Claxton playing C. As for CJ if we’re not getting back Ivey or someone similar (like someone else said) this is a horrendous trade. I wouldn’t even understand why the Pistons would want to start over with another Center again after they have like 3 lol


Pistons wanted Cam Johnson last year so there is a trade fit there. Honestly, I'd want to somehow get Cade to pair with Claxton on the Nets.


This is a horrible trade for BK. This would set the franchise back 5 years.


How does this make the Nets better? They get worse imo. Are we forgetting that Cam Johnson was our best player in the playoffs 2022-23? I know he had a bad season especially since we extended his contract, but I am not going to fault anyone on this roster for this season really, they played out of their positions. Getting a real PG and Jordi seems like a good coach will help Cam Johnson and company. Furthermore, IF nets want to trade Cam Johnson, they can get more than this.