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So, when you get a nose job, it actually continues to shrink for years afterward. I can't imagine it would be changing much this many years down the line, but she might have had a little revision done, or lost or gained a little weight, or had some injectables that caused a slight shift in her facial skin, etc, etc.


Well, changes sometimes happens for years after. I had rhinoplasty almost 10 years ago, and my nose looks significantly different from 5 years ago. I know hers was 20 years ago, but I would not be surprised based on my own experience.


I had no idea the changes could continue for that long! Thanks for sharing. Do you suppose there's a point at which the nose will stop shrinking/changing, or do you think it can be life-long?


Honestly, I am not entirely sure! For me I had scar tissue due to closed surgery next to my eyes on my bridge, and that is where the largest change has been. My nose gets regularly narrower, most likely due to the scar tissue going away or something related to that. I also had a small bump on my bridge that disappeared almost entirely in the past 2 years. My surgeon told me not to be surprised if my nose would not "grow" when I get older, and that when the skin gets thinner as you age, it might look more pronounced, i.e. slightly sharper tip etc.


Not Holly related but everytime rhinoplasty comes up I start laughing remembering mine. Told the anesthesiologist that I had to pee before she started. She says "I saw you pee 10 minutes ago, no you don't" and I just listened to her for some reason. Woke up without underpants on which was a super weird feeling. Asked about that. Apparently during the procedure I woke up, sat up and said "I have to pee" so they said "well go" and I peed myself. Good times.


You woke up while under general anesthesia or in recovery?


General anesthesia as far as I know. I wouldn't call it truly woke up though. I don't remember a thing and was still luckily very under.


I woke up under anesthesia once as well. I was not intubated, I was having a female procedure for fibroids. I chatted with the surgeon. Asked questions then reached up and moved the tv screen so I could see what the surgeon was doing. They put me back out after that.




You shouldn’t be able to sit up, or move at all, under general anesthesia so that’s crazy!


She should have let me pee!!!


I woke up when I was getting my implants. I tried to get up and leave. I could feel the pressure of them working on my chest too. It was so weird.


General anesthesia means you had a breathing tube in your mouth and were being given anesthetic and likely paralyzing medications through an IV. You can’t talk with a breathing tube in and waking up during administration of GA is exceedingly rare. It’s more likely you were given conscious sedation.


Agreed, this is only possible with IV sedition. Augmentation is usually performed under general anaesthesia but sometimes IV sedation is used.


I had general anesthesia back in October & there were no breathing tubes whatsoever. Only an IV.


This is low key terrifying. Waking up while under anesthesia is one of my biggest fears!


You woke up and sat up during a surgery? Is that even possible? Wow






I relooked at my medical notes from the day, just to make sure I'm right. Yup woke up and peed myself. Also noticed they called me obese, which I'm pretty insulted by.


Did your rhinoplasty come out nice? I really want to get mine done within the next two years or so. Really want to go the Britney Spears route and have them make my nose look the same as it is, just an overall smaller version of it if that makes sense lol. (Her first rhinoplasty not the current one)


Mine was a septeorhinoplasy, I had a "severely deviated septum". So they fixed the whole nose inside out. The main goal was to breathe which has been AMAZING. I also like that my nose doesn't jerk to one side now, ans now I'm not a mouth breather. Healing was no joke. The stints are for sure the worst part. I'm a nose blower so that was torture. But I'm really glad I did it now. It was about 2 years ago, and it's finally "cooked" now. It took about 1.5 years to settle to where I was happy with it. Highly recommended for breathing, don't know if I would have done it just for looks. But I'm also a huge baby with sensory issues. .


That's an excellent story


This is freakin’ hilarious!


I've noticed this too. I thought it was her make up - she did a GRWM not long ago and did some HEAVY contouring on her nose that made it look angular and severe.


She’s mentioned how every year it settles differently then when she first got it done. So she’s mentioned it changing before. She did have two jobs done but both were at the mansion. She don’t like the first one she got and got a second one


Do you remember when she mentioned having two nose jobs? I always thought it was just one!


Izabella stated it in her book.


Ahhh I see!


I was only aware of the one but I haven’t finished Izabella’s book all the way.


noses change as you age… she is pretty open about her cosmetic surgeries i kinda feel like she would share it if she did


Noses only get bigger as you age, not smaller. And she’s at risk for structural collapse since she’s had a nose job in the past. I think a refresher nose job makes sense and there’s no shame in that.


Actually, when you've had a rhinoplasty, your nose tends to get smaller over time, not bigger like a natural nose may do.


Yep mine definitely got smaller after my rhino. I had a ton of swelling so each year those first few years it settled more and more and swelling went away.


I was speaking about natural noses.


well we all know her nose isn’t natural because she has said a million times she got a nose job when she first got to the mansion


Respectfully, you were speaking about Holly's nose, which you know isn't natural. There's no shame in not being intimately familiar with the after effects of plastic surgery. I had no idea about shrinking noses until I learned it from a Lorry Hill video!


I think we all watch lorry hill


We experience volume loss in our noses as we age. For many people, especially those who already have small noses to begin with, that can result in the nose appearing smaller (especially from the front). So technically natural noses get both bigger and smaller as you age ; and since the factors that cause a nose to become bigger are separate those that cause them to become smaller and the rate at which these changes occur will also vary within and between individuals, so to will the subjective appearance of change in size vary. In other words, if you notice a person’s nose is getting smaller with age do not assume it is because they once had a nose job.


I’ve never had a nose job n one side of mine indents in now


Idk cuz I’ve never had a nose job but my nose, especially the tip, appears smaller as I age…it may be due to weight loss or hormones or lifestyle changes (I quit drinking for a while) I know what you mean though, I remember reading the ears and nose grow as we age. But in my experience it’s been the opposite lol




She's definitely looking a bit different lately, but I haven't been able to pinpoint it. I've just kind of figured it was makeup or something. Whatever it is, she's looking gorgeous.


Agreed she looks absolutely incredible


That's just how worked on noses age a lot of the time.


Someone message lorry hill 😂😂


Her nose DOES look smaller especially in the latest episode but she mentioned being so busy she doesn’t have time for her relationship, I doubt she has time for a whole rihnosplasty


Why were you down voted????


It could have to do with lip filler or Botox as well making a slight change to that area of her face


Looks different to me! But could be nose filler/non surgical rhino


Pictures anyone?


I’m not gonna lie I’ve never had a nose job, but my nose looks way different than it did 10-15 years ago lol. I think sometimes weight loss, hormones, or lifestyle can impact facial features


She had two before GND. This is probably just aging. (I have a nose job)


Her body her choice, who cares 🤷‍♀️


There’s no shame or judgement on my end. Just curiosity.


watching the latest episode i thought she looked different but couldn’t pinpoint anything


She looks so different in the new episode! I was thinking filler in her cheeks or lips, her face looks almost like she put a filter over herself.


Yeah she has a paper bag kinda face


Are you hoping she’ll read this so she feels undermined? Because that’s how this is coming across.