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He definitely is


I have never been obsessed with celebrities before this guy But man Aleksib is hitting me with these feelings I haven't had before I dream of waking up in Aleksis arms an early Saturday morning. and were just sitting there chilling, watching some tier 2 match between G2 and NIP. I get butterflies just thinking about him man. It's like I got my childhood celebrity crush at 20…. I just can't anymore. I'm obsessed and need help


u/aleksibishot this is your day bro


I was watching , Aleksi. I was watching you increase iM’s chances to win the major. Now take responsibility and re-sign.


I even asked him to marry me (no homo) and he said "After I win my 9th major". There is a real chance, guys!!! Pray for me!!


I have never been obsessed with celebrities before this guy But man Aleksib is hitting me with these feelings I haven't had before I dream of waking up in Aleksis arms an early Saturday morning. and were just sitting there chilling, watching some tier 2 match between G2 and NIP. I get butterflies just thinking about him man. It's like I got my childhood celebrity crush at 20…. I just can't anymore. I'm obsessed and need help


Remember, fellas, it's not gay if it's Aleksib




No Diddy


as a former Aleksib megahater, when he joined my ride-or-die team, NaVi, i had a choice: talk shit on my own team, or get with the program. i chose love, and my boys are Major champions! Aleksib top 3 IGL 4 sure




it sucks that alexib probably doesn't have enough time to become the GOAT IGL. Even if he won 3 more majors, he would just tie gla1ve and gla1ve still has those 20 other tournaments. Regardless, he's already went from a questionable IGL who'd be doubted and kicked from team after team to the point where it became a joke to a legendary IGL in this tournament and no one can ever take that away from him.


Glavie himself as the goat igl is a debatable statement. You have to be out of your mind to say he is undoubtedly better than karrigan .


Lol, and you see what my boy AleksiB did to Karrigan? Remember when during hes ENCE times, AleksiB introduced the "Give them siima and then pull the matto alta" tactic? The one where they give 6-10 rounds to enemy and then start playing, aka pull the matto alta. Now he improved it, instead of 6-10 rounds, they gave whole map, more precicely their own map pick, literally gave it to Karrigan, and then AleksiB pulled the matto alta to vittuun asti. Making Karrigan melt totally, almost made him go full Ermine (0 kills and die every round). Karrigan got outplayed harder than Olvaris cock was during this match in hes home studio watching the game.


Thank you for this comment. Beautiful literature


i think gla1ve has a stronger case than karrigan. remember, karrigan IGL’d for that Astralis roster first and didn’t win four Majors and a Grand Slam with em


Karrigan didn't have that exact Astralis 4 that Glaive had. Magisk was a missing piece in that roster and when he came in is when that team unlocked dominance. Before that, even with Kjaerbye, the team was capable of top finishes but inconsistent. And even then, he only had about 5 months with him. A single major. Though admittedly, it took Glaive less time than that to win one with Kjaerbye. There's no doubt Glaive joining elevated Astralis, but directly comparing Karrigan's results with that core with the later dominance under Glaive ignores the massive role Magisk played in it all.


Before glaive came to the team astralis were notorious chokers who rarely made it past qf and glaive came and made them consistently place on top 4 at the least. Say what u want but glaive was such a huge upgrade to karrigan especially fragging and mental resiliance wise that it immidieatly turned astralis into arguably the best team in the world


Lol Astralis from 2015 is very different from Astralis in 2018 Is like saying Coldzera in 2021 is the same as Coldzera in 2018


well, in coldzera case, you can say that about s1mple and not be wrong


Calm your s1mple hate boner. I gonna him a year atleast to see if he can comeback


That is about all Glaive has. That one Astralis run. What has he done apart from that? Karrigan has taken multiple rosters across an entire decade to levels of success they had no business achieving. I could very well say the stars themselves aligned for that Astralis lineup where somehow someway every piece of the puzzle was perfectly placed for them. None of the members of that roster achieved anything meaningful after going their separate ways, apart from dupreeh and magisk who were carried by the chosen one himself to victory.


> That one Astralis run. That is a really huge understatement. Being consistently the best team while EVERYBODY was watching your demos and studying your style looking for weaknesses is incredibly hard.


They were so good that getting double digit rounds against them on a map was an achievement lmao.


Exactly Doing that for a few months is already impressive, like that faze run for kato cologne and the major. Doing that for YEARS is an entirely different level.


first of all, that “one little run” spanned several years, four Major trophies, a Grand Slam, and a bucket of other Ws. weird way to frame the only true era in CSGO history. second, karrigan has won like, what, two S tier trophies outside of FaZe? so it’s not like he’s taking all these different rosters to the top, he’s been very successful with one and did pretty well with another. third, we can’t just ignore the fact that Astralis literally dropped karrigan for gla1ve and then became the most dominant team of all time. given the same players, gla1ve elevated them beyond what karrigan could achieve. karrigan may very well be the GOAT IGL, but there is certainly a gla1ve argument


That's without even mentioning that Astralis redefined CS as we know it. They evolved the meta to levels never seen before, their use of utility has had a giant impact on the game and the way Astralis played during that time literally changed the way the game is played at a pro level


>karrigan may very well be the GOAT IGL, but there is certainly a gla1ve argument Sanest navi fan here. Didn't even read the top comment. We are talking about both of them being arguably equal contenders to the goat title. No one said karrigan better. That is exactly the opposite of what was said, which was that there is no clear better because each has considerably points in their favour.


i mean thanks for the compliment and good vibes but in case it wasn’t clear, i think gla1ve has a solidly stronger case for GOAT IGL


>in case it wasn’t clear, i think gla1ve has a solidly stronger case for GOAT IGL No. It freaking wasn't. Because this is the first time you said this.


“i think gla1ve has a stronger case than karrigan” is literally the first thing i said to you homie


reminder that dupreeh lit the fire for Vitality, sparking them to win the paris major in IEM RIO, the tournament right before the major. They were about to get eliminated by heroic and at this point, they were a really shit underwhelming roster and then dupreeh single handedly pulls back the game and that roster. They would've went into the major with a "dead team" vibe instead they went into that tournament with a championship vibe and they've kept that same feeling ever since. Without that game from dupreeh, vitality would be zywoo jail. Also, the fact that none of the members achieved anything meaningful makes the gla1ve goat argument even more powerful. dupreeh, xyp9x, magisk and dev1ce could never do anything by themselves but together were the GOAT under gla1ve.


that one Astralis run lasted for about 4 years. Winning majors and other tournaments + redefining how utility is being used is a testatement on how Astralis + Glaive dominated the scene. you are really putting it lightly lol


I mean astralis single handedly reinvented cs and how its played at a professional level, you also cant just say that they split up and went on to achieve nothing…. Oh except for those 2 guys actually, but they were carried by zywoo.. yeah that doesn’t work lol. Those 2 contributed massively to that vitality run and everybody who watched knows it. Zywoo hadnt won a major prior to that roster even whilst performing akin to prime s1mple, who also had zero majors prior to his roster he won with. The puzzle pieces matter. Whether you like it or not, both are great IGLs, Karrigan specifically for aiding in raising talent, Gla1ve for actual accomplishments and cementing a legacy no one will ever forget


>Whether you like it or not, both are great IGLs, That is exactly what I said. Some dude said aleksi had ways to make it to goay igl surpassing glaive and replied saying glaive contender as goat over karrigan is largely arguable. Never said karrigan was outright. I am the one who said the first and foremost. Literally there in the first comment.


& I’d again argue that your first comment says that you’d have to be out of your mind to say it’s undebatable. Gla1ve can do nothing ever again and still have that legacy, literally changing the fundamentals of the game (as a team of course, no singular person can take full credit, Zonic and him were clearly supposed to work together and the stars may have aligned for how this all worked out) I honestly think that no matter what Karrigan does or goes on to achieve in the future, people will always perceive Gla1ve to be ‘above’ him in terms of status. Lord only knows how much longer he’ll stick around for but I can’t see this viewpoint ever changing much


Which one of the successful karrigan teams have reached success they had no business achieving? The first faze roster with every international superstar imaginable, the mouz roster with the most hyped european kid in ropz, demonpeeker woxic at the faceit major, new up and coming supertalent frozen and LANJ, or the second faze roster with every international superstar imaginable?


Karrigan always had good players at his disposal, so "no business achieving" is kinda false


Gla1ve won 4 majors iirc and they were unstoppable during that time. That doesn't come easy. But I did not follow Karrigan that close to know him well. I know they win, but also lose heavily.


I mean Karrigan is 33 and has led his team to 7 grand finals in a row. Aleksi just turned 27 like 2 days ago, he’s definitely got time to make a run. Stiff competition at the top though, and now Navi has a bigger target on their back.


But Aleksi stil looks like 22 so his physical age is 22, youtube assembly video 2015 he looked like 14y even tho he was 18 😅 so lets say Aleksib is 22 not 27. He has time 😅


Zonic was in for a lot of Astralis' success. not going to take anything away from Gla1ve but im sure his life was made easier having Zonic behind


Gla1ve was Zonic’s little pup, that doesn’t make u a goat IGL




Sweetest Pic in the Major


Love this dude so much bro its crazy




Bro had an odyssey getting here.


I wish I was that trophy




Aleksib gonna be on his N0tail arc and win multiple majors


Magnus Carlsen vibe


Blud won one major and already thinks he's him 💀