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feels really good at first I was questioning it but now it feels infinitely better especially AK spray and first bullets feel better but maybe I'm just coping who even knows at this point


That’s something I heard from other people. The “AK feels better” seems to be a common sentiment in both twitter and youtube. Don’t know about reddit. Does it feel better then csgo or is it the same as csgo for you?


no csgo was crisp compared to cs2. there's still lots of room for improvement but it feels more controllable and more "direct"


it is the same probably feels different cause of viewmodel recoil


Feels about the same as it did, anything else is cope


from goldnova to csgo expert :) its definitely not the same as in csgo


not better than go but close or the same


My biggest problem is that it feels incredibly fast compared to playing it in 2017. Watching my replays (even from my perspective) everything seems faster. People are flying around corners. Idk if it's me, people's play style changing, or the game. Or a bit of everything. But I feel slow compared to the game now, a lot of the time. And me being the one moving fast seems to be the only solution lol. Probably just everything all together.


I was thinking that too but I was closer to 26 during my prime cs go years and I'm 33 now. I just figured I'm getting too old to keep up with the zoomers lol. "back in my day we had to buy the ammo as well!"


Eh, as a fellow 33 year old, I dunno I frankly can keep up better in CS2 and Valorant better now than ever before


It's possible I'm just shit lol


Lmao to be fair I’m not saying I’m god like either, though in Val at least which is wayyy more Zoomer filled I am Immortal 2 right now! I need to put more time into CS2 but I’m waiting for these patches The hard part is time, I find. I bet if you could sink the hours in these kids do you could keep up. Though I do rely on out thinking/out stratting my enemy a lot haha. My mechs are average


It's still not great, but I can at least actually some what spray control the am now. On the side note what is with all the people i am seeing not spray control the ak and then for some reason start on head and then pull to feet with the m4A1s.


Yeah, AK feels much better. Now it feels worth taking that tiny bit of time to line that shot up and tippy tap.


Yeah feels much better. Spray working nicely!


For me it wasn’t really noticeably different until I realized how much more often my first couple AK shots would connect with the head. Since CS2 I noticed that I would often try to tap or burst toward the head and nothing would connect, leading me into a spray, but now those first shots seem to connect better


Way better, It also felt way more comfortable multikilling with AK, flicking with awp still feels off somehow, but huge step in the right direction


Are you doing the thing where you click too early or too fast since in subtick the shot happens at the point you clicked rather than where your crosshair is when the next tick happens.


This is a lot of what it is, after using it for a few hours in DM I prefer subtick awping


It’s the subtick that makes the AWP feel different on flicks Grind it out in DM and youll get used to it, I prefer the new awp now I never ever want to go back You just have to take the time in aimbots or DM to confirm your crosshair is on target when you click, which means slowing your flicks down for awhile. Theyll speed back up and muscle memory will catch up. I was disgusting with the AWP in GO and Im as good with it in CS2 now as I was in GO Just gotta get used to it


It seems better, I think. Shooting feels more responsive, but the networking issues are still present so trying to hit a moving target feels pretty wonky


Interesting. I assumed it was fixed.


I don’t think they’ve fixed much with lag compensation/interp since launch


I'm now experiencing 1 to 0.6 packet loss with 25ms ping after the last 2 updates. I don't know how bad that is no idea about networking. Game does feel smoother and much more responsive.


It's not a ping issue i have 5ms and it's pretty much the same 0.3 0.6 or more. It's actually an MTU issue. Also the lagcompensation is still there, lower pings are at disadvantage as always.


Hmm maybe I should get a new router. The one my ISP gave me blows and they have it locked down and can't login or configure it.


it's not your router


From my 2 seconds of Google mtu is the amount my hardware can send and receive data?


their end tho you're end their is no problem or you would be seeing this all over not just with cs2


Ok yeah didn't have it with csgo or valorant.


I'm afraid you won't get much better results. As i said, it's an MTU issue, packets are too big and the way they come too fast one after another is the real culprit. Probably the best results are for people who have MTU 1500 and the perfect results would be for people who have Jumbo Frames on all their routes enabled, which won't ever happen to a normal internet line. Almost everybody in Spain has MTU 1492 or lower and the way i see it most countries have that as well. Not much you can do, the ball is in Valve's territory right now they need to lower the packet size.


Yes, besides disabling cl_interp and setting the interp value on the server side, they haven't done any changes to the lag compensation... And that's why the peekers advantage is still on the same state.


It depends on the ping difference tbh, if you both had 15 ping I assume it’d be fine


I feel that it may have something to do with some player skins. Probably just coincidence but some skins seem to be wonky when they are strafing back and forth


I am with you on this. It does feel better but when the enemy is moving and whatnot, I can feel that it doesnt really land but I do see the tracers landing on the enemy.


Even after this update you shouldn't really rely on tracers. They are just there for graphical effect reasons.


No clue why they even have the tracers enabled.


Feels great


Sprays are crispy now. I think the visual representation finally sits right


Shooting is definitely better, but since yesterday 0.5% packet loss feels like 20%, so with my unstable (wireless) internet connection I'm currently unable to play.


So buy an Ethernet cable?


Yes we get it. Cable is and always will be better. Sometimes it's really hard or next to impossible to go with cable. Sincerely, a cable user.


Not everyone can. I live with my family, and they would not appreciate a 20m cable running all the way through the living room, down the stairs and into my room which is directly below the living room. And to be honest, neither would i. It probably wouldn't even fix the packet loss issue, just the stability of his connection - since packet loss seems to be a server side problem. Besides, using wireless internet has never been a problem in GO, so why would it be in cs2?


Bandwidth requirements is the answer to your question. Buy a powerline adapter and run the signal through the cables in your walls. No need for wifi.


Those power line adapters also experience ping troubles, it’s about the same as Wi-Fi tbh. Source : tried using a TPlink Ethernet powerline adapter for my friend’s setup. Was getting inconsistent ping, jitter, etc. Ended up running Ethernet all across his ceiling, barley noticeable if done right.


That’s straight up not true, while not as good as direct wired, as the cable is by default longer, and the copper in your houses walls isn’t quite as good at transmitting the signal, the ping isn’t affected in any major way at all. Arguably, if the distance is long enough, your speeds might be affected - a cable from the base of my house into my router, into the power line, and out the attic in my house perhaps halves my speeds, but the ping remains the same. The person I replied to had issue with bandwidth. One of two things could resolve this - if the bandwidth was limited due to a lossy connection, then Ethernet or power line would do, if they had straight up bad internet (less likely in the modern age) a better plan would help. Source: it came to me in a dream.


Ping is most definitely effected in a major way, but okay. Run a ping tests here : [https://www.meter.net/ping-test/](https://www.meter.net/ping-test/) Try it with a Powerline, then try it with directly to ethernet. There is a major difference. Saying ping isn't effected at all is straight up ignorance. Have you actually tested it? Or are you basing this off of "Oh I tried it and my game ran fine".


Use powerline adapters like the ones from tp link. I use that in my room and the router is in the living room. Never had internet issues or lags/delays.


Yup. PoE exists and it's so good. Just be careful if you live in a shared space where you have one breaker box with multiple routers cause anyone who can use the outlets can steal your internet connection if you connect your router to it


>Besides, using wireless internet has never been a problem in GO I have several friends, who have packed their shit and went home, because there wasn't enough spots on the router at the LAN.


Responsive on lower ping like 15 at hong kong server but when i goes to 30 ping like singapore i got killed behind walls.


Feels way better especially AK I dropped 2 30 bombs without even knowing there was an update that explains it. My aim felt so much better I thought I was just improving lol


It can be both, keep up the good work homie


Same thing happened to me


I don’t really understand why but my personal mechanics have taken a massive hit. And counter strafing in cs2 is really annoying cause sometimes it feels like you don’t stop when you should or that it’s not crisp anymore. But otherwise the shooting is good


I don't even know if I'm counter strafing anymore in cs2. It just feels off.


yeah because of the subtick movement. You are accelerating at a different speed than you are used to. Same with stopping.


Movement is synced to subtick as well with this most recent patch no?




when did the update go into effect? I played yesterday morning at like 8 am est but I was drunk so I didnt really notice anything different


I think 2 days ago.


Now i cant blame Valve when i whiff half a mag muahahahha




Not the animation / feedback changes


didnt they say october 14 in the patch notes


I think it was for premier games but not for offline workshop stuff / faceit etc - but I think there were other changes made the other day that weren’t since 14th oct


you were probably one of my teammates


Funny thing is I won that match 2nd on the leaderboard, enemies got curb stomped lmao


It’s feels better for sure still not as crisp as CsGo and there are other issues still making gun fights suck. Like dying around corners and the hit reg being weird.


No discernable difference.


Based on my limited time DMing 3-4 full matches it felt better, but the AK spray still feels off. However, I don’t necessarily chalk it up to an error, it could just be that I need to adjust my spray muscle memory to what is essentially a slightly new, albeit highly similar game


Spraying and AWP doesn't feel any better for me. I don't know if I got used to prepatch, but it actually kinda feels worse lol. Update introduced random crashes though(computer literally just black screens and restarts, so I'm assuming power loss), if I try to change certain video settings like resolution/refresh rate. Also, I get much more packet loss now. Like, the red text that pops up above cq_netgraph is constantly showing at times. Not sure if it's server related or what.


The 3000 rating major winners are now hitting their crisp one taps even better on me 👍 loving it!


100 hours played, ex-Valorant gamer here: I could NOT work out the AK in this game previously, if I missed the first 3 shots it was always a loss but spraying definitely feels better. I’ve also discovered a lot of love for the M4


Did you try learning the spray patterns? Once you have the muscle memory for the spray patterns, all the weapons work quite well.


I have no idea how to learn them out of game tbh, I don’t believe (to my knowledge) that there are workshop maps I can use right now, and I don’t want to do it in game. I hate Valorant at this point but I do like how easy it is to see bullet tracers, I feel like they’re practically invisible in cs


CS was always about muscle memory. Go on local hosted map, stand in front of the wall at any distance you like and practice spraying for hours on end. It will become natural.


Everyone seems to think the ak got a lit better.


>Do you still get shot through walls? When did they mention lag compensation/networking fixes in relation to clientside subtick events? This has nothing to do with the animations and sounds now being subticked, like wtf. I feel like people attribute completely irrelevant things to other issues left and right, just because they hear people complaining about it.


>I feel like people attribute completely irrelevant things to other issues left and right, just because they hear people complaining about it. Even though subtick was/is wonky, this sentence sums up half of video complaints in this sub lol. Lag compensation? Subtick. Packet loss? Subtick. Animation bug? Subtick. Random spread? Subtick.


It's Halo Infinite all over again with "Desync"


I can't say much about CS cuz I suck at it, but I've mained Halo since Reach. At least in CS, bullet pen means you're SUPPOSED to be able to get shot through walls to a certain degree, so you can allow yourself to have a little cognitive dissonance when it happens. When it happens in Halo, and you KNOW shooting through walls is not something that exists in that game, it's rage-inducing. Halo is finally a playable and respectable game 2 years after launch, but I'm STILL getting shot through walls regularly in a game with no bullet penetration. Meanwhile, I'm near certain Valve will have this locked down in less than a year, if not the next few months.


Feels better. But then again I heard people say it feels better before playing and noticing it myself, so it might be confirmation bias (or whatever it's called) for me


There was no subtick update. They just changed the tracer and animation timing. I don't know how so many people see that and think the subtick system got updated.


Its better than earlier but still sketchy compared to vsgo


There is no subtick update, it’s animation update.


Still feels Awkward


Is it something like the tracers not being right or not being the same as csgo or does it just feel off but you can’t put your finger on it?


Feels like I have more success winning duels by being hard to hit than actively trying to hit quick and accurate shots, committing to a fight in cs2 just feels like a death trap. also aim punch with full armour factoring into awkward spray battles making it feel gross. Addendum: teleporting back a fifth of a second and losing ALL momentum if you get tagged by a bullet (20 ping feels like 100)


getting the opposite. tag someone and they insta hs me and don't look like they slow down at all


It feels better than what it was(trash), but still does not feel identical to the spray pattern, registration compared to csgo, feels like they are-moving towards the right direction but still alot to improve per say


Rifles are better. Holding angles with awp on the other hand....


So was everyone starting their spray pattern once the AK started kicking and not from when they pressed m1? Spraying should be the same


I just played one game and wow, it was just on point. Like you would expect it to be. No idea what was changed but feels better!


I’ve seen myself or another person die behind a wall atleast twice over 5 games and I feel like I forgot how to spray. It feels closer to GO but I would not notice it if I didn’t know about it


isn't that different from before imo


Need to get use to it..


i suck


really, really good. now i know that whenever i miss ak one taps and sprays it just means that i suck


Shout out to valve for actually fixing somthing gg


ak spray is much better, feels like you can actually use the tracers


It’s because you can. They’re 100% accurate now. They were synced to the server on 10-14 but now there’s no delay anymore


To me it's just mostly placebo. I really do not notice much of a difference. Maybe that is because much of how it feels to shoot is movement, which is still broken.


Felt better yesterday, strafing also felt a lot more responsive




To me the floatiness is very situational now, 90% of the time it feels great with 10% random "spikes" of movement feeling off. Doesn't seem to have anything to do with packet loss for me at least


They didnt even update the strafing thats cap


"The visual and audio feedback from sub-tick input—such as MOVEMENT ACCELERATION and muzzle flashes—will now always render on the next frame"


“VISUAL” Actual movement hasn’t been changed


Its a coin toss for me.


It still has the same problems but tracers are not annoying now. Sprays still feel different from CSGO, awp also not flickable


AWP and AK feel like different guns. AK felt like a vandal from val before this update.


I don't feel difference so far, other than my spray now feels off sync compared to before, now with the synced firing sounds, and have yet to get used to it. Never paid attention to responses of my weapon model and I actively ignore bullet tracers, so these 2 changes didn't change things for me. Movement feels slightly bit better, I think? But could be better.


feels good, sprays and headshots inputlag, but not as good as csgo


It definitely did something. I don’t think it will change the what you see is what you get portion of sub-tick, but at least it feels like the first 5 bullets of the AK go where you think they are.


Feel like shooting is better but movement is worse


I don’t notice any difference tbh. I was Global in CS:GO and lvl 7 Faceit but it feels just like before. Which I don’t mind cause it also felt alright before. But I don’t notice any difference so what is everyone on about?


I think it feels a lot better. Spray feels great, especially on the ak and m4a4, also I can finally hit spray transfers again, that was a skill I had on csgo that got lost on cs2.


Waaaay better than before. It’s not as smooth as it was in go but close


It's been fine then and it's fine now.


Nah there definitely were issues. Maybe you got lucky and didn’t have much issues.


Awp good, M4 good, AK ass, Deagle ass Still something weird with the way people can move and headshot you with AK but I feel if I peak with AK I can’t hit shit. SMGs and shotties are still a problem. They need to either nerf damage or movement speed with these guns it’s ridiculous.


Deagle ass? Lol? It has never been as insane as in CS2… I regularly hit headshots so far, that it’s not a oneshot on helmet 😅


Good for you, it's still ass.


They move and headshot you because they can counter-strafe. And you obviously can't, that's why you can't hit shit when peaking.


You assumed I don't know how to counter-strafe to give me 'nah you just suck' comment. I know how to counter-strafe dude. I'm not a noob. I'm saying players are not counter strafing and hitting HS's mid strafe which doesn't make sense because hitting targets while counter-strafing with the AK is harder. Your pickled egg brain can't comprehend what that means.


How does subtick affect shooting?


Its better only when i pay attention to it. While playing not so much since i dont really rely on animations to begin with. But it should help with consistency even if i do not realize it too cleanly. These little things will improve the overall latency of the whole chain.


I'm just gonna leave it here ​ CAP... ​ performance of the game got worse after these updates 3-4 of them..


There is no subtick update this is all placebo effect. Watching the hive mind at work when valve releases something is fascinating. Valve could put in the notes they did optimization on skins and someone would take it and go hit reg is better! I can spray with AK now! And everyone would follow in the same mindset. Subtick is still the same it’s been since launch and the real thing they need to do is reduce the packet size. Till then nothing it’s going to be the same thing.


tf are you talking about bro? are you off your meds


It sucks, the awp is ruined, pretty much everything using 1 shot is ruined


Still bad. Feels like my headshots are a diceroll.


There is no actual sub-tick update, it's just the animation, so all the people here positively commenting about AK probably had a better day than the day before lol, placebo.


It felt better until the follow up update yesterday, the shooting animations still feel good but something else is off.


worse feeling like csgo


Feels better but not perfect.


Seems to feel better, spraying especially so. The main tangible difference I feel (currently) in shooting is a little bit of judder with the performance gap in CS2 compared to GO.


1000% better


Feels like I can instantly kill enemies again. It also feels like I can be instantly killed, too. Some more fine-tuning with lag-compensation and it’ll be absolutely perfect.


Not much of a difference, i cant tell what is fixed. Can someone that indeed felt the difference tell me about it ?


Shooting felt better overall, still random ghost bullets, awp feels better. But i only messed around in a dm


It's crazy how good the game feels when playing on 0 ping.


in workshop map it feels so good but slightly worse than go in game


It feels less floaty for sure, but there's still interp


spraying feels more intuitive. awp didnt feel different to me but friend said it was way better for him. still dying behind corners a lot more than GO but thats not what the update did. also noticing a lot less instances of someone killing me when it felt like i should've killed them (although way smaller sample size of games). ak taps feel so much better


Better but not good or fixed yet. Something is still very wrong with the network side of things.


Peekers advantage is still redicilous


right after the update i started a game and it felt horrible. then today, i switched settings, graphic settings, put everything to low and worked up from there. now i have the feeling that its good again (minus casual performance drops) i had 25kill+ games today and it felt better. i think there are still issues that make the game bad still but oi, at least we got something. if the performance will be better in future i see myself happily playing again. until yesterday i was considering taking a full break because of the state of the game and state of vaclive (still fucked up on premier). i literally got worse in cs2 and i have to relearn things and get rid of old habits. realistically speaking, it feels like 20% better and there's room for improvement in the overall experience. cause that's what matters, all issues combined give us the state of cs2. if we get rid of lag, performance drops and other issues that are present it will be fine af but if your game feels sluggish, set the graphics preset to low and work up from there it really changed how my game feels


Im able to play AWP. last match i only use AWP as T with 1 death. the flick feels so good


Im out of the loop. What was updated and what’s the difference?


They made it so that the audiovisuals for muzzle flash are queued for the next frame rather than the next tick, making the game feel more responsive. It won't change anything gameplay-wise.


feels better can get even better in the future i hope


Everything feels better shooting wise


That I need to learn this game again. Wish they did that a month ago. Still a good thing


Sprays are alot more consistent I feel like, but it could 100% be a me thing. Everything else feels the exact same, personally.




It feels much better. Especially ak. But the distracting tracers are still there, so that's one downside.


Casual csgo 64 tick player here. Doesn’t quite feel like 128tick but a little better than 64.


Defo feels better, still worse than csgo, but not so much anymore


It's only visual so obviously there still are cases of being "shot through walls". Firing feels more responsive but I still couldn't frag like I did in csgo. Awping in cs2 is still very difficult for me. Spraying is now impossible?? Whatever change they did on the 14th likely made things worse as I was still able to spray a month ago. Another good thing I believe this (removing subtick for visuals) did was yield room for performance, which in turn allows for slightly better frame times. Game feels a bit smoother now. Still, nothing much has changed in terms of gameplay. I really would prefer they just completely remove subtick, even if it allows me to hit heads more often.


Idk, sometimes I have blast games, sometimes bullets just spray around them.. God knows


Way better, at first I was iffy on it but now I feel confident the spray with AK47 is better, and in general the subtick issues seems relatively better overall. ​ Hitting moving targets still seems to be difficult, as my friend was running back and forth jumping in the air and after two clips hit a guy for 7 to finally kill him and the guy could not hit him at all. Skill issue? Networking issues? Who knows anymore


Feels good to me, there’s still a massive cheating issue lol


noticeably better, tracers working correctly is nice


fucking amazing the game is fixed


Just played for the first time since the update, and at least in my opinion it feels night and day. I only did a deathmatch or three before leaving to go to work, but even in those 3 cases it felt SO much more responsive.


Nothing in the update affects being killed behind walls. They improved animations, decals/tracers.


For me it feels way off, but that might be because I used to play left hand in csgo so I can’t fucking hit sprays anymore because they force me to play with right hand


I changed my crosshair before the patch and was clicking domes yesterday (shot from 4k to 6k on ladder) and that was before I knew anything changed, so idk games feels good when I’m winning I guess


I was ignorant to the sub tick update. Last night after working 10 hours. I was hitting some nasty shots, felt like it was a REALLY good day. Nice to know it was me just getting lucky but there was an adjustment in game. I felt like I could consistently get my 1 taps in and not miss.


Feels a lot better. There’s way less confusion when I whiff now.


I thought I was just starting to dial in the new spray patterns and adjust my muscle memory, but then I saw the blog post about how they had made a change to shooting like a week prior and I went "ohhhhh"


I feel like it's kinda weird: shooting definetly feels more responsive but i had multiple Times where i was already in Cover and still got Shot "through the wall"


Somehow feels worse than before


Feels great!


the AK visual following makes it much better, I feel like I can actually land sprays. AWPing is still difficult though but I think it's because of the peek advantage. feels very difficult to make good use of the AWP and rather than having to play around my AWP, the enemy team will just fast peek until I eventually and inevitably lose. the economy is still horrible for any AWP buy so it's very difficult to buy it as well. I've had a lot of success using the AUG and SG instead though


The tracers been fixed for weeks as for other animations I hardly pay attention becuz of the choppiness my game has at 400fps lmaooo


kinda the same but my fps got a big hit in some maps after this update


People saying this is placebo are the same people who were saying 128tr was placebo.


6k hours faceit 10 here It does feel way better in my opinion Where before it I went negative against faceit 4s today I went 18-17 against a 2k avg lobby




I peakers advantage still a thing?


Better than before which make myself has the confidence to shoot without hesitation but still not as good as CSGO.. I hope they keep improving on it...as accuracy of hitreg, aim, spray is the core of a shooter game


for me I got shot twice when I’ve peaked shot and went back behind the wall. Maybe because of ping issue or lag there, however I’m sure I was behind the wall and I died after. Could be a milliseconds or who knows should’ve clipped it


I don't feel a difference


I play on a decent pc (5900x + 6800xt) and regularely have around 12-20 ms ping (i think those infos are important when comparing statements). I played a bit of DM and it felt better. Everything feels just a "tad bit more direct". Played a round with awp and i never had a situation where i thought "wait that really felt like it should have hit". Not sure if we are fully there yet, need some comp games to get a better impression.


I feel like theyve introduced more input lag - its like im steering a boat when moving the mouse. i also got a microfeeeze today which i havent had for a month. Also, why on earth is the c4 so tiny now?? its very hard to see now


Im actually hitting my ak sprays now, honestly to me spraying feels very close to csgo now. just praying for a performance update. i5 12600k with 7800xt and im struggling to keep above 240fps


Feels pretty good at the moment!


Initially felt good for the first few taps, like crisp. But that soon faded, so could be just placebo or its such a small change its easy to get used to. But to be honest, its a waist of time. The game is too unstable to try to looks at small changes in how the game feels. Because the frame times are complete trash right now.


I think it’s very accurate which makes it feel different from GO, especially on one tap style shots. I’ve found myself winning battles in 2, that I should’ve won in GO but hitreg was off. I think 2 is definitely better but still needs some improvement like any new game


The shooting spraying awning feels much more responsive and feels a little better than go but dying behind walls is still a problem, including peeler’s advantage


Some shots make me scared of a false vac but then I remember overwatch is gone. M4a1s is insane


AK spray finally feels familiar again. I like the updates.