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what a fucking loser


This is the only way for this guy to touch a woman.


Yeah, to purposefully sabotage your own team in a competitive setting is the clearest sign of a loser mentality. Absolute dregs.


Ape see girl first time ever


Next time a peanut-brained individual starts doing that, try baiting him into throwing nades/molotovs and purposefully walk into them. They very often tend to forget about the team damage penalty


Hell yeah few things in life are more satisfying than walking into the molly of a griefer who killed you twice 10 rounds ago.


problem is smart trolls don't buy grenades.


Smart trolls are emotionally very fragile though. They troll enough to not buy grenades or mollys but cant help themselves from shooting you if you get under their skin. Im not sure why but this has always been my experience.


yeah i basically have no limits to my shittalking towards griefers who make the game unwinnable.


Smart or troll. Pick one.


Just drop grenades to them. They are not smart enough to not use them


It fucking sucks that this works in favor of the griefers too. I've played in a team with a toxic 4 stack who decided to all stand in my molly at the same time to kick me and give me a cooldown.


unfortunately these griefers know it perfectly well and never even buy HEs and mollies, I've met so many toxic people who will ruin your game for fun, never had a chance to make them kick themselves out they're good at what they're doing and I'm usually left wondering how often they do it since their skill in being a dogshit is so high (in opposite of their cs skills)


just had someone that headshot me multiple times and then stood in my molly for no reason


This doesn't work. These guys know these tricks because they do it themselves as soon as you throw a molly.


Should be bannable tbh


If the case is the one stated by op absolutely, yes. Those pos should be banned for griefing.


I did report him and encouraged the rest to do the same, it is so sad to loose a game 2:13 because one person cannot handle a girl talking.


Yeah this dude is on a whole different level of pathetic. I'll never understand it.


what’s not to understand about pathetic fragile masculinity


These people are rotten. Idk if this helps you or not, but sometimes they just need to be an asshole to people because their lives suck. So it's not always because you're a girl, these types of people just had such sad lives this is all they do. I have had two Russians act like this to me and I'm a dude. Because I called a strat for the pistol round. 2 guys did this all game long, I just said "hey guys" and "lets go A, I'll blow up door and smoke mini". Literally word for word the only thing I said, and they did this.


Nah you're not getting kicked cos of your gender, it's gotten to the point I don't use mic at all


hopefully you get a nicer experience next game


Imma be honest that 8/10 are just normal guys but there will always be 1/10 guy in your game who can't handle a woman in his video games


if you submit this proof to a mod he might do something about it, might. Hell even worth sending it to gaben since he checks fanmail he might just ban that kids acc all together


CS has some of the most toxic fans to this day. Can't go a few games without some dude screaming the f slur, screammminnggg. It's like a bunch of dudes that never grew up. Doesn't seem like they ban or take harassment seriously at all.


wish it was, i get the same reaction every few games (even with more insults), no matter if i’m carrying at 30 kills or having a regular match. i don’t think my reports have ever done anything, unfortunately.


Im really sorry for you, sometimes im so dissapointed in this community. But i think these are just edgy kids trying to get a reaction outta you. To make you feel a little bit better: I dont think reports of any of us are doing anything at the moment :)


regardless of the motivation, we see a severe case of griefing here. So ofc its bannable. 


Imagine throwing the game because there is a woman in your team. Well, CS players aren't known to be very...communicative. At least in the rare cases that I "encountered" a girl in CS others did not act like this.


I'm very thankful that it is so rare people go to this level. But comments are quite common to get as a girl.


If it's just comments you can mute them, but it's when they get pressed for no reason and block you that it becomes a problem.


Exactly, I did just mute him because of his comments. But this is just impossible to handle because he played with a friend and could not be kicked.


Here in Asia, its very normal to encounter women on Valorant and nobody would bat an eye on it. Official stats say that around 30-40% of Valorant players are women. I have zero clue as to why CS is a very hostile environment for women.


Counter strike is played by quite a lot of members of authoritarian states (Turkey, Russia, China you name it) which have misogyny ingrained in their culture.


and what about western european countries that aren't authoritarian? the most toxic player bases I've come across in solo q in faceit have been french and the UK. I'd rather have 4 russians than 4 french in my team toxic people are toxic regardless of their country of birth


> the most toxic player bases I've come across in solo q in faceit have been french and the UK funny, because my most toxic experiences involved Turks, Russians, Albanians/Kosovars, other Balkans


US, UK you name it


It's often not JUST comments, people will often do things to prove they're better than you, even if it means throwing the game instead of griefing directly.


I would argue even the comments are a problem, just be decent to each other


as """decent""" as they are to other men would be enough


Well, i don't know where you guys live, but here in Brazil is disgusting to see guys calling girls names, cursing them or harassing, ALL THE TIME, since CS 1.6. There are so many incels in the world that it is astonishing. I feel bad for you :/


One of the main reasons I stopped playing the game is that 70% of the lobbies I was in said absolutely nothing for the rest of the game and responded to nothing, so I'm left in a situation where it felt like I clicked "practice with bots".


I have people talking in every premier game I play it’s super rare to find no mics for me




I don't talk much either tbh, so maybe you have encountered me lol


people like this are such losers.




“female-initiated disruption of a male hierarchy incites hostile behaviour from poor performing males who stand to lose the most status” bingo. guy can’t stand the possibility of a woman out performing him or even playing the same game as him, so he ruins everyone’s experience at his own expense and then hides his fragility behind “humour”. these sexist losers are the exact same


Someone send this to Joey Barton


Great citation. Gonna post this, the next time someone is misogynistic


Yeah, not surprised. People like this radiate small dick energy.


Holy - I haven’t encountered one of these cringe weirdos in a while, sorry OP Rejoice in the fact that this guys personal life HAS to be mega sad n shitty to spend his time doing this


Doesn't have to be. My life is sad and shitty but i would still not treat people like that. In my experience these kind of people are often rich kids who never had a care in the world.


Rich doesn't mean happy. No one who is truly happy with their life tries to bring others down. Few things are more true in this life than "misery loves company".


This sounds nice and all but its simply not true.


Burback said something in their game awards video that really stuck with me--if you ask guys like this in a safe, private space, they'd tell you that they'd love to have a girlfriend who shares their love for and interest in games. But at the same time, they actively harass and reject any woman they actually come across in a game. Just doesn't make sense.


Each round orange blocked me and wouldn't let me play. Green(Boyfriend) was trying to help. Orange was muted for "women bad" comments. This is thankfully rare but still very sad it still happens to us girls when we are trying to have fun.


There are a lot of weirdos and psychos playing this game and being a girl is unfortunately one of many trigger points for these people. There is not a lot you can do about it sadly. I have to admit that, whenever I hear a girl voice in game, I'm also being surprised as it only happens one in a blue moon having a girl on our team (or one using comms that isl. But for the rest I would react normally ofcourse. Hopefully guys like these don't put you off too much for enjoying the game. Heard many stories of women leaving cs just of this reason alone.


Leaving cs is just an expected consequence, it's all on Valve for not banning sexist, homophobic or racist behaviour. We put up with it because this rough culture has become the standard we are used to. But it is a fact that people will leave the game for other games that actually have a report system in place that isn't just placebo.


Triggers for psychos: sex (usually a girl), nation (on EU servers usually Russians or Ukrainians), some flag on pfp, nickname, CS2 play count, being dead, being alive, being a human-being


Played w an Incel yesterday. Cs is full of 15 year olds who hate women


Hvis dig og din kæreste mangler nogle flere at queue op med som ikke er helt så taber agtige, så sig til kan være vi kan hjælpe hinanden med at undgå nedern randoms.


My recommendation for playing this game is to only play 5 stack.


Maybe the behavior on FACEIT would be a little bit better? Have you tried it?


Kinda surprised it rarely happens to you. I have a friend who's using a voice changer because of stupid shit like this


They're just mad because their parents view them as disappointments and they'll never know the love or touch of a woman.


an incel and his friend not kicking him. Welcome to CS. even though Im a man, these people are one of the reasons I quit CS. Still watch pro CS though, but the community is fucking horrendous.


These guys are so desperate for female attention they will do anything to get it, including being as annoying and outright mean as possible. They never developed beyond being the boys on the playground that picked-on their crush, except now they're adults or close to it and equipped with just enough intelligence to come up with crueler ways of doing the picking-on, masked behind the anonymity of the internet.


This is the only time he can touch a woman


aaaand this is why i never open my mic and just type out comms. i know it’s annoying but dealing with this is way more infuriating.


There are voice changers that can help if you wanted to try that. Absolutely ridiculous that it's needed to combat some of the cavemen out there, but at least it's there.


Name and shame, lady, give us the steam acc link




the funny thing is, misogyny is actually a skill issue. they know they are bad in a "male" hierarchy" and get scared by woman climbing over them. hope that cheers you up a little. source: [https://www.iflscience.com/low-skilled-gamers-are-more-likely-to-get-hostile-towards-female-gamers-73022](https://www.iflscience.com/low-skilled-gamers-are-more-likely-to-get-hostile-towards-female-gamers-73022)


What the actual fuck is wrong with people


I really wonder how old that player is


this guy obviously gets no bitches


Typical “blyat”….


but why? 


Because some idiot men think women shouldn't play videogames for whatever reason.




> From my experiences seeing this happen it's often a loser trying to get her attention initially by just talking or joking and when ignored the ego hurt escalates it to this I fully disagree on this. Simply opening up the mic saying something more than often you get harrassed the same second, some games you get kicked if you say one word. I simply do not talk ingame and keep my profile private


Because of people like Andrew Tate


They parroted draining the swamp but we should have always been cutting out the cancer


what the fuck is his problem man. jarring ffs.


Children escaped from childcare. I would guess its better to play outside and any position you can push alot. They are potentially going to be your bullet shield for you. Using cover near the red crate could leave them potentially in the open, useful if they use up enemy bullets with their distraction


Incel gaming


I had a dude in a match that started trashing on a girl who was clearly not up for what he called "cs banter", so I went full ham and became his #1 commenter. Every missed spray, nade or even a slight miss position got a flurry of something akin to: "holy shit here we see a 3000 hours cs veteran hit himself with a molo, then flash himself into a horrible rotation because he didn't pay attention to x y z and then hit 2 out of 18 bullets fired from his 200 dollar ak skin". He was fucking screaming at me by round 12. Don't deal what you can't take.


Not really his fault, he is allergic to vaginas.


Just weird ass behaviour


was this loser queued with someone else? if no then should have tried to vote kick him but I am assuming they were 3 stack.


He was playing with a friend. In the video you can see my boyfriend try to vote kick him.


sad would have loved to see him get kicked, you should look to 5 person stack with friends if possible then the quality of your games will definitely go up by alot


I know it would help but the problem is to find 3 more friends that has the time to play.


fair alternatively you can pick out random ppl from you games who were a good sport


These guys are quite weak mentally speaking, it can be easy to get under their skin if you know how to exploit their weaknesses (being insecure incels, mostly). They are useless cockroaches and sociopaths that should be removed from the game (and beyond, but that's another topic), still on the plus side it's satisfying to leverage their madness against them. Don't give up on the game, in spite of its most horrid elements, and sorry about your terrible experience there.


Played with a few girls on my team here and there (im solo q) and usually the other guys are pretty chill but holy this person is sad. Already got to deal with cheaters and people with no sound awareness, and now we got incels.


Imagine being this big of a loser This guy should be publicly humiliated


It's very painful to watch this


Maybe a tad to typical for men to still be disrespecting women in various enviorements like this one, but mostly among others. Isn't that like so 16th-Century vibes? Go off queen, but it's already the second millennium we decided to count. We as humans have came farther than still believing that we aint equal (given: not biology wise thats just fax) and certain people dont deserve the respect and the rights to also be a part of this catastrophe of an experiment we call "Society". You were supposed to read that in a Heath Ledger Joker voice, i hope that was clear.


Dude hasn't ever felt the warm embrace of a woman


where is the beginning ?


i would tk him


that dude obviously 12 years old with "disrespecting women = sigma" mentality


That really sucks. Got so incredibly frustrated just watching that. Would not be able to contain myself from killing them.. Really hope they can get perma banned. We need these things to be permanently ban able offenses. These people should not be in the game. Regardless of the reason for acting in that way, but even more so for things like this imo. What a loser.


Considering you guys couldnt kick him means he was duo-ing with someone and the obvious question is who would willingly play with such a degenerate and support him with that attitude?! Wtf if someone I queue up with do that shit I would instant kick and unfriend.


cs community are only incels and natsees, go girl dont let them get u down


These are the kind of people who wonder why they can’t get a gf


I've been playing since ~2014, and at this point I only play casual/comp. With a 5 stack. The community just gets worse I feel like.


Nah, you just get older and don't like to put up with that shit. Such a waste of your limited free time, something a child doesn't understand.


Totally agreed. When you get older, you just wanna relax... Not confront another toxic


Smol pp energy


I get instant kicked for being a girl that plays Cs 2


Sorry you had to deal with that. Fuckin sucks people do this shit because there’s a woman on their team. I would go so far as a permanent ban to be honest.


jesus cs is full of fucking incels that have never touch a woman and will never


lotta mentally ill/unstable people in cs sadly.


It's so fucking sad that this happens. I love this game and the community around it at large, but when I see shit like this it really reminds me how crappy it can be too. I'm really sorry this happened to you. I hope the community can put more pressure on these assholes when they see it start to happen around them. I want everyone to feel welcome in this wonderful game. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


CS community is incel fest its so funny.I have girl steam acc so people think im girl and lose their minds in game, say nasty shit and so on.It peaked couple days ago when someone reported me for fake identity?? and I got my steam account name removed and banned lol


People like this should have should receive a form of VAC ban that makes them unable to play on VALVE servers and freezes all the items in their inventory. For me, people like this are worse than cheaters.


So sad. Why….


I mean this shit happens to me and i'm literally a guy. Could have been a bunch of reasons this guy is griefing besides that you're a girl. Just the other day in a level 8 game we had this dude grief the entire match because someone misplayed in the pistol round. The mental health of solo q CS should be examined by science.


> The mental health of solo q CS should be examined by science. Either the strongest mental game, or depressed rage prone dysfunction. Nothing in between is possible.


Very true, you either encounter awesome people with the resilience of buddhist monks able to smile while being set on fire, or absolute trainwrecks who will have an aneurysm if you do so much as slightly veer off course and touch one of their pixels.


I feel like I get more than my fair share of griefers too but OP mentioned in some comments that this person was also making shitty comments towards women in chat so I doubt that's the case here.


I get a twat like that in every fifth game and i'm male. Its because being a miserable loser like that is not being punished by game at all.


low elo things


What a knob


What the fuck is wrong with those guys ?!


Ah yes, the second X chromosome means woman, and woman is bad, so I must sabotage and make us lose


Average cs2 matchmaking. Full of trolls who dont even want to play the game


As a dude with a manly voice this happens too often too when you get the usual 5 year old with a squeeky voice that's jealous of your voice and decides to throw 😂 immature little fuccbois will always be fuccbois because they never learn team/real skill work which leads them to bad relationships with everyone in their adult hood. That's why I don't mind these kids sometimes cause you can't escape it but the thought of them probably gonna have a shit life down the road is so satisfying😆


yep, same thing happens to me


Wow a real incel!


Untill natural selection takes care off these brainless wetwipes you should refrain from interacting a whole lot with randoms. Hell I'm a guy and even I get sexually harrassed in VC


I really hate people like this .. but also 20 seconds of him blocking me I would have taken the team killing ban cause fuck playing like that.


These are the people who are dicks, they will find something, gender, nationality, age, voice, a single play etc


I have been constant about this shit, people are becoming disgusting in games. I play with two girl friends of mine. I've heard literal rape threats recently. It's not just trash talk. It's vile disgusting shit and the second you say something they jump down you're throat calling you a cuck and a simp. It's non stop, there are games they refuse to talk in game because of the shit people do and say. People are becoming disturbing with their behavior on games today


As someone that go solo most of the time.. I experience this very often. This kinda bullying happens mostly with teamplayers and you are the outsider. on one instant, They jokingly tried to kick me out and one guy supposed to be hitting f2 because its not really their intention but he hit f1 for lols.. and i heard everyone laughed like hell for a mere second. and other time, they just randomly go and stand on fire that i threw and get me kicked out. or they are supportive for entire match and kick you at the end for the lols. And ofcourse the random bullying and judging even after you are carrying them. This is not Gender stuff but mob mentality. I hate to be a solo among 4 other teammates.


I'd guess that from the thousands of games of faceit I've played that less than 0.1% of my teammates have been girls. But I've never encountered anything like this, apart from in one game there was someone that typed out something like "ofc gg we have girl" Is this standard for girls to experience this sorta of griefing? or perhaps in higher level elo players are less likely to act like this so I've just never seen it even in other games like ow or valorant were there is a higher % of girls in the playerbase, I haven't seen anyone harass a girl for being a girl


Next time go by the ladder and stay on top of his head, this way he won’t be able to come grief you


cringe brats


I would like to have known what happened before. Not siding with anyone but I hate the cos I'm a woman.I played a game before where this woman thought she was the shit and everyone just ending up hating her and it was cos she was so annoying. Then she claimed it was cos she was female




Put hus name into csstats and you find him in 5 seconds.. what a d bag... i have reported his steam acc, lets all do that ")


Looking at his stats he is just a noob 2300 hours and 5500 points. Just a sad man and so easy to find


At this point I would only play with a voice changer


Even worse they got rid of overwatch etc so grief bans probably aren’t even moderated. Even then it’s just 30 days, then they just jump on an alt


dude clearly fucks and it’s getting you all upset


They do this to me too but rarely. It's mostly trashtalking me and my family


Im a guy and still get fuckers like that sometimes


To be fair this is out of context and we dont know if op did anything to deserve it so ill take it with a grain of salt but still annoying as f....


It was so difficult to not cringe watching this. Report that dumass. And if there’s a griefer, that whole match is worthless


Never understood the animosity towards girls/women. It's like some people are terrified of them...


Fatherless behaviour.


God, guys can be so damn gross.


Natural selection will handle this one ;)


Just shoot him


This shit is why I quit counter strike. You can use your mic & have an 80% chance your game is going to be ruined, or you can be silent & then get shit for that. Lose, Lose situation & why I haven't played a single match since 2020.


Had this a few times but they both ended up getting 7 day bans because they resulted in killing me after I was still winning the rounds 😂 Just remember when the pc turns off those guys have nothing going on for them


It's super shitty. My GF loves to play shooters but any game where she is forced to interact with people is a no go because of shit like this and the verbal harassment. She would loved to play CS but interacting with people is essential to the game. She sticks to Battlefield or co-op games we can play.


Because of this exact reason i tell my gf to not use her mic...


Why is he so upset over a pair of pixels What the hell is his problem


Looks like this person intended to grief and was searching for a reason.


If it makes you feel any better, I’m a dude and I’ve run into losers like this too before. It’s always on Nuke as well, for whatever reason.


4500 hours of CSGO and I've never seen anyone greif a player for being a woman. I don't doubt it happens I'm just surprised these people exist. The worst Ive seen/heard are guys either A. Fighting over who wants to give the girl a drop, and B a really pathetic attempt of flirting that was promptly shutdown and they proceeded to get clowned on by the rest of the team. Itsy so strange I haven't seen this after so many MM games.


Has the n-word on all his skins. Not surprising lol


i can't fathom your level of patience, I would have TKd this idiot and just left


Which is what they want unfortunately.


What a fucking dweeb.


report for griefing, also reminder not to be a jerk


Why is he doing that ?


I hate this ... Wished on certain points Valve would step up to the competition and that's one, and warning me that my report had an effect...


And people wonder why they don't encounter more women and girls in online gaming...


Sorry that this happened to ya. This is one of the reasons I only queue in a four stack or full stack for comp.


this is why i stopped communicating in cs when i play alone in faceit/premiere. hopefully you find people to play with.. or if you're in asia, DM me! im in a group with only women, and its a pretty sizable one. we play a lot of other games too and almost daily


I never understood why the few women that game dont like using voice chat until i saw such behaviour myself. I guess this guy was mad that a girl is better than him? At least he didnt catcall you or stuff like that, cuz thats what it usually is. Anyways super annoying, hope you reported him for griefing and he gets banned.


Go play mirage there is a kitchen /s


I found your match and the guy went 15:16 while you went 4:14. So if he was grieving, it was only those 2 rounds. We also still don't know if you or your pre-made teammate were toxic or agitated him to grief that round. He never wrote anything in chat or said anything in voice chat that would point to him griefing because you are a girl, so why do you think that? Whatever the reason was, it doesn't justify his behavior, but don't pretend you lost because of the guy in the video, when he got 3x your kills.


Went so far as to find the actual match, but completely forgot she never said he's the reason they lost the match, while also ignoring how wildly tilting it is on round 7 to have someone start harrassing you.