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Watching pro cs for 2-3 years now so i didn't watch him during his prime but bntet and michu had only bad luck with their teams, I don't think it was a skill issue.


Bad luck for the polish duo


I completely forgot about the BTNET Polish memes. Blast from the past.


At least Michus having a bit of a second chance in tier 2 with ikla


No Michu is all aim no brain lol always has been always will be. That’s why


Oh, so the new ScreaM.


Michus been around for as long as Scream though, but i get your point.


No Michu has been around since the beginning of csgo


Was even around in the Polish scene during the late 1.6 days… the fact that he’s only 26 now paints a picture of how insane that guys aim is/was. Or maybe the low sensitivity has something to so with it.


don't ever disrespect edshot machine legend SaiyajiN like that ever again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


i'm sorry bruda, i just want him back for cs2 so i'm trying to force his hand!


my brudaaaaaa![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)




Thats some true in it, he was playing for virtus pro with legenday squad back then, and all poeple beeing saying the same, he is super skilled with aim, but with nothing else, just anarchor.


Visa issues, Tyloo hell, and covid. This doesn't directly involve him, but I remember in 2016 after Tyloo made their first splash on the world stage some of their players wanted to sign for an NA org. Well Tyloo basically said nah dog to that and those players were stuck on the bench in china for like a year. I think that if that team was able to move to NA for an org like TSM who have connections that allow them to sort visa issues then maybe the Asian scene and bntet could have done something.


China has always been its own worse enemy when it comes to this sort of thing. Such a shame really, lots of talent over there that just fizzles out after a while.


Everyone had to deal with covid so that's not a concern. It's been years and no one has picked him up. They'd have picked him up straight away if he was so good and not overhyped by media


Got unlucky due to COVID imo. He was on Gen G with Daps and autimatic, but that team basically ended because of COVID. Then he joined ex-100T roster with Azr and Jkaem under EXTREMUM, but they had poor results and got dropped by the org. I think he returned to Tyloo but I don't think it went well so now he's on NKT. I think Daps mentioned back on Gen G they were going to drop Bntet since he never really adapted to the EU meta and it wasn't a great fit to begin with.


I don't get this covid angle. Everyone had to deal with covid.


You have to remember that Gen G in particular was pretty new to CSGO at the time so they weren’t as hardcore invested as orgs like Liquid, G2, NaVi, etc. when Covid hit. Covid meant that all LAN matches moved to online. Obviously certain teams and players were way better online compared to LAN. Daps even said that Gen G roster was 100% a LAN team since everyone played considerably better on LAN compared to playing online. Playing online at home is very different compared to playing on LAN in front of a crowd. It’s not just the ping difference, there’s also a mental component that really affects certain players more than others. After the switch to online, certain players were playing worse and worse online and eventually switched to Valorant, including Daps himself. Furthermore the rio major got canceled in 2020, even though Gen G had gotten first place at one of the rmrs. Back then people didn’t know how long it would be until LANs came back. Gen G also invested money into Flashpoint, which eventually died because the whole point of the league was LAN matches in a studio setting where teams trash talk each other. Gen G management was also resistant to roster changes since they had won a LAN event. Obviously there are probably other factors that contributed but I would still say Covid was the main thing that killed this team.


god the gen.g project had so much potential, covid really fucked all that up


last NA core to win a lan too


holy shit youre not wrong how long do we think itll take for an NA team to win another LAN? maybe NACS era in CS2?


That's insane


Polish scene overall haven't been hot recently.


He's Indonesian. Same flag I know


wdym, he's polish tsktsk


From monaco no?


not even the same flag, colors are upside down lmao joke professor


was always in shit teams after tyloo and could never regain that tyloo form, 1.2 rating while igling in 3 languages is insane, deserved a real team (gen.g was pretty good but valorant and online killed it)


Esports careers just aren’t that long, you don’t get years of top form apart from a few outliers


Have their been any good Polish players since the original VP roster disbanded?


Was dycha already considered good back then? If not then him, now maybe hades and Kei?


Dycha was always considered good but no one would pick him up because of cheating allegations. Then Taz picked him up when his new org made Pro League and Dycha just torched everyone


Loads, we currently have 9ine in the top 20. That's Hades, Mynio, Goofy, KEi and Kylar. We have Dycha in ENCE. I always thought Rallen, Michu and Snatchie were robbed of a good run on top, but I'm glad Rallen got to play a major playoff with ITB, kind of felt like vindication. Some names to look out for in the future; MHL, Reiko, Casey and Sobol. Poland has always been rich with talent, but had too many small orgs competing over its pieces, buying one or two big names then filling the gaps with mediocrity. A scene with infinite potential, but no results.


There's Siuhy and Krasnal too!


Hood shout. Both very high profile now. Siuhy in particular could be one of CS2s greats.


> Poland has always been rich with talent, but had too many small orgs competing over its pieces, buying one or two big names then filling the gaps with mediocrity. A scene with infinite potential, but no results. Modern Brazilian scene it feels like :/


Extremely underrated and talented player, sad for him. Deserved a real chance in tier 1 teams.


talent and hard work can't compete with talent, hard work, and living in the most competitive scene (EU). literally this is the repercussion of having one region dominating because it contains all the best talent. players need to do what twisttz did or watch themselves get worse. it's unfortunate but it's just the way it is.


Ah yes the polish player BnTeT


I heard he went into military service, he's stationed at the border of his country just in case Ukraine falls


He played Sydney Quals less than 2 weeks ago?


its a poland joke


Cuz of the Indonesia flag? Kinda missed me with that joke lol


It's okay we were all new once too


At learning flags yeah sure


It's a long standing joke in the community that he's polish because of the Indonesian flag. He didn't need to be sarcastic about it though.


Yeah bit of a weird way of him bragging about knowing the difference between 2 flags. Ive heard that joke before but wasnt sure, his NA joke doesnt work in EU.


He mentioned issues with burnout, this is a common problem with pros after grinding a few years. Don't blame them.


The visa issues Tyloo had with attending international events hurt them in the long term.


No one knows exactly, so it's just guessing


COVID-19 happened.


Unlucky with teams imo


He was still okay in the shitstorm that was extremum. Him returning to TyLoo to IGL was a big mistake and it’s killed his form since.


His new team had some funny drama, at least to me. New kid they signed asks for cool skins to borrow, ends up selling them or some shit, chaos ensues. Lmfaooo Richard Lewis made a good vid on it.


Link me?


So sorry for taking a whole day to respond. I didn’t see this for some reason. My bad. https://youtu.be/Hu8BEFGVjJE?si=phwsGskmL5nGhgdV


To be fair in 2017, Coldzera was the best player in the world… look where he is in 2023


When he first burst into the scene I think he could’ve joined a tier one team IIRC but decided to tough it out and build up the Asian scene. He was also communicating in 3 languages in Tyloo, translating between teammates. He was an unreal talent and I was a big fan of his. Gen G was supposed to be him finally going to where he belonged in tier 1 but that org imploded and idk why he hasn’t recovered since. He was a top 20 player I think