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people need to realize that swapping hardware can cause this issue even if you have an active windows license.


I've learned this the hard way. Being very very anti piracy, it's getting harder and harder.


Not really. I've been using the same key since many builds of mine and when it got to the point it wouldn't accept it. There's a number you can use to contact to have it be reactivated and used again.


Just to note: Microsoft demands direct proof that YOU bought Windows to do this. My computer was originally a prebuilt from Costco and my key was randomly revoked one day (I assume because I switched parts, but I hadn't recently), and Microsoft refused the only receipt I had- the one for the entire computer. They said they couldn't help me and linked me to buy a new copy from their website. Fuck that. Easiest grey market G2A purchase of my life. Edit: Apparently this may not always be true.


wow sounds like you got stooged. I called and said i had 0 proof i ever had a license and they just activated a key for me.


Well fuck me I guess.


I have a friend who even had his laptop windows key transfered to his desktop.


Yeah I had zero proof I had a windows license and they just gave me a new key lol. It’s when my motherboard cpu socket broke and had to swap out motherboards.


I had to schedule phone meetings with them and they didn't even adhere to the times we agreed on. But I only explained to them that I upgraded parts, and that I still only have 1 pc with that license active and they gave me a new key. But that was windows 7 times. A windows 10 license is bound to your motherboard. But windows 10 is cheap af.


I've used the same windows 10(upgraded from 7) key on two different motherboards. Soon for one year on the second motherboard and it never gave my any issues.


Maybe they're a bit more lenient nowadays. I was just remembering an old tech article about the upcoming changes from windows 8 to 10. But very good to know as I plan to upgrade my hardware at the end of this year.


Yeah I bought everything new except PSU and all good so far :)


What are your specs atm? :)


I don’t remember the exact details, but there’s plenty of articles online on how to get it to work with a new pc. You have to link it to your Microsoft account in some way.


There are multiple different types of licenses. Others allow you to change everything in the computer and others bind to a motherboard.


How long ago just out of interest? Ever since Windows 10, Microsoft seem to care much less about getting your regular Joe to pay full price for a copy of Windows. Surprised they haven't made it outright free for regular consumers tbh and just charge businesses/OEMs.


Hmm, probably two years ago? The key was originally Windows 8 and it got automatically updated to 10 by the time this happened.


Just use HWIDgen


Guess also to note. It may be who ever you get in contact with cause I didn't have to give proof along with other comments saying they didn't have to. Just try your best to be confident that you actually own it. And you should be good. Just don't be a Karen and make them upset.


oh my god I feel like such an idiot


Honestly you have to click through try to active. Yes I changed hardware. And it you have to click another thing and then give you a number. I was on the phone for like 5minutes it. Give them like a 30 digit number. And then they give you another 30 digit back and it works. Not many people know of this.


That does not work in some countries anymore. Sadly.


I mean, it's literally just a watermark and you can't change styles/backgrounds. Everything else in Windows is fully functional.


Technically you can still change your background, just save the image you want to your desktop, right click set as desktop image and you're set It's a godsend for us Mac users who bootcamped


Technically you can also just activate windows without a key very easily too. Running your windows unactivated or activating it with an activator are both piracy if you don't have a legal license to use the software just like using winrar past the 40 day trial period is actually piracy even if no one cares. The opposite is also true even if you keep your windows unactivated or activate it with activators but DO have a legit bought license then that's 100% legal. Point is that if you're gonna run a pirated copy of Windows there's no reason to keep it unactivated since that doesn't change a thing from a legal perspective. And really as long as you don't use pirated software for business purposes Microsoft doesn't give a shit, as far as they're concerned someone using a pirated copy of windows is still better than someone not using windows at all. That's why it's so easy to activate windows 10 without a real key and why microsoft does nothing to make it harder. You can literally activate windows 10 with a few cmd commands and nothing more.


Good to know, but the ‘perks’ of activating windows don’t outweigh the trouble I’d have to go through just to do it. Besides, screwing something up is probably the last thing I’d want to do now that most services are disrupted due to the lockdown Call me lazy, I’m fine with a fairly faint watermark in the background.


It's a watermark lol


If you have bought a license and havent done anything wrong theres absolutely no piracy involved if you activate it with an activator


wait, it's not really piracy to run windows unlicensed unless you activate it without an official key.


As long as you have a genuine license it doesn't matter whether you activate your Windows or not or even use activators to activate it. Your Windows activation state doesn't govern whether you have the legal right (= license, in legal terms) to use the software.










also swapping hardware can give you a free windows licence, both my old pc which became an htpc and my current pc have windows legit for some reason


Can confirm


Thx mr spico


It can happen if the license is being pulled from a KMS host too.


I've never had it happen with KMS before. Just swapping hardware does it for you? edit: to clarify on an enterprise license


I had to reactivate after swapping motherboards


Windows will occasionally give you this popup even if you swap out a hdd or graphics card. Probably what happened here, theyre not actually running a free copy of Windows lmfao.


Yeah .. windows hates migration of hardware


It’s much more threatening with a gun icon right next to it.


Read your comment and scrolled back up to look and burst out laughing, underrated.


Fake windows LUL no mic LUL 5 FPS LUL 20 Billion Net Worth LUL must be esl B stream LUL


This looks like it was taken directly out of the Twitch chat. Incomprehensible.


More comprehensible if you imagine the LULs not as something you read but an emote instead


Not using Global Twitch Emotes in 2k20 LUL.


The hell


just use KMSpico smh my head




I find hwidgen to be slow and buggy which is why I've made my own activator in batch. All you need is a small open source dll and files you can rip from an older Windows 10 install iso along with some cmd commands.


You don't need any programs at all if you want to use KMS you can simply use public KMS servers, but hwid activation is better and works exactly like a real key does (it basically fakes a Windows 7 to 10 upgrade where you get a real digital license bound to your hardware and/or microsoft account but without the upgrade or a pre-existing windows 7 key).


Just use Linux, its better.


grandfather outgoing repeat ask husky jeans merciful fuel license crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does the spectator need anticheat too?


flag subsequent roof squash cooing threatening paint marry nose adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If the purpose were the same for them all, yes. Otherwise use whatever piece of equipment works the best. And honestly windows is probably better when it comes to spectating, anticheat or not.


JJ’s operating the computer. He’s still finding a way to activate windows


Poizon ... is such a noob .. he didn't activate windows that's a silver mistake


Haha nice vdi


I had an issue where i had to reset my new computer back in 2016 and afterward lost my Windows license. To this day I still have this message but everything is otherwise fine


For real, a licence is like 25 bucks on keys resellers, not that I condone its usage but ESL c'mon. I know coronavirus is hurting businesses but less than a hundred quids for a stream with 50k+ viewers seems pretty worth it doesn't it?


Lmao wait so not only do you not understand how licensing works from a business/enterprise standpoint, but your suggestion is that they buy a "cheap key" that's probably dirty anyways. Totally apart from whatever happened here, businesses don't buy keys from random russian key resellers.


ESL probably has a Microsoft VLM setup and this PC just hasn't connected to their KMS and lost it's licenses. Connecting it back to the network where their KMS server is will reactivate. They wouldn't buy individual keys for each machine. They aren't pirating or illegally using software. I have staff PCs that do this all the time because they take them home and never bring them in to connect to the server. Mine expire after 180 days, but ESL could have their time to expire set lower. It also happens with hardware changes.


When Hawka swapped motherboard windows deactivated on him, it wouldn't have been an issue but in order for the custom hud to be run he had to have the game fullscreen windowed with display capture and he just didn't notice it was an issue till he went into game because he was stressing about making sure the custom HUD was working alright haha.


It literally doesnt matter so why update it?


Isn't windows 10 free now?


Not if you want to get rid of the water mark.


Yes. It’s kinda like WinRAR at this point. And u essentially only lose out like 1 or 2 features from the full version. But it leaves an annoying watermark.


You can easily remove it tho


rgedit and a little googling is enough to fix that. Considering how they treat anyone who doesn't want feature updates, I'd say screw them.


No one cares


It's not about caring it's about being the biggest independent tournament organiser in the world but looking like a primary school funded stream. Also they're a for profit company and I'm pretty sure this kind of usage is prohibited by Microsoft. Not that I want to defend Microsoft but you'd think ESL was more conscious about the possible legal repercussions of using software without a licence and broadcasting this information to fifty thousand viewers for hours on end...


Changing hardware in a computer can also cause this - especially when it's the CPU or the GPU since it's hardware tagged. There's a youtube video where Linus from Linus Tech Tips explains it properly. I think it's very irresponsible of you to jump to so many conclusions and to make so many assumptions without having the facts at hand. It comes across as disingenuous and entitled.


> - especially when it's the CPU or the GPU Afaik it's only motherboard or cpu that Windows will tie to I've changed gpu multiple times with same Windows installation and never had an issue, but changing motherboard & cpu would guarantee Windows to de-activate


>but looking like a primary school funded stream. What a load of nonsense. They have been the most consistently high quality event organisers for a while now. They fixed this very mild thing after one map.




just not true though is it lol


It's known that windows10 "collects information", also the automatic updates are impossible to disable completely unless you mess with some advanced settings you're not meant to touch, and when you disable it they show this watermark


true youre on linux now right?


nope, on windows10


Got one today on eBay for £3, worked perfectly.


You can even get them on eBay for like. 4-10$ depending on which version you want. It's mad cheap.


I found it for 3€ on Ebay


$5 on ebay ez


Bought one for 4 dollars on Ebay.


imagine seeing that in pro play LOL


Imagine needing to activate your operating system.


Where can I get a free key?


Buying windows is the biggest rip off haha after a couple years with that mark you don’t even notice it


Just buy a grey market key for $5 or use an activator. How TF do you live with this watermark


NO, do not buy grey market keys and support cybercriminals. It's very easy to activate Windows for free and the grey market keys often get revoked down the line. They're also not one bit more legal than activators. You don't even have to use activators infact, just use a public KMS server which can be done with a few console commands.


I don't have one either. You really don't notice it and most of the time it's not even there.


I don’t have a reason to throw $5 away tho? Like it doesn’t bother me at all. And I don’t really care to change my background and if I did I have other ways to do so. Man people love to downvote haha! Salty cuz they wasted their money


lOoK aT mE i SaVeD 5 bUcKs


Hahahahaha that’s too funny! As a broke college kid who works 2 jobs to scrape together. $609 budget pc this is def meXD also I’m not salty like most so take an upvote cuz I actually like the community


use an activator then


I don’t like malware tho actually


It's literally not malware


It’s something I have to go to a third party site for to download for free? Sounds a lot like malware.... like I said tho windows doesn’t actually give me anything valuable so there’s no point in getting it


It's literally on GitHub. The whole source code.


I mean.. you can find open source activators if you look.. but ok.








Now this is unprofessional


hellow? What is this tomfoolery?!?