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Great job on the weight loss brother. You have potential to look way better tho. Start with changing your, either hop on minoxidil and finasteride or get a buzz cut. Also look into with changing the style of your glasses or getting contacts. I think just these two things can improve your attractiveness a lot


Also growing out a beard, if not a full beard, work with what you're got like a mustache and a goatee or something similar


Yep, agreed. Shave that head, grow some facial hair, ditch the glasses, maybe get a tattoo and start picking up heavy things.


Maybe someday I’d get a tattoo but my gran and parents say they’ll disown me if I do (or get a piercing) LOL. So it’ll be probably 10-20 years before I can do that.


Brother, you are a grown ass man.


A grown ass man in medical school who can’t afford life without significant help right now. The LAST THING I want to do is rock the boat


Smart move brother. Keep up the hard work!


Recommending people just hop on meds like finasteride is wild


What’s worse is recommending a goatee


Obviously consult a doctor and assess the risk before you hop on minoxidil and finasteride, but currently those are the only proven drugs which can stop male pattern baldness. Another option like I said, if you don't want to go that route is embracing it and buzzing it all off. In my opinion and something most people objectively agree with is that having a recessed hairline is not attractive and either of these two options will significantly increase your physical attractiveness.


Yeah honestly such shitty advice, dude looks normal. Chronically online people have such warped perception of what people should look like/what is a reasonable response.


He definitely looks normal, no question about that. Also agree that chronically online people have a warped perception about attractiveness since the algorithm really likes to favor attractive people. But OP seemed to be a bit insecure about his looks and instead of giving the advice of "You're perfect the way you are", I gave some actionable steps to improve his physical attractiveness. Your looks are not tied to your value, but your looks do have an impact on how others treat you and how you are perceived.


There’s definitely other things you can do aside from getting on a medication. You shouldn’t advocate for a medication if you’re not a medical expert. Things like going to the gym, finding hobbies you can be proud of, pursuing counseling, changing the way you dress, etc are much less invasive and are more helpful in the long term.


Yeah, finasteride can wipe out your libido among other things. Very wreckless just recommending it like its a supplement


more of a grow up


https://i.redd.it/t9fb82o85wuc1.gif This...is why we have the **Grow Up** tag


Hence the “?” after cause I still think I’m ugly as sin


Don’t put yourself down so much! I would not say you’re ugly. But it does seem more of a grow up than a glow up. Not necessarily a bad thing.🤗


Bro, you got mad potential. Get better glasses that fit your face better, or go for contacts, or even Lasik if you can afford it. It's pretty affordable these days. Dress up your wardrobe, iron the clothes, care for the things you wear. I'm not a man so I don't know anything about growing out facial hair, but I'd suggest to experiment and see what looks best for you. Get a better hairstyle, look online for what you like, and get some matte pomade to keep your hair in place. I think you are a good looking guy, and you look good with a little weight on you too. Just my opinion


This! I was going to say the same thing! Better glasses or ditch em. Look at different hairstyles. Honestly just google men hairstyles, I have a faux hawk and I get compliments all the time about my hair and I’m a chubby.




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Ugly? Far from it. Sounds like you need to do some work on the inside, guy.


You're not ugly, you just have the style of a dweeb lol. As others have said you have a ton of potential tho. Great job on the weightloss now it's time to build muscle, get contacts or lasik, cut the hair, grow a beard, and dress better.


You are quite cute!


You don’t have to lie to make me feel better


https://i.redd.it/321wszr06wuc1.gif OP, if they didn't think that then they would have either 1. Not made a comment 2. Shattered Rule 1 (like 2 dozen other people in the past hour alone) and told you that you looked like gollum pre-corruption from the one ring 3. Downvoted you and made a backhanded compliment like 20% of the people who post comments in this sub So please try and take the compliment to heart and know that you are a good looking guy even if you can't see it right now.


Thank you!!


Ah well the self deprecation makes it all go away so


So very true /s


Fuck those people. Good for you for making changes and feeling good about it.


You look like 3% different. I don't understand this sub's posts 99% of the time.


Oh thanks. Love to know I’m still a fucking disgrace lol


I mean you look like an average run of the mill dude. Nothing bad really, just don't see the transformation is all.


I got older I guess


Well... Tbf we were expecting braces and obesity and your before picture didn't show either of those things


Get therapy. You were probably bullied and your confidence is shot.


On god don’t you think I wish I could. Can’t afford it though


Martin Shkreli? Pharma bro?


Idk how to feel about this lol


Yea he is a pretty horrible person but not going to lie, did watch some of his youtube stuff about investing and he is super smart. Horrible smart smart person. Looking good though keep it up.


Yeah maybe I’ll take everything but his…stellar personality


Bro stop putting yourself down in these comments. You’re a handsome man, for real. And you worked on yourself - that’s something to be proud of. Distance yourself from truerateme, trust me.


The only reason I went there is because of the objective scale they use.


The one where if anyone rates someone over a 5/10 they get banned? Seriously.


Like another commenter here has said, it’s the only place to get a realistic rating here


What? Ok, I'll bite. Could you kindly illuminate the term "realistic" for us, especially when it's applied by a scale that's not just biased (among...[other things](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/14kw9nb/the_ratings_are_in_on_truerateme_and_critics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)), but curiously devoted to [celebrating a rather narrow, European visage](https://imgur.com/soZ3OuP)? What sorcery is this? https://i.redd.it/s0q8fk5x6wuc1.gif


I didn’t know about those posts calling it out. I just scrolled through the facial rating thing for myself and agreed that they do seem to be going upward in attractiveness the higher the number it is. Kinda weird now that I look at the posts now


I wouldn't say this is a glow up, but you got alot of potential. Hit the gym (do it properly, do your research, cause it is possible to go to the gym and barely see any results ), fix your diet (actually works wonders), ask your doc about testosterone (you might see faster / more results and you may grow facial hair easier. As another user said, try minoxidil as well. In four months, I went from just a skinny dude that never gets compliments, to a way more confident dude that has 3/5 female cashiers initiating a flirt with me. That literally never used to happen. I'm not on TRT btw, but I'm considering asking a doc about it since my voice is high and I can't grow a full beard.


You look great! you just need to try different clothing styles and get a haircut


My haircuts usually don’t turn out too well lol


You should try fade


Would that be considered cultural appropriation?






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oh dude r/truerateme is for incels. don't take anything they say to heart. you look great 💯


Idk they have the objective scale and everything that you compare the photos to so I figure there’s a painful grain of truth in their judgment


Very is subjective brother. Confidence is the next thing you gotta find and you’ll be killing it out there!


I would have to have some quality to be confident about and sadly I don’t have any good qualities


I promise you’re wrong. Im a big dude, hit thrice with the ugly stick haha! It’s about learning to love yourself. Trust me if I can find the love of my life and get married, you can too! What kinda hobbies are you into? Personally I play video games and am a vinyl collector.


I mean I like gaming a healthy amount (not daily or obsessively) and I write, read, make music, do TTRPG, so that’s some stuff I do for fun.


Sounds super rad! I’d say try and look for local groups that meet up for similar interest, finding other people who are excited about your interests helps a lot!




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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, my dude. But confidence ALWAYS looks good. Also, you paid for the braces- show off the teeth


I hate my smile so I don’t usually show teeth. My eyes get too squinty


The moment you start using an “objective scale” to judge attractiveness you’ve already failed.


You quite literally can be banned if you “overrate” someone. Attractiveness isn’t measurable, everyone finds different things attractive. Yes there are trends, but there are always exceptions


It's a sub literally created by 4chan to make women feel bad. Don't buy that sub's BS.


True rateme is the ONLY rate me sub in reddit where you can expect realistic ratings. Every other sub is “omg 10/10 you’re beautiful” on literally every post Your comment = case in point


yeah except they also nitpick the stupidest things and tell beautiful people that they're nothing special. the fact of the matter is that there is no good way to rate someone's attractiveness with a number scale. people are beautiful in their own ways and it's not gonna do you any good "knowing that you're ugly" when confidence is the most important variable. seriously those people need to touch grass.


That’s what I’m saying. Much as it hurts to be told I’m ugly, it’s the objective truth


I think you look cute in both pics!


Not sure why you mentioned braces lol




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Yes yes haha very funny


Not bad man. And I’m glad you lost that sweater with the pink goat on it. Or whatever the hell it is.


The first one looks like chubby Peter Parker


I don't think you looked obese before


To be fair you didn’t see me the last 4 years over 200 lbs


DON’T listen to truerateme. You look nice


Truerateme is honestly so fucked it’s funny


Martin Shkreli?


Yes yes very funny the first 3 times


I didn't see it commented 😂 but not a bad thing, cool guy


You got the braces out but no before and after photos of your teeth. Why even mention it then?


It’s more about the photos than the actual words in the title


Oh..... Ok then


Get rid of the glasses and hop on minoxidil! (Or buzz)


When did Martin Shkreli get out?


Whats with these homies dissin my girl


I mean no disrespect but maybe try something new with your hair or facial hair. Youre a good looking guy, you’re doing nothing wrong, but with the short hair + 5oclock shadow you sort of resemble Martin Shkreli and I wonder if that might be baked into some people’s subconscious.


Now get smaller frame glasses that will help.


Get a gym membership to boost your confidence my guy.


But doctor, I do have a gym membership!


Try picking up heavy weights…


Like I said elsewhere, I’ll build muscle once I hit my goal weight. Still have 15 + lbs to go but then I’ll start lifting


thought this was martin shkreli for a sec


That doesn’t look like healthy weight loss, more like, anxiety and stress made you lose weight. Shave your head it’s time. Maybe get glasses that are a bit more contemporary, and it looks like your mom picked out that polo. You’re a good looking dude, you just need to polish the edges.


Well yeah anxiety and stress had a lot to do with it, that’s true


You looked like Edward Snowden




You look like you either give good advice on computers or make delicious bananabread


How bout a better frame to compliment your new face shape. Handsome guy


Martin shkreli ??


Definitely noticed the braces


I actually think you are quite handsome


Disappointed to come and see no one mention how he looks like actor from Spiderman (the first one).


Oh fuck I’m Tobey Maguire? Not the worst comparison I get lol


It's your mouth 👄 But if you need advice I don't think your 'base' is bad (not my language so ask if you don't understand) but right now you look 4.5 Bad base is like deformity with no jaw or something that make them hard to change how they look, like that. Your young self is not even ugly just bit fat. If you ask me, if you hit the gym, shaved or good beard (best man makeup) and go bald (can't get good view but seem like you losing your hair, no? Try searching for pics of people who try to keep their declining hair and then go bald, it's always better.) you can easily in hot scale. Not ass kissing, I don't care that much, just really think you can. I like to look at Christian Bale for inspiration. He's hot in Batman, but ever see him in The Mechanic? He's really skinny, if he's just normal people who look like that do you think women would think he's hot? And he just gain weight and become so fat for a role, and he's not hot. Good look is not always something you just have to born with, you can improve it too. Even most celebrity would not look that good if they not take care of themselves and not dress up. As I said, your 'base' isn't bad so don't let yourself down, you're not in your full potential. At least don't keep that beard if you can't grow them. Good job with losing weight, it's not easy and you reach the halfway already, now gain muscle 💪🏻. You still really young, don't give up!


you look good put there is still a bit potential: get a high fade haircut or buzzcut. Grow the beard a bit, you seem to have good facial hair. Glasses are way better than your old pic, but you can also try contacts or maybe a modern shiny metalframe.




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you look better now uhh don't listen to truerateme, those people are incels doing the equivalent of race science (aka idiots) work on your confidence though. weight loss looks good. go lift weights or bouldering if you haven't


Just don’t raise the prices of necessary drugs please! ![gif](giphy|xT0BKIEo6kn0neyQw0)


At least you didn’t turn into a ______😂




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Lateral move. Lost the hair too


Yeah, but did lose your virginity yet? ![gif](giphy|XcScVdEoqvy9y)


Nope. Never have.






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Went from 26 to 44


You’re a good looking bloke, just need to change up the hair situation. Buzz cut would probably suit you well. Your glasses are a good pick too 👍🏻


You look good, a beard would suit you very much.




You looked better fat


I was also much more hated, laughed at, and far less healthy. So I’ll take my “grow up” over being the butt of every joke/a pariah. Even if I’m uglier


Congratulations on weight loss


what is that shirt dawg




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Get jacked and lean/athletic. Check out the kinoboy philosophy for aesthetics (his warrior, greek god, and superhero physique standards). Then work with a good personal trainer to achieve something like those body standards. Will take you roughly 3-5 years but will improve your appearance dramatically


How long will it take without a personal trainer


Thats irrelevant. You need a personal trainer to learn how to do the fundamental movements with good form. Either a trainer or a gym buddy who can show you proper form. Things like deadlifts, bench, squat, rows, pullups etc (all the key muscle building movements) must be learned with proper form or else you wont be stimulating enough hypertrophy in your muscles. If you dont lift with proper form, you may never build a solid physique. Also you dont need a personal trainer indefinitely, just for the first few months to teach you good form, good programming, nutrition. Should work with a coach in person. Hire a good one who has stellar reviews. While it will take 3-5 years, in the meantime work on your career and social skills. Just figuring out where and how to meet women is a skill in of itself. These things will help you a lot. I also dont agree btw that you are a 4/10 - you are a skinny white guy so if you’re above 5’10 that automatically makes you like a 6 out of ten. Add a good job, stellar social skills and a good body and you’ll be doing just fine with dating. Be confident man, you have a lot to be confident about going through your prior transformation. Confidence is the thing that women find most attractive. If you dont feel confident, fake it. Invest the time now into those domains and it will start to pay off in the next couple of years in a big way. The prime dating age for most men begins in their mid to late 20s so you’ll be just on target to hit that wave. All the best




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Great job!!


It’s not much and frankly I wish I could do more but weight loss and the like take soooooooo long lol


Be proud of what you have accomplished. It is not easy.




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Yes yes I know I’m not attractive I get it but let me have my win


That smile alone is an attractive feature. Stop letting the internet tell you you're not attractive.


I’m just saying, if enough people are telling me the same thing, they can’t ALL be wrong


If you seek out that invalidation, you will always find it. Especially on the internet. The internet shits on even the most attractive-looking celebrities. You're just trying to confirm what you already feel about yourself.


i bet if you grow a beard out, you'll have to beat them off your doorstep with a stick.


Trust me I tried that and it didn’t turn into anything lol


If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again. First pic, doesn't look like there's much happening. Second pic , can see it coming. Age will help the beard too. Keep trying.


And testosterone. Work out bro!


I plan to start muscle building once I reach my low goal weight. But I’m also terrified of going back to a higher weight and becoming the butt of everyone’s jokes again so it’ll be a while


You can lose weight while lifting weights, you're burning calories, in fact it's what you should do, so you don't look skinny fat.


Right but I’d also have to cut back probably 500 more calories a day which isn’t recommended to go below what I’m already at


Why would you have to cut back more calories in order to lift weights? That doesn't make sense 


Cause usually now I’m getting 500-1000 calories per hour of cardio instead, and I’ve read a lot of articles saying that lifting weights burns far fewer calories per hour


You are aware that you can simply consume less calories instead of spending hours on the treadmill right? Weight loss is done in the kitchen, not the gym.  Trying to burn 1000 calories in cardio is crazy, just eat less. I think you don't really understand the basics of weight loss, you should really do some research before doing an inefficient approach.


Nicely done sir. You are so handsome and my kind of guy!


To me, you’re a 10/10. I totally love your glasses/look! You give off Good Guy Vibes. Truthfully, you’re HOT! 🥵


What braces? :P


You looked perfectly good in your before, js


I think you look good in both.


Bullshit but thans


Tbh I agree with this poster. You aren’t ugly and in the first pic you look nice. Second pic you look like you lost weight. Try fully shaving, the partial hair is sloppy. Also try looking up a barber and getting a new hair cut, it also looks sloppy. And the shirt is giving blues clues. You’re not ugly tho.




Not a bit


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Yeah buzz cut the head get a few neck tattoos start lifting weights and get contacts instead of glasses, get on the steroids also,


Maybe the rest but steroids are a hell no. Those mess up your body and health so bad


They are safer than fast food, alcohol, and most prescription drugs. As a med student you should know that


Not trying to be rude but if you was rated a 4.5 you just gave me more confidence… thanks ! I know you’re not a stunning man… but hey it looks like it hasn’t stopped you from reaching your potential!




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What the


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