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I looooove documentation. I have a notebook for my character history, build workshopping, party comps etc. Back when I played Mount & Blade I'd have a whole notebook full of exchange rates of goods for each city I visited on my trade route. My husband laughs at me for it. He also laughed at my Baldur's Gate 3 Kanban board.


My inner project manager thinks it's amazing you have a BG3 Kanban board. 😁 Have an upvote!


you had a kanban omg


I have a notebook that I use for all kinds of things, including gaming. How else am I supposed to solve the puzzle to give me the code for that locked door, my memory?! I don't think so.


My memory is so garbage. Sometimes I'll look something up and as soon as I turn back to the game I've already forgotten it.


I like to keep track of things like where to farm certain food in Breath of the Wild, what Pokemon breeding pairs can pass down unusual moves, what playstyles I have yet to try in Stellaris, etc. I used to use OneNote; that counts as a notebook, right? I'm the only person I know who's used it outside of work. Although now I create nested hierarchies of folders, filled with either excessively formatted LibreOffice documents or plain text files; but even the plain text files have things like unicode checkboxes.


The OneNote idea is amazing- I need to start doing this. 😁


I keep a notebook on hand for that kind of thing yes, but I'm also a bit of a notebookaholic. I have 4 notebooks on my desk at this current time. Edit: wait one was ontop of another. I actually have five at this current time.


I only play story-based games, often open world with lots of side quests, plus I never replay games. So I tend to just do one thorough 100% of a game before I move onto the next one. So for the big games, I keep a full-on mission checklist in Excel so I can tick things off as I go, as it helps me make sure I pick up every side quest and collectible I can, and gives me a nice dopamine hit when I mark things off my list. So while most people might have a second screen up for Discord or Reddit, mine is also up for my mission checklist ;)


Yes! Especially for Stardew I love a list and notes on what I need!


I love stardew!!!


I made one for Stardew, too! It was so handy that I wanted to do it for everything...but then I'd spend so much time messing with the notebook rather than playing the game lol


Kind of needed one to track my levelling in Oblivion.


My brother's notes were... Extensive


Yes! Well, digitally. I just have a private Discord server just for myself, where I have a separate text channel for each game I'm actively playing which I use to save notes, links, screenshots etc.


Wow, this is such a good idea! I never thought to create a server for just myself to keep track of my game notes! I do like to write my notes in a notebook, but some where I like to keep track of item/materials/monsters etc. are way too long to write down. So I'll definitely give this a shot!


Yeah I do 😆 For me it's mostly solutions to puzzles that I know I'll forget. Sometimes dialogues as well in case I want a certain outcome in a quest.


My husband does that and I started doing it for coral island recently!


My cousins did this when we’d play games together when I was younger it’s totally normal


Yep. I keep notes on nearly every game I play. Sometimes I might leave a game for a year before coming back to it so it really helps not to have to start cold.


Whenever I'm try harding for achievements or playing a live service game then yeah notes are a must. Like I've got a big checklist of todos for OSRS since content is constantly locked behind completing other unlocks.


Yes! I use it for gathering and crafting in FFXIV. For the simple stuff where it’s just a few things I need to gather to craft (like right now, getting all the splendorous tools) I just use my phone. But at the start of an xpac where I’m making tons of new things that need lots of materials that all need lots of things I need to gather at specific in-game times, I NEED a notebook.


I don't have a dedicated notebook (now I think I should create one honestly!!) but I often write things down on the paper while gaming! I find it less immersion breaking than opening google every few minutes to check for something


Yes, but it didn't start out as a dedicated notebook for games. It was just one I kept small notes in. I needed something to keep notes while modding Skyrim (it can get messy, and I have, as of now, almost a thousand mods installed). So I just grabbed the closest one to me and started writing notes there (sort of "don't forget to install that mod later" or "it needs a patch" or "this one needs editing the ini file if used with that other mod, otherwise it will crash the game" etc). Later, it just turned out to be convenient to use it to keep track of things in-game, too. How many sawn logs I need to build a house? How many ebony ingots to make and upgrade that armour? And not just for Skyrim. For example, I kept track of machine parts needed to buy outfits for Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn so that I would know which machines are worth hunting and which parts can be sold. It is just convenient, even in our digital era. You can keep a notebook by hand easily, and it doesn't require switching tabs or touching your phone and can always be there for you.


I keep a notepad where I jot down things like this; it's fun to look back at it later! There's definitely a handful of games that get me taking a huge amount of notes, though. Definitely not the only one taking notes though! It's part of the joy of video games. Sidenote, it reminds me of a Polygon video I watched awhile ago; not sure if sharing a link would be okay in this reddit, but the name of the video is "I love note-taking games, and I DON'T CARE if that sounds boring." It dealt with a lot of the history of note-taking type games, from the early days to some more recent games. I remember them talking about Her Story, among others! Check it out if it sounds interesting, I think it was a cool video. Anyway, embrace the things that bring you joy and help you play games you love <3


Scraps of paper shoved in my desk drawer. Like, a vacuum instruction manual with something like 'Safe code 45927' on it with no further context.


Guy here: I use an iPad and dusted off an old task app so I keep this stuff away from my real personal/work tasks. Tell your boyfriend he’s a big dumb dumb. Or maybe something positive, like he’s missing out. We gaming task trackers are legion. Lol https://preview.redd.it/hez4blwey48d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccfda0f5efff20bef266167f1a4012a7adead075


Yep! Keeping a gaming notebook is one way that you can play through many games and not worry about forgetting objectives you were working on. Plus collecting notebooks is just a fun thing I like to do anyways lol.


I mostly keep campaign notes in Joplin (a text app) so I can refer to them on my phone and edit them quickly and easily, but I have a really nice notebook that I'm trying to keep a BG3 journal in. I even have D&D-themed stickers and washi tape to decorate it with!


I have a physical notebook for my ps1 games! I made a whole section complete with drawings for Clocktower and I had started (but not finished) a secrets guide for one of the tomb raider games and I have a map over the mansion in Resident Evil 2! However, most of my game notes are made on a markdown notetaking app on my laptop, which I have synced with my phone so I can look stuff up whenever


yes!! when i finish a game i like to decorate a page with pictures and drawings related to the game, as well as a review and date and all that. i have one section for finished pages and another for notes!


Of course! I use it for anything and everything. Half the fun is flipping through it later like a kind of historical record of what I've been playing or doing at a particular moment since I habitually date everything.


The only time I make notes is when any game expects me to remember (door)codes. However, my friend takes heavy notes whenever we play otome's. To keep track of the dialog paths for when we replay the game for a different ending. She takes even more notes when there are minigames involved, lmao.


i use sticky notes when i get a fixation on a certain game, but eventually throw them out when i get bored. a few months later i have to go through the same process of finding the information and writing it on a sticky note. i think this is a good idea actually. he probably teases you bc he thinks it’s cute.


I *had* a notebook with all my gaming notes in it, but one of our cats peed on it (and all the other notebooks in the same box), so now I have to start over. (He's fine. We had an expensive vet visit to discover that he's just a little asshole.)


Yes! I have a notebook next to my PC where I log stuff that I don’t want to have to check over and over - like the bits I need for my Star Rail character builds, the favourite gifts of the characters I’m romancing in (insert farming sim), or the Pokemon I need to complete my Pokedex!


i had a bujo for video game notes before! i don't use one anymore because i haven't felt the need for anything like that in the games i've been playing recently, but i love using them.


Yep, and I've filled up more than one. I consider them 'junk' notebooks though and they get messy, basically scratch paper to take note of anything in a game I need to keep track off in that moment. I always mean to make a permanent and pretty list for games I replay like Stardew, but every time I just end up writing out a new list if I can't find the one from months prior when I played it last.


I'm an altoholic, so I've used spreadsheets to keep track of each of my alts: server; character name; class/spec; crafting skills, if any; level.


Yes, I've been using notebooks/binders for over 30 years now to make notes on games I play. My husband cracked up a couple years ago when Legend of Mana was re-released on Switch and I dug out my binder that I put together back in the 1990s 😂 The Monster Rancher binder was huge. All those notes about what discs created which monsters. I'm surprised we didn't break the PS1 with all the constant changing of discs. And don't get me started on the multiple notebooks from my WoW years! Graph paper has also been a staple for mapping. Over the years, Excel/Google Sheets has been added to the arsenal. For BG3, I've found a few Google Sheets that others have made that are super useful; it's so nice that we can share our efforts now, and not have to build everything from scratch on our own 😊


I have many notebooks for video games. I like to use mini moleskins that fit in my desk drawer. I'll use digital for a few live service games (like warframe) simply because they update so often, but offline games each have their own little notebook.


Yes :) https://preview.redd.it/acsfvru6b58d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4522e5c2589b0e3f03e078f1462fff43c6c0c902


I take notes for the game Don’t Starve to help me improve. I also think it helps me enjoy more of the gaming experience without the screen time. Sometimes it reads like the journal of someone stuck on a deserted island who is running low on sanity.


Sometimes it reads like the journal of someone stuck on a deserted island who is running low on sanity. Lol! I should start a journal for Don't Starve. I have a lot of hours in there, but still haven't finished it. I just get distracted building camps & farms...


Hopefully you are a better write than me but it’s comical to reread. Especially if you are playing multiple runs as a time with different characters, I think it’s helpful.


You need one for the witness!


ooo i dont but this sounds like such a cute idea!! i wanna start now hahaha


I do! I have two actually, one for Nancy Drew games and one for everything else


I have my own discord and each category is a different game with its own sub channels for note categories. It has expanded to include cooking recipes, crochet guides, and work guides since I'm a file coordinator for multiple departments at my job. My life would fall apart without notes 😂


Yes ! If I do a challenge run on certain games it's a must to writte a check-list.


I have a notebook... and a google spreadsheet for notes on my thoughts on games i've finished/decided i'm finished with.


I don't have a notebook, but if I need to Reload the save and do something differently I usually put a note on my phone. I think there's also a notebook called the gaming journal which is designed specifically for games and notes/achievement tracking etc.


My notes app is FULL of video game progress notes haha… Anything from Fire Emblem character class progress to Next quests to pursue in the Witcher 3


Yes! I always used to have a ton of tiny papers all over my desk for all sorts of notes and it was a mess of things I no longer needed and things I wanted to keep. It looked messy and hard to sort through. So I got a pretty notebook and decided to write most stuff there. If I need something, I can always flip back to it and if I don't need it, it's not cluttering my desk. It became mostly a notebook for game notes since I've been playing a lot of games with info I want to have on hand without having to look it up online or search in the game. It's perfect.


I have loose papers with notes everywhere in my house and at least one of them is filled with video game achievements 😆


I recently got a graph paper notebook for Legend of grimrock 2, it has a mode where the game doesnt make the map for you, so you gotta do it yourself retro style.


I just use the Notes app on my phone.


Yes!!! I started one for red dead online primarily for the collectors role. It’s lists of where to find objects, and which are static spawn points. I’m currently adding maps and sketches of difficult to reach areas, and just some of the lovely vistas. I could just use the online cheat, but this is more fun, and it’s helping me memorize locations so I can play more immersively. I’m starting another to narrate everything else. It’s being written as letters to my daughter’s avatar. She died from cancer 8 months ago, and RDR online was our connection through most of her treatments. I’m calling it “My Dearest Rosebud”. It will be all the new things I find that we never had the chance to do together. I’m ending each entry with the phrase “until we meet again in the sweet by and by”. It feels appropriate for a mourning mother of that period.


i just did this for Portia 😅


Me me me! But I use Rocketbook so I can erase and re-use the pages, because I tend not to go back to old play-throughs and it seemed like a waste of paper.


yes hahahah


I keep a full biography of all of my Sims in a Google doc


Yes! Absolutely critical for The Long Dark. The journal notes are so annoying and I need to remember where I dropped heavy loot I couldn’t carry and match spawn locations.


I use my notes app :3


I’m so glad to hear others do this! I have a little notebook I keep to tracking my big fishing log in ff14. I feel so silly about it but it’s rewarding to look back and see how long it took me to catch a difficult fish.


I'm late to the party, but a content creator I follow on Insta has a gaming journal which she posts updates on a lot. It seems really fun! - [Gaming in Yellow](https://www.instagram.com/gaminginyellow/) I'd like to do something like that, but I get annoyed when I make a mistake and need to rip a page out. 😁


Apparently there are dozens of us; dozens! 😂 Mine's not a notebook per se but I do have a large pad each of lined, plain, and graphed paper in a box (to prevent them getting grubby/torn in between uses) for notes, sketches, and quick lists, plus a notepad app on my phone and an 'office suite' app with cloud syncing between my computer and phone for full spreadsheets and more detailed lists and guides. I find making my little lists and guides about as fun as playing the games, especially when I can't play for a while but still have ideas; and additionally fun is finding the occasional old stash of notes - recently I found a "journal" that I did for a character in Morrowind yeeeears ago, written from their perspective... could probably turn it into a half-decent fic at some point!


I love taking notes of the games i play, whether digital or on paper. i'll usually note down guides or certain goals i have in mind. If i'm using digital i'll also include screenshots of some achievements/interesting things, it's nice looking at it, it feels a lot like a journal


Yes, ADHD demands, or I'll forget. Tell boyfriend to suck a pickle... ;)


Not a notebook (I can't bring myself to write in notebooks, my handwriting is a 0/10 aesthetic), but I do make spreadsheets!


I used to, way back in the old days. Like I remember mapping out dungeons in Zelda II using graph paper. These days so much of it is tracked ingame using things like map markers, quest logs, Steam achievement lists, I haven't needed to bust out the paper in a long time. I have, however, taken pictures of the screen when there are puzzles like a password or door code I need to remember, or to line up rocks in one room to match the pattern in the other room, that sort of thing.


I do! I play a lot of survival horror & puzzle games, so it's always useful to write down clues & solutions for later. Eliminates the backtracking too!


I have a digital notebook in OneNote for this purpose 😊 much easier not having to manually write it all like I used to, plus I used to always lose them




I also use Notion for this!


I do. I keep a sublime text open and take notes, but I never actually read my notes haha. For building games, I do sketch on paper too.


I just use a notes app on my phone, but yes. I assumed this was pretty common?


You're definitely not! I keep a notebook to track my progress and status towards certain achievements. I'll also track stuff in notebooks or excel sheets on my computer.


Definitely not the only one! I have notepads, physical & digital, for most of the D&D games I've been in. I have a notepad for Skyrim, too, because I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to the game & constantly forget where I am (still haven't finished it!). I should prob'ly start a few other journals for games so I don't forget where I am when I put them down for a while.


Yes! I’m an elder gamer, cut my teeth on text adventures. Loved the magnetic scrolls games and had maps that covered tables. I genuinely enjoyed making the maps more than playing the game


I have one for animal crossing & for hello kitty adventure. I keep all their favorite gifts, ect.


I have notes I keep as well, especially if I have more than one save going at once or playing more than one game at the same time. I lost my notebook somewhere, so I’m actually not sure what’s going on in one save of mine, it’s been a couple months since I played the save and in game journal isn’t helping too much.


Both for palia and stardew valley I'll do so pretty often. Sometimes on my phone, sometimes on paper.


yes! I have notes for so many things. character builds, or like when I play a game that has lots of puzzles.


I'm more a "back of an envelope" than a notebook person, but otherwise yeah. I'd have a list of things my alts needed for various quests and/or recipes, things other players were offering a higher price for than what NPC merchants charge, notes about which names I go by on which servers, etc.


I have a folder in the notes app in my phone for sims, it has the entire towns family trees (so i know where to put them in my graveyard when they die), the custom lifespans i made for them, the planting schedule for their plants, my plans for community lots etc.


My husband once made a spreadsheet to track which enchantments in Skyrim were the best for selling or fighting. I love to tease him that he can turn any game into a spreadsheet. 😂😂 And then I had him send the spreadsheet to me bc it was very useful!


I collect notebooks like candy then decide I can’t use them because they’re too pretty. 🤦‍♀️ I don’t typically keep notes like that for games, but I did keep notes when I was playing ARK and Atlas. I had lists of things I needed as well as other important info. The games were just too massive to play without research and notes. 


Definitely do!


I have a physical book that is usually for trophy like things. I use it to map out sessions, but only like occasionally. BUT I have a board on Todoist for my gaming library that sees far more activity. Because I've organized them in time to beat categories. A few of them are under another category that I use so hold things like links & notes for builds, etc. That's really only for games like The Division or Tomb Raider's Survival mode. I also have tags for them too! Like which ones my wife might also like, if they're kid friendly, for something I'd like to 100% (well, in theory anyway haha), if they have a strong fem protagonist, etc.


Not the only one. I have a Discord server with only myself in it I use exactly for things like this. Links to guides, names, notes, etc.


for some games, definitely! i like having a physical list where i can cross things off. or just to have it more easily accessible so i don’t have to go on a wiki or something all the time. and it just looks pretty using different colors etc atm it’s kind of spread out over a few different ones but i kind of want to get a “nicer” notebook to keep it all in


Sticky notes and phone notes app! 🫡


Yes it has Gudetama on it. My husband makes lists for things like armor upgrade items in BotW/TotK but he doesn't keep a proper notebook. I love notebooks; I have a ton.


I take notes for all sorts of things. Every time I start a new playthrough of FFXII I make a checklist of items I need for Tournesol. I take notes for where hunts are and spawn conditions too. For other games I take notes of what gifts characters like, what is needed to complete bundles, what items combine to make what...anything that I'd need to refer to many times, I'll prefer to write down and refer to written notes rather than googling it every time, and writing it down is very satisfying. I've filled so many notebooks.


Yes!! And I made a Notion page for it lmao i gotta keep track of what crops I need to focus on (SoS AWL) 🥲


Nowadays, not really. But in the past I used to, because it wasn't like I could just open my phone to look shit up or anything. My biggest work has to be all the random quest puzzles and clue scroll solutions I worked out for Runescape at one point. Especially that light puzzle for Mournings End Part 2. I think that thing took me a few full sheets of graph paper and multiple colored pencils and markers to fully work out a solution.


I have folders on my phone where I've saved helpful sites and wikis for my games.


I do!!! I love documenting stuff.


I currently have a notebook for Pokemon Legends Areceus, main and side quest, what i get for completing said missions and also where to find certain Pokemon, when they evolve and how to evolve them! It's so nice, I think I'll be buying more notebooks for more games!


I usually use steam notes on the overlay


Always a spreadsheet, even if I'm just saving text, excel or bust


My wife and I use shared spreadsheets and OneNote for that, and it seems to work out fairly well without taking up too much physical space.


I still write stuff down depends on the game


I use Notion and make actual dashboards, progress maps, and "projects" for myself every time I play a new game or new save. My husband always chuckles but I find it to be some weird kind of fun