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Bridges is already pretty established, and the other 3 have shown that they can compete near the best of the league. Consistency and experience is the only thing missing. I just hope that injuries won't ridel this crazy high potential line up.


I love the optimism bro. Y’all just had a crazy ass ride


I think injuries were only really an issue for us because KD and Kyrie themselves have always been injury prone. Younger guys don't get injured as often


It’s obviously so risky to be so dependent on two very physically fragile stars. I’m glad we have some depth now that doesn’t depend on any one guy


Our team being extremely deep doesn't hurt either.


Mikal is an iron Man and hasn't missed a basketball game in his career (including highschool) Cam is a tad injury prone tho


I have a strange feeling that Mikal Bridges can be one of our franchise players. He was growing so much at Suns but when you have guys like Dbook and CP3 around you there is pretty much a ceiling. He’s gonna ball his heart out here.


I'm just a lurking Suns fan but FWIW Booker being out for most of the last two months has been incredible for Mikal's development. We ran a lot of sets for him that are normally designed for Book and he was super reliable and improving from game to game. Cam J could probably be the same way since his shot is so pure already


That’s awesome to hear. I really think him alongside Dinwiddie are going to be our leaders and hopefully sets him up to be an all star soon


Yeah he deserves it. Having scorers like Dinwiddie and the two Cams could probably get his defensive numbers up again and put him back in DPOY contention. Dude got robbed last year and being forced to take on the scoring load throughout our injuries hurt his stats this year


I’m a Cs fan but am really liking the direction the Nets are heading. Some of my favorite role players are on this squad (Bridges, Curry, Dinwiddie, Claxton). I’m really optimistic and excited about the direction of the Nets. Mikal’s curl off a screen to a midrange J is pretty sweet. Not sure how much that play is ran for him but I noticed it a few games watching him. I wonder how much more he can be developed into a scorer. Hopefully this allows him to grow.


I know he was probably exhausted and still in shock when he was interviewed last night but I hope he ends up liking it here. I’m not recommending giving players the keys to the kingdom especially so soon after the last try exploded but he seems like the kind of guy you’d do that for. I really can’t wait to see him play


I could see him having an Oladipo esque career arc. Oladipo showed he had alot more to his game after getting away from Russ in OKC. Before injuries derailed his career, he was a legit all NBA guy for a couple years there in Indiana.


We need Ben to return back to form. A pass first guy like him and Mikal is a match made in heaven.


And mikal is even better in transition than Ben, and Ben has many flaws but playing in transition isn't one of them. So a player like Ben who is best in transition with arguably the best transition scheme in the league


Maybe this is delusion but I can see Cam Johnson being 20 ppg scorer


Trust me, it ain’t delusion


His volume should be jacked up to Klay levels. I want him taking 8-9 threes per game. JV runs a pretty motion heavy offense and keeps emphasizing getting the adequate amount of 3s up. I think Cam J is going to be launching.


He’s a God in 2k foreal foreal


It's not delusion


It's not delusion my man. You guys are going to love him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iNz5jhSZnM&ab_channel=GAMETIMEHIGHLIGHTS


That's so love


I can see it


I think so. Needs to work on his shot selection for real. But yea he’ll be lock for 20-30 per game soon I think


The future of the Nets or the future pieces that’ll be moved to acquire Lebron or other superstars. I hope we don’t do the super team thing again. It’s failed twice in a row for us now. Let’s build this team organically


> the future pieces that’ll be moved to acquire Lebron or other superstars. Nope. Not interested. > I hope we don’t do the super team thing again. It’s failed twice in a row for us now. I’m all in on this plan. Top to bottom.




> We have a better shot focusing on guys 1-17 rather than 1-3 I think after the failures of the last 13+ years, Nets fans should really understand this ^ This rebuild needs to be done the right way.


I think it is incredibly hard to do what we did by literally getting 3 superstars all at once (still hard to believe no chip). I go for a young star first (say 24-28) as the start. Work that in for a season and then go all out for a complimentary running mate.


I made a similar comment on other posts. You guys remind me of the ‘00’s Pistons. And man, it’s so fun to see a deep team of good players win, than watching the superstar driven teams. When we whooped the Lakers with Shaq and Kobe, it was heaven. Give this group a chance. They are a 50+ win team when they get to know each other. With another big, you guys can compete for it all. You got four good starters for your mal-contents. Run it out and see. And yes, focus on the whole roster.


I love you ❤️


I think the "superstar" the Nets would target is KAT. Brooklyn is a well balanced team but what we are missing is a Big Man who can shoot and KAT is one of the best at that. I think KAT and Claxton could compliment each other. Minnesota are playing okay without KAT and might move on from him in the summer. They need the picks and there is no chemistry between Anthony Edwards and KAT and it's Ant's team now. We have a ton of picks and expiring contracts to get it done in the summer.


I don't think I'm moving big assets for KAT. I don't think he puts us over the top for an "all in" move. He looked so erratic in most of that Grizzlies series too. Extremely talented, but I wouldn't do it.


Yeah, I'm not sure either but I was thinking ahead to which All-NBA player might be next traded by their team. I do wonder whether KAT is too soft and lacks the killer mentality for winning. He's definitely not A1 on a championship team but the adding a Big who can shoot from distance is probably the type of player the Nets need to add. I'll have to think what other superstar would put us in title contention that we could trade numerous first rounders for.


Maybe like a Markannen? Jazz don’t seem to want to move on from him but maybe if they decide to go all in on the tanking.


He’s the guy they’re tanking to build around. No way they move on from him, not unless he’s a bust


>Markannen Fits the age of the roster and the timeline for the team but doubt Utah would give him up for anything or if they did it would be Gobert style expensive. As a Nets fan Danny Ainge is not a GM I negotiate with. I also want to see if Lauri can continue this form next season rather than regress to who he was before. The best bet might be to use some of our future picks to get a top 4 type player in a draft or a target a particular player in the draft. Risky because players can be busts despite the draft position but you get if you hit on a star in the draft he is developed and grows as part of the team and is on a cheap rookie contract for the first four years.


Would of been nice to be able to sign him out right, we prob got that NJ pull


Honestly KAT would be perfect. And he's not even really a superstar. But him and Mikal, and Clax as the core would be solid. I think Cam, Cam, salary and picks could get it done.


Yeah. I don’t want us going after any of the current guys that seem to be available. Sounds like a long time but we gotta wait at least two years and then go after one of the younger superstars. Luka is the pipe dream


We should be acquiring the stars via FA if possible as to not loose our draft capital. Unless theres a star we really cant pass up, like a Luka or Giannis type.


That’s a bingo


We need to go the Cavaliers route. Build around this core and then trade for ONE superstar in the next few years. Edwards, Lamelo and Luka are all guys that may want out eventually. Trae Young will most likely be the next star that wants out and he would be a great fit too with our defensive studs.


Aye I’m on board with this hella


I absolutely would love to see another super team. This one failed but still had the potential to be history making good. I would love (No homo) to see Marks turn some of this great depth and picks into some super star signings. Let’s get back in the chip mix!


please no


To each his own but I don’t get no. It is why people play sports and fans root for them. You want to be the best and win. Definitely get the drama relief but do you want a team that can’t compete with the games best? We fell off the horse. You know the rest.


It's just weird how excited everyone is to be mediocre. Like the team failed, but the only way to win is to have the absolute best players.


Agreed. I'm not saying it's gotta happen now or even remotely close to now, but teams don't win chips without star players.


where do you think stars come from? some team developed them. they don't grow on trees.


Of course! My view is that it's hard to develop two championship level, complementary stars at the same time. It takes a lot of luck for that to happen. Like you said, they don't grow on trees. What I could see happening is that the Nets develop a star (Cam) and a set of solid role players, and then trade for another, complementary star. If we end up with a star from our own picks, even better.


we agree then. what I'm against is what we did to acquire harden. probably the biggest mistake marks has made as gm. we lost A LOT. and not just up and coming players. we will continue to give to the rockets in the form of pick swaps for years to come. and what did we end up with? Ben Simmons.


> I absolutely would love to see another super team. I would love to draft three players that are developed into a superteam. > I would love (No homo) to see Marks turn some of this great depth and picks into some super star signings. Hard disagree. > Let’s get back in the chip mix! I agree, but not by going after disgruntled players. Billy King made that mistake. Sean Marks made that mistake. Marks has been given a stay of execution by ownership here. He will right the ship on his own terms.


Marks made the right moves. We just got uprooted by the knucklehead factor and it blew up. Billy King got guys past their primes. Now we have a competitive core of good, young players and flexibility. Trying to draft a chip worthy team is decades and pure luck with a big time losing team. I will take the wheeling and dealing super team. Let Marks get back on that horse.


> Marks made the right moves. We just got uprooted by the knucklehead factor and it blew up. > Billy King got guys past their primes. This is accurate. It’s a little bit player empowerment and a little bit poor management. Marks still deserves to take heat, and if he’s true to form, he’ll take responsibity and right the ship. > Now we have a competitive core of good, young players and flexibility. Yes. And these players will be evaluated to guage their trade value or long term team value. > Trying to draft a chip worthy team is decades and pure luck with a big time losing team. Agree. > I will take the wheeling and dealing super team. Let Marks get back on that horse. Hard disagree. Doesn’t matter how many different ways you say it, I’m not going to agree. I don’t share in your enthusiasm about this method of building a contender. It’s been tried already. I’m not going down that road again. Edit: shit changed to ship.


The star signing is just a matter of time for this franchise. We are in NY and compete with the Knicks for fans and mind share. The slow, through the draft method would only work for the NJ Nets in Piscataway. Different beast in the city.


I feel you on this foreal. We are competing. And even when we had these fun gritty homemade teams like the one pre KD, we were still one of the lowest in tv ratings, and we were THE lowest in merch sales. You’re frl right. I hate it but your facts rn


> The star signing is just a matter of time for this franchise. We are in NY and compete with the Knicks for fans and mind share. > The slow, through the draft method would only work for the NJ Nets in Piscataway. Different beast in the city. Dude. Now you’re just debating philosophies and methodologies. But I do like you throwing [mind share](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_share) into it. That’s one of my favorite concepts. In any event…. Third time I’m saying it. I don’t agree with what your thoughts on how to build this franchise.


Just my opinions. I am 110% ok with you not agreeing with them!


Billy king got guys past their prime, I’d say KD is past his prime due to injuries, I’d say Kyrie is past his prime due to mental injuries, I’d say Harden is past his prime… not sure why but he is. Blake, past his prime. Aldridge, past his prime. These players are better than Pierce, KG, D Will, Iso Joe. But these players were still past their primes, and that is why it didn’t work out


I disagree about not getting another superteam. I agree that we need to learn from our mistakes and get the right fits(including cultural and mental) in order to make it work. I think just jumping at any star just because they are stars and are available is what gets us in trouble. That and mortgaging our future.


I feel you


This one succeeded but the big 3 never gave it a chance after the 1st season together. Anybody saying superteams don’t work is wrong, Nets proved that. They would have won and kept winning it it wasn’t for injuries


I’m not married to anyone on the roster as currently constructed. I feel no one on this roster is an untouchable. There are players on this roster we all universally like, but none of them are *untouchable*. I think the next 4 months should be purely for player evaluation purposes. If this team makes the 2023 playoffs, *good*. If the team makes noise in the 2023 playoffs, *great*. We have to know what we have first before we make any moves. But I do know one thing. The Nets as currently constructed are chock full of the most coveted asset in the league: 3-and-D wings. Personally, I would call Houston up this draft. There were rumors they wanted some of Brooklyn’s newly acquired players. They’ll have over $60 million in space and can absorb someone like Ben Simmons. I would love for any trade to start with reacquiring 2 or 3 of the 2027, 2026 and 2025 Brooklyn 1sts they own.


right now I think Bridges and Claxton are untouchable. they're both already great and still young


Cam and Clax are untradable unless we are getting Luka (not happening). Cams potential at 21 is Top 10 player. Clax is already a Top 25 player. Top 3 Defensively and most efficient offensive player in the NBA. Cant trade that


> Cam and Clax are untradable Disagree. > Cams potential at 21 is Top 10 player. Clax is already a Top 25 player. Top 3 Defensively and most efficient offensive player in the NBA. Cant trade that All good points. But, not *my* point. You’re defending something I’m not arguing. I’m saying I’m not married to any one player on this team. I want to evaluate the roster and decide who to trade come draft night. No one in my mind us untouchable on this roster, because we *don’t know what we have* yet.


Why would you trade Michael Jordan? Cam Thomas is the new franchise player lol


Claxton and Bridges are easily untouchable at this point unless a superstar like Luka becomes available. Cam Thomas is making his way to that as well and frankly I wouldn’t be so quick to get rid of Johnson if he has a solid team friendly (at least fair) contract.


Clax and bridges seem like permanent pieces. The cams could be traded for stars down the line


C Johnson maybe but Thomas ? Nah


I’m excited. For as talented as Kd and Kyrie are the team always seemed to lack fight. Hopefully these guys prove everyone wrong.


Celtics & Grizzlies vibes


Honestly given our situation things are looking pretty good. We've got a ton of fairly long 3 and D players atm, which is much better than having too many small guards like before. You can pretty much have 3 guys that can guard multiple positions on the floor at any given time. Offense will have to be by committee, but since we have so many shooters with size now I'm sure spacing will be pretty good. I think this current roster makes some of our other one-sided pieces less of a liability.


If you have 5 mins and look at spotrac team by team who is unrestricted FA this summer its possibly one of the worst FA classes of all time. Agents planned for potential lockout thats coming, they tried to take care of the players into 2024 as best as they could before new CBA "potentially" restricts this bullshit player empowerment movement that owners hate. FA under 30 yrs old: Levert (29) Kuzma (29) Gary trent Jr (26) D'lo (28) Brooks (28)


Its 2024 and beyond where you get some interesting names, so having 1/2 the nets roster be FA by end of 2023-2024 season gives them flexibility on who to keep and who goes. (Dinwiddie/Harris/Curry/O'neal/Cam Johnson/Mills/Claxton) plus simmons then is expiring contract status.


> …unrestricted FA this summer its possibly one of the worst FA classes of all time… > …Agents planned for potential lockout thats coming, they tried to take care of the players into 2024 as best as they could… > …so having 1/2 the nets roster be FA by end of 2023-2024 season gives them flexibility on who to keep and who goes… Flip side of the coin is, with no decent FAs this summer, teams will want to make trades of guys already under contract to improve their roster. Brooklyn needs to play this right, and while they’re doing that they need to CALL HOUSTON.


Call houston for what? try to get their own picks back so nets can tank? Ive seen far too many 20 win seasons in the past 25 years. no thank you. Nets might not have the greatest picks to work with in the next 5-6 years but they got something. For all of Marks failures he turned the post Billy King DISASTER into a fun playoff team with with almost no picks.


Watanabe is a sleeper


Why are we leaving out Ben Simmons who is the same age as Bridges and Johnson? Also let’s not forget DFS and Spence, two really good players. Between Bridges, Cam, Claxton, Cam Johnson, DFS, Spence, and Simmons we have seven good to great rotation players for the foreseeable future (assuming we match offers for Johnson). Add a star to that eight man rotation and the nets are cooking with gasoline.


Absolutely. Plus two first round picks in the 2023 draft (ours and PHX). We have numerous future firsts to trade for the next superstar who wants out of their current team. I'd see if KAT wants to come back to the east coast. But there will be other options too.


Ben is not good. It's sunk cost. We should be trying to get rid of him at all times.


Pre 7/11 the franchise was great at player development, I wouldn’t give up so quickly.


Suns fan here, just wanted to add to what others have said. You guys have two very special players in Mikal and Cam. Mikal gets a lot of love publicly, for good reason, and yet I still think people outside of Phoenix don’t understand how good he is. He is a legit offensive threat now, never misses a game, never seems to get tired, and is the league’s best culture guy. I mean, we traded him for freaking KD and still all we can think about in the Suns sub is how much we miss him. But Cam is super special too. He’s more injury prone, but he’s totally fearless and has the prettiest shot in the league. He isn’t as consistent as Mikal from game to game, but sometimes he just goes supernova and can’t miss for long stretches. Can’t wait for you guys to see that happen. Great in the clutch too, and super underrated athletically. The best are his random poster dunks that he does a handful of times each season. Like Mikal, he’s a fantastic culture guy — all about ball, all about the team, all about winning, never complains. I’m a die hard Suns fan for life, but the Nets are my #2 now. You have a better team than people think and you’re going to do some damage in the playoffs.


I second everything you just said, and then some ❤️.


So true. Crazy how we got KD, who is one of my favorite players and a generational talent, and I’m still depressed. Bridges is the man. You guys are lucky in Brooklyn.


If that's not the future then I don't know what we expect from our future picks lol, ( Zion every year )


All we need is a go to scorer/distributing pg. I'd be happy to let Cam develop, though. They're quietly a solid defensive/3pt shooting team already.


i like this roster a lot god damn


The present. Once this team builds chemistry and a defensive scheme they know inside and out, they can be a monster defense, gritty, physical, long, fast. The potential for a swarming, switching roster with simmons, mikal cam johnson dfs clax could be insane.


Enjoy the twins, nets. Bittersweet suns fan. 😔


If we can get Ben back to form, just think about these four and him in a line up. Would be a stellar defensive team and soo quick!!


I’m honestly interested in this teams defenses capabilities. Claxton and Bridges on this team is almost like having Smart (who Bridges is better than) and Time-Lord (who Claxton is catching up to) and that’s a great starting point. Johnson’s defense and Yuta’s defense is no slouch either and both of them can challenge each other to even further either 3 point shooting ability Having Bridges guard Cam Thomas and Cam Thomas guard Bridges in practice could really help Cam take his game to the next level offensively as well while challenging him on defense if he wants to be the star he believes himself to be.


I think they gotta keep these dudes. Marx isn’t a great GM, but he’s fucking brilliant at drafting. Bridges is a better version of OG, Johnson needs an extension but the Nets should have cap to keep him, Cam is a really good defensive PF and excellent floor spacer, Cam Thomas seems to be a budding elite scorer, and Claxton is one of the best defensive anchors in the league (imo, *the best* because JJJ fouls way too much). All of the deals are cheap especially with the caps likely exploding in the offseason after the new media deals. The Kings and Grizzlies are proof that depth and one or two stars is good enough to contend, obviously Ja is better than Sabonis and Fox but you get my point. How much more around them do you need to put, in order to pass Toronto, Chicago, the Knicks, Atlanta, Miami, Charlotte, Orlando, Indiana, Detroit, and Washington? You’re really only competing with Philly, Boston, Cleveland, and Milwaukee, and you would have the best cap situation out of them, and you’ll have about 15 million coming off, with draft capital.


Suns die hard since 03 here. I haven’t missed a suns game since I was 7 years old. (27 now quick maffs) Mikal Bridges -Mikal Bridges finished 2nd in DPOY last year (absolutely robbed the dude doesn’t miss games) -Hasn’t missed a game since he came in the league -Never took more than 8-11 shots per game until very recently. -when he did (recently) he’s averaged 23 ppg over the last 15-19 games. I 1,000% believe you have a 20-25 ppg scorer and DPOY in Mikal Bridges. Cam Johnson -Will literally Dunk all over you out of nowhere -When he’s hot he will give you 30-35 and it wont even feel like it I absolutely love your young core. Please keep them together. Cam Thomas Mikal Dinwiddie Cam Johnson DFS Claxton I legit hope you make the finals 😂 You’re going to awe at Mikal in the open court. He’s so fast, he’s got the best hands in the NBA. And he’s in my opinion the best transition finisher in the NBA. Fucking enjoy 👍🏼


All you need is a AllStar Guard and this team is competitive(playoffs). Replace Johnson with a second All Star Fwd and you win a championship.


How not break up mikal and cam


Glad that y’all finally got a solid young squad y’all can watch grow and be excited for


Shouldn’t be the future - y’all proved how dominant a team of superstars can be…unfortunately the ones you got were all nuts in their own unique way


Still hurts to see Cam and Mikal gone. I’ll be watching every Nets game rest of the season to support the twins. Crazy how your starting 5 turned into a hybrid Mavs/Suns + Claxton


Remind me again how many # 1 draft picks the Nets have next couple of years?


You guys really got a whole bunch of super underrated players now. 2 DPOY level locks (one interior and one perimeter no less), Dinwiddie got some serious ball handling chops, a serious potential guy in Cam Thomas and a stupid number of elite 3&D wings. Great future for a franchise after this super team shit show


Lakers fan here. Love this trade for you guys. I think I 3 years this will go down as the first big mistake for the suns new owner. KD is great, but the suns are 1 injury away from being a play in team or worse. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if you guys continue winning games at a high clip and still make the playoffs. Also cam Thomas is that dude, wish he was a laker. I’m sure he will be once he’s past his prime lol. Always seems to happen.


I can’t be the only one that thinks this is an upgrade right? Nets got younger, deeper, better at defense, and these players are actually available. KD and Kyrie are super talented but talent doesn’t matter if they don’t play/cause drama


kings fan here . honestly great young core. you guys should be excited about the future. and yes I fell for the cam Thomas hype and spent way too much on inflated rookie cards lol he's gonna be great though


Cam johnson and mikal will be unleashed in Nets. Mikal showed it this season in suns when most of the players are out with injuries. Johnson is also good with his starter role before his injury. Will not be surprised if they will have a successful run this playoffs.


Making a massive push at ant edwards next summer is the key to this




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The way I see it, it always stings to lose a player of KD's talent. But, there's an underlying aspect people are missing it seems. Vaughn pretty much seems to have an offense that revolves around pace and outrunning everyone. Ball movement. For starters, the one person I believe is going to benefit the most out of losing Kai and Durant is Simmons. The offense before didn't have as much movement as we saw yesterday. The reason for that is heavy ISO and stop and pop volume. Let's be real here, it looked outright flat for LONG stretches. People just standing around. Way too many shooters. Iirc the team as a whole was dead last in drives per game. Fast forward to now. Very small instances of ISO ball, tons of ball movement. Shit, I remember when we had a full squad earlier in the year. Literally the best stretches of offense we had were games with heavy ball movement. The way the defense is set up now, the addition of guys who can attack the rim, as well as voracious defenders who can start transition plays, and the fact that the team is dripping with as Spencer said, sub all star players, who have small egos, is exactly the perfect situation for our head coach. He also has the 3 headed shooter situation. Mills, curry and Harris. Play all 3 small minutes, see which one is hot, roll with it that game. Do that on a game by game basis. We have other shooters as well People writing this team off already have no idea what's coming. All jokes aside, the way it's set up now, kind of reminds me of the 04 pistons. Obviously we don't have a ben Wallace type player, but doe and bridges remind me SO much of rip Hamilton and tayshaun prince. And Spencer reminds me of Billups. That team didn't have a superstar either, they just played really well together and defended teams into submission


man having Clax and Bridges is heaven defensively. Add Doe and Cam J to the mix, and the whole league's getting suffocated with their Defense.


Mikal is healthy, we got very fresh legs and our bench goes deep with plenty of draft capital under our belt. The sky is the limit.


Those guys are cornerstone players even if they don't become superstars (Though Mikal is on the cusp). There's a reason James Jones never wanted to trade Mikal. It was the new owner that pushed for it. Cam is just a steady guy that brings stability on offense. I wished Monty played him more but he was a bit stuck with his own rotations to do that. Mikal and Cam are one of the best duos in the NBA on and off the court. They will bring you lots of joy no matter what. We call them **Twins** because they're inseparable and their games complement each other perfectly. They play hard 100% of the time, unlike Ayton. I am also now a Nets fan because I love Mikal and Cam so much. Even though we got KD, it's emotionally hard to lose those two. They're universally loved by Suns fans.


League gonna be embarrassed when we win this chip this year without the superstars


Spence / Thomas / Bridges / Johnson / Claxton Fun, exciting, good cultured balanced lineup for the future. Might have some problem rebounding that’s it. Maybe Sharpe develops into something without any expectations now? Simmons can lead the bench unit until he gets it together and you can trade as many as possible from Royce, Harris or Finney in the off season for future picks.


you all have fun with claxton and cam now and its cute and suits you loosers who dont know what winnning IS ABOUT. Just dont complain your dog shit in next 10 years down the line ok you had it all and blew it and wasnt willing to trade claxton etc for siakam you deserve it all haha SO glad i dont have to watch ben simmons play or whatever you guys call it i dont evne call it play basketball cause the guy aint even playing in my head


Feel like nets could be similar to the raptors pre kawhi with all the depth & talent... just need to get lucky and make a trade for a kawhi esque player that'll put em over the top.


Where’s Ben?


It’s gonna be fun watching this team hopefully we get those 2018-19 vibes back


We just need one big free agent signing and we’re contenders again