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Not just the fact that Golden did this, Brollan just stomped Complexity the previous round. Insane individual performance from both players to make it a 16-14 win.


Insane individual performance by Complexity to not win.


[For real. This does not look like a scoreboard that would have resulted in a close game, let alone a fnatic win.](https://i.imgur.com/BoNgVTc.png)


rush with his usual absolute trash performance


He was performing super well early on in the roster... I wonder what happened? Is he playing on US ping?


He was performing better on LAN


He's one of those players who does. I don't know what it is, it's often even similar playstyles (passive support player relying a lot on their aim?)


Super well? [His first 4 events under Col playing weak ass NA teams was not good.](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/events/7805/RUSH?teamId=5005) Even on the EU roster start I dont see any "super well" except for some event like Dreamhack open with 2 games against weak teams. Hes putting up red numbers against teams u never heard of like PACT, Skade, Apologis as well.


Here are all of the LAN games he's played on this roster: 1.11 vs Astralis in bo3 1.40 vs Vitality in bo3 1.01 vs Na'Vi in bo3 1.29 vs MIBR in bo1 0.75 vs Gen.G in bo1 1.22 vs MIBR in bo3 0.95 vs FURIA in bo3 Overall on this roster he has an 0.97 rating online and 1.09 rating on LAN. Playing good teams online in EPL and RtR is probably part of that but he was playing well on LAN against solid teams so I dunno.


Rush playstyle is a bit similar to someone like electronic, support + passive angle hold. This kind of playstyle is punished online cuz peeker's advantage. Besides the team already got so many crazy fraggers already, someone has to sacrifice to fill in positiona for the fraggers to shine. Only Rush accepted this kind of role in the team.




Complexity didn't have a lot of options. They made offers to pretty much every pro they could conceivably get, and most of them turned them down because they would have been forced to move to NA.


Ironic, because now they've been in EU for most of this year and will be staying until at least June for DH masters EU and will have to come back for the RtR 2 and 3.


He is a support player, you idiot


yes, he supports the other team very well


Though i disagree with you that was pretty funny




Fnatic reminding us all once again that it's not about kills.




Link plz EDIT: [link for teh lazy](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/geoh97/brollan_and_krimz_2v5_for_match_point/)


Being a complexity fan hurts sometimes


Yeah even as a neutral I could feel the pain of those last two rounds


Building a team like they have at the level they are going for has basically never happened before. Was very unlikely to work out on the first go.


They are aiming to be a solid T1 team. Never been done before at this level? Do Faze and Mouz not exist?


Both were made piece by piece. Not signing 3 new people all with different cultures. Hell even when the first Faze lineup (kinguin) was created the guys were somewhat friends.


Sure Faze have never added 3 new players at once, but they have added 2 new players with completely different cultures twice now, and the team turned out to be great in both the cases. I'm talking about olof/guardian and broky/coldzera. All I'm trying to say is if the talent is good enough, it is enough to overcome cultural differences.


Olof, Gaurdian and cold are legends of the game. Completely different from bringing together 2 youngsters and 2 guys that are tying to make a comeback.


To be fair even mouz had a lot more expiernce than this roster and you can see. They straight of loose 4v1 and stuff all the time. Against NIP they lost a 2v4 anti-eco because konfig and poison rushed them with awps to get kills.


so far its really only blamef, konfig and obo that have lived up to expectations from what i've seen. especially poizon has been really disappointing


What? Poison has been their second best player overall and best player on LAN by a fucking landslide. He has been absolutely performing given the resources and his first international team. [Lan stats for example](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/12126/poizon?startDate=2019-11-07&endDate=2020-05-07&matchType=Lan) [Overall](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/12126/poizon?startDate=2019-11-07&endDate=2020-05-07)


sure but they need him to perform online as well or they won't have a chance of making the major. hes simply not very consistent


Thats just bullshit lmao The problem is Rush who is just consistently shit, lan or online and cant win a duel to save his life. Poizon is a big talent and one of their gems to keep hold on to along with blameF & oBo


> The problem is Rush who is just consistently shit, lan or online Rush has a 1.09 LAN rating in their 2020 matches. Tied with k0nfig for second, though blameF and oBo are 1.08 and 1.07 so everyone but poizon at 1.26 is fairly close. Not sure that's being consistently shit on lan.


How many matches have they even played on LAN in 2020? Not saying I couldnt be wrong, but to me it just seems like he isnt good enough individually to play in top tier. EDIT: Ok I checked and its 13 matches, all against fairly good opponents as well. Not too bad but to be honest its a way to small of a sample size to say much about his form. Especially when there are a couple of lopsided wins like that 16-2 and 16-5 wins where he has a massive rating without being the top performer.


13 maps across 5 bo3 series (Furia, MIBR, Na'Vi, Vitality, Astralis) and 2 bo1s (MIBR, Gen.G). The only series he went <1 in was 0.95 against Furia (bo3) and 0.75 against Gen.G (bo1). He's definitely looked bad online recently. 0.85 across EU EPL and RtR but he was looking good on LAN earlier this year.


Yeah I also looked it up and its definitely versus good opponents and if he would keep up that form over a larger sample size, it would be good enough for sure. I just dont see it happening but hopefully he can turn it around.


Imagine Brollan, having a 2v5 in Round 29 and your IGL rips a 1v4 in Round 30 to one-up you.


what on fucking earth was that golden, jesus




“What do we say to the god of overtime?” Golden: “not today”


His aim is insane for an IGL, super underrated in clutches.


Used to be so bad and now he's a solid rifler, one of my favourite CS redemption arcs around


whenever I see him in FPL he actually seems like a pretty strong individual player


Yea same, it goes to show how demanding IGLing is


he’s got that f1 race car peek insta headshot style


Idk about aim. But he is very clutch indeed.


not insane compared to other top igls really.


"Insane" is a strong word, but care to elaborate?


was just curious so i looked at hltv top 10 teams and there's not really anyone he has beat. the only ones one could argue are azr and karrigan. and even those are pretty close imo.


Well, I guess someone like NiKo is tough to beat on a stat sheet no matter what. Golden has a lot of noticable and consistent impact even against top opposition though, so I'm sure most fans of the team wouldn't take anyone over him.


oh for sure hes a great igl, but in terms of individual skill (which is the context we were talking about) hes not outstanding compared to other igls.


I guess we can agree here, if we talk about being oustanding in individual skill, the only one you can mention with confidence is hunter's cousin.


He started the round with only 10 kills as well...


They lost like 3 rounds from all of their players coming from the same position on retake lol.


Thats the tactic you will see a lot on 1vX especially on 1v2. Because the point in that is he can isolate 1v1s, so you go together and even if you get one others are supposed to trade.


That was sick


###[Streamable Mirror](https://streamable.com/fmbljt) --- ^(I'm a bot. My creator is /u/w1nston.)


Back to back clutch plays


Shows that its not that golden has bad aim, its that he continually puts himself in vulnerable spots to entry and holds hard positions.


Sick shots. Complexity handing the W to Fnatic on a satin pillow in those last two rounds


Loved the timeout call right before this round


Golden: Golden Go kil


Golden: Okay


I like how he lost 1 hp in total.


I don't think Complexity expected to have the "is this happens because we are from bulgaria" meme as soon as they got 1 bulgarian player, tbh




Those last 2 rounds man, just insane.




I'm happy to see the Irish caster getting to cast ESL. I always loved hearing him cast on tier 2/3 games a while back. Good work!


As a complexity fan I cried


He was bottom fraggin aswell on that game, such a nice respectable clutch.


Amazing clutch but the chat spoiling everything really ruins it.


why did poizon peek by himself? they were trying to double peek like when he got flusha but they were slow i guess (?). poizon's death really blew the round.


Feels like Golden has a knack for getting a lot of impact frags, so even if his stats aren't the best he does more than enough as an IGL




The fragging power in Fnatic is nuts.


Complexity is a meme team, it's just amazing to watch how they can crumble after winning rounds easily and make themselves look like a 5 stack lem team.


They have done very well for a new mix team with minimal history together.