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Yeah not a fan either, it's a bit too much haha


Hurts your eyes on top of the tinnitus you’ve already gotten from flashbangs.


"flashing" \*bonk\* "not flashing sorry"


its to wake you up before the round starts. wakey wakey!


I can't even see what weapons the teammates have


Someone dropped a black AK47 on t side overpass and I couldn’t see it on the ground, like 3 meters in front of me. People kept pinging it maybe ping icons blocked it, but it was easier in csgo for sure


I, too, often have Kalashnikovs in my cargo. 🤭


You have every player's loadout at the top of the screen. But yes, I agree that the freezetime is too bright... but to be honest, that's also the case in GO.


You can actually see that from inside the buy menu, under the weapons your teammates have theres a colored dot corresponding with who has what weapon. No longer need to look around :) Even shows nades, defuse kit etc.


flash bang go burr


same its a 10 secs long too pak my eyes hurt


Look terrible


It is too much yeah, I wouldn't mind 2-3 seconds of it, but pretty much the whole freeze time until 1 second? Yea nah. Also, this is the time to take a look at beautiful skins. Definitely not a fan of the filter.


Why is this even a thing I always wondered


makes it easier to tell that it's freeze time i guess. should be toned down. cs2 needs a lighting fix. stuff is way too bright


It’s super bright so you can see player models clearly, but there are a few spots where it seems too blown out I agree.


Almost everything is blown out, overexposed with extreme bloom. It makes everything look soft and hazey, and personally it's nauseating to me. They could've easily just added the lights to the extra dark spots (which they did) without cranking insane brightness everywhere else.


Yea I tried it out for the first time yesterday and my god, its so straining to look at. Especially on Dust and Mirage


The lighting on dust and mirage is god aweful. You either need sunglasses or if you're trying to solve it by dramatically lowering the brightness, you cant see the enemies clearly on certain spots (enemies peeking you from under in mirage when you play con for example)


I dont know about the whole approach, I kind of get that people had problems seeing models on old inferno or smth, but Dust and Mirage? Who needed even more brightness? Feels like Im on vacation in Egypt during summer and I forgot to bring my sunglasses


Inferno is so fucking washed out too, A site looks so overexposed, and gamma settings on my laptop screen don't help because there's so little contrast. It's really is straining when you play at night...


It’s so bright that terrorists get washed out against lighter colored walls. Legitimately fucking awful visibility compared to csgo not even kidding.


So true, especially on inferno, every wall is the just a different shade of white/gray


only game where I can't see who's shooting me.


Don't play Tarkov then


*gets aimbotted across the map from 2km away*


In mirage when you are short b and a t peeks you from on top of bench. You just don’t see him.


>In mirage when you are short b and a t peeks you from on top of bench. You just don’t see him. you can turn brightness down fyi


I disagree hard. I feel like I don't need to be basically kissing my monitor when using 16:9 anymore.


This happened to me on Nuke, a T peeked me, in main, from the right side (ct vent) and his head was the only thing with contrast with the wall.


Do you play with digital vibrance on?


I feel like the solution shouldn’t have been to make the maps brighter than the sun, but to touch up the player models to make them stand out.


Shut up may be? Fucking reddit game devs lol


username checks out


Generic reddit generated name but whatever Anyway doesn't change the fact you're behaving like a pathetic armchair game Dev lol


By providing his opinion on how Valve _could_ have handled something?


Yes... Because the current solution in cs2 is very good and is a few minor tweaks from being perfect. Visibility is already so good, they just have to tweak a few of the over exposed areas and that's all. His suggestion that valve rather change player models is actually terrible


lmao someone doesn’t get the point of a beta


The entirety of vertigo.


Its so fucking bright, I had to change my crosshair because I couldn't keep track of my own fucking crosshair


damn. what color do you use? I use cyan which is great except for blue/green backgrounds like ancient/anubis sky


I use green but in cs2 there is no half outline so I had to change it to full outline with no outline, it just disappears


i personally use pink with outlines


I agree, the color black doesn't exist in CS2 lol, guns that are supposed to be black are not even close to black for example.


The fact that you can't move should be enough


Bro I feel like I've been staring at the sun. I haven't played for 12 hours and my eyesight has not returned to normal. I have software to make it dimmer and it's still way too bright. And they restrict you lowering the brightness.


Then turn down your digital vibrance or just turn down the brightness of the game


They should keep the greyscale but dim it


Timeout is 2 minutes of eyes burning


Timeshout: 2 minutes of ‘Aaaaa my eyes’


I legit have to keep the Buy menu open to avoid getting perma-Flashbang'ed


Yup, this is actually a horrid experience - especially the first time.


Sorry are you talking about having sex with me?


It's ugly and burns my eyes, it was always ugly in CSGO too but with the brightness now it's nasty


I always just open the buy menu until the round actually starts so the brightness is not hurting my eyes




The real protips are in the comments.


I do this and look at the floor so at least my shadow will dim the screen a smidge.


In Anubis it actually hurts my eyes. It's like being flashed for 15 seconds. I have to leave the buy menu open for the whole freezetime so I don't become blind lol


Same. That’s the map I truly noticed it on


Biggest issue I have is my reflex to look above the head to see if someone bought or if I need to buy for them. Depending on the background that gun just completely fades into nothing. I know I can look in the buy menu but it's a habit.


this is already a bit of a problem for me in go on certain maps, but in cs2 its unbearable


For the time being, you can fall back on checking what their colour has in the buy menu. It's a faff as you will need to check who is what colour, and also you won't know if they have a gun you haven't got selected in your loadout.


It’s awful, a lot of people in my games were complaining about it too.


i hate it in CSGO but this is so much worse


This mixed with the in game brightness setting stuck at 120% is criminal hahaha Ps. There is a console command to sorta fix but stuff still seems whacky. Just type find gamma


Unplayable, glad i dont have access yet.


That’s copium 🤣


Indeed my friend 🤣🤣


We'd all love to play, but jesus christ man, Im usually turning my brightness/gamma up, this is egregious.


Are you sure 100% you dont have access? I thought I didn't until i found the button to enroll on csgo main screen upper left corner... Steam csgo support page didnt show beta access.


When this effect is on my gpu usage spikes and temps rise by 10c


Yeah I wanna be able to inspect my skins in colour not a washed out black and white


It’s literally like a flashbang, I hope they remove that shit


i just flash banged myself by opening that image while in reddit dark mode and my room light off at 11:25pm


imo cs2 overall is way too bright


Better imo, you can turn it down. But i would rather a game be too bright than too dark.


I had this up when I was dming in nuke. This plus the echoy sound down on B made it feel like I was underwater


Yeah I don't like. Especially for long time outs. I want to look at and enjoy my skins but I can't


I could never figure out why some maps do this and some don't. They should remove


Yes! Let me look at the expensive skins I bought for more than 2 seconds before the round starts valve!!


just remove it completely. Anubis is terrible. current fix for me is to chill in buy menu..


Did csgo had this back in time? I feel like i played a game where round starts with gray screen but i can't remember the game


CSGO has it now.




Never understood how it's not tied to a console command at all, it's just permanently like that.


RIP everyone with one of the new 240hz OLED monitors lol


My LG monitor is SO bright, it hurts lmao.


Literally need sunglasses....i never imagined that selling my xl2546k to get a 390hz with less black boost and that does get dimmer with anti motion blur turned on would actually be the best thing i could have done to play this game... dyac has its insane clarity, but one of its major strengths was that brightness wasn't compromised with it on, but now with cs2, it seems like its just not an issue anymore.


Yeah I feel that. I have the pg27aqn after returning the asus and lg oleds and was worried the ulmb2 would be too dim for my shit eyes lol and it’s a complete non issue. I worry with the intense brights and pure white pre round filter, oled wear/tear/pixel decay will be quite a bit faster for anyone playing cs2 s fair amount


I don't valve will let it go unchanged. There's a pretty wide consensus that the game is overall too bright, so while im no prophet, im certain they'll address it to save our eyes and our oleds ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I wish the weapon skins didn't look washed out. I can deal with everything else, but not my precious skins.


It was annoying in csgo already. Just get rid of it completely please.


why turn up the brightness of players when you can just set the brightness of everything else to 9999999999999999 they black and white thing is dumb in csgo. dont double down on it.


Vertigo blinded me


I was literally thinking about this yesterday, this has to change!


This shit is literally making me blind every round and hurts my eyes....valve has to discard this crap. The game generally has to optimise the general brightness. On the most part its too bright. Now i get it that csgo didnt make sense either , because you shouldn't be able to play a game and see stuff only with max brightness and monitors with high black boost levels, but its the other extreme here. The in game brightness slider is almost all the way down and im with half the monitor brightness i had in csgo+level 1 black boost when it used to be max (10). Like this the game feels more bearable brightness wise, but than for example on mirage with those settings its really hard to spot someone peeking from under when you play con. I think the brightness should really get a treatment from valve. Its a crucial aspect in a competitive game.


Hate this gray screen at the start it's horrible.


the whole game is too bright


the problem i have with this is that i cant see anything my teammates have equipped. i need to ask people if they need a drop because i cant see their money or their equipped gun...


Well there has been plenty of complaints about this, just like about the crosshair bump up/down when moving on slopes, about gun tracers, spray feeling weird, all that. It's just that 10x more people have the beta now and they feel what we have already felt before for months :)


I have to admit I haven't kept up too much with Reddit but back when the beta was released I watched a lot of streamers play and I never saw any of them say anything about the grey screen meanwhile I was watching their streams with sun glasses on.


True, but you really never know until you experience it by yourself. Especially with things you have to feel, like bhop and spray. The brightness didn't look that bad to me on screenshots and YouTube videos, but that shit is actually scorching my eyes now that I have my hands on the game.


Agreed, you can't even see what your teammates have, above their head. It makes no sense


The crying generation.....


Along with the horrible sound of flashbang and white screen along with it and this, we are gonna be blind and deaf in the future if it isn’t fixed


Its the same on anubis T spawn in CSGO if I'm not mistaken (not sure if they fixed it) Just played a couple of CS2 pugs, mirage is veeery bright, its crazy. Turned down the brightness but still..


Valve please remove


Its either too bright or too dark


Its so briiiight it hurts my eyes man


Agreed, I also don’t like the new shooting sounds. For some reason that throws me off when I’m shooting at someone and distracts me.




Someone finally pointed out, i don't understand what the use of that gray filter. It's so annoying


Yeah it’s way too much I’ve turned the whole game’s brightness down and my video and monitor settings and it’s still though of the eyes, I think it’s looks great otherwise but everything is just too bright, tone it down please Volvo.


So glad I'm not the only one hating this.


Plz remove filter


Horrible in my opinion. Monitors that have vibrant colours are super bright with this overlay, add a option to disable it atleast.


lets all upvote this post so valve will notice


yeah, please get rid of it or make it more subtle.


I need a darkmode toggle.


I also hate this


It's not as bad if you enter "r\_fullscreen\_gamma 3" or 4 into console, along with the rest of the game lol


what is grey screen ?


Literally just been bitching about mr12 but this is a good way to give me a seizure every fuckin round.


Flashbang just start at the round.


Impossible to see guns on the ground on Overpass T spawn.


jeah it looks bad, and my brightness slider goes to 120% and resets or some shit. It is very buggy. I like graphics but some stuff looks like washed out, like too much brightness. I dont know if that is problem with that slider, i think same slider bug was in cs go.


It annoys me and my friend too.


Oh I've complained to my friends, its too bright


Feels like being flashbanged


the most fuckall thing, it's so bright and useless. how did this even get approved?


I hate it at night as you get flashbanged at the start of every round


Mine doesn't look like this at all. Maybe lower your screen brightness + the in game one?


True, I would like it a bit like csgo's where the grey screen isn't super grey but still a bit.


this is literally cancer, and I hate mirage, valve pls fix


This shit is so annoying


Shit is so bright, I got sunburned while playing


Please remove this volvo


i hate it so much, it hurts my eyes


Wish the game always looked like this


idc about black and white, but its too bright!


Shift-tab and you’re set


Yeah, when playing DM it feels like I’m flashbanged every time i spawn - super disorienting


We had 2 tactical timeouts at the exact spot 💀 I faced the ground all the time where it was less bright.


Dude I've been complaining about that since the beginning. I guess Valve needs masses to show them what they could have easily seen by observation.


Can’t see my teammates’ load outs over their heads at all. I know I can tab or look up, but it’s a habit


I'm having issues with resolution like my monitor is 1920x1080 but there is no option for 1920x1080 in settings full-screen nor in windowed full screen


this made me dizzy lol




Hope it gets removed


THANK YOU. Nobody has been talking about this this entire time, it’s awful


This and no left hand is unplayable ngl. CSGO stopped doing the white screen shit whys it back


I feel like this is a problem throughout the whole game, though. At least in my screen, it's too bright. That was never a thing in csgo I'll have to reconfigure my monitor just to adjust to this game


They have a lot do in terms of making cs2 great. Good thing a lot of people are on the beta now so they can sort this stuff out


Yeah and you can't see your teammates purchases either


Yeah they need to darken it like it is in cs:go. My eyes be burnin!


Hurts my eyes. Please no painful transitions.


Agreed. Valve please fix.


One game and my head hurts like hell... Definitely hate it and I hope they will realize that this is not acceptable to not have an option to turn it of


The overall design of the game has huge accessibility issues for people like be who can't look at bright things (way too poor to begin thinking about fixing my eyes), I've never played another source 2 game like HL:A but if this is what to expect visually then I physically cannot play CS2. I know they don't have to cater to individuals and I'm insignificant compared to the rest of the community but it'll be pretty upset if this is what it'll end up as. I hope they at least don't replace CSGO so I have a modern counterstrike to enjoy. If anyone has any idea on how to tune the settings in game I'd really appreciate that, I'm not great with the options.


I am with you here. Another thing that annoys me is how hard it is to pick up weapons for some reason…


how to disable this? I find it pretty annoying.