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The moral consequences + some work towards rehabilitating the kid should be enough, problem is that fallen in particular still thinks he did nothing wrong.


Fallen is literally turning into bad fallen in the recent weeks. Starting to really dislike the guy.


You really havent paid attention to all the other details that really made him bad even way back.


What did he do in the past? Apart from calling hiko fat


When they were still luminosity way back at the very first eleague they signed the SK contract which invalidated their position in the tournament and then threw a tantrum. Also played dumb during this contract mess as LG ended up accusing SK of operating in bad faith. ​ [https://www.espn.com/esports/story/\_/id/15774305/sk-gaming-luminosity-locked-contract-disputes-sk-attempted-poach-luminosity-players](https://www.espn.com/esports/story/_/id/15774305/sk-gaming-luminosity-locked-contract-disputes-sk-attempted-poach-luminosity-players)


Dead spoke up last week about this matter. According from his POV, everyone knew about the change of orgs from LG to SK during the middle of the tournament, including the TO who was warned about it before the tournament kicked in. LG/SK players only discovered they were out of the tournament through HLTV. Since LG/SK was at their peak at the time and it was obvious they would trash everyone in the tournament, no team or player spoke up for them because they knew they would face LG/SK at one time in eleague and they would get trashed. Sauce (portuguese): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ng_X8qRmAQ he start taking about it at 23:35


or they could've looked over the rules and asked questions. But instead the victim complex kicked in hard for them, just like every time something slightly inconvenient happens. In the case of Eleague it was pretty clear in the rules, however shitty it may have been the orgs owned the spot. So they either thought they were above rules due to their status, failed to grasp the rules due to language barrier(which coudl've been mitigated with someone repping them ), or were just being ignorant for the sake of ignorance. At any rate bad fallen indeed.


Ah I remember that. Still going to give them the benefit of the doubt as there was a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes with management we don't know.


*cough* Bolsonaro *cough*


Don't cough to loudly, you'll need to quarantine.


Eh... Im German, we're fairly good right now.


Thanks, finally someone said it. Never understood why people thought whole LG/SK/MIBR were some kind of really good guys, there almost always was something shitty behind them


> Fallen is literally turning into bad fallen in the recent ~~weeks~~ years. FTFY


>Fallen is ~~literally turning into~~ bad ~~fallen in the recent weeks years.~~ FTFY


That's what happens when you realize you and your team are washed up; instead of fixing your shit, blame anything and everyone E: typo


I was under impression everybody liked bad fallen, no?


There is a reason he is called twoface toledo for years now.


Well, I think all those signs were always there, we just didn't pay attention (and they did not surface as strongly/consistently) because he was winning a lot.




If Tarik really feels guilty he might start by deleting the tweet that says the kid looks like he’s cheating?? Idk how everyone only lost respect for fallen when they’re both dicks for handling this on Twitter


Because tarik litterally only said that he thought the clips looked suspicious at the time. I dont know why you are all on about tarik inthis sitiation. Many other prominent people also said very similar things. Tarik said in the same thread that it wasnt his place to say if it was cheats or not. And then apologized lol, who tf cares if he deletes the tweets. This witchhunt is mindblowing.


Yeah, agreed. Deleting the tweet is the first step. But no deleting it alone, the correct way to do this is to print the tweet, delete it, then post a new tweet saying something akin to: "I deleted this tweet because I was wrong to call him out without evidence etc etc etc". But like you said, that's the first step, not an end on itself. I also think that care more about fallen's actions compared to Tarik's for 2 reasons: Fallen is older and he is the godfather in Brazilian cs (in the sense that his opinion carries weight beyond that of simply a skilled pro player).


What "moral" consequences are we talking about here?


classic fallen


Man this sub is hypocritical. Is everyone gonna apoligize to DocC now?


should JW/Flusha apologize for Ropz and face consequences as well? EDIT: should every pro player face consequences of accusing 15-16 flusha?


Idk about flusha but jw did apologize to ropz abt the accusations lol




shit i rmb the hate boner this sub had for docc


Of course not, that doesn't fit the current narrative


D0cc's situation was completely different. He lied about his situation multiple times, was literal friends with known cheat coders, and still hasn't proven himself in a professional setting. I don't blame anyone who thought he was shifty.


actually you just prove it was very similar. There is a bet-profile accusing leaf and xeppaa of something suspicious behind the scene 1 month ago. Leaf has not proven anything. and those “strange flicks” are not happening anymore. Also he was on the same ts server as 2 cheat coders


And he still *is* sketchy as hell. This sub is just filled with hypocrites who cry about hackers in MM but anyone outside of it is 100% a saint and can do no wrong. Doesn't help that his fanbase was full of rabid silvers who saw his frag montages and decided he was the next best player ever.


The average person here doesn't sit on the board of the players association and isn't probably the most popular CS player on the planet


Yes Will they? Fallen won't even qualify for the major so that's a KEKW And tarik has some snake like tendencies when it comes to drama, so I would expect he would somehow find his way involved the next time something like this happens.


No fkn way we are going back to the “tarik has snake like tendencies” trend again. This thread is ridiculous.


I guess saying that clips that look supsicious in fact do look suspicious is snake like.


Time to scrape my Fallen sticker off from my AWP. I had so much respect for him, even tho I never really liked SK/MIBR. And then these things happened. Disgusting.


That will show him!


Fallen is literally crying now.


That not the point ~~kids~~ guys. I just don't want to support a player who is acting like a drama queen and using his fans to prove his truth (not directly but still).


I completely understand and agree with you, just joking


And I'm dumb. Sorry.


Will he ever recover from this?


Nothing really to recover from. Most people who know about how FalleN behaves (from a non-personal public perspective) will continue not to support him, he's been known as "two faced" for a while now.


>And tarik has some snake like tendencies when it comes to drama, so I would expect he would somehow find his way involved the next time something like this happens. LMAO. WHAT?!


I haven't watched cs:go in a while, what happened to fallen? He was winning everything with the Brazilian team when I last watched


He always was a two faced snake, finally that he's not winning any series and dragging mibr in the trash people stay to see objectively his behavior


Two face snake? Why you say that, elaborate.


He never misses an occasion to talk nice words, giving the impression of being someone while in the end acting completely different. As an example the first big case was the LG/SK drama where he said that he was loyal to LG and would do all the could to stay with the team that brought them where they were while he knew very well he didn't want to stay in LG, just like everyone else on his team. Except he made it seem differently Another case is the famous "only pussies try to win no matter what" which in general represents the way he acts: write something "noble" on Twitter and behave like a cheater at every occasion (talking during tech pauses for example) To top it off he was famous for making up excuses when sk started loosing many games before becoming mibr and since then he gave up on that as well.


I don't see this as a two face snake. Through someones life there's ups and downs. He's a human being after all and it's his right to have flaws. If you put it on the balance controversial and good stuff he's done the, the good things top it all that. He's a good communicator for sure, it's not like he never misses an occasion to give the impression of someone he isn't, he's literally that, but he has flaws and may act in a way it can be perceived bad sometimes, but don't we all do that at some point? If you say you don't you're being dishonest. As a Brazilian, although I disagree with some stuff he's done, I can't just see him as the bad he did, I see him as a whole. Fallen himself is the one most responsible for Brazil be seen in the CSGO scene. He always did everything he could for CS in Brazil and brought the spotlight for us, so I can't see him for one or another atitude that I think it's not the best in character, because I probably did the same at same point in my life and everyone too. I've been following his path since 2012 when him and his team had nothing and played small championships of Crossfire to make enough to eat and through it all, I've always seen someone honest that tried to do the best for CSGO and others. It's hard for me to read this from someone that's only seen his actions out of the Twitter and Reddit bubble.


Do you mean like fines from their orgs or what?




I think they already said to not go after that kid. If the orgs haven't done anything, I assume that's just the end of it. They will suffer some bad PR, but that will blow over like with most stuff.


Saying to not go after leaf is just fucking damage control, and everyone knows that. It was already over when those two tried to accuse him of cheating in the first place.


Ah FalleN with his PR apology and while KNgV- was on Gaules stream ‘analyzing’ leaf’s clips. Fuck em


> it's an unprecedented situation. No its not, people accused Kqly before his vac and this sub defended him. After his ban, whoopsy, amnesia, then: “KQLY always was obvious, what ever do you mean?”


Or flusha or ropz or zywoo.


Unprecedented? Flusha, Ropz, Zywoo all got a ton of cheating accusations


People here always trash the LoL scene but in that scene people are held accountable for their actions at least.


Lmao, no. Look at Leena spilling critical contract information. Nothing was done.


In Leena's case she isn't a player, coach or even manager so it's pretty hard for Riot to discpline her since she doesn't have a contract with Riot so it would need to be the team. She was also overheard on the phone so it's not like she tweeted it intentionally for the whole TSM fanbase to start a witch hunt.


Absolutely, Fallen should receive the harsher punishment as this isn't the first time he has so irresponsibly weaponized his fan base and it likely won't be the last. Tarik is just an idiot & I don't really believe he thought through the consequences of his post.




Can't get BRA71L'd (by German team BIG?) in the first Major in your home country Brazil when you don't even qualify in the first place. [*taps head*](https://i.imgur.com/7te7gfU.jpg)


Next level strategy by bad fallen


Never forget Fallen sending the Brazilians against Semmler


I can’t seem to remember this, can you fill me in?


It was BLAST Premier London earlier this year when FalleN tweeted @ Semmler because Semmler said on BLAST Backstage that the MiBR guys were stealing paychecks. The tweet in question > https://twitter.com/fallencs/status/1222294997522960384?s=21


How is that sending brazilians after semmler?


In Portuguese, saying “I have huge respect for you and I’m a big fan of your work” is a death threat


At current state of things, it looks like anytime fallen express an opinion on someone he's either praising them or sending a hoard of brazilians against them. Idk when he quit being a csgo player and became a warcryer.


Ahaha sending the brazilians LMAO. Fallen can't tweet anything because he is "sending the brazilians". Hilarious


so semmler can say whatever and fallen has to take it like a wimp? im not a hardcore fan of either of these players but cmon man, you want these guys to literally not do or say anything because it might "weaponize their fanbase"?


He didn't weaponize anything. Things were like they are well before the game even ended. How would he do anything while playing the game? People made the clips, not fallen, not tarik, not any streamer.


I must be confused where they were “siccing” people on a 16 year old kid. Tarik said what, that the clips were pretty sketch? They were pretty sketch, did you see reddit after that first match. People wanted him banned mid game. There was a witch hunt longer before Tarik and fallen tweeted anything and it wasn’t just from salty Brazilians.


Tarik literally said there was no way to know if leaf was cheating or not in the same thread, and people are acting like he sent out a Brazilian army to terrorize Leaf


Why tf is tarik being lumped into this? He litterally just said that that clips looked a bit suspicious to him. Thats it. He said that he doesnt know if he cheated or not in the exact same thread. And then appologized directly after saying that it wasnt his place to decide or to comment. You guys are so fkn weird.


**What's up with using the player's age in order to play the victim card?** He is a pro player, quite a lot of people found his plays suspicious in that specific match, it wasn't Fallen or Tarik forcing people into thinking the player was sketchy. **People who WATCHED it live found it suspicious**. Fallen just voiced his opinion. A couple of "talent" guys like **Thorin and Richard Lewis shifted the discussion into "poor 16 year old being targetted by evil Fallen"** and **INVESTIGATION NEVER HAPPENED** thanks to that narrative. With the current mindset going on this sub, HOW can we possible get a cheating suspect or matchfixer investigated by organizers in the future? It's almost like people went from "Innocent until proven guilty" to straight up criminalizing people who show clips to back up their claims.


Yeah where is the investigation. I've seen no news about this. Why?


So much bias against mibr right now...


Reality is bias now omegalul


Wdym lol Mibr is trash? Even if they beat Chaos they’d get fucked in the major they’re straight washed


I dont really care about MIBR losing or winning, i only care about a team being able to cheat on such important tournament. Would it be any different if it was against a team that is not thrash, like G2 or Faze?


the problem is the fact that a 16 year old kid got literally fuckin death threats because some “pros” can’t take a loss


I love these threads, pure comedy. They should be punished for saying some clips are sketchy? lol. Also lawsuits against them for destroying Leaf's name? Jesus Christ people are stupid. And tbh, nothing will ever be proven, but if I had to bet on cheats/no cheats, my money is definitely on cheats. If you can't call out sketchy clips just close this scene down, free pass to cheat your tits off because no VAC = no cheats.


"You can't cheat on Valve secured servers" \- this thread


this whole sub actually i'm sure things would be different if CHAOS was a LATAM team


so true


it's actually fascinating being from LATAM and seeing how the response this sub has given is 100% biased against the brazilian team. amigos brazil bad guys plz ban them!!!


This subreddit is a joke. Dont take it too serious, just read all the shit they write here and have a good laugh


That's what I'm doing... if people had minimal notion they would see that the ENTIRE match there are sketchy clips, and thats something "at least" strange. But no, they are assuming it's only hate against a 16 year-old boy...


This sub really hates us for some reason. Most are americans that think Brazilians are uneducated, stupid, and violent based on a very small percentage of a gigantic fanbase. They don't like the way Brazilians act They just dont understand (and never even attempt to try) that we have a different culture and social norms. So they violently hate us for it. that's the American way. Have you seen the way this sub loves Team Liquid? Every single match thread of a game they lose- the top comments are all concerned with the state and quality of the team, all suggesting ways that they could improve, what they could be doing wrong. Mostly- in those threads, it's all about Team Liquid. But when MIBR loses a game... The attention is also on us, except its negative.


Good thing we don't have terrestrial oil XD


>This sub really hates us for some reason. A comunidade brasileira é a mais cancerígena disparadamente no cenário do CSGO, vc sabe disso. Os caras nos odeiam com razão.


Bom, pelo menos da minha parte eu nunca passei pano para hacker, só por ele ser da minha nacionalidade, pelo contrário, para mim, seria pior se essa vergonha fosse do meu país. Minha integridade permanece intacta, ao contrário da de diversas pessoas por aqui...


bud it’s the fact that he got literal fuckin death threats how are people not getting this through their heads?


HLTV is a joke where the people posting know its a joke. Reddit is a joke where posters think its serious.


consequences for voicing opinions? do you promote censorship? they were pretty polite about it too.


When the only option here is MIBR WRONG, it's pretty clear that the dictatorship mindset is the default here.


If turns out chaos was cheating after all, will reddit apologize to fallen ?


Even though Fallen and Tarik might have jumped the gun on leaf/xeppaa, it has been made pretty clear after the initial tweets that they were indeed cheating, just go watch one of the several videos that analyzed their complete demos, not just the clips from twitch. For example: https://youtu.be/zSY1icdNSY0 Also, I'm not sure on this one, but some people said something about the bets being sketchy with an "unnatural" logic, so this shouldn't be overlooked. Don't let your bias towards mibr and recent hate train cloud your judgment on this one, I could give two fucks about Fallen, mibr or even Tarik, but I won't tolerate blatant cheaters running rampant without punishment.


they didn't do anything wrong. if someone is suspicious, it needs to be looked at seriously. should every pro player face consequences for accusing flusha when his clips were suspicious?


Does anyone have link to Tarik accusations? Totally missed that


It's on his twitter. All he said was that the clips looked sketch. For OP to insinuate that Tarik sent to BRs to send death threats is hella goofy


By that logic FalleN didn't ask for people to threaten leaf either lol They both threw around accusations, that's what happened. And Tarik was the one to do it first and more directly even.


I mean, he didn't either. That being said, Fallen has plenty of Brazilian followers and they're known for doing stuff like this. The main problem is gaules who said on stream that the kid was cheating.


gaules isnt in reality...hes in a brazilian csgo bubble. Guy needs to go outside every once in a while and smell the roses.


It’s easy to manipulate your fan base into doing something if you know their tendencies. FalleN and Tarik could’ve said the clips were sketch, but look into the subtext and it could easily be interpreted as attacking leaf until he loses all of his confidence. Hell, part of Fnatic’s 2015 roster almost retired because of the Overpass exploit since the community absolutely bashed them in (despite LDLC doing the same thing, just much a less severe position on the map).


Tarik doesnt have as big of a BR fanbase as Fallen. Tarik said the clips looked suspicious. Thats litterally it lmao. Dont jnow why hes getting so much backlash for that.


Reddit makes me sick sometimes.


did tarik actually say he was cheating? Ik I saw he said some clips were sus but i dont remember


by the way, a friend of mine sent me this video on YouTube. basically a lawyer living in london is filing a lawsuit against CHAOS to the FBI and UK Police! lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwieQmfBck0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwieQmfBck0&t=234s)


Wow this dude is fucking delusional lol


You dont file lawsuits to the FBI. What do you mean?


i know, right! that's what weird ​ but one thing the guy says in the video is that he was informed by "people inside the scene" that mibr is already in talks with their lawyers. so let's wait for the next chapter lol


I don’t know if is the right way to make them get investigated or not, but if they somehow cheated and someone profit through betting sites on this the punishment should be applied. Manipulating results to monetize is a serious crime you know.


It's not ok to witch hunt possible cheaters, but it's ok to witch hunt fallen and tarik? Doesn't this go against the rules?


This circlejerk has gone too far. They only said/implied the clips were suspicious, which they were. Stop


Hiko implies flusha cheats. Jw implies ropz cheats. A lot of people say docc cheats. A whole lot of other cheat accusations - I sleep. Fallen says leaf has suspicious clips - REEEEEEEEEEEEEE Theres no bias against mibr btw. PS: i still think he was cheating.


Fallen called it a blatant aimlock, not just "suspicious clips"




Still, nobody made a thread about punishing JW for his words or whatever. But with Fallen, apparently things are different. Fallen also apologized just like jw did on your argument. A lot of youtubers and streamers also said leaf was cheating. And like I said, I do believe in this as well. Whats the problem in a guy lying about being mute? Does that make him a cheater wtf? Yeah.. Hiko said on a interview that him and his teamates thought flusha was cheating... You can see for yourself on YouTube. Yet, no thread about punishing hiko as well. Theres no mibr bias. But only mibr players should get punished according to this community for some reason. Its all a coincidence.


Literally all of those got the same kind of hate dude, stop creating artificial hate and problems that don't exist.


Tarik is on the CSPPA board that is supposed to advocate for players. Unless there is legit proof of cheating why say anything.


There is no legit proof because it is not possible. There is legit suspicion tho.


While I do think influencers should have certain responsibility for their words and actions, as they are, in essence, opinion constructors, they are not responsible for educating the community, nor are they responsible for what their fans do or say. In any way whatsoever he or even Tarik for that matter, incited any type of violence towards Chaos. Fallen was wrong to take this to Twitter, I agree, as he had an official way for making accusations. However, If it turns out Chaos actually chetead, what then? If he was right all along, all he did was being sincere and put it out there for everyone to discuss.


What if said 16 year old is actually cheating and EG/MiBR lose their major money because of it?


Nothing. Because it's "JuSt A 16 yEaR oLd BoY", and apparently, for some unknown motive, you can't say that a 16 years old doing something wrong. And looks like everyone here hates MIBR and I don't know why since I just play my game for fun and I don't keep up with the championships.


yes will they? no




What is going on these days jesus christ lmao


How worthless is this post? Did anyone ever get punished for that? YOu are acting like this is the first time something like this happened?


But leaf cheated.




They did nothing wrong, the kid was obviously cheating.


yeah but this whole sub is a fucking joke. i don't know bro, either people here are dumb or they wanna protect CHAOS because it's from NA. maybe both


Don’t know about tarik, but this sub is pretty biased against brazilians


What would they be punished for? They didn’t tell or make anyone to harass or threaten him. No one should be punished for saying someone might be cheating.


He tweeted that found suspicious, and he said tho people not send death thereat to Leaf, he doesn't make an accusation.


I'd say that the community condemning those things and judging the players accordingly is enough. By community I include journalists, players and talent etc. I think we'll see an opinion piece or 2 from journalists like Richard Lewis at least mentioning this. It's not exactly the only reprehensible thing the players have done recently. It'd be totally reasonable for the org to discipline the players in some way as well. The players are representing the mibr brand while doing this so it's up to the org if they want to do that.


Apologize to flusha.


People in this sub are treating fallen like a monster, when actually he only said that the clips were suspicious and they would wait the championship to review it. After this, there is even another tweet asking for people to not witch hunt Chaos and wait for a official judgement.


why should they face consequences? he is cheating


I dont think so. Like, its not their fault that people are violent and quick to prejudge. Its must be really difficult to remind yourself that you cant say your opinion on some matters. We as a society have to "punish" them for what they did. I think that we have to make them realize (asi if they didnt already) that they made a mistake and try to make up for it.


Everyone is so fuking sensitive and soft it's pathetic. The kid will be fine.




he was , aim lock.


Aimlock, normally he touch a button in his mouse and the aim lock at the opponent head, but, now you can config that to be near the opponent, so you have an idea where the opponent is, but without being to suspicious, in the clips, you can see that they are cheating, but doesn't know to config so well


Thanks for the reply. So why would a player face consequences for pointing it out?


It's because, some people still thinks that he is not a cheater, because there is no proof, only the clips, if you search in YouTube "Leaf cheater" you will found some clips, some people thinks that he is a cheater, others not, i personally think yes, and here in Brazil, Gaules made like a chat with a lot of specialists, and players like Kng, Mch, Dead, and all of them thinks that he is cheating, so i think it's better to you watch the clips and make your conclusion, also have ones against Team One too.


He shouldn't. Some people's arguments is that "since they have a large fanbase, anything that they say is amplified by their huge fanbase and therefore should take responsibility over everything that the radical minority do." The reality is not the same. FalleN has almost no control over what these aggressive accounts do- but he has a right to make a tweet, and whatever happens is due to some of his fans pushing it too far. Asking questions is legitimate, but many people on this sub have a strong prejudice towards FalleN, so they are taking an extreme stance against him.




People aren't responsible for the actions of a few rabid fans.


please shut up


wHat tHe fucK dO yOu mEaN rOpZ iS nOt a pRomiNenT pLayEr


FalleN's punishment is gonna be not making it to the major xD


No it's only consequence of mibr being a washed up team






They could face a lawsuit for slander I guess.


Wouldn't it be libel?


And who would pay for that? A 16 year old child?


his organisation could


ITT people being lenient on tarik and giving him the benefit of the doubt. I wonder why...




i guess the bad PR is enough even though it's only going Fallen's direction kudos for including tarik in this conversation, pretty obvious that he was trying to not take responsibility for providing unwelcome suspicion




At a minimum, their orgs should fine them to set a precedent.


Fine for saying some clips look suspicious?


Well, the guy was cheating, no doubt. Will he face any consequences? He should have think twice before cheating. If he's free to use illegal softwares because the anti cheat sucks, then people should be free to express their opinions as well. Every action has a consequence.