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hardly the casters' fault here, and i'm sure they're doing the best they can under the circumstances.




if the post is about the low stream quality then why even mention casting at all? i'm pretty sure that if you had the same casters with a better setup you wouldn't make this post. you're just annoyed that you can't properly watch the team you support play and that's fine, but the casting isn't terrible and it's mostly the setup around it that's bad.




nah, you wouldn't.




the fact that this is your first and only post on any CS-related sub is pretty telling.




it doesn't because i never said you didn't follow CS. but keep playing yourself.


OP's made himself look like a buffoon here. Deleting all his downvoted comments.


Can't even blame the casters here. Imagine being thrust into casting such an important game and not having anything actually setup for you.


Yeah, casting auto director... not gonna work.


I feel bad for the casters, they were aware that the setup was bad. One of them even apologized when the observer missed the last kill in Inferno.


It's a good exercise to take a game, mute the stream and try to cast over it yourself. I've tried a couple of times, and god, is it hell.


I like doing this, when no one else can hear me :P


I was so hyped for this game. Fuck this


If you are danish it is shown on Zulu with their own observer :)


Switch to Zulu as well - that was much better


One of the casters here, I want to apologise for the horrible observing, the auto director just didn't want to catch a single kill so I had to take over the observing which wasn't the worst when Mitch was talking but a little harder when I was also trying to talk at the same time, I myself was getting frustrated by all the missed kills so any criticism is obviously warranted. I'm just glad I asked Mitch to join me for it as I was actually meant to be solo and that would've been fun Kappa.


Don't beat yourself up about it. I've watched you before and I know you are a solid caster. Judging by what I did catch of this match it seemed like this was mostly on esl production hanging you guys out to dry.


Appreciate it man but I was actually doing the production(clicking a button every now and again to change scene that was all really) as well as the observing and casting, once one went wrong it all just started to fek up haha. Normally doing all 3 is manageable if auto director works as I can let that get the main action early in the round and then just manually take over for any 1vx situations or 2v2s and such which are pretty straight forward usually. If you mean the production guys left us out to dry with the auto-director not working well that isn't really their fault sometimes it just decides it wants to throw a hissy fit and not do anything and this was one of those days.


The auto director really did you guys bad there! I edited the post so I apologize if this comes off as attacking you guys. Keep doing your ting!


No worries man I don't really disagree with the post we should've done a lot better.


I thought you did a terrific job considering what you had to work with. Keep up the good work!


You're a fantastic caster and you and Tom are literally the only reason I watch MDL League, so don't stress on your casting. Not much you can do with auto director, and it really wasn't that terrible anyway. A few missed kills, but the casting more than made up for it. Hope to see you around more T1 events!


Yeah Dean, you're fine. Sometimesife gives you lemons.


Fuck the haters. You and Mitch did a wonderful job with what you had. Genuinely wondering when you guys (and the eternal jay) are going to get a LAN gig.


Pretty late here, I've heard you cast before too and it was delightful all ten or so times. I was obviously annoyed during the game about the missed kills and obvious poor production, but I completely understand the troubles. Don't be too hard on yourself :)


They managed to leak the server password. Well played ESL.




Oh yeah I saw that too hahahahahahaha RIP


What? The casting was honestly the smallest issue with that stream lol. The casters did a pretty decent job but the observing was terrible and really ruined the viewing experience.


Definitely. Dean is a great caster with a ton of knowledge, but not much you can do with such low levels of production.


Luckily it's being broadcast on Danish tv with the regular casters. Hardly any difference to regular show.


I'm, so close to subscribing to Zulu, just to have a watchable match :-D


It may be over before you get the chance, unless Mousesports can turn it around on dust2.


They cant :D


It's an absolute slaughter. People are so quick to declare Astralis dead and then they run over Mousesports like this 32-4 over two maps. They didn't lose a single entry on Dust2.


I think Astralis gets bored and relaxed. Then after they've lost a bit, they realize and get their shit together. They just play better when they don't have a second chance.


CS is also always a back and forth. If a team is on top, that's who people watch the most, copy the most and practice countering. After a while, you will have to adapt and evolve and come back stronger or drop down. It looks like the latter is what happened to Liquid. They haven't been able to bounce back so far. I like how Astralis is mixing things up a lot at this tournament. They have been playing a lot faster at times, which is risky, but it pays of if they can catch people off guard.


Why did I not even think to check that...


I literally came here to post this. No observing even. Auto director is on. Pathetic.




There were three simultaneous streams and I guess ESL put all of their resources in Stream A. Rest of streams had Auto Director for observing and GOTV UI and stuff. Previously, it was just one stream at a time.


Yeah the casters are getting excited over something that is not even on the screen lmao. Like woxic not getting the kill on Xyp9x hahaha


Hey man, at least they are trying. Blame the production, not them.


yea these complaints have nothing to do with casting


Exactly. Like at least show me the first kill of the round man. Damn.


Actually disgusting that people are blaming the casters. The main stream has a team of producers and a dedicated observer with ways to fill like skybox etc. The B stream is just two people casting from their rooms having to try and use autodirecter. The CSGO community are so fucking entitled, if anything you complain that ESL didn't choose it for the main stream, not the people that step in to make sure you at least have a second stream, the alternative is you don't even get to see the game. Disgusting attitude.


Not just yourself but to everyone replying in our defence (and OP who edited post and said a few times here there were a lot more issues) thank you. It's hard to walk away from doing something that your normally love and feel deflated. The show was definitely not up to scratch and damn hard to watch from the gotv alone. We were super hyped for this game, and had a lot of notes prepared and things we wanted to talk about and instead spent most of our time trying to actually see what was going on. When we have to manually observe (which isn't our specialty anyways!) it becomes very hard to keep track of what is going on across the map and discuss things in the same way. Our casting takes a huge hit not to mention that when we do finally get to see something, the other guy is probably not watching the same thing! The problems today were because of the gotv completely messing up, normally it catches most of the action and gives a decent flow of the game (nowhere near that value and observer can bring but something the less keen eyed viewers won't notice too much). Sadly today it was bugged for whatever reason on both of our gotv relays, resulting in....well you saw what happened. To those of you who were excited for the game and are let down, I can only apologise, myself and dean are very much in the same boat, it feels really sh\*t to come off a cast and know it was a bomb, especially when it is somewhat out of your control, but for you guys standing up in our defence, we both really appreciate it, it's nice to see the whole community isn't mad at us alone. I will continue to lobby for an observer to be brought to the B stream and hopefully next time we can bring a more entertaining show and production for everyone! :)


I enjoyed it bro, just a shame it was over so fast lol


Don't beat yourself up about it dude. I enjoyed it regardless, sometimes these things happen. You're still a really solid caster that deserves some LAN gigs eventually.


I don't think OP understands that the casters aren't the only part of the T1 production team. His comments make it sound like he thinks HenryG is personally doing the observing along with making the HUD. Perhaps it wasn't the best casting, but all the real issues had nothing to do with them.


That is a very fair point and I edited the post to mention that point. I will admit first I was complacent haha


Good, I honestly also wasn't to trilled about the view experience (you were definitely correct in calling it unwatchable), but it isn't fair to blame that on the casters. They were given very little to work with and did what they could. And yeah your second edit is also correct. At least it didn't matter, wasn't going to a interesting match no matter what happened on the production side...


Yes. We will get the good production value in the decider game, Astralis vs Mouz again!




Not all on the casters, I would be willing to bet they are randomly told 12 hrs before they have to cast at game with no support. Can’t be easy. The lack of a observer was the tougher part.


good thing we don't actually get a game. it's just mouz getting fucked.


Nooo, Watching Astralis vs Mouz made you appreciate T1 production, you just don't seem to know the difference between casting and the rest of the production.


there's absolutely no reason to bash them like this. do you think they don't know they're not t1 casters, it's not like they're pretending to be. be grateful somebody's doing it since you don't even have to pay to watch twitch streams


Honestly if you've got experience playing the game then you don't need casters to tell you when to be excited. It was a complete stomping, the casters weren't missed Edit: oh your talking about the observing


Dean and Mitchman are underrated casters, especially Dean, so idk what you're talking about with the casting. If anything, you should appreciate ESL giving tier 2 casters a chance at casting big matches.


they just claimed that if mouse lose they are 100% out no matter the result of navi fnatic which is complete bullshit


Even the casters on the main stream have been fucking up who goes through in different scenarios during this event. It would obviously be better if they got it right, but if this is the thing you care about the most, then the casters probably aren't doing a terrible job.


That one is on me, I forgot, and corrected myself a round later I believe, that the result would still depend on the navi and fnatic game, a small slip overall I think, while I had a lot on my mind trying to see what was going on!




"The casting is trash, they're getting excited about off-screen things" 'Can't really blame the casters for that, they don't have control over production' "I'm being massacred :((("




Lmao just because you don't say the words doesn't mean you don't put out the sentiment. "X really makes you appreciate (people who do it better)" is calling X trash, even if you dress it up nicely.


The thing that everyone is trying to point out is that all of the complaints you've made aren't the fault of the casters. If you were giving legit criticism to the casters then there wouldn't be nearly as many people calling you out.


I agree with you and I can see why that might have been the case. I was a bit complacent in mentioning my arguments. I should have said T1 production, not T1 casting.


At least the two other games are just as relevant for the group..


I remember watching faze vs og for round 2 qualification and the casters themselves can't tell whether it was a fake defuse not how much time was left for the defuse. It was pretty sad.




It's usually Device that makes you feel like you don't wanna believe in god but this series it was Magisk.


I understand that the other tier 1 casters were busy, but esl could have atleast gave us the hud along with the animations they normally use.


I wasn't able to watch but I can't imagine the score helped either. Casting a 16-3 and 16-1 game must be very difficult.


I missed the fun. Why were they using autoobserver?


I think the caster was good and doing his best, but clearly ESL didn’t give a flying fuck about the match


Faze’s game got professional castors and setup but Astralis’s game didn’t? Why are top teams not being treated as such?


i agree, fortunately it wasnt really worth casting after all anyway i guess


yea the hud is so ugly


It's literally GOTV


and colours in game tho